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Touka Keisuke
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Summoning Training (Tatsuya/Kasai/Makusu)[No Kill] Empty Summoning Training (Tatsuya/Kasai/Makusu)[No Kill]

Sun Nov 16, 2014 6:35 pm
Tatsuya had manage to get a few hours free form his vigorous training to meet up with Kasai to master there newly found summons. Now Tatsuya had not yet summoned a creature yet so he would end up summoning a creature that he had not yet summoned before. He enters the plains and looks at all the wonderful moon flours scattered around. Tatsuya sits down to observe the flower. It was a quite unique flower, Tatsuya thought as he twirled it between his figures. Tatsuya then plucks it from the ground and takes in a long breath letting the fumes of the flower enter his nose. Then looking to the base to were he had plucked it a small dripping of a milk colored liquid occurred. Tatsuya lets a single droplet fall onto his figure as he then takes a lick of the liquid.
This of course was a stupid idea  because the plant was unfamiliar but Tatsuya really did not care.
It tasted very bitter probably because its helped in discouraging other organisms form eating it.

Turning too his newly acquired ring Tatsuya admires the shiny silver and the applies some pressure to the side. The small switch blade sprung out in a flash. It was a simple tool but he liked it. Hopefully Tatsuya would soon use it to summon his animal. He could always bite his figure but this seemed much cooler.

They had not set a time to meet so Tatsuya decides to go ahead to summon his animal. He stands up and prepares to cut his figure. Taking a deep breath in he rises his chakura and slices the small blade into his right thumb.  
Soon after Tatsuya brings it too the ground and black lettering expands from the aria of contact wile yelling
"Summoning Jutsu!!" 
Tatsuya feels that chakura drain from his body as a large puff of smoke appears.
Tatsuya must have summoned something much larger then he intended too and as the smoke dissipate as large snarling cat appears. It looked much like the one Tatsuya had come across in the forest but much larger and much more intimidating.
It was definitely and Ocelot with its long tail and big white fangs.
Quickly Tatsuya bows to the creature and states his name.
"Hello grate one my name is Tatsuya Nara of the leaf and I was the one that summoned you. I recently signed a contract with your race and I ask for your allegiance with me."
Remaining bowing the cat responds with a snarl.
"Dont you think i know that boy! Who do you think i am? One of those mangy house cats that sleeps around all day? NO!"
Tatsuya is startled by his finishing roar.
"Well i thank you for you answering my call and I am truly lucky to have you be my first summon attempted." Tatsuya is as respectful as he can be  as cats are quite full of pride.
"But you see I will be up front and clear will you be my summoning animal?"
"Hahahaha you boy have some nerve talking to me in that way....but i admire that. My name is Daichi and I would indeed like too be your summon. Tatsuya Nara of the leaf."
Tatsuya smiles as his attempt to sway his new found friend to be his ally and soon his comrade.
"Excellent I appreciate that my friend named Kasai from the leaf will be arriving here soon as well and we both plan to practice our summons if you dont mind."
"Not at all boy it will be wonderful. I have been wanting to stretch my legs for some time now."

With that A large booming sound begins to come near. Tatsuya turns around too see a large figure running towards them.
"Well he sure is making an entrance."     

[C-rank cat summon -50 apt 160 remaingning]

Last edited by Tatsuya Nara on Sun Nov 16, 2014 8:26 pm; edited 1 time in total
Takashi Chishiki
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Summoning Training (Tatsuya/Kasai/Makusu)[No Kill] Empty Re: Summoning Training (Tatsuya/Kasai/Makusu)[No Kill]

