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Kouse <3
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A second attempt. (cole)  Empty A second attempt. (cole)

Thu Aug 13, 2015 9:50 am
The sky was blue, the trees were green, and sun was bright in konoha. 
Kouse walked briskly towards the training grounds, he had arranged with Cole to meet up with him. 
This was a Week after their encounter with the missing ninja kozai. 
He had heard several disturbing details on what he was looking for. 
He shrugged his shoulders, that was history.. He was here to get some decently powerful techniques learnt as quickly as possible.. He blinked, conscious of his eyes. 
He was really getting really dependent on his sharingan. It was certainly useful in several other ways other than during fighting. 
He smiled as memories of what happened just some days ago. 
His eldest sister had greeted him and hurried past him in the kitchen, she had accidentally tipped over his mug of coffee. 
His sharingan was activated because he had been practicing on how long he could keep them activated without having any problems. 
When the mug was knocked over, it almost felt like it fell in slow motion, he had tried catching it, and he had, but not before a decent amount of coffee had spilled off.
He had seen it long enough to catch it long before the coffee spilled but his reflexes weren't good enough. 
So he had decided to take a few days just on sharpening up his reflexes. 
Kouse arrived at the training grounds.
'so kouse what are your plans with hikari'. Kouse frowned 'could you mind your business Skipton?'. 
Skipton chuckled 'Well your business is mine, remember that, we more or less share our thoughts with each other'. 
Kouse smiled 'Well until we get in contact with each other again, but for now Skipton, we train and get as much jutsus learnt'. 
Kouse arrived at the training grounds and sat on a nearby bench awaiting the arrival of Cole. 
He hoped he wouldn't be late though. 

Travin Iburi
Travin Iburi
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Stat Page : Travin Iburi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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A second attempt. (cole)  Empty Re: A second attempt. (cole)

Thu Aug 13, 2015 10:16 am
Cole woke up to the ringing of his alarm clock. He reached over and slammed his hand down on the button to shut it up. Sitting up in his bed he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, and stood up stretching. He walked over to the chair and grabbed his pants putting them on. He then grabbed a shirt from the basket by the door and went to the bathroom. On his way out he would loosely tuck his shirt into his pants. Walking down the stairs to the kitchen were his mom had made him breakfast. Cole set down at the table and helped himself to some pancakes. After he was done he walked over to the door and boot his boots on.

Walking outside the sun was beaming in his face. He really hated that every time he walked outside the house early in the day it was like this. He would quickly get off the porch so the sun would get out of his eyes. He would yell bye to his mom as he shut the door behind him. Cole walked across the street and jumped onto the top of the building. He turned and faced to the north were the training ground is located. He would be late if he tried to walk their, so he figured that with the body flicker jutsu he would get their on time. He was suppose to meat with kouse again to day to try and get their training they had planed a few days ago. When Kozai appeared out of nowhere and cole had to get him and kouse out of their.

Cole would make a single hand sign and take off at a speed 180 arriving at the training grounds in a matter of seconds. He stopped at the gates and looked around trying to see if kouse was here yet. He then noticed that he was sitting on the bench a little to the right. Cole would walk over to him “hay kouse shall we try this again” cole would say he'd have a half smile on his face.

Kouse <3
Kouse <3
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A second attempt. (cole)  Empty Re: A second attempt. (cole)

Thu Aug 13, 2015 10:40 am
As kouse sat there waiting for Cole to arrive memories of their first mission together invaded his mind, especially when Cole had neutralised the surprisingly strong rioter that had attacked him. 

Kouse had watched with a smirk as he saw the water dragon Cole had made going towards the rioter... Well he's a dead man he had thought .. But what had happened next shocked him more than he thought possible.. The boy had responded to the attack by going towards it!.. And wait what was on his arm?.. Lightning?.
Kouse's eyes widened.. The surprising rioter had cut through the lightning like it was fun. 
But he didn't stop there.. He had started running towards Cole with his hand still covered in lightning... Kouse had known Cole was a water specialist.. And water is weak to lightning.. Kouse didn't like the way things were going.. He also had realised that trying to help would be futile.. He wasn't fast enough to get to cole in time. 
He knew Cole was smart but he was still surprised what he did to counter dat attack. He knew that the boy didn't have much chakra and had made two clone sub which were placed in front of the him.
Kouse smiled.. He would try to slow him down with those clones.. He would have to pass through them and with his speed he won't be able to most likely get to Cole.     But it would be a close call..kouse had watched as the last clone stopped the boy.. And to kouse's amusement he noticed the boy had gone past his limit and had collapsed.. He had bit back a laugh.. Poor fellow he had muttered. 
He walked over to Cole who invited him to go get some food sometime. 
Kouse nodded.. "that would be nice"
Kouse had said his goodbyes to cole.. It had been an eventful day.

