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Zennal <3
Zennal <3
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After Mission fun story(P, no kill, Risako) Empty After Mission fun story(P, no kill, Risako)

Thu Aug 20, 2015 11:00 pm
Zennal made his way down the ever warn dirt road of Konoha, with his hands in his pockets, smiling ever so slightly to himself. Him and Risako-sama had just finished the mission at the Orphanage, and he asked her if she'd want to grab some food and do some training. She had said yes, which made Zennal's oh so young heart go a pitter-patter. He had informed her that he would have to do some generic chores around his house.

Which wasn't inaccurate, but his main goal was to bathe and get prepared. Didn't want to look inadequate around his crush, after all. So, he did so. He wore his preferred off-duty clothing of mostly green. By mostly, I mean solid green shirt and shorts. He quickly wrapped his arms in the bandages he tended to wear, wrapping it between his fingers, and over the nub of where his pinkie finger would be normally.

He left the apartment in a rush, throwing his landlord this months rent on his way out. Luckily he got his somewhat in poor condition apartment for cheap. In any case, on his way there, he saw a book signed by the author in a book store. He shrugged, and bought it, thinking to himself that he needed to get into reading a bit more, so he went on to reading it on the way to the Ramen stand. This is why he showed up with his head band on his arm, and the goggles that came with the book were on his forehead. 

When he arrived, he noticed Risako-sama was already there, waiting. He let out a sigh, before sitting down next to her with a smile on his face, saying "Hey Risako-sama! Sorry I'm late, I slowed down to read a book I bought on the way here." He held up Echo's book, with a grin on his face "It's a really good book, and I got a copy that was signed by the author!" Zennal grinned once more as he looked at the cover, and said "It's by a guy called Uchiha Echo, and he sounds like he's stupid strong, like Hokage level strong, maybe even stronger." He looked over to her, and said "I could lend you the book if you want?"

(380 words)
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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After Mission fun story(P, no kill, Risako) Empty Re: After Mission fun story(P, no kill, Risako)

Fri Aug 21, 2015 10:14 am
After collecting the rewards for the missions, Risako asked her friend Zennal to come grab a bite and train with her. Being squad leader, his answer was exactly what she wanted to hear. Having split up, she'd said, "I'll meet you at the stall down the street from the training ground, better hurry up," in a relatively cheery tone. She was more excited that her squad member/student was eager to train and catch up to the rest, rather than that they were going to eat. Sure, the manliest ninja in Konoha could use a bite, especially after cleaning the orphanage, but the thought that someone was eager to further themselves was what got her in the mood to participate. To her, this was nothing more than that. 

Risako spent no time cleaning herself up after they finished the orphanage job, for the little gauge that told one how hungry she was, rested on "E." Having already made her way to the ramen stall, she sat at the stool on the farthest to the right. As usual, she wore the standard Konoha shinobi gear, which consisted of a dark blue shirt and pants, with them fancy calf high toe-less ninja boots. (Minus the flak jacket 'cause she couldn't afford it yet.) Also, as usual, her hair was unkempt and messy.

The plan was to wait for her teammate to arrive before eating. After about five minutes, Risako couldn't hold back any more, and asked the chef for a bowl. One bowl became two, and two became three, and right before Zennal made his appearance, she was downing the last bites of the fourth bowl. Her appetite was cartoonish, and in order to keep her appearance as a squad leader, this would be her last bowl. 

An apology was a bit unexpected, so she just smiled and waved it off, saying "It's okay. What's the book about?" Then she listened. This book, was not only a book she had read, but one that she had taught her a valuable skill about Fuinjutsu. All she had to say in reply, to Zennal's admiration of the invincible author, was "I've read the tale of Echo the Invincible," she leaned slightly to the left and pulled her copy of the book out of her back pocket, "He's got a great sense of humor." 

After sticking the book back in her pocket Risako folded her arms and laid her head down, saying "Go ahead and eat, I'll pay." Then she kind of dozed off, waiting for Zennal to finish.
Zennal <3
Zennal <3
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After Mission fun story(P, no kill, Risako) Empty Re: After Mission fun story(P, no kill, Risako)

Fri Aug 21, 2015 10:22 pm
Zennal eye'd the 3 bowls off to the side of the one's that Risako had eaten, before eyeing the one that she had eaten just now. He thought to himself 'Damn, I was really late this time. Crap.' He was also shocked to hear that she owned a copy of the book. At this, he grinned, and replied "Yeah, but I have a copy signed by him!" He grinned wider than he had in a long time, and even playfully stuck his tongue out at her, before adjusting the goggles so that they now covered his eye's. "Yeah, he's got a sense of humor pretty much anyone can appreciate. I've also considered taking up Fuinjutsu when I become a Chuunin, and learning the technique in the book would be a good idea." 