Sun Nov 16, 2014 6:49 pm
Kasai smiled to himself, gazing down at the large scroll before him. He knew he felt no change, yet, he also felt a great one.
“You are a very strange human, little one,” Ruijin rumbled behind him. “It is a good thing.”
“Thank you, giant,” Kasai said, turning and bowing to the large gorilla.
“Your respect will get you very far, small child. Perhaps far enough that you may find the name of small no longer fits you,” Ruijin then held out his hand again. “Climb on, your journey of the day is not over yet.”
Kasai climbed into the massive hand, and allowed himself to be placed onto the back of the beast again. It was a very strange thing, to ride a beast of legend. He felt it was wrong, yet, Ruijin seemed that was the way it was meant to be, so Kasai complied.
It was a strange world, he thought to himself, how these massive beats of legend existed, and yet very few knew about them, and even less talked about them. Yet, here they were, with the power and force to change the world. It was a strange world indeed.
Kasai wondered what Ruijin had planned for him. He had said that the journey was not over. Kasai hoped to be back in time for the next spar with Youka, however, he knew that the priest knew exactly where he was, and Kasai had no intentions of leaving the village. Especially not now, not after he had found this forest. No, he believed it was quite nice here.
He dared not ask where the ape was taking him, nor what he would do there, but he dearly wished to know. Kasai had been dragged around so much recently, and he had no idea what the future held. He hoped that would change. In fact, he intended it to. However, this was not the time to ask, no, he would wait. This beast was one of the few he had met whom he respected, and for that, he would not disturb it.
“You wonder where we go, small one,” Ruijin said as he slowly moved his way through the forest.
Kasai was once again astonished at the beast’s ability to understand him. He did not know how it was possible, but he simply accepted it.
“Yes, I do,” he replied, bobbing his head, even though he knew the ape could not see.
“To the counsel, small one. That is where we go,” Ruijin replied.
Kasai paused. The counsel of the apes? He was but a small child, weak and useless, and yet, this beast was taking him to those who had mastered the world.
“Why, great friend? I am but a simple Genin, lost far from his home village. You have already honored me with the contract, friend. There is no need to show me to the council, I fear I will only be an embarrassment to them.”
At this, Ruijin laughed, a deep rumbling roar that shook Kasai.
“Oh small one, small as you may be, you hold yourself back. A Genin by name, yet, it would be no hard task for you to fight eight other Genin at once, for you are far stronger than any normal Genin. You may be far from your home village, but you are not lost, no. You will be no embarrassment, small one. It had been a very long time since a human has made a pact with the ape clan. No, I believe they will be very impressed with you,” Ruijin said.
Kasai did not know how to take this. It was truly a great honor, but he was not sure that he was ready.
“Do not worry, little one. I feel the fire within you. You are ready.” Ruijin then slowly gained speed as he moved through the forest.

Kasai was worried, of course, but he felt sure now. If this masterful race had called upon him, the he knew they must have seen something in him. 
As they came through a clearing in the trees, Ruijin stopped suddenly.
Kasai leaned over the head of the ape to see a massive cat in the clearing, and, his friend Tatsuya.
"Friend!" Kasai called, leaping off the back of the eight foot tall gorilla, and bowing to his friend, and then the great cat that was next to him.
"It seems that our old team have all found friends in these great forces of nature."
Kikuko Hayashi
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Summoning Training (Tatsuya/Kasai/Makusu)[No Kill] Empty Re: Summoning Training (Tatsuya/Kasai/Makusu)[No Kill]

Sun Nov 16, 2014 9:04 pm
Makussu floated along the water’s of the river, ontop of Aoi’s back, seeing as he had found him after the training. Where he was going…..he really didn’t know, but who REALLY cares? Eventually the river ended so Aoi silently took off into the air towards seemingly nowhere, but to be honest he didn’t really care, the wind on his face was just way too nice to resist after all. As the planes whipped through the tree’s below him he would have preffered that his thoughts would begin to wander, but then he saw the largest ape he had ever seen in the history of time…..carrying Kasai. “Alright Aoi, can you head down towards that ape?,” he said at the monotone bird currently carrying him. “Yup, of course.” It then descended to the ground just as Kasai finished his sentence. “You’re damn right we did!,” he would say as he landed on Aoi next the giant ape. Noting the cat next to Tatsuya, his eyebrows raised in surprise. What do you know, Tatsuya summoned cats?
Touka Keisuke
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Summoning Training (Tatsuya/Kasai/Makusu)[No Kill] Empty Re: Summoning Training (Tatsuya/Kasai/Makusu)[No Kill]

Sun Nov 16, 2014 11:55 pm
Tatsuya exclaims back to Kasai in a friendly manner. The as if it were clock work Makussu drops down from the ski. Smiling large Tatsuya walks over to Makussu and Kasai giving each a high five.
"Its been so long sense that day tore us three apart." Tatsuya pauses for a moment until speaking again.
"Well how have your adventures been in this strange land?" 
This was the first time that the three had been together after they had all left that miserable cave. It had seem that all of them had the same idea of getting summons. Tatsuya wonders if all countries were as fruitful with there summoning animals. Tatsuya looks back up to Daichi and nods his head just to tell him that Tatsuya is still aware of his existence. As soon as they would finish there introductions Tatsuya would say. "Well shall we continue on training our new found friends?"
Takashi Chishiki
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Summoning Training (Tatsuya/Kasai/Makusu)[No Kill] Empty Re: Summoning Training (Tatsuya/Kasai/Makusu)[No Kill]

