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John Kaguya <3
John Kaguya <3
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John's start to a better warrior. (p) (nk) Empty John's start to a better warrior. (p) (nk)

Sat Aug 08, 2015 9:51 pm
John headed towards the training ground after his usual morning routine and his usual nightmare before he awoke. life was usual for John. he'd train, get home, have nightmares, then wake up. wash, rinse, repeat. John have decided to become a better warrior and to learn more about his heritage. John had a few days ago went to the library to read about his his clan, the kaguya. it was more or less what he had learned at the academy. nothing new. John had arrived at the training grounds. after John had shut the gates behind him, he took in some fresh air in to his nostrils and exhaled happily. there was nothing like training to get become stronger. and to gain new abilities but that's beside the point. John started by first stretching. John had read somewhere that it was important to stretch before an exercise. after that, John ran a couple of laps around the training grounds that had the usual sand bunkers, logs, lake and more trees beyond the large gates that lead somewhere else. John was finished and rested while panting a bit. he really needed to work on his stamina. sure, he had done more laps than he usually could, but he really could need the practice. John heard the gates open and turned his head. John recognized the "intruder". "oh, it's you..." John started to smile a bit as he stood there and panted a bit.

John's start to a better warrior. (p) (nk) Empty Re: John's start to a better warrior. (p) (nk)

Sun Aug 09, 2015 8:43 am
Salzem would walk nonchalantly into the training grounds, whistling a tune he had long forgotten the name of. He had come here to see if he could bribe his spider into getting more powerful. She had lately become lazy, making it harder and harder to remove her from the ceiling in his house. One day, however, he was able to pry her off without hurting her, and just about drug her around until they reached the training grounds. Not to mention her already heavy weight was made even heavier as she was not helping hold herself up as she hung on Salzem's back. He was nearly at his wit's end until he saw that Kaguya fellow he had trained before, He smiled and waved, before asking Zeefalvora if she wanted to do a little spar. It didn't take long to get a reaction however, because upon seeing John, Zeefalvora scuttled down off Salzem's back and stared at John in anticipation, she apparently wanted to get back at John for her loss last time.

"Yes it is I," Salzem began. "How are you, John?"
John Kaguya <3
John Kaguya <3
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John's start to a better warrior. (p) (nk) Empty Re: John's start to a better warrior. (p) (nk)

Sun Aug 09, 2015 7:16 pm
"i am good, thanks." John stated. John saw the big spider he had won against the last time. John looked at it in wonder and tilted his head to the side. to him, it looked stronger. John didn't know why, but he had a knack for seeing if people where stronger than they used to be. John then cracked his neck loudly. "see, salzem... i would like to learn more techniques, but mostly, my own techniques. i want to wake my ancestor blood up and also help me on my quest.." John became quiet and then looked at salzem in his eyes with determination. "would you help me reach that goal? to help you out, i my quest is to find out where my parents are, and who put these scars on my body. therefore, i need to become stronger to make this quest possible. so me wake my blood. i need to learn my ancestors technique. and other skills if possible." John stated. he had hoped that he would train him. After John said that, he stood at attention and waited for an answer from Salzem.

John's start to a better warrior. (p) (nk) Empty Re: John's start to a better warrior. (p) (nk)

Sun Aug 09, 2015 7:21 pm
"Well, of course." Salzem said nodding is head.  He would look at John, trying to judge whether or not he got stronger from their last encounter. Deciding he had, he sent Zeefalvora ahead to face John.

"Lets see how you stand against Zeefalvora this time. As you can probably tell, she has gotten much stronger than our last encounter." Salzem would smile as Zeefalvora advanced, ready to fight.

"Feel free not to hold back. I know she won't."
John Kaguya <3
John Kaguya <3
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John's start to a better warrior. (p) (nk) Empty Re: John's start to a better warrior. (p) (nk)

Sun Aug 09, 2015 7:40 pm
John nodded and made a fighting stance. John prepared himself for any attack that the spider would dish out. John made swift moves with his legs by moving like a boxer. left,right.left,right. John was ready to dodge to the sides, if the spider would do a frontal attack, but John knew himself that would be a foolish move. should the spider turn invisible again, then John would be even more prepared for hidden attacks. John exhaled a bit while he was starting to get into a focused state. if the spider however, would make a frontal attack, then John would counter by grabbing the spider and hold it in place. if possible, John would then, if he won the struggle, throw it over his shoulder and behind him.  John would then attempt to use a drop kick. if the spider managed to get up and block the dropkick, that would make John drop to the ground. John would then do his best to get up and block as much as he could from any frontal attacks.