Zennal raised an eyebrow as she laid her head down, and began to doze off. He chuckled, before playfully patting her head, and ordering himself a bowl of Ramen. As he took his first bite, he asked "You just gonna snooze there? In public like this? Seems like you're just begging to have a pick-pocket steal your money." he chuckled before eating a bit more of the noodles he had received, making a noise that showed just how much he liked this ramen. Which was quite a bit.
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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After Mission fun story(P, no kill, Risako) Empty Re: After Mission fun story(P, no kill, Risako)

Sat Aug 22, 2015 3:11 am
Risako only kind of heard Zennal speak after she dozed off. "I'm not really sleeping, just..." She spoke, in between dozing off, "I uhh..." again, lets take another stab at this, "I only got the five hundred ryo from the mission anyway." Another pause, "Go ahead and tell me when you're finished, so we can go uhh..." One more time, dammit, "So we can go train." Despite her being a ninja, and despite her being able to go on missions that required a lot from her, for some reason cleaning the orphanage just made her want to sleep. 

But, Zennal had a point. If her money was stolen, being a part of Konoha's military and police force, she would have to give chase to anyone who broke the law of the land. This would likely result in property damage in the form of arson by the time she would be able to catch the crook, so, just in case, she forced her self to stay awake. "On second thought, it'd be kind of rude if I passed out like that." Her arm flicked to her neck, as she chuckled. "While I wait for you to finish eating, Zennal, do you have any jutsu that I should know about? For making a strategy and what not."
Zennal <3
Zennal <3
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After Mission fun story(P, no kill, Risako) Empty Re: After Mission fun story(P, no kill, Risako)

Sat Aug 22, 2015 3:08 pm
Zennal let out a chuckle as he listened to Risako try not and fall asleep. It was cute in a way, that his sensei who was incredibly strong, and could probably go on couple day long missions with minimal sleep, was resisting the temptations of a dreamy world after cleaning an orphanage for a little while. After her little rambling was over, he gave her another playful ruffling of the hair, a grin plastered all over his face. He just couldn't help it.

In any case, she looked like she was coming to full consciousness, which was good since he didn't want to just sit here in silence while she slept. Besides, he needed to make the full benefit of free food when he could, maybe not look so underfed. When she asked about any jutsu he had, he quickly finished up the first bowl of noodles. After he ordered another one, he turned to her and said "I have only three jutsu learned, though I'm getting closer to having Doton: Earth Spear mastered. As of right now, though, Doton: Mud Spore will help increase Earth Jutsu power, and if mixed with a water elemented jutsu it'll be boosted a bit. I also learned Doton: Earth Pillar Spears, which be used to heard someone over to a different area, as a spike's are a good way to get people to move. Besides them, Doton: Flying Thrown Stones. That can be used as you will."

Right as he finished off his Jutsu list, another bowl of noodles was placed in front of him. He smiled and thanked the man, before taking his chopsticks and began to dig into the noodles hungrily, with a renewed vigor. It seemed his hunger was only really setting in now. Strange.
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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After Mission fun story(P, no kill, Risako) Empty Re: After Mission fun story(P, no kill, Risako)

Sun Aug 23, 2015 2:49 am
Risako nodded, shaking out her hair. Zennal's ruffling left a tingly feeling where his hand was, and it made her feel weird. Still with a bit of sleep in her voice, she managed to mumble "Alrighty," in response to what he had to say about his learned techniques. Really, despite the work he had put into making himself better, Zennal was still the weakest link on the team. Risako acknowledged this, and she had something that would at least let him stand with Ryugia and Mako in terms of power. Then again, if she were to teach the boy this jutsu, there was the chance that he could very well kill someone with it. So, with a slight feeling of regret, she held her left palm open toward the the ceiling of the ramen stall. Without any words, or hand seals, a ball of cyan rotating chakra would begin to form in the base of her palm, giving off a slight blue glow. The pressure it was giving off could be felt, due to her rather potent chakra.

In a flash, it seemed, the ball would just disperse, leaving little gusts of wind that made her raven black hair whip around. "Zennal, I'm going to teach you a technique that you're not quite ready for." Risako used her steely-grey looking balls to peer into the depths of his very soul, and placing a hand on his shoulder, she said "I'm only going to say this once. This is not a technique that you use during a spar, or on your comrades." Her voice was inordinarily flat. It held none of its usual excitement, nor was it accompanied by a smile. 

Her voice trailed off, but after a second, she came back with a cheery attitude, "It's not likely that will happen," she smiled, "Just don't use it on anyone considered a friend." With that, she probably turned it into a somewhat awkward lunch outing. That's just fantastic. "Wrap it up there big guy," Risako said as she stood up and patted Zennal on the back. "I'll be at the training grounds." This was the third time now, that Risako had managed to get out of paying for her food. HA! Just kidding, before leaving, she set her money on the counter. It was only 500 ryo, and she had plenty at home. 

