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Shojiro Shinkou
Shojiro Shinkou
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Shojiro's Valiant Transgressions
Remove Bukijutsu Remove Wind Remove Remove Remove Remove Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

New Bonds {P, NK} - Page 2 Empty Re: New Bonds {P, NK}

Sat Feb 01, 2014 11:24 am
Judging from the chakra, they were both very strong, way stronger than her. She would say about Haru's level. Hopefully they would hold back against her, or this spar will be very short. As soon as they all agreed the one named Kenchi raised and swung that giant sword of his. It was moving quite fast, certainly faster than Youta was capable of moving, so she did not have much time to respond and doge it. In fact she had just enough time to unsheathe her ninjato and block the swing. She was successful in stopping the blade for but a second, preventing it from killing her, but the strength behind the swing was nothing she had faced before, sending her back flying in the opposite direction. Quite lucky for her, she already had her done of being sent flying around, so with a quick flip she landed on her feet. By that time Kenchi was attacking the other ninja from Kirigakure.
Being left alone Youta prepared for her counter attack. Taking the ninjato to her left she deeply inhaled, infusing it with wind nature chakra. Then the girl would swing her small weapon, sending the chakra out in form of horizontal wind slash. Slightly fearing that monstrous strength the girl decided to try staying at range for now. Being a sword user did not mean one was limited to close combat.

994 w.
[Gale Cutter used.]
Legacy <3
Legacy <3
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New Bonds {P, NK} - Page 2 Empty Re: New Bonds {P, NK}

Sat Feb 01, 2014 12:29 pm
After hearing that everyone agrees to the spar Kenchi grab hold of this giant sword, at this point yusuke knew that if he lets his guard down it might be the end of his life even though this was just a spar. Leaping away from Kenchi, Yusuke knew that there was also this girl Youta in the spar but he would first have to be aware of Kenchi as he grab hold of the giant sword Yusuke threw the kunai that he was holding and he will be hoping Kenchi will stop it with his giant sword and able to make Yusuke have enough time to not get too close to him as he took out another kunai as fast as he could and before he could make his next move Youta sends a slash that seems to be infuse with wind forcing Yusuke to infuse chakra as fast as he hope he would be able to stop the attack if kenchi dodges.
Takizawa Kenchi
Takizawa Kenchi
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New Bonds {P, NK} - Page 2 Empty Re: New Bonds {P, NK}

Mon Feb 03, 2014 1:19 am
Kenchi was focused as he charged towards Yusuke, so the boy throwing the kunai did not catch him off guard or anything like that. To counter this, he simply raises the kunai held in his left hand. The kunai intercepts the path of Yusuke's kunai, and once the two connect Kenchi knocks the projectile away. This causes it to fall 1 meter behind Kenchi in the grass of the plains. After this, Kenchi had planned to continue his attack, but decides against it after briefly turning around to check on his other opponent, Youta. Which allows him to notice a wave of apparently chakra infused wind traveling towards him, curious but not foolish, Kenchi continues to move. running pass Yusuke, he stops a meter behind the man, and to his left. Next, he throws his kunai into the ground, and after this is complete he grips his sword tightly by the handle before quickly raising it, and throwing it with ease towards the right of Youta, avoiding the chakra attack.

The wave moving rather slowly towards Kenchi, at least in comparison to what he is used to, easily gives him enough time to perform a single hand seal, ram. This allows him to seemingly teleport, his location of choice being where his sword was headed, specifically two meters to the right of Youta. If uninterrupted, he would arrive promptly on time, with such timing that with an extension of his left hand, he catches the sword he had previously thrown. A slight smirk on his face, he turns his head towards Youta. Interested in the girl's attack, as he had not seen anything like it, he waits for one of the others to initiate an attack this time. Only wondering a little to himself if Yusuke would be alright, as the wave would be currently headed towards him unless he moved beforehand.
Shojiro Shinkou
Shojiro Shinkou
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Shojiro's Valiant Transgressions
Remove Bukijutsu Remove Wind Remove Remove Remove Remove Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