Mon Nov 17, 2014 8:04 pm
Kasai bowed to all of his friends and their friends. It was truly something to see them all here, all with these powerful beasts as friends. He briefly thought of the Sannin of old, and wondered if they would make it there some day.
"Are these your allies?" The booming voice interrupted Kasai's train of thought.
"Yes, large one," Kasai replied. 
"It is interesting how the three of you all have the great beasts of this world at their side, just as you do, small one." Ruijin stared at each through his large wooden mask.
"Interesting, but fated," Kasai said, smiling underneath his mask. 
He did not seek to spar, not yet, but perhaps just talk for a while. The three of them had been separated for quite a while, and Kasai feared that would not change very soon. He knew their journeys were far from over, but for now, the three of them could be at peace, reunited, even if for only a short time. 
He truly did feel that it was fated. The three of them would go far, he knew. He also felt that they would be each other's greatest ally they would meet. 
Perhaps, some day, when the missing ninja and the demon priest lost interest in them, the three could return to their home village, and perhaps even each become team leaders. That would be a future to remember.
Kikuko Hayashi
Kikuko Hayashi
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Summoning Training (Tatsuya/Kasai/Makusu)[No Kill] Empty Re: Summoning Training (Tatsuya/Kasai/Makusu)[No Kill]

Mon Nov 17, 2014 9:33 pm
Receiving the high five, he couldn't help but make a joking remark. "Yup, and so long since you were reunited with your junk." Oh yeah that was a god killer right there, you can't deny it. Of course Tatsuya had to ask about what he had been doing. Oh this was a great way to get up word cou-catch up on the times. Well, they asked for it. Dully noting the side conversation going on, he began his long winded recap. "Well Tatsuya, I did a lot. Kasai you should pay attention too, I'll be filling in the gaps for you." Making sure his friend was paying attention he would continue. "It started after I had buried Kasai in the leaves so I could train in quiet. Of course I did so, perfecting the tornado spear which Kasai has now witnessed firsthand, but of course after all that excersise and the regeneration of a hole in my stomach I was hungry. So I left to grab a bite to eat and found Navi." As if to accentuate this point he would flip the little switchblade in his summoning ring, bringing the aforementioned abomination into the clearing despite his better judgement. "Hey! Hey listen, listen! You didn't give me my seed!" She would have continued if it weren't for a ducks version of an admonishing glance from Aoi, so she simply settled for huffing and snuggling into his feathers. Now that silence reigned he continued. "Well after going through all her menial demands of seed I was lead to the forest of the bird summons where after a life or death situation with the head of the bird summons, Midori, I was able to sign the contract. This of course got me stuck with babysitter duty and a scavenger hunt with Navi." He would stop and catch his breath, only interrupted by a "Hey!" from Navi for being called a baby. "Well I ran around a city and broke into a casino looking for a piece of a fake puzzle, left town and boarded Aoi to get the last pieces to complete the hunt....only to find the staff of the event slaughtered by bandits. Then I.....I probably killed many of them and took the treasure they were after." Damn that last part was difficult to say, but Kasai was right. He needed to move on from it. "That's all basically. Oh and thanks for reminding me Tatsuya, do you have any of the special abilities like Navi Aoi? I haven't really seen you in action." At this he would gain a sheepish expression at his ignorance. "Well, I can create a air bubble on my back for transport underwater. If I really needed to I could transport you all except the ape in it.," the monotone bird responded. His curiosity now sated, he would turn to his friends for any response or feedback, he didn't really care. He wasn't in a life or Youka situation and he was loving it. 
Touka Keisuke
Touka Keisuke
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Summoning Training (Tatsuya/Kasai/Makusu)[No Kill] Empty Re: Summoning Training (Tatsuya/Kasai/Makusu)[No Kill]

Mon Nov 17, 2014 11:21 pm
Tatsuya blushes when Makussu makes his comment about his sad genitals. They had been fixed of course but it was not a comforting subject. But it was still funny and hard not to chuckle at. Then Tatsuya opens his ears to listen to Makussu's words.
Daichi lays down and starts grooming him self. Even if he had all the pride in the world he still had the basic traits of a cat.
Tatsuya returns his attention too Makussu as he told his story.
His tale of the puzzle piece was very interesting but most of all was how we committed in the killing of people. Tatsuya would not bring it up but he could not even imagine the thought of killing someone. The bandits did commit murder as well but Tatsuya could not see that as a justification. Of course Tatsuya did not have the full details of the situation so he could not fully judge Makussu. As well as Tatsuya thought Makussu as his friend and he would not let the blood on his hands get in the way of there friendship.

