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Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Be Water, My Friend (P,NK,IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Be Water, My Friend (P,NK,IO)

Sun Jul 13, 2014 10:01 pm
Altar came back to them playing cards? That was somewhat unexpected. After all, Haru could easily cheat by using his byakugan. However, it seemed he had it covered up to prevent that, he guessed on the girl's order. But...didn't he have a sharingan as well? Altar didn't really know if it was possible to cheat at cards with a sharingan, but he figured it probably was. As he approached the pair, the girl threw down her cards. It seemed she had lost the majority of the card games, if not all of them. It was easy to read off of her. She was pretty visibly frustrated.

Haru stood up, moving towards Altar and said he was going to show him the Water Dragon jutsu, perhaps one of the most over complicated water jutsu ever made. The hand signs were ridiculous. Haru said that he wanted to see Altar perform the hand signs, and commit them to memory. Oh boy, how fun. Altar would watch Haru perform the handsigns, listening intently to the words shouted out and the order they were in. Soon enough, water from a nearby water tower took shape into a dragon, and spun around a bit before coming straight for him. Altar would jump slightly to the side, avoiding most of the water, a few drops landing on his clothes and on his hair.

Haru then said the most ridiculous acronym for the jutsu hand signs ever, and it almost sounded like it was made up on the spot. If that was true, he had to give Haru props for that. It was a stupid and inneficient acronym, but hey, it now existed, at least. After Haru said that, the girl turned herself towards him and asked him if he actually let Haru teach him.

"Unfortunately, yeah. Why I do is a long story that I really can't remember, probably something to do with the fact that he's really the only person that would teach me cause i'm a loner and a jackass. But that's no fun, so I always come up with a different story, like he kidnapped me and forced me to be his protegee. That way if he ever does anything REALLY stupid, I have a way of escape." Altar would say, before turning his attention over to Haru.

"And as for YOU, that acronym was...just...wordplay is NOT your forte, is it? Now then, how did the handseals go..?" Altar would say, before slowly trailing off into thought, trying to remember the handseals and what order they went in. He would slowly form them, taking his time to make sure he got it right on his first try. He really could've gone through it more haphazardly, but wanted to get it right on the first try in order to spite Haru. Soon, the handseals and order came flooding back to him, and he would start from the beginning, forming them at a normal rate this time.

[Color=Red "Ox → Monkey → Hare → Rat → Boar → Bird → Ox → Horse → Bird → Rat → Tiger → Dog → Tiger → Snake → Ox → Ram → Snake → Boar → Ram → Rat → Yang Water → Monkey → Bird → Dragon → Bird → Ox → Horse → Ram → Tiger → Snake → Rat → Monkey → Hare → Boar → Dragon → Ram → Rat → Ox → Monkey → Bird → Yang Water → Rat → Boar → Bird" [/color]

Altar would form the handseals, a smaller, less formed version of the dragon Haru had made coming from the same water tower. Altar would guide it around, before swiftly smacking Haru in the face with it. He would smile innocently at him afterwards

"Oh, and Haru, dragons and lizards are in the same family. Virtually the same thing." Altar would say, sitting back down
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Be Water, My Friend (P,NK,IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Be Water, My Friend (P,NK,IO)

Tue Jul 15, 2014 8:59 am
Haru let out a sarcastic laugh at Altar’s response to Maya’s question.
”Well, you’ve got one thing right. You are a jackass.” He said, rolling his eyes. ”And if I ever hear you tell somebody that story, I’ll do a lot worse then stop teaching you.” He teased. Altar then switched targets, assaulting him directly, insulting his skills in wordplay. ”Hey, I’m a Shinobi, not a Poet.” He said, shrugging.
”Clearly. Hey, that thing’s back.” Maya added, pointing up into the air as Noctis circled overhead, before landing.
”This thing has a name, you know.” Noctis said, a little annoyed, as he landed.
After Altar created the water dragon, Haru noticed how small it was compared to the one he had just created. His chakra wasn’t yet being used correctly in the technique, and its full size wasn’t being reached. It seemed that the impressive recognition of handseals was gained in exchange for sacrificing power. When Altar sent the dragon towards him, he didn’t flinch. He took the full power of the dragon like a badass, his superhuman strength allowing him to stand strong against the current, and both his nearly unbreakable armor and enhanced vitality allowing him to take the attack without being moved. When the water cleared away, Haru would be standing in the same position he had been in before, his expression unchanged.
”Calling a dragon a lizard is like me calling you a primate.” He countered, before holding up a hand, as if remembering something. ”Oh, right. I seem to have forgotten, once you’ve memorized the hand seals, you can try to preform the technique with less hand seals. It takes me eleven to preform it normally.” He added, it having slipped his mind earlier.
”He called me a what?” Noctis asked, a little offended.
”Is it that big of a deal to you?” Maya asked, confused by their reactions.