'hay kouse shall we try this again' cole's voice made kouse turn round to look at who had spoken. 
He saw the smiling face of Cole and he stood up also smiling. 
"yeah, hope no weird person would come around this time though". Kouse said. 
"Alright Cole, what were the jutsus you had in mind on teaching me last week before we were interrupted". 

Travin Iburi
Travin Iburi
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
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A second attempt. (cole)  Empty Re: A second attempt. (cole)

Thu Aug 13, 2015 11:19 am
“I'm good” cole would tell kouse when he asked how he was. When kouse asked him what the jutsu was he was going to teach him last weak was. Cole ran his hand through his hair and lifted his right hand and waved for kouse to follow him. “Well its called the water slicer jutsu you create a large blade of water that is able to cut through almost anything. It can be made into the air or under the ground either way” he would tell kouse as he made the gesture for him to get up. “now if you will follow me I know a place in the training grounds that I use to learn water element jutsu. Its not far from here it just over their really” cole would tell him as he pointed straight ahead of them.

Cole would explain more about the jutsu as the walked across the training grounds. They would come up to a tree standing up by a creak that ran through the training grounds. Cole had spent a lot of time training here before. He was very familiar with they area and knew that not many people was around this area of the training grounds. Which that was probably because of him he had came here to learn both the water slicer jutsu and the water dragon jutsu both. The crack that the water slicer jutsu he used when learning it was still their as well. Cole would walk onto the water of the creak with it being about five feet wide their was plenty of room for both him and kouse if he wanted to walk on the water as well. The water was only about a foot deep though so even if they fell in their was no worry about drowning on accident anyway.

“Ok Kouse the secrete to water style is that it is every were its even in our own bodies. So we are never with out ammunition for our water styles no matter how it may look. Their is always water around in some form or another and some of us have learned to create our own water just for the pain in the ass desert” cole would tell Kouse. He would then start to make a few hand signs “I'm going to demonstrate the water slicer jutsu” he would add. Cole would finish his hand signs and water would start to rise up from the creak forming a crescent blade of water. It was easy to tell that it was sharp as a real blade if not more sharp. Cole would aim at the bank of the creak a little down the creak. Making sure that Kouse was not in the way to get hit before releasing the jutsu. The water would fly out cutting through the creak water, as the blade went through the water, the water would rise up creating a small wave in both directions away from the blade of water. When the blade connected with the bank it would cut about three feet into the bank of the creak before cole stopped it releasing the jutsu.

“now that you have seen it with your sharingan you should be able to copy that jutsu right. Which means that I shouldn't have to explain to much about it” cole would tell Kouse, as he took a step back to let kouse get up. His body language is all that kouse should need to tell him that cole thought he could do it fairly easy. “O yea before I forget. After you get the hang of this jutsu we are going to have a little spar and I want you to be able to use this jutsu against me in it. I won't take it easy on you either I want to make sure that you can find a way to get it off in combat. That's how you tell if you have truly master a jutsu or not” cole would tell kouse. After he would be quit so that kouse could focus on the task at hand and give it a shot.

Rising Water Slicer jutsu -40 AP
Kouse <3
Kouse <3
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A second attempt. (cole)  Empty Re: A second attempt. (cole)

Thu Aug 13, 2015 3:11 pm
'Ok Kouse the secrete to water style is that it is every were its even in our own bodies. So we are never with out ammunition for our water styles no matter how it may look. Their is always water around in some form or another and some of us have learned to create our own water just for the pain in the ass desert'. 
Kouse didn't know this, he had always thought that when a water user had to fight in a place where water was unavailable, like a desert then he or she was fucked. 
But Cole had just changed his view of water users. 
Kouse watched with his sharingan activated as Cole performed the necessary hand sign for the jutsu. 
' I'm going to demonstrate the water slicer jutsu' Cole had said. 
Kouse concentrated completely, ever since he had activated his sharingan, he had begun to depend on them more and more and right now he depended on them to make learning this jutsu he knew should be somewhat difficult for others to be quite easy for him. 
He smiled as his eyes revealed every little movement Cole made, memorising them completely. 
He saw as water started to rise from the Creek in a crescent blade of water. 
The water flew out cutting through the Creek water as the blade went through, water rose up creating a small wave in both directions away from the blade of water. When the blade connected with the bank it cut about three feet into the bank of the creak before Cole had stopped it releasing the jutsu. 
Kouse's eyes widened at seeing the impressive jutsu. 
'now that you have seen it with your sharingan you should be able to copy that jutsu right. Which means that I shouldn't have to explain to much about it'. 
Kouse quickly looked at Cole. How did he know his sharingan was activated?.. The contact lenses he wore prevent people from knowing.. It had been blue since they had started. Did Cole have some kind of secrete jutsu that made him able to see it?.
"how do you know my sharingan was activated Cole?" kouse would ask. 
Kouse would then proceed with his training after hearing cole's reply. 