Tatsuya truly believed that people are innately good and so no matter how evil one has become whether it be a bandit or even some one like Xyxer (if he even were human) they could get back on the path of light. Again of course this depends on ones definition of good and evil or right and wrong.
If anything was completely true is that the world was constructed of many different ideas. This fact was truly amazing and the ideas that we hold so dear to us have been one that have been questioned for a millennium

Then looking to his summon he actually did not know what he could do or even what nature he was for that matter. Daichi ignored him for the time being as he continued to lick him self.
"Well Makussu it sounds like you have been having quite an adventure. But i actually dont know what  Daichi is capable of doing I only just summoned him."
Now moving in that direction Tatsuya will soon try to transition into watching what Daichi can do and vis versa for Dachi.
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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Summoning Training (Tatsuya/Kasai/Makusu)[No Kill] Empty Re: Summoning Training (Tatsuya/Kasai/Makusu)[No Kill]

Tue Nov 18, 2014 7:26 pm
Kasai thinks back to the dark room when Makussu mentions the indecent. He wondered if he would ever see any of the others in that room again. There was the silent one that Youka had brought as well, though he had seemed very upset to be there. Then, there was the small boy, the demon priest, his two friends, and of course, the wraith of a man, who still remained much of a mystery to Kasai. He believed that all of them would meet again, one way or another. Their lives were fated, after all.
"This is Ruijin," Kasai said after each had introduced their new friends. "He is an eight foot tall gorilla that can breath fire." He felt that was enough of an explanation for his friends, despite it being self-evident. 
He heard again a brief recount of the story Makussu had told to him before, but then saw his friend shake it off. Killing people was a burden, of course, as all lives are invaluable, however, Kasai was glad to see that it did not hold him down from being the person Makussu was. 
He nodded as Makussu's bird explained what it could do.
"A very useful skill in certain situations, indeed." 
He then looked to all the great beasts around him. They were all so different and unique, it was strange that a group such as this would congregate here in this manner. He admired them all as well, gazing at each of them. The massive cat, wondrous and ferocious; the large bird, elegant and kind, as well as the small one; and of course, his own: the huge ape, silent and strong.
As he looked at them all, a heavy weight fell on his chest, as he briefly wondered if this would be the last time all of them would be together in a time of peace and happiness. He dearly hoped not, but felt that it could be so.
"It seems that we have all had adventures, though Makussu's something more than the others, but I am glad we may stand here," he said, looking to all the faces. "I fear, friends, that fate will soon draw us apart again, but for much longer than before. Though fret not; souls such as ours burn too brightly to be lost. If separated, time will form our team once again. I believe it always will."
After saying this, Kasai then remembered something.
"Friend, if you do not mind, your hand briefly," he said, grabbing Tatsuya's hand, and stitching his jutsu into the mark seal upon it. He had done so to Makussu a while back, but he did not wish to lose Tatsuya in a distant land forever.
Kikuko Hayashi
Kikuko Hayashi
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Summoning Training (Tatsuya/Kasai/Makusu)[No Kill] Empty Re: Summoning Training (Tatsuya/Kasai/Makusu)[No Kill]

