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Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Stat Page : Stats
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21650

Theif on the Loose (mission/solo) Empty Theif on the Loose (mission/solo)

Sat Aug 08, 2015 11:34 am
The young Kaguya found himself standing in a room surrounded by other Konoha Genins. They were not many, maybe a group of seven or eight Genin. At the head of the group stood a Konoha Jounin, one arm behind his back while the other held out a paper in front of him. "You've all been gathered here to be briefed on a mission the Hokage has sent out" the Jounin began. "It is merely a D-ranked mission and will not put any of your lives in harms way." Kotsuzui sighed as he placed both his hands behind his head. "Now where's the fun in that" he muttered to himself as a couple of the Genins turned to give him a dirty look. Kotsuzui gave one of them a wink as he showed some of his arrogance before the Jounin continued. "We have no description of the thief, just that it may be a child so you're going to have to go asking around. A paper will be handed to all of you with the locations of where the events occurred. All of you will be rewarded for participating in the mission. However, the one who finds this thief will be rewarded double the amount. Bring the thief back by any means necessary, though alive. Good hunting, you're dismissed."

With that all the Genins quickly bolted to the door and grabbed a paper with the locations on their way out. Meanwhile, Kotsuzui slowly turned around as he could hear the other explaining which ones were closer and that they were going there first. With yet another sigh, Kotsuzui made his way over grabbing the last slip of paper. "What a hassle" he would mumble as he began reading the locations. "You're in no hurry I see" the Jounin said form behind Kotsuzui. "Double the reward doesn't interest you?" "Well" the Kaguya answered, "they're all going to the closest locations. But its mid day, the sun is out. At a time like this if the thief is out there he'll be somewhere more populated. These locations that are the closest are not very populated, the thief would be more inclined to steal from there when the sun is down." "Pretty good observation" the Jounin added, "But how are you going to find him if you don't ask around?" "I'll take care of that, just be ready with my rewarded come sunrise." And with that Kotsuzui made his way out of the official mission building and into the streets of Konoha.

The first thing he did was find a map of Konoha that was posted up for the public. He already knew where he was going first, the market place. Heavily populated, people are easily distracted with costumers and it is an easy place to make an escape within the dense crowds that usually circulated the place. He was using the map to get a visual of where the thief made his appearances to get an idea of his pattern. With his plan set in mind, Kotsuzui left for the market place. It was not the closest location, but he knew it would be well worth it to head there first.

"It's only a kid, how hard could it be to catch this thief" Kotsuzui said as he bounced from rooftop to rooftop with his bare feet. With one last leap, Kotsuzui hurtled himself over a building and landing dead center in the market place. "Now, lets check out those fruit stands that were mentioned in the paper" as the young Kaguya slowly made his way to it, clearly in no rush.



Last edited by Kaguya Kotsuzui on Fri Aug 14, 2015 7:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Theif on the Loose (mission/solo) Empty Re: Theif on the Loose (mission/solo)

Sat Aug 08, 2015 11:43 am
Hi there, please be sure to include mission details in a spoiler when you do missions so we can check appropriately. <3
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Stat Page : Stats
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21650

Theif on the Loose (mission/solo) Empty Re: Theif on the Loose (mission/solo)

