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"Almost got me!"

Naoki Gekou
Akihana Akari
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Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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"Almost got me!" - Page 2 Empty Re: "Almost got me!"

Tue Aug 11, 2015 11:29 pm
Jason had been going over the deal he had made with Kozai in his head over and over since he had made it. He couldn't help thinking that he had made a bad decision. Power was not what he needed. Jason needed his village. He needed his ninja. He needed the Will of Fire. He didn't need to be stronger to protect his village, at least not this way. He still had that hard pressed feeling that he had been manipulated into helping Kozai find this 'power' he had mentioned. Using his ninja to make his own power greater, that was not the kind of Hokage Jason wanted to be remembered as. That was why he had taken Kozai's severed arm out of storage and was now searching the village for Kozai.

His ANBU had given Jason information that Kozai had been spotted near the training grounds. Jason had searched nearly all the training grounds looking for Kozai since he couldn't sense his chakra signature. Finally Jason had spotted Kozai near a young ninja, most likely still an academy student since Jason didn't recognize him and he had made it a habit to memorize the names and faces of all of his ninja from Genin to Master rank. Anyway, not bothering to hide his chakra signature in the slightest, Jason would approach the two from Kozai's left. Jason would walk over to the academy student and, unless stoped, would place his right hand on the student's left shoulder placing his unique sealing formula for the flying thunder god technique. "Hello, I'm Jason. I don't think we've met before. Would you mind giving me a minute to speak to this one alone?" Jason would say to the academy student. Before waiting for an answer, Jason would turn and walk in a slight semi circle toward Kozai. Jason waited until he was exactly five meters away from Kozai before he spoke. "Kozai. I've been looking for you. We need to talk."
Stat Page : Howl's Fat Stats
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

"Almost got me!" - Page 2 Empty Re: "Almost got me!"

Tue Aug 11, 2015 11:53 pm
A beat of sweat fell down the side of Ita's face as the strange man approached out of no where. Ita was sure that he was alone, but he guessed he must have been wrong. He thought to himself that the man that stood before him must not be normal and posses some type of power if he was able to go unnoticed. Before Ita could say anything, his sentence had been cut off by the appearance of none other than the Hokage. Now Ita was completely confused and felt slightly uncomfortable. Never had he been so close to the Hokage and never had he seen the man before him. He was also suspicious as to why the strange man was inquiring of him about the Uchiha district because he had been there earlier that day and the place was deserted. Ita was unsure what was happening, but felt he was not in the position to talk as the Hokage was in front of him. He respectfully kept his mouth shut, his face blank and eyes piercing. He agreed to the Hokages orders by nodding and moving away from the two men to let them go about their business moving to the outskirts of the training grounds away from the two men.

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Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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"Almost got me!" - Page 2 Empty Re: "Almost got me!"

Wed Aug 12, 2015 10:59 am
Immediately upon walking up to the two, before placing his seal on the student's shoulder, Jason would notice a bright neon green dot in the center of the student's forehead. Jason had a funny feeling about the mark, especially knowing what Kozai was here for. Jason would place his seal while he was facing the student at an angle so as to be able to see Kozai out of the corner of his left eye if he wanted to.

"Why do you have a neon green dot on your forehead?" Jason would say to the boy while keeping his kenbushoku haki on high alert in case Kozai tried to do anything while Jason's back was toward him. Jason would then say his statement on needing to speak to Kozai alone and, unless Kozai made any moves that would threaten Jason or Ita, Jason would continue to walk until he was standing five meters to the left of Kozai, facing both Kozai and Ita. Jason would keep his chakra sensory trained on the student in case Kozai tried to pull anything funny. Jason's senses were peeled and his haki was searching for any ill willed emotions or attempted actions. Jason would then, if Kozai had not made any other moves, speak to Kozai. "I have had time to think over our deal and I have decided I no longer want your help in attaining this 'power' you spoke of. I'm asking you out of respect, please leave Konoha now and forget this ever happened. Jason would then take the severed arm in a glass jar tied on his back and toss it to Kozai. "Here's your arm back as well, since I couldn't uphold my end of our agreement."
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"Almost got me!" - Page 2 Empty Re: "Almost got me!"

Wed Aug 12, 2015 12:17 pm
Upon the Hokage drawing blood upon his forward, Ita was very confused. As the events in front of him unfolded Ita felt uneasy. He stayed close to the hokage away from the man awaiting for the Hokage to move, if he would leave; then Ita would leave in front of him making sure not to be crept on exiting the training grounds. Ita thought to himself that this incident must have something to do with his clans past. A rage now lit Ita's heart and anger swelled up in him, however he suppressed his emotions on the outside letting them build. He knew he must become stronger so he could protect himself. However, Ita was just glad that the Hokage had been there to protect him even though he did not truly understand what he was being protected from..

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Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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"Almost got me!" - Page 2 Empty Re: "Almost got me!"

Wed Aug 12, 2015 4:26 pm
Jason would be standing between Kozai and the student as Jason watched Kozai take the arm and nod at Jason. He said he would abide by Jason's decision and leave Konoha. Kozai would stop and give Jason a parting warning. 

"Be wary of the group that calls itself Koukan. From what I've seen, they seek to control this village themselves. Farewell."

Jason would not say anything as Kozai began dashing away at an alarming speed. Once Kozai was clearly gone and nowhere in sight Jason would turn to face the academy student who was most likely an Uchiha since Kozai was after them. "I didn't get your name." Jason said with a smile. He would keep his eye on this one until he could remove what Jason would assume to be a mark seal from the boy's forehead.
Stat Page : Howl's Fat Stats
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

"Almost got me!" - Page 2 Empty Re: "Almost got me!"

Wed Aug 12, 2015 5:20 pm
Ita was still confused by the situation but seemed calm. He would answer the Hokage calmly with assertion. The boy spoke "My name is Ita, Its Uchiha". His eyes blinked slowly making eye contact. His eyes dark black and peircing. "And you are the Hokage", he said. Its had watched the Hokage toss what obviously appeared to be an arm, but he felt like it was not his position to speak upon the actions that took place, however Ita gave the Hokage a facial expression that showed his curiosity and concern. "So who was that man and what did he want with me?" He asked.
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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"Almost got me!" - Page 2 Empty Re: "Almost got me!"

Thu Aug 13, 2015 11:33 am
Approving the exit.
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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"Almost got me!" - Page 2 Empty Re: "Almost got me!"

Thu Aug 13, 2015 12:06 pm
Jason would move at his maximum speed cutting off the strange neon green dot from the boy's forehead. The boy wouldn't see Jason's movement but he would feel a slight stinging and a cut barely visible would be bleeding where the mark seal had once been. Jason was still unsure whether it was Kozai's doing or not but he didn't trust Kozai and he had left without a fight which seemed even more suspicious considering the lengths he went to in order to gain Jason's cooperation. Jason would then look at the boy and answer his question to the best of his ability before he noticed the seal had not been removed. Jason would then hurry, grabbing the boy by the shoulder and taking the boy to the hospital to get the cut looked at and the seal removed.
[exit taking Ita straight to the hospital]

Last edited by Jason Senju on Thu Aug 13, 2015 12:57 pm; edited 2 times in total
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