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Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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the blades of the double edge evolution - Page 2 Empty Re: the blades of the double edge evolution

Tue May 26, 2015 2:56 am
Yen chuckled and smiled as he replied. "it took me till night to get it down to moderate level. Every time we use our techniques we get better. just like no one can rival us in bug control since we lived with them all our life." yens water clone gave a thumbs up and spoke "hota it might be hard at first but you got half a web and a ball. you got it!" the clone had webbing on its arms and legs and moved alot slower then yen thought meaning the webbing was effective. "It definitely very strong dear so you can do it along with a lot of other techniques, however your not handicapped no one can truly get something down in one shot and even when they do het it down you can always get it complete in the time you see fit."

Yen nodded at the clone and the clone began to briskly jog at a speed of 10 around hota in a circle. this was where the greatest challenge was going to be where hota required her focus and concitration to hit the target and yen was going to push her to form the technique. "You gotta give your all to hit a moving target and attempt to hit it. guess where he will appear and form the webbing. This is a step up since im gonna see how far you can go. After all its training love and i wont go easy on you. so breath and recall what you did right and what you can improve on what you did last time and take another step forward." Yen took a step back as he observed hota prepare herself for this test. It was a challenge that yen felt was necessary to do for to learn this concitration was requied and most importantly accuracy.

WC: 314+2,272= 2,586
Hotaru Aburame
Hotaru Aburame
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the blades of the double edge evolution - Page 2 Empty Re: the blades of the double edge evolution

Tue May 26, 2015 4:16 am
For some reason the clone made her fell weird when it spoke to her, but it was a part of Yen's jutsu. Therefore she paid close attention to what the clone would say or do as well as paying attention to Yen.  As the clone began to move she began to focus and mold her chakra again, the nauseous feeling began to develop in her stomach again! This time it happened faster than last time, but she had to also  keep an eye in front of her o the moving target! She knew it was now or never and after he passed in front of her she took a deep breathe and right before he appeared in front of her she spit it out  and with perfect timing, she hit the target! It was a fully formed eight pointed web, a little thicker than normal but she did it! Joy turned to sickness as she felt the urge to actually vomit. Turning around she held her stomach and dropped to her knees and began to vomit! Yeah, no web this time, just pure stomach sickness.
"Sorry....not use to that jutsu yet I guess." She said! "Did, I at least get that jutsu right?" She asked as she stood back up feeling slightly dizzy. She sat on a small stone taking a sip of water. Apparently drinking  to fast, when the fluid hit her stomach it came right back up! This time she could see traces of the web in her vomit. "Damn...I think I need to take a break." She said slightly embarrassed.
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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the blades of the double edge evolution - Page 2 Empty Re: the blades of the double edge evolution

Wed May 27, 2015 2:57 am
yen watched with a smile as hota prepaired herself for the technique yet despite the efforts to not vomit she managed to make a pure strong eight webbed net come from within the depths of hersefl and yen smiled as his water clone dispersed from the impact. "There we go! excellent job hun!" yen smiled but then poor hota began to vomit after the technique. excitement turned to concern as hota vomited and yen held onto hota tightly as she finished vomiting. "you ok beautiful queen? it takes alot of getting used to but eventually you will get used to it" yen took a breath as he held on to hota tighly and gazed into her beautiful blue eyes that were deeper then the sea and more vast then the sky. [color=yellow]"have i told you how beautiful you are my warrior queen?"

Yen smiled down at hota in his arms and rubbed her tummy softly. "If i may hun ill like to see what techniques i can make from the webs and show you sometime. then when we get home ill make some soup so you are all better. how does that sound my dear?" yen smiled at hota and cradled her in his arms as he spoke.
Hotaru Aburame
Hotaru Aburame
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the blades of the double edge evolution - Page 2 Empty Re: the blades of the double edge evolution

Thu May 28, 2015 4:40 am
Hotaru leaned on Yen as she tried to let her stomach settle. "Yeah I think I can get the hang of the jutsu soon, I just have to get use to the weird feeling in my stomach when I do it!" She said as she felt really lightheaded from throwing up. "Soup sounds good. You make a really good soup." She said as she kissed Yend neck still leaning on his shoulder. "Easy on my stomach hun, I don't want to throw up again. "She said gently to him. "And I love it when you tell me I am beautiful, it makes me feel good!" She added smiling as she laid her head on his shoulder still, not really wanting to move.
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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the blades of the double edge evolution - Page 2 Empty Re: the blades of the double edge evolution

Sun May 31, 2015 3:54 am
yen smiledand kissed hota softly rubbing her sides before touching his forehead to hers."its ok hun ill nurse you back to health" yen held hota tightly before letting her go and holding her hands. "You defintley will do amazing hota. and ill teach you everything I can. So now to see what i can do for my jutsu arsenal." yen smiled at hota and built up his chakra before spitting out three webs of pulsating webs that stuck to a tree. before speaking.