Kouse took a deep breath, calming himself and taking away every distracting thought he had. 
He tried recalling everything he had just seen and it was as clear as though he was seeing Cole do it all over again. 
He smiled, it felt so easy.. Every movement Cole had made down to the tiniest movement had been registered by his sharingan. 
One thing was knowing how to do something and the other is actually doing it.
Kouse frowned in concentration as he got his chakra ready, he took another deep breath and then he quickly made the single hand sign needed..Tiger. 
Kouse watched with a smirk as the Creek started bubbling and then it formed a crescent blade. 
Kouse then aimed it at the same point Cole had just previously aimed at. 
Kouse watched as the water flew, cutting through the water and also the waves it created. 
A drop of sweat fell from kouse's chin.. That jutsu was more taxing to his chakra than he had expected. 
He smiled at Cole though as his previous words came to his mind 'After you get the hang of this jutsu we are going to have a little spar and I want you to be able to use this jutsu against me in it. I won't take it easy on you either I want to make sure that you can find a way to get it off in combat. That's how you tell if you have truly master a jutsu or not'. 
Kouse wiped the drop of sweat off his chin. "so am I just restricted to trying to use this technique against you or can I use other techniques?". Kouse would ask even as he took his stance for a fight.

Travin Iburi
Travin Iburi
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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A second attempt. (cole)  Empty Re: A second attempt. (cole)

Fri Aug 14, 2015 8:24 am
"how do you know my sharingan was activated Cole" Kouse would ask?

“well I didn't I've never seen one before, and I heard that thats what Kozai was after they other day. I asked around and found out that its a doujutsu so its in the eyes and that once mastered it allows you to copy others jutsu I didn't even know you had to activate” cole would answer him. He would give him a smile while holding the last hand sign.

After he took a step back and let Kouse step up to try. He watched as Kouse did the jutsu perfectly. This is the power of the sharingan then cole thought to himself. He knew that even if this was its only ability it was still very impressive. He could also see that it took a bit out of Kouse to use this jutsu, as a bead of sweat rolled off of his chin. Kouse would then ask "so am I just restricted to trying to use this technique against you or can I use other techniques?"

“use what ever you like just try to get that jutsu off in the fight. Personally I like to use my water dragon bullet jutsu as a decoy to get my opponent to dodge and then hit them with the water slicer jutsu while they are off guard” cole would tell Kouse as he took a few more steps back. Getting ready to fight. He really did believe that this was the best way to master a jutsu, but part of him wanted to see just what that sharingan could do in a fight. He had heard that it was a powerful clan before all of this happened but he never really learned why, and this was his chance.

Kouse <3
Kouse <3
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A second attempt. (cole)  Empty Re: A second attempt. (cole)

Fri Aug 14, 2015 7:38 pm
'well I didn't, I've never seen one before, and I heard that thats what Kozai was after they other day. I asked around and found out that its a doujutsu so its in the eyes and that once mastered it allows you to copy others jutsu I didn't even know you had to activate'. 
Kouse listened intently as Cole explained how he had known he had the sharingan and nodded, well that was plausible enough he thought. 
'use what ever you like just try to get that jutsu off in the fight. Personally I like to use my water dragon bullet jutsu as a decoy to get my opponent to dodge and then hit them with the water slicer jutsu while they are off guard' Cole answered kouse's question. 
Kouse smiled, that was pretty smart on coles part. 
"Alright then Cole, let's begin, shall we?"

Kouse quickly creates a water clone.. It moved within 25 metres of Cole.. And quickly locked its arms in the tiger hand sign performing the hidden mist jutsu, making it as thick as possible to prevent Cole from seeing anything. 
It then performed the rising water slicer, its arms in the tiger hand sign.
In the direction he knew Cole was at, with speeds of 65.
Kouse meanwhile went within 20 metres of Cole, and performed the flying throwing stones tech sending the 10 projectiles at once, 4 above Cole, 3 to coles left and the other 3 to coles right. . In case he tried dodging the water slicer by jumping away from it. 