Tue Aug 18, 2015 8:55 pm
The young Kaguya made his way over to one of the fruit stands that reported some of their items being stolen by this kid. Upon arriving to the fruit stand, there was an elderly man standing directly behind it serving his customers. Behind him was a young female sitting on a closed barrel fiddling with some rope. Kotsuzui decided he was going to speak to her instead of the old man because he did not want to interrupt him with his business. "Oye" Kotsuzui said greeting them female and also trying to grab her attention as he slowly walked around the fruit stand to where she was seated. She glanced over at him as Kotsuzui's purple eyes locked with her sky blue eyes. He watched as she glanced down spotting the Konoha head guard he had turned into a belt which was used to hold up his robes. "So you must be one of the Shinobi who were tasked with finding the thief. Its about damn time." She was clearly in a grumpy mood, and Kotsuzui was not in the mood to deal with such an attitude. "Were you able to spot the kid by any chance, maybe give me a description or something?" the Kaguya asked. "Yeah" she replied, " I've seen him multiple times around the market. Every time i've tried catching him he managed to slip away into the crowd. He's small, probably only like ten years old. He's got stitches across his right cheek, probably from being such a fucking brat." That should make it easier to find him Kotsuzui thought to himself. "When was the last time you saw the kid?" he ask, probably going to be his last question. "I haven't seen him in a while. There's a lot of folks around here that have had their things stolen by this kid. They may be able to tell you." "Thanks for the help" Kotsuzui said with a wink as he turned around and walked off. After asking around some more, everyone stated how they haven't seen the kid around lately and their stuff have not gone missing either. This could mean one of two things. First, the kid probably stopped out of a realization that it was too risky to continue. Or secondly, he had just stolen so much and didn't need to continue stealing for the moment. If so, then he was probably due for another outing. With a slight bend to the knees, Kotsuzui hoped into the air landing on the edge of a rooftop as he began scanning the market. Knelt over, the Konoha Genin began noticing that some of the other Genins had arrived for questioning also, but they were leaving as soon as they had arrived. They were too concerned with questioning every place the kid made an appearance. Maybe it was the smartest option, better chance of spotting him if you go everywhere. But Kotsuzui was going to stick with what he thought was best, and that was staying in the area that was most populated during the day. If he was planning on stealing, he would go to crowded areas where the people are more distracted and it makes for an easier get away.

Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21650

Theif on the Loose (mission/solo) Empty Re: Theif on the Loose (mission/solo)