”It would be like me calling you a… uh… well, a Fish?” Haru answered, starting to get a little confused. ”Wait, what were sirens evolved from?” Haru asked. Maya just shook her head.
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Be Water, My Friend (P,NK,IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Be Water, My Friend (P,NK,IO)

Mon Jul 28, 2014 7:37 am
Altar grimaced at Haru's counter, noting that he was staying with the argument at hand. Of course, it was somewhat incorrect.

"Well, not exactly true. Me calling Noctis a lizard is like you calling me a marsupial. General terms for a larger family. See? I is so smart. And really? Fewer handsigns...interesting. Looks like I might actually need to practice with this. Kinda a shame, really. I'm used to things just coming to me naturally." Altar would say, before once again weaving the handsigns required for the water dragon. Perhaps if he concentrated, he could make it larger and more powerful.

Ox → Monkey → Hare → Rat → Boar → Bird → Ox → Horse → Bird → Rat → Tiger → Dog → Tiger → Snake → Ox → Ram → Snake → Boar → Ram → Rat → Yang Water → Monkey → Bird → Dragon → Bird → Ox → Horse → Ram → Tiger → Snake → Rat → Monkey → Hare → Boar → Dragon → Ram → Rat → Ox → Monkey → Bird → Yang Water → Rat → Boar → Bird

Once the handsigns were completed, Altar would swing the dragon through the air, looping it around a small bit and making it do some simple tricks, keeping in mind to keep his body loose and his movements fluid. He noted that this dragon was much bigger than the other. Once finished with the gymanstics, he would fly the dragon back to the water tower, and crash it into the water down, noting again how the dragon made a fairly large impact, bigger than the impact when the previous one had hit Haru. Having done that, Altar would turn back to the group.

He would turn to Noctis, looking at him briefly.

"Oh, relax, I called you a lizard. Jokingly, But, y'know, same genis and such, so it's kinda true." Altar would say, then turning to Haru.

"It's a bit different, because you know this girl and seem to be pretty well acquainted. I barely actually KNOW Noctis. Altar would say, before finally turning to the girl.

"Really, I get the feeling they're not actually all that bothered by it, but i'm a masochist, so I love arguing with Haru. Greatest experience of my life, really. Ten outta ten, would absolutely do it again. And besides, the dragon there kinda tried to kill me when he was just a little baby, so there's that. Also, a siren? Interesting." Altar would say.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Be Water, My Friend (P,NK,IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Be Water, My Friend (P,NK,IO)

Mon Aug 04, 2014 11:30 pm
Haru shook his head, as if disappointed.
”I can’t tell if you’re calling me a kangaroo, or if you skipped biology class. Humans are part of the primate family. And if you were using terms for a larger family, you’d have been calling Noctis a reptile, not a lizard.” He corrected, folding his arms as Altar prepared to practice the jutsu again, making a comment about letting jutsu just come to him. ”With that kind of attitude, I’ll be surprised if you ever make it past genin rank.” He scolded, watching altar prepare another blast. The dragon emerged from the water, doing some fancy gymnastic crap, before crashing back into the water tower.
”How would you like it if I started calling you a monkey?” Noctis retorted, as Altar turned to Haru to address him.
”Jesus, Altar, do you have to stop to address someone every time we say something?” Haru commented teasingly, just after Altar addressed Maya.
After Altar finished speaking, Haru stepped forward.
”Now, young padawan, is the time to test your new skills in combat. I’ve taught you quite a few things over the past few days, and stress testing is the best way to make sure they’ve all stayed fresh in your mind. With that in mind, you’re going to be fighting both Noctis and Maya. No holds barred.” He told Altar.
Maya cracked her knuckles.
”This’ll be fun.” She said. Noctis flapped his wings, pulling himself into the air.
Haru stepped back.

