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Train to live another day! [P,NK] Empty Train to live another day! [P,NK]

Sun Sep 06, 2015 7:00 pm
The genin would wake up from the same old bed. Today, he would not have time to think abuot how the housekeeper lady changed the room while she slept, he wouldn't even take time getting out of bed. he would burst out with the first sparkle of the sun, run around the room looking for his clothes, get ready and get out. Today was the day. He was going to train. He needed this, he needed to get better, faster, stronger. He would have been up all night if he had to. This was his only legacy as far as he was concerned. The only thing he knew about his family. His father was a ninja. He had to be one. A strong one. A well-known one. A ninja with connections. he needed learn more about his past, but for now, more aobut being a ninja.

He would get out and start running, sprinting towards the training groudns. His arms would be left back to flow in the wind, as his steps did the job of taking him that he needed to be. He would, after just a few minutes, be there, ready to get into some action. He would first look around for somebody to train with, not spot anyone around that looks like they'd be up for a spar, and continue on his own. With his energy ongoing, he would shout and run towards a training dummy. "RRRAAAAAAGH!". Everyone around would look at him. Nethero would realise some of them but would not care anyway, jumping on top of the training dummy, punching its face in a bestial mode. He would be grinning and laughing from excitement, looking like a psycopath in the progress. Some people would leave after seeing him continue like this.

His grinning would slowly turn into anger. "I'm all alone." he would think to himself "Haven't ever felt sad about it and I still don't... But I am. Should I feel bad? IS it normal that I don't care?". His anger would once again turn to joy. "Either way I'm gonna train the crap out of myself today... Not literally I hope.". "DIE BAD GUY DIE!!!!". He almost screamed saying that. His lungs were hurting probably more than the puppet getting punched, and now even bit.
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Train to live another day! [P,NK] Empty Re: Train to live another day! [P,NK]

Sun Sep 06, 2015 7:44 pm
Mako laid back in the lowest branch of a nearby Senju formed tree in the training grounds.  The branch was quite large and sturdy given the nature of Senju's mokuton ability.  MAko had come out to the training grounds to do a little training but when he arrived he had decided not to, unless something strange grabbed his attention, so instead he decided to rest.  He was stretched out on the branch with his hands behind his head leaning partially against the trunk.  He had most of his gear with him, with the exception of the contract scroll, and was prepared to train just not really feeling solo training.  He had his eyes closed concentrating on the surrounding area with his acute hearing, and had half of a cigarette dangling from his lips.
He was relaxed and at peace just pondering his upcoming Chuunin Exams and some of the strange rumors that have been floating through the Leaf.  He had heard that two Chuunin, one being his team Captain, were defeated by a Kumo ninja in a maids costume.  The other one defeated he had yet to meet though he couldn't imagine being embarrassed like that.  Though it honestly didn't matter what the opponent looked like a loss is hard to take and sometimes the ones you underestimate are the hardest. 

Mako listened and could hear the sounds of a lot of training in the background.  A vast amount of metal clanging off metal and metal crashing against wood. It was soothing and comforting.  It was then that his concentration was broken, by the screaming of a young man nearby followed by the crash of a large amount of wood, sounding like whoever it was ran head first into a training dummy.  Above him he heard his companion say "Hey bud you gotta see this, its some funny stuff."  Mako knew it was the sound of Sushma who had gone off after being summoned to search for bugs.  The monkey was small only about a foot and a half tall with bright red fur and a scar over his left eye, wearing a headband with the sign of his particular monkey clan on it.  The monkey stared down at the over excited Genin going crazy with his training. 

MAko stood up and lifted his muscled arm up to the next tree branch and pulled himself up, to an altitude where he could actually see what was going on.  He honed in his sight in and it made him laugh a bit.  The monkey took the moment to steal a cigarette and match from his pouch and light it, while Mako watched the genin.  Mako decided to be somewhat friendly and climbed down the tree.  Sushma took a big puff from the cigarette and asked "We gunna go introduce ourselves?"

"Yeah I think so," Mako replied as he landed swiftly on the ground under the tree. And walked slowly over where the boy currently stood seemingly in a space of his own within his mind.  MAko just stood until he was noticed.  Sushma climbed up Mako's shoulder taking his usual seat on the right shoulder while the two blew out puffs of smoke waiting to be seen so as not to startle the kid.  Even though he would likely startle him more with this plan.  He tried to remember the name of the other shinobi that fought the Kumo kunoichi all he could remember is it started with an S.