-20ap for clone, - 10ap hidden mist, - 40ap water slicer, - 20ap flying throwing stones= - 90ap...Total AP left =407ap

Travin Iburi
Travin Iburi
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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A second attempt. (cole)  Empty Re: A second attempt. (cole)

Sat Aug 15, 2015 12:36 am
"Alright then Cole, let's begin, shall we" Kouse would tell cole. Cole would be ready for anything that Kouse would throw at him he was almost positive of. Even though he had never spared with him before cole knew what he was capable of. His train of thought would be broken as Kouse made a water clone he sent the water clone in to close the distance but stayed around 15 meters away making the tiger hand sign. Cole knew the jutsu he was using as the mist started to rise up. He also used this jutsu quit a bit, and he knew how it worked. He figured that Kouse would go on they offensive using range attacks. Probably going with some ninjutsu, and more then likely going to try and use the water slicer jutsu at some point in his attack. Not knowing which way he would attack from cole could only think of one defense.

Cole would hole his hands up barely able to make them out in the mist that Kouse had made. He would push his Ice chakra out and form a dome of Ice speed 80 health 80. It would seam that cole was right the first thing that came was the water slicer jutsu. Cole had forgotten just how powerful the jutsu was, as it almost smashed its way through the Ice dome. The water slicer jutsu would give out before making it through and the ice dome would repair it self. Then the rocks would fly in 4 would come crashing down on top of the dome. While 3 to the left and another 3 to the right crashed into the Ice dome. Once the rocks had hit and fell off of the dome. The Ice dome would fall down to the ground littering the ground with shards of ice around cole.

Cole would then make the Bird → Rat → Ox → Monkey → Rat → Snake hand signs at a speed of 80. It would start to rain first a drizzle and then a straight out down pour after a few seconds. With this jutsu he could sense were both Kouse and his water Clone was at. He couldn't tell which one was which with it but he could tell their was someone. Cole would turn and face the one that was closer while making a water clone appear behind him facing they to they other one. If Kouse could see he would notice that cole didn't use any hand signs for his water clone. Cole would send his clone to charge the one in front of him. (you clone) While cole charged at the one in front of him. The clone would move at a speed of 30 and try to hit Kouse with a right hook strength of 6. while the real cole charged at a speed of 70 and tried to hit they other Kouse with a right hook strength of 13.

Ice Dome jutsu with power scaling -30
Rain Tiger at Will jutsu -40
Water Clone jutsu Mastered -10
AP left=225)
Kouse <3
Kouse <3
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A second attempt. (cole)  Empty Re: A second attempt. (cole)

Sat Aug 15, 2015 9:26 pm
Kouse knew that his water slicer attack hadn't gotten Cole. 
Well he knew Cole was good and he knew that would have been far too easy if it had been successful, he knew he couldn’t see due to the mist and he didn't care to find out how Cole had blocked his attack so he took the best way out, he quickly performed the hiding like a mole Technique. 
He burrowed into the ground.
Smiling he quickly performed the chakra sensory Technique.
Knowing where exactly Cole was he smiled, well then. 
He then followed them up with the head hunter jutsu, grabbing the unexpected Cole by his feet with a power of 26 and speed of 70 and quickly dragged him into the ground until only his head was exposed,trapping him.

Hiding like a mole Technique - 20,head hunter Technique - 10.
AP left=377

Travin Iburi
Travin Iburi
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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A second attempt. (cole)  Empty Re: A second attempt. (cole)

Sun Aug 16, 2015 12:47 am
Cole couldn't feel Kouse any more in the rain which could only mean that he had went underground. Cole thought to him self he was probably waiting for cole to clear the mist and spring some kind of trap. Cole was pretty sure that he had the speed advantage, and he knew that he was teaching Kouse his first A rank jutsu. Which meant that he was probably using the hiding like a mole jutsu to stay underground. Since that was they only jutsu that cole knew that would allow him to hide from cole Rain Tiger at Will jutsu. Which meant that Kouse had earth element chakra, and if he was an earth element user then he had the advantage over cole water style jutsu.

When cole bursts through the mist hitting the clearing he had his plan in motion. When cole feet touched ground and he stopped he would be around 10 meters from the mist. He figured that Kouse was tracking him through some chakra sensory ability. Cole would make a hand sign and use the Ice Prison jutsu on himself touching the ground and then standing back up as the Ice grew up around him. The Ice would grow at a speed of 80 with a health of 90 encasing cole with in. If his plan would work the Ice would be strong enough to withstand what ever trap Kouse had planed cole thought to himself, and he would be able to spring his own trap if everything went right.

Ice Prison jutsu with power scaling -40
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