John's start to a better warrior. (p) (nk) Empty Re: John's start to a better warrior. (p) (nk)

Sun Aug 09, 2015 8:26 pm
As soon as John lowered himself into a fighting stance, Zeefalvora dashed forward, hopping to the left, then to the right, then she would jump right up so that she was eye-level with John. She would then raise a foreleg and bring it around in a hook towards his face at a strength of 25. If her attack was blocked by an arm, she would wrap her leg around John's arm, pressing down on John's shoulder and pulling up on his arm with her forelegs, effectively putting him in an arm-bar, using her strength of 30 to drag him down to the ground. For some reason this didn't work, Zeefavora would retreat a meter, circling John slowly, hissing lowly, eyes practically on fire. She wanted to beat this person. Beat him as bad as he had beaten her before.
John Kaguya <3
John Kaguya <3
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John's start to a better warrior. (p) (nk) Empty Re: John's start to a better warrior. (p) (nk)

Sun Aug 09, 2015 10:07 pm
John anticipated the attack, and let himself get tangled with the armlock.John would then use the momentum to grab it's body, what little he could grab, and proceed to knee it in it's face. however, if the spider would dodge the knee, if it could, then he would most likely be pushed off from the spider. if John was dragged to the ground, then he would get up after the spider retreated a meter. John would then get up and prepare himself for another round of rumble against the summoned spider. John would also prepare himself for any attack the spider would dish out, and John would hopefully be able to counter attack. if the spider would throw out a jab with one of it's front-legs, then John would counter by throwing a straight kick towards it's face, if it actually got close for one that is. if it decides to throw a side-ways punch, or rather kick in this case, then John would duck under the attack, if he was fast enough, and sweep the other legs that stabilizes it to the ground.

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Wed Aug 12, 2015 6:12 pm
Zeefalvora would let go as soon as John brought up the knee, jumping off him, pushing off his chest with a strength of 30. She would then turn invisible with the camouflage ability, and charge forward, slipping between his legs and using both of her forelegs as a "tripwire" of sorts, striking his ankles, intending to trip him. She would then, if John tripped, would jump on top of him, deactivating camouflage, latching onto his shoulders and aiming her fangs at his neck.

AP: 145

-5 camouflage.
John Kaguya <3
John Kaguya <3
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John's start to a better warrior. (p) (nk) Empty Re: John's start to a better warrior. (p) (nk)

Thu Aug 13, 2015 1:46 pm
John tripped as was "planned" and fell on his back. John then did his best to keep the spiders mouth away from his throat. John tried kicking the spider at the stomach to get it off of him. if it worked, then John would quickly stand up and attempt to kick it. if it worked, then John would follow up with another kick that would damage it further.if John didn't manage to kick it off, then John would turn his head towards Salzem and shout for help, as the spider was too strong for John to handle. although, John's health is 30, it wouldn't do anything to him, if he really thought about it. though there was still a chance that poison could seep through his skin and injure him from within.

John's start to a better warrior. (p) (nk) Empty Re: John's start to a better warrior. (p) (nk)

Thu Aug 13, 2015 5:22 pm
Zeefalvora wouldn't be able to be kicked off as she was too far up John's torso and seemed to enjoy his flailing as he was trying to pry her off. Right before she sunk her fangs into John's neck, Salzem would clap his hands together at a massive 80 strength, causing a loud *boom* and attracting Zeefalvora's attention along with that of a few other's who were standing near by. Salzem would walk over to her and pry her off of John with his much superior strength. Zeefalvora would at first struggle, wanting to go in for the kill but after a few seconds, she gave up and accepted her victory. She would crawl back on Salzem's back and attach herself to it, content in her evening the score. Salzem would stroke one of her legs that wrapped around his torso before offering a hand to John to help him up.

"T'was a good battle." Salzem would say, nodding slowly, looking for any obvious injuries. "Is there anything I can teach you to prevent that from happening again?"
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