Train to live another day! [P,NK] Empty Re: Train to live another day! [P,NK]

Sun Sep 06, 2015 7:49 pm
Salzem was snoozing atop a high branch near the training grounds. His back was propped up against the trunk of the tree, with his tarantula, Zeefalvora, sprawled out over his lap, practically covering it. Salzem was have a pleasant dream, one he rarely had the pleasure to enjoy.

He was back at home, when his mother an father were around. He was only 9 and it was his birthday. Salzem was just outside, looking for something to bring his mother. It was that one occasion where she  had come to visit him and he wanted to make today as special for her as it was for him. As he strolled through the forest, smiling at all the beautiful nature, he came across a flower. It was gorgeous.... whiter than a cloud with a center more red than blood. It had four wide peddles, encompassing the entire perimeter of the center.

"It's so gorgeous..." He thought as he bent down to pick it. However, as the stem snapped, a dark red dust spewed into the air in front of his face. His lungs suddenly constricted. Breath would not come! He flailed and thrashed on the ground, taking stained gasps at the air, not getting enough in to matter. Then, he saw a shadow fall over him. Was it dad? Was it.... It was himself... 6 years older...
The current Salzem stood over his child self, Mask pulled over his mouth. He glared down at his younger self, kneeling so that he was face to face with him. 9 year old Salzem tried to speak, but he couldn't. His lips wouldn't move. Older Salzem raised a fist, aiming it at his younger counter part's face. The next thing he knew, it was flying at him.

Salzem snapped awake, causing Zeefalvora to scuttle off of his lap and crawl up the trunk of the tree. He looked around tiredly, observing his surroundings. Suddenly, he heard yelling right below him.


Salzem looked down from his branch, seeing some child beating away at a training dummy. Salzem wouldn't say anything, letting his spider slowly scuttle down from the tree and onto his back. He observed the child quietly as he went to town on the dummy. He would have to leave the tree eventually, but he wasn't quite ready yet.
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Train to live another day! [P,NK] Empty Re: Train to live another day! [P,NK]

Sun Sep 06, 2015 8:06 pm
Nethero didn't care much of his surroundings. He was so damn focused on beating the crap out of the training dummy. He himself did not know why he hated that piece of wood either. Perhaps it was because it was built to be hit, that Nethero couldn't stand it. How could he nature of something's existence be to be hit and hit and be destroyed. Then Nethero thought about himself. He wasn't much different either. He hated the pece of wood for the piece of wood it was, he hated its wooden guts for being the punch bag, he hated it, just because in some twisted humor, it reminded him of himself, of hs weakness. Deep within this anger, he was enjoying this beating too, though. The adrenaline rushing his veins with every blood dripping from his hand. Every punch... It excited him. Perhaps more than it should have. But it did not scare him. It only drew more of his attention. It only made him think more about it be amazed by this feeling's existence.

He stopped and stared at the now thorn up face of the wooden pile, not because he got bored but because he felt something on his back. Was somebody annoyed by him and letting him know? That is what he thought at first. As far as he was concerned, they were right. Nethero just now realised that he has been a jerk, annoying people around him and causing much of a noise. He would turn around to see who is poking his back. When he did, he would see a monkey and right next to it a man with a beard. (Yes not a man, and a monkey next to him; but a monkey, and a man next to it. To be fair, the monkey drew more attention than the man, since he didn't see an animal every day at the training grounds.) What was more interesting though was the fact that Netero somehow knew that the "poker" was neither the man nor the monkey. He thought about how he knew and realised. The man and the monkey were both a little too far to reach him and... He was still feeling the touch on his back... Moving... "AAAARGH!" the boy would should jumping around waving his arms at his back until one of his hands would finally contact something, and send it off. "A SPIDER!!! WHAT THE HELL!!!". He would realise he caused even more of a trouble.