”I would try to get Maya before she gets talking too long. Her voice tends to have an effect on people.” Haru warned.
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Be Water, My Friend (P,NK,IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Be Water, My Friend (P,NK,IO)

Wed Aug 20, 2014 6:00 am
Altar smirked at the abrasive comments being launched at him. He didn't like them, oh no, far from it. However, he had learned to get used to them and let them slide. It was always easier in the long run to take the hit and not complain than try to fight back and cause a fuss. Unless it was truly worth fighting back. So, when Noctis, Haru, and even Maya in turn made snide remarks, Altar simply lowered his head and clenched his hands. He would not let it show that it truly bothered him. Emotion was weakness, that was law to him. It was all he knew regarding the concept. A mask was a better face than his own. That was the way it was, the way it always had been, and the way it always would be.

Haru suggested stress testing. A good idea, in reality, but not one that he liked. Noctis he could handle. He was, in all respects, a slow, lumbering dragon. Maya, however, he would need to be cautious of. He had no idea of her abilities and capabilities, and he had never fought a siren before. He knew of them and what they did, but not firsthand. In hindsight, it would probably be a good learning experience for later in life. However, Altar never had really enjoyed the idea of hindsight.

Noctis began flying upwards as Haru warned him about Maya's voice. Altar was trying to think of what to do. He would want to ground Noctis, but at the same time, he couldn't allow Maya the chance to start singing. Altar figured he would attempt to do both. One attempt had to land, right?

So, Altar would begin moving toward Maya slightly, extending his hand and forming a strand of lightning, attached to a blue hound made entirely of the element. Altar would use the Lightning Beast to ram into Noctis, sending him off balance and hopefully taking him out of the air. Next, he would turn his full attention towards Maya. He would activate his Byakugan and his Meigan, and form a Ram handseal, and dash off in a blur of speed towards the girl. He would appear just in front of her and immediately send a knee to her stomach, hoping to drive the air out of her. After this, he would attempt to form a Chidori and drive it into Maya at around the stomach. If this connected, Altar would move back a bit, and plan his next attack, hopefully being able to turn his attention to Noctis.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Be Water, My Friend (P,NK,IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Be Water, My Friend (P,NK,IO)

Tue Sep 02, 2014 5:25 am
Noctis reached a stead point in the air to conduct his attack, when Altar launched some sort of lightning attack at him, that took the form of a dog,
”Is that it? I’ve eaten kittens bigger then that thing!” He taunted, before inhaling and releasing a stream of fire, blasting the beast into nonexistence. It was big enough to protect Altar from the flames, but the area outside the part being blocked by the dog would be scorched by the fire, charred black. Part of this area was occupied by a rather surprised Haru.
”Hey! Friendly fire, literally, jackass!” He yelled at the big dragon, dashing backwards quickly in order to get away from the flames. Using fire to destroy the beast may not have been the smartest move on Noctis’s part, since he lost sight of where Altar had gone.
Maya took up a fighting stance as Altar began moving towards her, before clenching her fist slightly as he fired the lightning beast at Noctis. She hoped the dragon could deal with that himself, because she had no ninjutsu skills to speak of. As the boy suddenly disappeared from view, Maya’s eyes took on a crimson glow as her scales appeared across her arms and legs. The boy would appear in front of her, aiming a knee at her stomach. Driving the wind out of her? That was some deep thinking. She honestly hadn’t seen that kind of attack attempted before. Still, she didn’t want to take the hit for the sake of rewarding originality.

She would stop the boy’s knee with her own hand, gripping it tightly and throwing it to the side, so that he spun with it to her right until his back was to her. She would then put up her right foot and kick him, causing him to fly forwards.
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Be Water, My Friend (P,NK,IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Be Water, My Friend (P,NK,IO)

Wed Sep 03, 2014 4:49 am
Altar was somewhat surprised at Noctis's liberal use of fire to destroy the lightning beast. Not the smartest of moves, as it had obscured sight of him even more so. He'd have to remember the dragon's carefree and almost cocky use of his arsenal later. It could come in handy, and possibly to his advantage.

He was even more surprised as Maya caught his knee in a snap instant and seemingly tried to spin him around. He had to give her props, she was quick on the draw. So she was probably strong in taijutsu, then, or so he assumed. That may present a problem. He himself was fast, but somewhat lacking in strength. Nevertheless, it was his only way to engage the girl. So, he would have to use what tools he had.