"webs are created from our fluids and our chakra. but shooting webs dont just cover the baisis of this ability." yen reached over to the webbing on the tree and ripped a bit of it off the tree. "lets say I decide to make a web based jutsu that while infact works like a spider web, a informative of a sorts like when something touches the webs i know where they are? what do you think hota is the best way to make this?" yen asked hota as he began to build up chakra and make a long string of webbing within himself awaiting hotas awnser before firing the long strand of chakra webbing.

wc: 201+2,794=2,995
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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the blades of the double edge evolution - Page 2 Empty Re: the blades of the double edge evolution

Thu Jul 16, 2015 1:09 am
Bump for hota
Hotaru Aburame
Hotaru Aburame
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the blades of the double edge evolution - Page 2 Empty Re: the blades of the double edge evolution

Thu Jul 16, 2015 5:09 am
Hota listened to Yen explain his webs. Webs that could stick to someone or something and be used as points of return, well it could be used as an Aburames version of a seal or fuinjutsu! This was an incredible yet insane idea! And Hotaru loved it!
"Fuinjutsu users can place seals on people or in places, using them for points of return or to track. Some people can track chakra by infusing items With chakra or memorizing chakra, if you could do that using webs we create with chakra, then that could be another way to Advance our clan!" Hota said smiling at Yen! Yes, her boyfriend was definitely a good clan leader.
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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the blades of the double edge evolution - Page 2 Empty Re: the blades of the double edge evolution

Fri Jul 17, 2015 4:47 pm
yen smiled and nodded with agreement hota was indeed very smart and she had the grand scheme of things in her pocket. "exactally my love but you must remember that advancing our clan requires alot more work. think of methe head of the clan not as the head but one that holds the strings. its not as easy to just be a leader but also have the absoluteness that requires the final judgement of how and what can ouccur within a clan. just like a spider and its webs. you need infomation to make accurate accounts like the hokage does we are just a part of a larger web. webs can be loose but repaired and often with help. yet with this technique ill show you the baisis of the ideaology behind it."

yen built up his chakra once again in his stomach and spat out several more long strands of webbing into the area. the webbing spreaded out as it spreaded among the trees and he shot out more webbing from his mouth as he surned and rotated around him. the dark blue pulsating chakra going from the countless webs as he held on to the webbing at an end that did not drain his own chakra yet should someone else touch it they wouldve noted that their own chakra wouldve been drained easily. "look at the webbing around us the wind should it hit the trees i would know exactally where and which leaf would fall and should anyone leave or enter here i would know. the fact remains that despite the nature of the webs or what they do a web is a gathering of intelegence the only thing that comes to the natrual response of a spider is that with the intel it gets from it webs that determines the actions given. should it be food it will hunt and prepair just like if there was an advantage in mind for us, should it be a threat it will shy away or face the challenge, we would defend our home against the threats in other words. and should it be water or a nessecity the spider collects, in other words our rescources are always gathering our techniques are always growing, we are always growing. spiders also use the webs as the homes of their young till ready, we will grow our children in our home here konoha and raise them, no longer shall we watch our children and our family wander aimlessly." yen spoke with a matter of fact term but generally spoke with his heart as head.

"it is with this idea that defense and preservation is our goal and i will be the sheild of our clan and village my love. i know it sounds frightening but as a chuninn... oops i didnt tell you i became one !" yen chuckled as he bowed and smiled. but returned to his words." but we both will grow as will all of our aburame kinsmen. still keep in mind the technique i showed you here and then watch as i show you how it all works together!" yen spoke with a smile

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the blades of the double edge evolution - Page 2 Empty Re: the blades of the double edge evolution

Sat Jul 18, 2015 4:49 am
Shotaro was amazed, when he passed his exam. This a steep in a right path. He wanted to develop even more. This was not the summit of his ambition. He stepped on the training ground. He was recalling information from library, when he saw two people. He was curious about them. He did not make friends for a long time. He was absorbed with the training. It was a time for that. He was not sure if he could. He did not want to impose himself, but he was brave enough to talk with them. He approached to them with little smile on his face. He looked naturally. He though about training with them. Men looked a bit more experienced, but both had a sign of Konoha. They must have been at least a genin. His curious win.
- Hello. I am Aburame Shotaro. Can i stay with you? - Shotaro asked them. He did not hesitate. When he decided something, there was no other opportunity. It depended what situation he was in. But this time it could went well. They look a bit like Aburame clan member. Maybe they were from my clan.
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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the blades of the double edge evolution - Page 2 Empty Re: the blades of the double edge evolution

Fri Jul 24, 2015 5:07 am
Through his sharp hearing yen heard the footsteps of an approaching individual yet that made him smile was the sound although faint the sound of kikaichú buzzing within said individual.  hey another aburame  Yen thought to himself as with a smile he tipped his hat to the boys response and greeted him . "Pleasure shotaro I am yensung but call me yen. Chuninn and aburame head. Pleasure to meet you and by all means join us. The basics of insect control is no stranger and I shall hewn knowledge and tricks of our clan. But you all ready know that my friend. Still join us and get ready as you learn not only knowledge but gain wisdom from our exercises". Yen tipped his hat at shotaro as he winked at hotaru.

Yet to demodtrate his earlier point yen with his left hand holding his dark blue web threads glanced at the webs and spoke. " in the esscence what makes a spider web strong is not only the webs but what made them and the structured that holds them. After all webs don't come from nowhere and have an origin. Yet it is within this point that the orgins and the creator must 'be kept in mind. A clans foundations does have an impact we have been here many centuries yes  but that there is where our quest for understanding the  mergance of a village and a clan. The lines between policies and understanding not only our place within the web of the village and much more the world. But in our village, our home, and more importantly ourselves." 

Yen would speak this as he prepaired his chakra once more  but this time he decided to compress the chakra and webbing together within him as it required a bit of finesse to do yen spat out a ball of webbing compressed as it was a small blue pulsating ball of webbing yen touched it and began picking apart it while speaking. 

"This is like a ball of yarn it can be molded and manipulated yet has its shape and deminsions. Hence the grand importance as a clan to keep in mind we must communicate as we do to our kage right? As a family and a group just like our insects are family we are close and that's what drives a diffrence. As our insects are not weapons but they are us. Just like we are not expendable to each other and our village. It all adds up to the gears that make us shinobi and individuals." Yen would speak as he begins slowly urolling the ball of webbing.

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