He would turn again to the man and the monkey, a little bit ashamed, scratching the back of his head, blushing and talking "Sorry about that... I... I am usually not like that... Ummm... Long night, I guess...". He would then smile, showing all his teeth, and put his arm up for a meeting "My name is Nethero, Genin, 18 years old.". He would expect the person with the beard to be a 25-something year old Jounin, so he would state his rank and age. He would still not be aware of the other person watching over him from above. He would barely be focusing on the man and the monkey in front of him. His adrenaline levels would still be high from earlier, the Genin still breathing heavily and fastly, as he would try to calm down.
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Train to live another day! [P,NK] Empty Re: Train to live another day! [P,NK]

Sun Sep 06, 2015 8:53 pm
Mako had seen the spider climb down from the tree and scurry over to the boys back.  It drew his attention from the genin wondering why there was a massive spider in the vicinity and was suspicious as to why it would be wandering to Nethero.   He watched the tree with his heightened senses where the spider had left. He didn't see or hear anything but as a ninja that never meant there wasn't anything there.  He stayed ever cautious since he didn't know of anyone who used spider summons within the village. 

He watched as the boy pulverized the hell out of the dummy as if he was in theood for absolute pulverization and destruction.  Splinters flew off of the dummy, some even flying far enough back to force him to have to dodge a piece.  The spider climbed up the boys back Mako smiled as he knew how he would feel had he found a spider on him mid training.  The boy responded as expected jumping back and seeing Mako and the smoking monkey Sushma.  Mako was still smiling with his eyes closed, the smile was friendly and innocent when Nethero saw him. Even though his eyes were closed his ears were honed on the tree using his Kenbushoku Haki.  

"It's quite okay man. No need to apologize.  It is indeed dark times in the Leaf and I support anyone trying to make themselves more powerful," Mako stated with Sushma on his right shoulder nodding along.  Mako then stepped forward with the light showing all over him at this point.  He could understand why the boy thought he was older he had been training intensely and carried himself like he was much more experienced, this was due to the formality trained in him from his clan.  A long line of Sarutobi have led the village through the fall.  

"I am Mako Sarutobi, of the Sarutobi clan and a friend of the Monkeys of Naya Jungle.  I am as well 18 and still a genin though my chuunin exams have been delayed for a while, I am quite certain they will give me difficulty," to that statement Mako stepped forward offering Nethero his hand.  His plan to draw whatever was in the tree out forming...

Last edited by Mako Sarutobi on Sun Sep 13, 2015 8:19 pm; edited 1 time in total

Train to live another day! [P,NK] Empty Re: Train to live another day! [P,NK]

Sun Sep 06, 2015 9:22 pm
Salzem nearly smiled as he saw Zeefalvora harass the seemingly younger child down below. He knew from his telepathic connection with her that she didn't intend to hurt the boy, merely to have some fun. Salzem rolled his eyes as the boy flailed around and he jumped off his branch. He fell about 20 feet before landing in a kneeling position about a meter from the poor harassed kid. Salzem gave his spider a look that could shatter glass and slowly, reluctantly, she crawled off the boy's back and back onto Salzem's wrapping her legs around Salzem's torso. He would look at both of the males that had shown up and would shrug sheepishly as if apologizing for a practical joke. The person that stood before these two as a 5'6'' boy with a breathing mask strapped over his mouth. His skin was whiter than snow, his hair, blacker than soot. His eyes shined a bright red, seeming to always glare at whoever they were directed at, no matter what his intentions seemed to be. The boy wore a black jacket, a hood pulled over his head, casting a shadow over his face. He wore dark blue cloth pants and black sandals.

"I'm sorry if my familiar bothered you. My name is Salzem." Salzem would nod his head in greeting to the two males. "No need to introduce yourselves again, I heard you from up there." Salzem pointed to the branch from where he had fallen from. Salzem would then glance at Nethero, a slight annoyed expression on his face.

"You know how to rouse someone from a nap don't you...?"
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Train to live another day! [P,NK] Empty Re: Train to live another day! [P,NK]

Mon Sep 07, 2015 3:59 am
Nethero was once again really suprised. The man with the beard was the same age as him, even though Nethero realised he would be much much stronger than himself. Even the monkey looked like it could beat him without much effort. He would at first unintentionally, once again shout; "WHAT?? YOU ARE ALSO 18? YOU LOOK LIKE YOU COULD BE MY TEACHER'S TEACHER!". He would then clear his throat. "Sorry. Well nice to meet you, Mako Sarutobi. I am honored meet a person from such an important clan for Konoha.". He would only then realise the other boy joining the fun. This one looked quite... Let's not say "scary". Nethero wasn't someone who would easily get scared of someone, especially inside the village since he felt very comfortable. He was startled though. The boy had a dark aspect to him. Nethero's only relief was that he would probably and hopefully be another Leaf ninja. He would turn to greet him also.