New Bonds {P, NK} - Page 2 Empty Re: New Bonds {P, NK}

Mon Feb 03, 2014 11:00 am
As her wind slash was making its way towards the two men, Youta would watch them clash for a moment. What seemed to be a clash to her resulted in a kunai being flipped and sent behind Kenchi, landing somewhere between him and the girl. Youta would see this as an opportunity and jump forward. Well, not so jump as more like lunge or dash forward. After a few steps, now close enough to actually spot the shimmer that was kunai's blade, she would now actually jump forward, making it into a roll, picking the weapon as she touched the ground and appearing back on her feet.

By the time she had done so, Kenchi would already have passed Yusuke, had thrown the weapon and appeared at its destination, which was a couple meters to Youta's right and also about as much behind her, due to her being in motion at the time. Getting up straight she would catch the glimpse of Yusuke defending against her wave. It was not hard to tell that she messed up with positioning, now being right in the middle of all this. Well, at the very least she picked up a new weapon she might be able to use. As so far nobody attacked, and assumed it stayed that way, Youta would jump back, away from the two of them, now the three forming an equilateral triangle, give or take. She would too stay on the defense.

1237 w.
Legacy <3
Legacy <3
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New Bonds {P, NK} - Page 2 Empty Re: New Bonds {P, NK}

Tue Feb 04, 2014 12:09 am
With the wind like attack being used by Youta and kenchi dodging the attack the slash was unleash right on to Yusuke. As Yusuke hopes that he could stop the attack which was rather slow but decided that he would use his kunai infuse with his wind chakra to try and stop the attack. Yusuke decided that he would make two shadow clone just in case of anyone sudden attack by both Youta and Kenchi. While the clone and the real Yusuke mix themselves up to confuse both their target Yusuke and his clones will still go on a defensive stance Yusuke and his clones all held a kunai as to observe the spar and sort out a plan for his attack.
Takizawa Kenchi
Takizawa Kenchi
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New Bonds {P, NK} - Page 2 Empty Re: New Bonds {P, NK}

Wed Feb 05, 2014 4:06 pm
Kenchi watched Yusuke diffuse the situation rather quickly. Cutting through the force of wind Youta had launched at them earlier. Though what was more interesting were the clones that now surrounded the man. With his chakra sensing skill only allowing him to sense chakra, he was unable to decipher the real Yusuke's exact whereabouts among the clones.

Thinking to himself a proper route to attacking, he raises his free hand from his side, and makes a single hand seal, the tiger seal to be exact. Once this is formed, and if uninterrupted, a thick mist would begin to form around the group of Tenga-nin, expanding as far as twenty-five meters, with Kenchi at the center. Now, no one would be able to see anyone, even with doujutsu all that could be seen is bright colors of chakra, infused within the mist.

After this, he would focus a layer of chakra right beneath his feet, and begin to move through the mist headed towards the direction where the Yusuke(s) are, with no sound being emitted from his foot steps, this is the result of the Silent Step technique. After moving through the most for a few seconds, he finally finds his first target. Standing in a defensive stance, his target made for easy prey to the offensive Kenchi, but he still did not know if it was the clone, or actual Yusuke he had in his sights. Either way, the man would lunge towards his target, the handle of his blade held firmly in his right hand as he moves through the most with ease. Once within striking distance, he would position his sword directly in fromt of himself, lowering it towards the ground before quickly raising it, in means to split his target in half.

