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Heyheyyouyou I dont like your village[Destruction] - Page 2 Empty Re: Heyheyyouyou I dont like your village[Destruction]

Fri Jan 16, 2015 11:12 am
Xyxer now disfigured his face with a frown, the shinobi he now controlled had not moved as they remained looking at their leader, waiting for his permission, and if that wasn't bad enough.. Naoki was speaking back. "You refused my preliminary request which was to destroy the defenses until I had to hold a family hostage.. You have been beyond reasonable to me. I almost had to dirty myself with the water of the weak in these parts." His face contorted into one of disgust, taking a few seconds before regaining his composure, "Now, your shinobi are going to run off and herd, MY cattle. If this demand is not met, I'll put their leader to the axe in front of them, and when I find their families, them too." It was true now, that Xyxer was fully in control of the body, the rigid demands could be of no other. "To ensure I don't play with them too much.. I'll allow you to relinquish their own slavery in exchange with your own, you'll be my servant from here on out."
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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Heyheyyouyou I dont like your village[Destruction] - Page 2 Empty Re: Heyheyyouyou I dont like your village[Destruction]

Sat Jan 17, 2015 4:59 pm
This had went downhill pretty fast. Naoki's expression would be quite empty as he was looking at the man and listening to his demands. Submit himself to slavery, to spare his people from the same fate, huh? The Uchiha's gaze would move to the gravestone. Was the world really ruled by people like this? Then he would remember, the world was ruled by the Uchiha elite and this man was a rebel. Someone he would most likely fight alongside with in the end, it would be pretty stupid to fight him now when he would make an ally later. Especially when it was doubtful that Naoki could win. Weighing his options for a bit the Uchiha would decide that choosing to serve the man was probably the best way here, he would take the suffering off his people and he could probably do more if he stuck to this guy as long as he did demand something insane. If the leader of Shimagakure did this and the people knew it, then they would view it was a change in leadership of the village. Everyone who escaped would have the option to flee or to return to their home.

Looking back at the Tenkage Naoki would reply. "Fine, I will do this for my people." He would then kneel, putting his right elbow on his right knee. "I will follow your commands that do not put my people in harm's way." He would then gesture with his left hand and the sentries would depart, flickering away from the plaza. They would inform whose who escaped and the rest of the Shimagakure's shinobi about what happened. "What now?"
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Heyheyyouyou I dont like your village[Destruction] - Page 2 Empty Re: Heyheyyouyou I dont like your village[Destruction]

Sat Jan 17, 2015 5:15 pm
Xyxer's hand flickered from his body when one of the sentries nearer to him started to follow his orders, roughly grasping his bicep which yanked him unevenly on the ground they stood upon. He whispered a silent command to him as his new leader and then sent him off on his way, turning his attention back to Naoki, "Announce my impending arrival to Kumogakure, tell them the Mizukage will be there shortly."

Claiming leadership of Shima as well as Tenga, for now

[1245/2000] Water Clone
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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Heyheyyouyou I dont like your village[Destruction] - Page 2 Empty Re: Heyheyyouyou I dont like your village[Destruction]

Sun Jan 18, 2015 6:13 pm
Naoki would stay silent as there was little more to say. Xyxer's first command made sense and it was also in the same direction that Naoki was looking himself. Nodding a little he would leave the scene.

2256 w.
[Exit, make me master with Akatsuki colors plz,
+11 AP,
713 w. towards finishing learning Seal of Fate
1543 w. towards learning Three Wheel Embodiments]
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Heyheyyouyou I dont like your village[Destruction] - Page 2 Empty Re: Heyheyyouyou I dont like your village[Destruction]

Mon Jan 19, 2015 1:53 pm
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