Only then would he hear the words that suprise him even more. "A familiar? A spider? Why would someone's familiar be a spider? That sounds... Interesting... Quite so...". Nero assumed from his past teachings that the aspect of the familiar had something to do with the person's personality. Perhaps the monkeys sounded like quite a lot of fun and friendly, but the spider, frankly, did not. Still, Nethero was assured that the boy was friendly, at least for now, since he was plainly coming up to them, while he could be trying any tricks. Nethero would not be sure of this question but would ask it anyway; again smiling "Oh... Sorry about that, you know, violence. Anyway, hi then.", he would offer his hand, "What's your name?". After waiting several seconds for a response, he would also ask, "And what is with the mask, if that's not, you know... Personal.". Nethero would then space out for a few seconds, thinking about the situation. He just aroused the attention of two other ninja. Again two, whom both looked a lot stronger than him. This why he was here. For the training. For getting better, faster, stronger. "So... Assuming you guys are not here for pranking others, who wants to train?". Nethero would be hesitant in asking that, knowing the others are way out of his league and may not be interested in his offer at all. he would still take the shot though, not having much to lose for making such an offer.

Nethero would then be carefully listening to what the others might say, but at the same time tidying the mess he had created several seconds ago, the wood pile now lying in between the 3 shinobi and the monkey and the spider... It was quite a fest, wasn't it. Maybe Nethero also needed an animal partner. He gave some thought into it but it was not the time for that anyway. He had to train for now. He would start flexing his muscles, jumping on his spot, getting ready for whatever kind of training he was about to do, regardless of whether the other two stronger Genin joined him or not. "These guys could wipe the floor with me using one arm and blindfolded." Nethero would think to himself. He was interestingly quite fond of having fantasies of being beaten up. "I will train. I will become stronger. I will one day beat one of them... I have to. But for now, train...". He would be jumping on his place, flailing his arms around himself, "So," he would say, not as loud as before but still in a very enthusiastic way, "Are you guys ready?". He would then say the words that pump him up for any training, "I'm all fired up!".
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Train to live another day! [P,NK] Empty Re: Train to live another day! [P,NK]

Mon Sep 07, 2015 9:42 am
Mako would watch as the ninja with the gas mask would drop from the tree. Using his sensory ability he could gauge that Salzem was quite a bit more powerful than himself.  Though Mako knew power wasn't everything.  He pulled the cigarette from his mouth and flicked it off into the distance and proceeded to light a fresh one.  He was now standing near the newer genin who had introduced himself as Nethero, and was some distance away from Salzem.  Sushma sat on his shoulder and laughed uncontrollably as Nethero still struggled with the spider clinging to his back.

Mako thought about Salzem he had never met him before but had now remembered that the shinobi that accompanied Risako in the fight with the visiting Kumo nin was none other than him.  Salzem seemed so powerful standing in front of him and it made him wonder about the power of that Kumo kunoichi.  He also remembered Salzem being mentioned in his training with Cole.  Cole had said that his teacher was Salzem and that he was one of the strongest Taijutsu users in the leaf.  That would also explain how Cole's power was so high with a teacher like this.  Though he never expected Salzem to appear so dark.  

Mako stepped over to the dummy as Nethero yelled about being fired up.  Mako ordered Sushma to take a side seat for now and to help Nethero train.  Mako had more important things on his mind.  He wanted, needed to test himself and the best way to do that was to fight someone much more capable than himself. His recent fight with Risako was a bit of a boring one with her hanging back and playing a long range game.  A taijutsu user though, this was right up his alley. 

"So Salzem...I've heard a lot about you." Mako began to weave a hand sign as a pole made of earth rose from the ground next to him.  He then did it again and another very short one came up next to Sushma.

"Nethero, Sushma is a powerful Monkey sage and he will be sparring with you today.  Meanwhile, I will be testing myself to see if I'm ready for my chuunin exams," Mako stated as he and Sushma took hold of the Earth Canes and took a battle stance facing their respective opponents.

-30 for Sushma summoning earlier, -10 for 2 earth canes.