Once at the training grounds she would just wait for Zennal to show up. While she waited, she sat leaned against a rather large and flat rock.
Zennal <3
Zennal <3
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After Mission fun story(P, no kill, Risako) Empty Re: After Mission fun story(P, no kill, Risako)

Sun Aug 23, 2015 3:37 pm
Zennal just finished his second bowl of Ramen, this one filling him up quite nicely, when he noticed a faint blue glow coming from Risako's direction. When he turned towards her, he noticed the spinning ball of Chakra that made up the legendary jutsu, known as the Rasengan. He knew of this technique, though only through stories that he had read back in the orphanage, and knew of the tremendous force that it held. His jaw dropped, on little noodle left just hanging from his mouth as he dropped his chopsticks.

Then, as quickly as it came, the ball dispersed, her hair moving with the wind the ball of swirling chakra created. Normally, he would think about how nice that was, but he was distracted by the sudden technique she had used, and was still in shock. When she spoke, and informed him that she would be teaching him this technique and to not use it in a spar, he would nod, taking in the seriousness of the situation. He knew very well that he wasn't ready to learn this technique. His Chakra control, while good for his age, wasn't top tier, and could be improved. With this, it would be increased 100 fold, and he would even be on-par with the others at least.

"I understand, Risako-sama." He said, his own voice solid and unyielding, like the very earth that lay beneath their feet. Maybe it was part of his Earth element that did this to him, but that did not matter. What mattered, was how serious the pair were. It shocked him a little. 

However, in what felt like an instant, her mood switched back, like some sort of emotional whiplash that smacked him in the face. Hard. He also noticed her hand on his shoulder right then, and wondered how it got their. He mentally shrugged, and forced himself to keep down the rising blush on his face. Either way, he grinned, and said "Will-do, Risako-sama!" He gave a mock salute as he did so. Then she called him a 'big guy' and he raised his eyebrow at her. "I'm scrawny, and you know it. I mean, just look at my arm!" he laughed, as he easily fit his thumb and pinkie around his arm. Then she was off, and it left Zennal a bit of time to prepare for his training. Luckily though, she left the money to pay for them.

So, Zennal quickly slurped up the noodle that was hanging out of his mouth, and ran to the buildings above, to try and find his home once more. It wasn't hard in the slightest, though when he arrived, he noticed the three bullies from the orphanage try and break into his home. He scared them off easily enough with blunt Earth Pillar Spears. He laughed the entire way in.

All he did when he was home was change the wrappings on his arms, as they had a bit of Ramen sauce on them, and put his book away. Besides that, he left once more, locking up before he ran back to the roof tops above the village hidden in the leaves. It didn't take much longer after that, when he found Risako at one of the training grounds. It had a couple of logs, and a flat rock that Risako was leaning on.

Zennal raised an eyebrow at her, and asked "Why are you leaning on the memorial stone? That's disgracing all the past Shinobi who fought for Konohagakure." It was meant as a light teasing, though also informing her that she's leaning on the bloody memorial stone.

(twc: 1498 words)
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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After Mission fun story(P, no kill, Risako) Empty Re: After Mission fun story(P, no kill, Risako)

Wed Aug 26, 2015 3:00 am
Sitting against the flat little stone, Risako gave no thought as to what she was doing. Her brain was more distracted with teaching Zennal a dangerous technique than her surroundings, and it may have just caught her some flack. Actually, it did bring about a sudden decline in her reputation as upstanding. All passersby would see her as a punk that held no respect for those that died in combat. She herself, would have thought the exact same if she had seen somebody casually leaning against the stone like it was nothing important. 

And it wasn't until Zennal came along and pointed it out, that she realized what exactly she was doing. Looking down at the stone she leaned on, Risako stood and began using her shirt to wipe away her filth from the stone. Then, she turned to Zennal, and spoke, "That's my bad, I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings. Heheh"

[sorry it's short, lets keep the thread going!]
Zennal <3
Zennal <3
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After Mission fun story(P, no kill, Risako) Empty Re: After Mission fun story(P, no kill, Risako)

Tue Sep 01, 2015 3:07 pm
Zennal let out a chuckle as he watched Risako wipe down the mark that she left on the memorial stone. He could only wonder how she didn't notice it until now, even though she was a Chuunin. It would remain one of the many mysteries of Risako-sama. Regardless, he would say "Haha. You mentioned teaching me the Rasengan, right?" His voice would hold a level of excitedness not seen before in the boy. He really wanted to learn this move. 

(Sorry for the stupid short post)
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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After Mission fun story(P, no kill, Risako) Empty Re: After Mission fun story(P, no kill, Risako)

Thu Sep 17, 2015 9:58 pm
Risako nodded, Zennal seemed awfully eager to learn the technique. Too eager. She'd have to beat that out of him later. Well, she stood from her position, and decided to have Zennal follow her back to one of those lonelier corners of the training grounds. Ya know, so the other kids wouldn't laugh at him when he tried and failed to perform it. Twas a rather hard move after all. 

[Well, I say if you wanna continue this, we do so in a new topic. Keep it fresh and all ya know?
claiming an exit, will claim word count if we do another topic.]
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