Tue Nov 18, 2014 8:07 pm
Listening on to the world around him brought a happy peace to Makussu's face. Since when had they really been able to just hang out? It had either been sparring or missions or attempting to save the other from a madman. Aoi interrupted these thoughts with a "Why thank you, most under appreciate my abilities." Apparently someone was preening their feathers. Observing the world around him, he couldn't help but see just how much each had found the animal that had suited them. Tatsuya, who was able to defend and immobilize quite easily, mow had his back covered by snarling cats ready to attack. Kasai who burned anything that stood in his way had no true way to defend except substitution, now had a partner in the sidelines ready to swoop in the help save his neck. Then there was himself, the winged boy who with the birds would rise on to new heights, fighting in tandem with his summons as both a defense and offense. Hah, they truly were a trio weren't they? Listening to Kasai, his brow furrowed at the insinuation that they would be separated. However, it was a very legitimate concern. Watching as went to mark Tatsuya, he would move to do so if allowed before piping up. "Well Tatsuya, you wouldn't really know what we just did seeing as you were kidnapped when we learned it." If he had Tatsuya's attention he would begin, plopping himself down on Aoi's back as he begun to explain. "Well after you got kidnapped by Youka, Kasai went to the library to investigate. What we found out was that you had been reverse summoned through a different variant of summoning jutsu, by using a special technique called the mark seal. This was likely applied to you if you were touched at some point in time where he touched you. Anyway, besides being used for summoning it can also be used for tracking, which was how I found Kasai. I can teach you how to do it if you want." At this point he would wait to see if Tatsuya was onboard before continuing as he stretched out his arm for marking. "The Mark Seal is applied by focusing a highly concentrated mound of chakra into another's body, which becomes a harmless probe and anchor for other techniques. It sounds complicated, but it's listed as an E-Rank technique so it really isn't. Here, try marking my arm." As he said this, a random idea had come into his mind. Why not summon a bird he didn't know? Apparently Tatsuya had done it the way he was getting to know Daichi. He would flick open the knife on the switchblade in the ring cutting his thumb before he blunted he his on the ground yelling, "Summoning Jutsu!" The world around him would be consumed in smoke and whole he could hear Navi and Aoi's reaction as they were still behind him somehow, but Kasai's and Tatsuya's were currently lost to him. As the summoning smoke cleared he would find himself ontop of a....giant peacock. "Who has summoned me?," Haru's voice would boom, although of course Makussu didn't know the name of the avian yet.

total word count of 1211 so far

+6 stats

+Aoi as an active summon

+547 towards rasengan

Last edited by Makussu Koutaishi on Thu Nov 20, 2014 4:58 pm; edited 1 time in total
Touka Keisuke
Touka Keisuke
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Summoning Training (Tatsuya/Kasai/Makusu)[No Kill] Empty Re: Summoning Training (Tatsuya/Kasai/Makusu)[No Kill]

Wed Nov 19, 2014 9:39 pm
atsuya sits down listening to Makussu's words. He folds his hand in the grass feeling the cool air whips through every blade. It was funny to listen to Makussu talk. He was so enthusiastic about everything and loved too tell a good story. It was like time had stopped and all the mishaps that happened to them had disappeared. For a moment Tatsuya felt like he was back in Konoha on a warm spring day just enjoying him self and the company around him.
Still there was a darkness floating in the back of his head. It was like the vies on a tree. Slow growing as harmless but before you know it the tree is suffocating. Even if this was the happiest Tatsuya has felt in a long wile he still feels as if he is being watched. As if some one had taken a vacuum and was sucking all the oxygen out of the air.
It was as cold as the eastern light that rose through out the night. How much would he change the boy would ask. Would he be stained red by the dark man's wish or come out in triumph and success?
All Tatsuya knew is that he had friends to protect and to be protected.

As Makussu begins to talk about his adventures with Kasai after Tatsuya left he is comforted hearing his friend tried all they could to get him back. The cure mark of course was interesting and Tatsuya thought that it must have been something of the type that had brought him to his new fiat.

“The advantages of the mark do sound appealing but I will hold off for now.”
Makussu was certainly an intelligent man and he knew what he wanted to say. It would be good for them to train there tongs as well as there bodys.

Tatsuya notices that Makussu has the same ring he does and then looking over to Kasai he carries it as well. It was funny how similar they though. Tatsuya looking at the two definitely mad a good pair in making a destructive attack but after his brutal spar with Youka Tatsuya felt a little discouraged.
The jutsu's he had did carry the potential to be very powerful but if they go on to fighting more powerful shinobi he would be at a loss. Tatsuya could only capture people that were of similar skills that he was at. Tatsuya may have to head in a more offensive direction in learning new jutsu's and hopefully acquire sage mode.

Thinking about the concept of how Tatsuya is best fight shinobi with similar skill as he did reminds him of his next challenge. Before Youka had made his exit he told Tatsuya that his punishment for not deafiting Youka would be that Zach and him had to battle to the death.
This could be the worst thing Tatsuya could be ordered to do. More then anything Tatsuya did not want to have to kill someone and more so if they were his friend.
Tatsuya was unsure what to do. He did not want to bring it up but he thought his friends should know.

After Makussu finishes Tatsuya starts too speak.
“So umm after my spar with Youka he said the next time we train we was going to make Zach and I battle to the death....” Tatsuya pauses and then resumes.
“So im not really sure what to do.”

Tatsuya wanted another option but he could not see one. He could not just run away this the curse mark on him and he also could not let Zach kill him ether.
Thinking about it Zach did at time pear too be crazy so he did not know how Zach was responding to the situation.
Ether way hopeful his friends could help him or at least give him some moral support.

[Sorry I guess an interruption to your summon.]
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