As Maya spun Altar around, he tracked her movements with the Byakugan. As she went to lift her leg, Altar would drop down, carrying his body with the spin and holding a leg out. This sweep would hopefully take the girl off her feet, or at least knock her off balance. Altar would then rise from the ground and push off towards Maya if she wasn't already on the ground and aim to tackle her to the ground. If she was already on the ground at this point, he would aim to land on top of her. Once there, Altar would attempt a chidori to her stomach. This all would be attempted at his full speed.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Be Water, My Friend (P,NK,IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Be Water, My Friend (P,NK,IO)

Fri Sep 05, 2014 7:09 am
Maya smirked with satisfaction as the boy spun away, unable to stop her counter. As he spun, he dropped to dodge her kick, which hit empty air. Once this happened, she would lift her foot higher, preparing a high kick.
As she was doing this, Altar attempted a leg sweep to knock her off her feet. Well, she couldn’t let that happen, could she? Sadly for altar, there was a blindingly simple way of dodging this attack. Maya simply levitated upwards, over Altar’s foot, which would pass harmlessly underneath her own foot. Just as the foot passed her, she would drop her raised foot back down, aiming a kick for Altar’s head. The kick would be toned down so as not to crack his skull, but the attack would likely leave Altar seeing stars if it hit him.
If the attack made contact, Haru would flinch slightly.

”Ouch…” He’d mutter.
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Be Water, My Friend (P,NK,IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Be Water, My Friend (P,NK,IO)

Fri Sep 05, 2014 7:37 am
Altar realized his mistake too late. He saw Maya begin moving her foot down, but wasn't fast enough to react. He had a backup plan, but hadn't counted on Maya's speed. Her foot collided with the back of his head, sending him flat to the ground. Everything stuttered, his vision blurring. Both his eyes deactivated, sending him back to reality. His head throbbed, and he had a slightly wet sensation at the back of his head, where her foot had impacted. He guessed she had hit hard enough to draw some blood out of him. The world seemed out of control. He wanted to get up, but found it difficult.

But he couldn't let the pain show. He couldn't show them he was weak. He couldn't let this stop him. He wouldn't let this stop him. Altar would slowly regain his footing, taking a standing position, slightly hunched over. His head throbbed again. He would put his hand to the back of his head, touching the bruise on the back, and pulled it back to reveal it marked with crimson. Oh yeah, he was bleeding.

He would look at his hand, then to Maya. And he would laugh. It sent jolts of pain through his skull, but that wasn't what mattered. He was no longer in control. His immense pride and false face had grown over him.

"It's gonna take a whole helluva lot more than that to keep me down. C'mon, you can hit harder than that, can't ya?" Altar would say, taking a fighting stance, re-activating his Byakugan and Meigan. He needed to stay in this. He needed to prove his worth.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Be Water, My Friend (P,NK,IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Be Water, My Friend (P,NK,IO)

Tue Sep 09, 2014 2:56 am
Haru clicked his tongue, shaking his head. Altar had knocked to the floor from one of Maya’s kicks. Honestly, he didn’t think he could take one of those himself. It definitely wasn’t something he wanted to test any time soon. He waved to Noctis, beckoning him to land nearby. Noctis reluctantly sunk back to earth, laying on the floor at his master’s side.
”Let them fight alone, for now. I wanna see how this plays out.” He told the dragon, who nodded as if he didn’t really want to agree. He never got to actually be in a real fight.
Haru wondered vaguely why Altar was trying so hard now to get back up, despite the blood dripping from the wound on his head and the obvious dizziness. He had been hit so hard, both his byakugan and meigan had deactivated! He obviously wasn’t showing off to Haru or Noctis, so that left only one possibility…. Maya.
Maya, however, was almost enraged by the boy’s reaction. Not that she couldn’t stand not knocking out her opponents with one strike, more that he had the audacity to dare her to hit harder. She was holding back, didn’t he know?
”Oh, so you like it rough, do you? If you want me to hit harder, I can hit harder…” Maya muttered through gritted teeth, an evil smirk crossing her face.
”Shit…. Don’t kill the kid, Maya!” Haru whispered to himself, readying himself to stop the fight if it got too intense.
Maya would scrape her claws together, a sharp screech resonating as she did so. She would then raise up her right foot, stomping it into the concrete, smashing through it like cardboard.
”Oh yeah, I can definitely hit harder.” She added, advancing slowly towards Altar.

Once in range, she would faint a strike with her right hand, before aiming her left in a swipe for his stomach, which would gut him like a fish if it made contact. Following the swipe would be another kick, which she would quickly raise above her head before bringing it down like a guillotine on his head.

(TWC: 3801)
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