Last edited by Mako Sarutobi on Sun Sep 13, 2015 8:20 pm; edited 1 time in total

Train to live another day! [P,NK] Empty Re: Train to live another day! [P,NK]

Mon Sep 07, 2015 10:03 am
Salzem cocked an eyebrow at Mako as he said he'd heard of him. That was something new. People who have either avoided him like the plague or stared at him. Usually both.

"Oh really...?" Salzem asked. Who spoke of him to this person? Risako? Cole? Perhaps Kouse? It didn't honestly matter to him, so long as they didn't portray him in the more negative light. "And what have you heard?"

Salzem took notice of Mako summoning two poles out of the ground. One for himself, and one for his pet monkey. He looked over Mako carefully, figuring him to be more of a close combat fighter than long range. That made thing easier for him, seeing as this was where he was strongest. Mako apparently was trying to prove himself for the chuunin exams. An admirable goal, he supposed. Salzem crossed his arms and waited for him to advance. From what he could tell of him, he wasn't exceptionally powerful, though he was more powerful than most genin. He glanced over at Nethero, trying to asses his potential. He could see him becoming a steadfast protector of the leaf, for whatever that's worth.
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Train to live another day! [P,NK] Empty Re: Train to live another day! [P,NK]

Mon Sep 07, 2015 10:37 am
Nethero would carefully watch and listen to everything said by the other two ninja in the training grounds. He would raise an eyebrow and turn the one with the gas mask in a facial expression of suprise and acknowledgement as he would hear that the one called Mako has heard of him. A boy at that age, spreading rumors in his name, while Nethero was this pathetic, weak Genin that could barely train to get stronger. Then his eyebrow would rise again as he would hear the Genin of the Sarutobi clan tell the weaker one that he was to fight with his monkey friend. "A powerful monkey sage..." Nethero would repeat in his mind, not sure if Mako's words were sincere or just a way to keep him cool while laying him away from the real fight that was going to happen between the two stronger shinobi.

"Well," Nethero thought to himself, "that is something I didn't really expect, but can not argue with it... I guess I will train with the monkey. Soudns a lot of fun anyway.". He would give it his best no matter what. He was though looking forward to get to see what the other two were aobut, so at the same time he would be watching their fight. "Well," he would say "Fine then I'll train with Mr. Monkey over here.". He would then  proceed with his own training and turn towards the monkey. "Well, Mr. Monkey." he would say, "Nice to meet you once again, my name is Nethero as you have heard and I am not anywhere close to the level of these two. Maybe you can help me a little bit here.  What can you teach me?". He would then start emitting chakra. "I'm thinking of training the so-called Body Flicker Technique as a start... Anyway Let's go!". He would then jump off and run towards the monkey, trying to punch him in the face. He would expect this easy blow not to hit, so he would be cautious for an evasion and even a counterattack. He would be keeping things casual not to miss anything happening between the other two, the real fight that was happening.

"That's what I am..." he would think to himself as he attacked, "...for the people at their level. A monkey. Someone to laugh at. I will not be that forever. How patheticly both funny and sad is the fact that I'm closer to a monkey's level than to another person of my rank. I am a joke.". Those thoughts would not discourage him but do the opposite. He would try not to care that he was not being taken seriously at all, that idea he respected, he knew himself that he was far too weak to fight the other two. It still hurt a little bit though. "It is something I expected but not at all what I was hoping for. Anyway, you don't always get what you want. I should do with what I have. Now I have a monkey sage to train me whereas I was bloodthirstily punching and biting a training dummy some minutes ago. I should appreciate the opportunity. And I believe the monkey would be feeling very much worse for training with me. A sage supposed to take care of a genin. I'm sure he sees this as a child-care.".

Nethero had recently taken an affinity test at the academy and discovered his was Fire. But yet, he could do none of the Fire Release techniques; though he knew a lot about them. He was especially interested in the great fireball technique. Perhaps the monkey or one of the guys could guide him. He would ask, ashamefully, "Hey... Ummm guys? I was thinking of training a jutsu called the great fireball technique. And also the body flicker. I would appreciate it a ton if any of you could give me a hint on where to start, or how I should train for them.". He would be hoping that one these three shinobi (including the monkey sage) could give him at least the least bit of help. He would then proceed to warming up, while still carefully listening to the other two.
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