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Jisei Boredo
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Substitution climbing and water walking jutsu Empty Substitution climbing and water walking jutsu

Thu Apr 09, 2015 5:33 pm
 Jisei has learned the 2 jutsu he needed to become a genin but he feels like those are not enough for his needs, he needed something that would help him in a prolonged battle so he went out and found a scroll he could use the substitution technique. He went out into the training yard taking a log with him thinking he will need it, upon reaching the yard he opened up the scroll reading it and looking at the handseals for this one. On the bright handseal he didn’t know on the downside though there where 5 to use instead of the usual 3. Getting the hang of the new ox handseal was easy enough but then he had to try and remember the order of all five handseals “Tiger, Boar, Ox, Dog, Snake” he repeatedly thought to himself so he remembered as he practiced the way he normally does repeatedly creating the handseals in order, this time around it was easy to get the hang of it he had been practicing so much with handseals that it almost came naturally to him aside from the very few mistakes he made in the order at first. Since he got the handseals down easily he was relieved he would have more time to actually practice the actually jutsu this time around. He looked back at the scroll but was slightly confused, with this one he had to quickly replace himself with the object and create the illusion of being there. He started to practice it creating the handseals tiger boar ox dog and snake then replacing where he is with the log but the illusion of him he couldn’t seem to get right even though he knew how to make a clone and how to transform it seemed a bit different. He practiced it for a few hours before he could get the illusion right but it didn’t last long only for a few seconds before disappearing which wouldn’t be bad in a fight but it was not good enough for him so he continued to practice. Jisei took a small break after a while getting the jutsu to last for a minute but he isn’t too good with controlling his chakra still so instead of wearing himself out further he rested for a few hours, when his resting was finally done he went back to practicing the technique extending the length he can keep it up for longer each hour by a minute till he was use to using it enough to hold it for more than long enough for a full battle although he knew he wouldn’t need it to be kept up that long. Although he knew that it lasted long enough he also read in the scroll past 50 meters the technique goes away so he tested that stopping every 10 meters to make sure of it until he got to 50 looking back it was still up but when he took 1 step further it was dispelled happy with the results he took a well-deserved rest.

 After the rest Jisei knew he needed a way to better control his chakra giving back the scrolls he had taken already now that he had learnt everything they can teach him he noticed an interesting scroll that would help him learn tree climbing flat surface climbing and water walking he went into the forest for this one by a small lake making sure to stay close to the village when he opened the scroll he was surprised to see there were no handseals but very pleased to also read that it’s a technique that ninja use to learn chakra control “Just what I needed.” He said to himself as he read on to figure out what he needed to do. He got very confused as he read that he must channel chakra to repel or attract so he could walk up trees or on water, this is the first time he was going to use chakra like this instead of creating something in some way. He walked over to a tree running up it a bit then just before he would have to jump off of it instead he channeled chakra into his feet trying to get them to attract to the tree but in doing so all he managed to do was fall down landing on his back. Jisei’s first thought was that he didn’t use enough chakra so this time when trying he used as much chakra as he was able with his bad control and instead of attracting he accidently repelled sending himself flying and hitting his head on the ground. This time he was really confused but he did understand that he used too much chakra that he couldn’t control it, he walked over to the tree and instead of using chakra while running up the tree he decided to focus his chakra while standing trying to get a good feel for how much chakra he needed to keep himself up while walking or running up a tree walking in place to see how much he was attracting his feet to the ground and started to walk up the tree able to walk up about 4 steps before getting exhausted and falling down but although he fell he had a slight smile on his face finally getting the hang of it. After resting for an hour he tried again this time managing to make it to the time but he knew he was only half done he managed to attract but now he has to try walking on water, so he walked over to the lake and used a small bit of chakra while standing on the ground so he could adjust his chakra as much as he needed faster. Jisei took small step on the water adjusting the amount of chakra he was using as he pressed his foot into the water so he didn’t sink then took another step with his other foot standing on the water but that wasn’t enough to he started to walk across the water until he had walked across the entire lake falling flat on his back on the ground with a smile on his face having finally done it.
 (1041 words claiming 5 stats substitution and tree climbing/surface walking)
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Substitution climbing and water walking jutsu Empty Re: Substitution climbing and water walking jutsu

Thu Apr 09, 2015 8:04 pm
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