Sat Aug 22, 2015 1:48 pm
It had been a while Kotsuzui was standing on top of the rooftop, but he hadn't spotted anyone looking like the kid that the girl described. But he remained patient, certain that the kid would probably show up, hopefully. Now sitting down on the edge of the rooftop with his feet hanging and swinging over the side, Kotsuzui reached into his robes and pulled out a tiny bottle of sake. Popping the cork off, he began taking shots of the drink, trying to do something to occupy his boredom. Every now and then more Genins would come by to the market as it was one of the locations listed. One by one, most of them left ,except for two of them who came over to the Kaguya's position on the rooftop. A male and female, standing on each side of him. "Getting drunk aye? Why participate if you're not even going to try?" the female asked. "Well for one, we get ryo no matter what the outcome. It's basically money for doing nothing" Kotsuzui replied, making it look like he really was not doing anything. "What a drunk" the male said as he and the female laughed and began making there way over to the next location. Only moments later Kotsuzui noticed some commotion happening down below at the market. From what he could pick out, two people were running through the crowd, one being a little kid who was in the front and another being an older lady. The way it looked, it seemed as though the lady was chasing after the kid. "Looks like I may have found the jackpot" Kotsuzui said with a grin on his face as he took one last shot of the alcoholic beverage and tossed the bottle aside. Flipping himself onto his feet, with one pounce the Kaguya Genin launched himself into the air towards the crowd. Landing only a few feet in front of the kid, Kotsuzui spotted the stitches across his face. This was the kid he was looking for, the one the female described. Looks like his plan worked out wonderfully. The kid came to a halt when he noticed the crimson haired Genin land in front of him. "Hey there" Kotsuzui said, "I'm going to need you to come with me for a bit." But as soon as he finished his sentence the kid changed direction and began running again. "Not so fast" Kotsuzui muttered as he began chasing after the kid. Using his newly learned Taijutsu style shunshin, Kotsuzui vanished as a blur to the ordinary citizen and appeared directly behind the kid. The moment he appeared behind the kid he placed his hand onto the kids shoulder halting him for a brief moment. But Kotsuzui was still getting use to the adjustment of increasing his speed so drastically and was not entirely aware of his surroundings. Just as he grabbed the kid, he also bumped into a citizen as they both fell to the floor allowing for the kid to escape. The older lady finally caught up as Kotsuzui got up and helped up the man he knocked to the floor. "You let him get away!" the lady yelled, blaming Kotsuzui. "Don't worry m'am, I know where he's going to be." At the moment of grabbing the kids shoulder, Kotsuzui marked him with a very basic sealing jutsu that was taught to him by a stranger he met in the woods just outside of Konoha. This sealing jutsu placed a basically invisible mark on the kid that would allow for Kotsuzui to track the kid. "Lets go get this kid before the other find him" as Kotsuzui vanished yet again. By this time of the day the sun began setting and the moon rising. Street lights turning on to light of the way in the dark for the citizens of Konoha. Kotsuzui found himself knelt over on top of a pretty beat up apartment complex, one that was inhabited by those with not much ryo. "Kinda feel for this kid" Kotsuzui said to himself, realizing that this kid was stealing because he didn't have much. But his living situation could not pardon him from stealing, so Kotsuzui would still have to bring him in. Now walking down the side of the wall, Kotsuzui stopped right at a window that his tracking seal led him to. Slipping through the open window, Kotsuzui's sudden appearance nearly shocked the kid to death. "How'd you find me, I lost you" the kid asked, clearly puzzled. "Perks of being a shinobi i guess" Kotsuzui said sounding overly cocky. The kid began making an attempt at escaping as he ran for his door. Kotsuzui being able to see the kids movements pretty clearly react just in time. A bone popped out behind Kotsuzui's neck as he he grabbed a hold of it and yanked it out, pulling out his entire spinal cord and replacing it with a newly created one. With a single swing, the spinal cord whip wrapped around the kids entire upper body binding him in his place. "I'm afraid you left me with no other choice. You didn't want to come nicely, so I had to use extreme measures. The next morning, just as Kotsuzui had promised the Jounin instructor who handed out the mission, he was standing there with the kid trapped in his spine weapon waiting for his reward. "Told you so" Kotsuzui said with a wink as the jounin could not help but brake a smile. The other Genin's standing there were all shocked, more so that Kotsuzui was holding his own spine than the fact that he was the one to catch the kid. "Well done" the instructor said. "Proceed to the desk in the next room to obtain your reward. Here you go" he said handing Kotsuzui a slip that signified he would get the full bonus for capturing the kid. Unraveling the whip, Kotsuzui placed it back into his body as the Jounin took the kid. With that Kotsuzui went on to get his reward. And with that, he proceeded to the market where he would indulge himself with a bottle of sake, one much larger that the last one he had.

1000 Ryo

2050 words for Leaf Rising Wind
124 words into Dancing Leaf Shadow
3 action points

Last edited by Kaguya Kotsuzui on Sat Aug 22, 2015 11:28 pm; edited 2 times in total
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Theif on the Loose (mission/solo) Empty Re: Theif on the Loose (mission/solo)

Sat Aug 22, 2015 1:57 pm

Please edit in claims since the mission looks to be over. <3
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Stat Page : Stats
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21650

Theif on the Loose (mission/solo) Empty Re: Theif on the Loose (mission/solo)

Sat Aug 22, 2015 5:05 pm
I'm not entirely sure what you want edited?
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Theif on the Loose (mission/solo) Empty Re: Theif on the Loose (mission/solo)

Sat Aug 22, 2015 6:03 pm

Everything you wrote after exit, it wasn't there the last time. Anyway, everything looks good now save the stat points. According to mission rules, stats can only be obtained on missions B rank and above so please take out the ten stats claim. <3
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Stat Page : Stats
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21650

Theif on the Loose (mission/solo) Empty Re: Theif on the Loose (mission/solo)

Sat Aug 22, 2015 11:29 pm
Ok, done
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Theif on the Loose (mission/solo) Empty Re: Theif on the Loose (mission/solo)

Sat Aug 22, 2015 11:38 pm

Approved <3
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