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The Festival of Stars Empty The Festival of Stars

Tue Sep 01, 2015 6:40 pm
As the festival came into town the city squat saw a complete and total transformation.  The recent reduction in crime, that is or may not be related to a certain man named Maku, had allowed the city to go all out.  The city square apart from being cleaned thorhgouly saw a fresh coat of paint on all store fronts.

Vendors and booths now lined the square with more carrying their wares with them attempting to make a sale to the thousands that now flocked to the festival.  Hand crafted goods at every corner, drinking songs roaring loudly even in the morning, and several clergy on boxes shouting out their messages.  All in all it was a true showing of culture in all ways.  From the nobles in fine regalia, to the poor drinking away any money they might have saved.  One and the same a scene of tradition and debauchery depending on where you looked.  It was a festival, what else could one expect.

The square acted as hub central.  Roads leading to the various competitions and shows. Every form of entertainment was represented and this was the place to learn about it.  Huge boards had been erected naming individuals to their various clmpitions.  A joust, a melee, a contest of the bow all had noble names graced in golden writing from a skilled scribe.  Near the bottom various signs and symbols represented the poorer of this class that couldn't afford such finery and instead just marked with the symbol of their name.

Indeed this was the place to be for the festival that had just begun.

(This is the general meeting place.  To be used only for socializing and learning about the various things going on.  As always it is recommended not to show off shinobi skills in public or risk the common people's displeasure.  Feel free to rp the shops and various shows, etc.  some of the other competitions will receive their own topics shortly.
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