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Phoenix Wright <3
Phoenix Wright <3
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Just like any other lame day [Koz,P, NK <_<] Empty Just like any other lame day [Koz,P, NK <_<]

Sun Jul 05, 2015 7:53 pm
Levi had to get used to this, life without butlers or maids like seriously how do you people do this? Without Falcone waking him up since he was still in ame, Levi awoken late yet again today. He missed Falcone's morning tea and chef's Barbosa's cooking so much as it couldn't compare to this plain bowl of cereal. After he was done with breakfast Levi took a shower got dressed in his average dress clothes, combed his hair, brushed his teeth and was on his way once again aimlessly walking around Kiri without any purpose. This was an average day in the life of Levi so far. He left his skateboard at home today so the walk became boring every second he was out side.

"Can something happen once in awhile? Anything?" He said as he watched a black cat cross his path. "Bad luck...huh" So far Lev's life been nothing more than bad luck all starting since he had to evacuate Tenga then got left behind. Then got somewhat arrested by CoRin. Then was forced to come to Kiri and now here he was without his butler. "What's next I get punched in the face?" He mumbled to himself as he stopped at a park almost similar to the one in Tenga when he meet Alt. So he repeated the what he did that day, which was to sit on a bench and look at the clouds. "Lame everything is just lame." HE said as he watched the clouds drifted across the sky not much forming any interesting shapes.

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Phoenix Wright <3
Phoenix Wright <3
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Just like any other lame day [Koz,P, NK <_<] Empty Re: Just like any other lame day [Koz,P, NK <_<]

Sun Jul 05, 2015 9:14 pm
Still looking at the clouds Levi heard someone say something..uh Kozata was his name. He didn't really mind to look at the guy he just kept staring up at the sky. "Who am I? I don't really even know...geez my bad." He said as he would then look at the guy as he gave him a lazy smile. "I'm..Leviticus Sin, The businessman Chuunin. How may I be of service for you today?" He said halfheartedly. Getting up from his seat on the bench Levi would make his way towards the guy and extends his arm forward to give him a handshake. Levi was never fond of the mist it reminded him of that swamp back in ame, geez did he missed that place. "What brings you here?" He said as he put his hands in his pocket after Kozata would shake his hand or if he didn't at all. It actually didn't matter to Levi if he did or not since the last time he was at a park like this he went way overboard with his greetings and things, Just made everything awkward for everyone. Levi wasn't actually great with meeting new people and sorta just distanced himself from them, most of the time. 

"So the weather's nice.." He said as he tried to strike up a conversation to entertain him for the day. Now that he thought about it, this was the second person he actually greeted since being drag- escorted to Kiri and that was months ago. He really needed to get out more.

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Phoenix Wright <3
Phoenix Wright <3
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Just like any other lame day [Koz,P, NK <_<] Empty Re: Just like any other lame day [Koz,P, NK <_<]

Mon Jul 06, 2015 1:33 am
As soon as he came into contact with Kozata's hand Levi felt weak. "Huh?" He thought to himself as he felt himself begin to fall towards the ground. He was surprised not that this seemingly innocent guy just knocked him out but the fact that his bad luck caused a ripple in his boring life. If he could say something it would be like. "DUDE WHAT THE HELL" but he couldn't speak. Everything began to slowly fade aa he consciousness. Hitting the ground with a thud Levi was out cold. His boring day just went from lame to bad.

[Exit with Kozata. ...e.e]
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Just like any other lame day [Koz,P, NK <_<] Empty Re: Just like any other lame day [Koz,P, NK <_<]

Wed Jul 08, 2015 4:58 pm
Alright, approved.
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