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Touka Keisuke
Touka Keisuke
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A lonely district with a new spark Empty A lonely district with a new spark

Mon May 04, 2015 11:50 pm
Tatsuya was standing a little past the gates of the Nara district. A not very lively place to live but still a place to call home.
Looking at a stone tablet with the Nara symbol carved into it Tatsuya thinks of the events that took place that day. He had met a woman who also possess the power to manipulate shadows and having met only one other Nara, Tatsuya was very curious in who the lady was.
It was clear that she had power but how would this effect Tatsuay? Unsure of the future to come how would meeting this Nara change his life?

[Cliche right?]
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Clan Specialty : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

A lonely district with a new spark Empty Re: A lonely district with a new spark

Mon May 04, 2015 11:53 pm
Kira walked through the gates of the nara district, a place she hadn't been in some time. It was a walk down memory lane.... though perhaps not a pleasant one. This was where she'd lived after learning of her past, after her family... No. It was important not to think of those days. Too many bad memories. 

"Hey. um.. I don't think I got your name. " She waved at the nara boy, or what she assumed to be a nara. Maybe Sani had simply had him show her to where she expected her friend would be most comfortable? No. Sani knew better. Had she been sent to a place of comfort she would be standing in front of the doors to the Hyuuga building.
Touka Keisuke
Touka Keisuke
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A lonely district with a new spark Empty Re: A lonely district with a new spark

Tue May 05, 2015 12:05 am
Tatsuya lost in his thoughts is brought out by the presence of another. Turning around the woman form the village gates was standing in front of him. Smiling slightly not sure how to react Tatsuya answers her question.

"My name is Tatsuay Nara." Tatsuay pause then with the urge of curiosity he asks "May I ask what your name is?"

Tatsuay at this point is sure she is a Nara but there is nothing like the actually truth confirming a suspicion.
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Clan Specialty : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

A lonely district with a new spark Empty Re: A lonely district with a new spark

Tue May 05, 2015 12:10 am
"Well.... Generally I dont give my name and rank but... Since it's my old home town I suppose it should be safe. Kiranomo Hyuuga previously of the village hidden in the leaf. This place hasn't changed since I got here. It's strange..... You'd think fifteen years would have done something." She continued past the gates, continuing on, though she wasn't terribly sure where the end destination was. 

"Got anywhere good to relax? I never considered this place much of a safe haven so haven't taken a lot of leisure time here yanno."
Touka Keisuke
Touka Keisuke
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A lonely district with a new spark Empty Re: A lonely district with a new spark

Tue May 05, 2015 12:40 am
Tatsuay was a little disappointed with not hearing the Nara after her name but non the less Tatsauys still wanted to interact with Kiranomo.

"Eh around here the closes thing would be my village issued apartment." Tatsuay does frown at the words he just used as they were quite strange. "It is just up ahead one or two blocks. As well there are some nice parks here and there"

[They go to the apartment.]

Tatsuay unlocks his door and steps inside to the little square were one would take off there shoes. Not needing to do so a Tatsuay walks around bare footed he turns on a few lights to reveal a rather green but well kept home. With a verity of many lush diverse plants it looked like some one had taken a chunk out of the jungles of Waterfall Country and placed it in his room. With the blinds open the golden sun light up the room into a beautiful green environment. Tatsuay asks if she wants any  water and then sits down.

"Well in the interest of banishing the aquardness what brings you to Konoha other then speaking about the destruction of villages"
'Ohh good job Tatsuya going right to the point...'

[They go to a park lol]

They arrive at a cool park that is not very far form the entrance. Tatsuay sits down on a bench and enjoys the lush grass under his feet and the cool air around him.

"So i guess what can i do for you?"
'Wow that was really strange Tatsuay'

[Interesting set up i guess]
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Clan Specialty : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

A lonely district with a new spark Empty Re: A lonely district with a new spark

Tue May 05, 2015 12:47 am
"Yea... always was a boring place, not that my home was too terribly much better. Hyuuga district. all secrets and Taijutsu. All the time. Such a drag. " She followed, entering behind him, slipping her boots off and considering the bag at her hip before shaking her head. She knew better, even in a safe enviroment then to let that out of her site. 

"No I'm good. Mostly needed to talk to Navi again. My teacher is going around destroying villages and what not. " THey continued travel, this time going to a park of some sort because yaaaay randomness and stuff. 

"Not terribly sure. A place to rest for the night would be helpful probably for myself and my comrades. should be close to ten of us coming in shortly. I run Koukan, a group devoted to protecting the world from Akatsuki. " As she spoke her sharingan activated, studying the boy more intensely. She'd not given thought to how confusing it would be for a Hyuuga to hold the red eyes but giving her father's name never suited her terribly well.
Touka Keisuke
Touka Keisuke
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A lonely district with a new spark Empty Re: A lonely district with a new spark

Tue May 05, 2015 1:09 am
Tatsuay walks along the gravely path listening to her words. The mention of a group devoted to fighting Akatsuki resonated inside Tatsuya.

"I understand, like I said before my self and about 6 or so leaf Genin were taken by the man named Youka. It was a painful experience quite literally as well watching those dark men function and feed off the terror of others made me sick to my stomach." Tatsuay remembers the torturing Zach had to go through and how Kasai had to almost kill their best friend. Not to mention Tatsuay being castrated twice (how does that work??) by Xyxer.

"Well I will say right now that I support any actions against the Akatsuki and I want to help in any was possible even if its just housing some freedom fighters." Tatsuay does want to fight theses men badly but he knows that he would surly die in his current state so he must get stronger.
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Clan Specialty : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

A lonely district with a new spark Empty Re: A lonely district with a new spark

Tue May 05, 2015 1:19 am
"Heh. It's not that bad dont exagerate." Did he know? How could he. he'd not actuall spent much time she would assume with Youka. She'd only tasted of his coruption.... 

"He taught me most of what I know asside from these." As she spoke in emphasis she called out to the cloak of shadow which flowed across her body, turning her already dark features pitch black. 

"IF you're interested and powerful Koukan is in need of members. We have some strict rules but entering the group ensures you my protection through the power of the trinity."
Touka Keisuke
Touka Keisuke
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A lonely district with a new spark Empty Re: A lonely district with a new spark

Tue May 05, 2015 1:31 am
Tatsuay does not rebuttal Kira's comment and just continues to listen.

"What a familiar trick." Tatsuay says in regard to the cloak. "A trick developed by the Nara Clan...And by these do you mean to suggest that you can manipulate shadows as well?" Tatsuya does smile slightly and wonders how much Kira is able to do.

Looking back on him self Tatsuay is pretty proud of how much he is able to do with his clans technique.

"I do take an interest in joining Koukan and my friend Kasai may be too but as you know the current state of the leadership in this village is rocky and so I do want to stay here and help protect it including the younger generations"
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

A lonely district with a new spark Empty Re: A lonely district with a new spark

Tue May 05, 2015 1:36 am
"I hope it would be familiar. you're of the nara clan I assume." The cloke masked her features, all but the deep red eyes of the uchiha which continued to study his features. "I can do a couple things with it but I'm not great. Always room for improvement yanno?"

After allowing this to set in he continued his comment and finally her lips curled into an interested smile. "Alright. First step stay still." If he did she would walk forward, in what would have to be incredibly strange licked his cheek, taking in the elements he'd learned.
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