Jutsu's Used:
Shojiro Shinkou
Shojiro Shinkou
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Shojiro's Valiant Transgressions
Remove Bukijutsu Remove Wind Remove Remove Remove Remove Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

New Bonds {P, NK} - Page 2 Empty Re: New Bonds {P, NK}

Fri Feb 07, 2014 1:07 am
The fight stalled out for a moment there. After cutting her wind the Yusuke guy created a few clones of some sort, the girl did not know what kind as like her master she was not a fan of the clone techniques. But apparently nobody would try to attack again, for a moment. Youta would notice Kenchi perform a hand seal and in a moment the space between them would get shrouded in a very think mist. Well, first of all she would think that, what the hell, there are no mists in this area in this time of year. Only then should she connect the hand seals with the phenomenon and decide it being a jutsu. The mist being unnaturally think helped in that regard as well. And everybody knows what to do with the jutsu of their enemies - screw them up. Another thing was that Youta could sense the two powerful chakras in the mist. She was not adept enough to discern which one was which, but they were on a move so there was no time to waste.

So, a few moments after the mist was cast, I would say about enough time for Kenchi to reach his target, but not enough to launch an attack, about that moment Youta would hide the borrowed kunai, sheathe her ninjato and clap her hands together. Her first element would take bloom, a strong wind would rise momentarily, striking the mist, tearing and blowing it apart. The area would now be clear again and she could see the two ninja of the mist, no longer in the mist. The girl would put her right hand on ninjato's hilt in case she needed a swift defense and would wait to see what was happening.

1530 w.
[Used Gale Palm]
Legacy <3
Legacy <3
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New Bonds {P, NK} - Page 2 Empty Re: New Bonds {P, NK}

Fri Feb 07, 2014 3:20 am
The three Yusuke was standing there going into defence stance when Kenchi decided that he would use a technique that Yusuke was farmiliar with sending the whole area with mist. By the time when the mist started Yusuke knew that he could be in trouble so he and his clones scatter around to try and make everyone confuse. While Kenchi uses the slient steps against Yusuke, with Youta quick enough to use the gale palm technique to clear up some of the mist only the Yusuke that Kenchi was charging at was to be seen which thanks to Youta's jutsu was just in time to see Kenchi and had only enough time to dodge the slash by Kenchi it was not to say Yusuke can't sense Kenchi but with thw help visually it will make it easier for Yusuke to do it. At this point the clones tried to grab Kenchi and if he is successful it will create an opening for Youta to attack.

wc: 902
Takizawa Kenchi
Takizawa Kenchi
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New Bonds {P, NK} - Page 2 Empty Re: New Bonds {P, NK}

Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:13 am
Almost as quickly as the mist formed, it was cast apart, due to Youta using some sort of wind release jutsu. Following through with his slash, Kenchi misses by a hairs length. After this, Kenchi notices the approach of the two clones, and their attempt to grab him. Normally, under this circumstance, Kenchi would perform a full circle spin, and attempt to split both clones in half, however at this moment he felt like amusing the man, so he would let the clones grab him. After this, he would wait for the first sign of Youta's attack, and attempt to shake off the clones. Using his full strength, he would attempt to throw one towards Youta's attack, whatever it may be, and throw the other towards Yusuke.
Shojiro Shinkou
Shojiro Shinkou
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Shojiro's Valiant Transgressions
Remove Bukijutsu Remove Wind Remove Remove Remove Remove Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

New Bonds {P, NK} - Page 2 Empty Re: New Bonds {P, NK}

Sun Feb 09, 2014 1:00 pm
The girl would see Kenchi use that huge sword of his, swinging it at the other guy, who barely dodged it. She would then see the two other versions of Yusuke to jump at Kenchi, grabbing and momentarily disabling him. This was an obvious chance. Youta would make a move, first starting as a run she would circle the other... four. She would not go on a full circle, not even half circle, but her run would place her a few meters directly in front of Kenchi. At that point the girl would swing her left hand, during the motion the kunai she previously picked up would appear in her hand and then be sent forth, aimed at Kenchi's chest. It would probably not be a major injury, even if it did land.

Next, the girl would change her course and dash at the one remaining Yusuke, who was not grabbing Kenchi. With her right hand on the hilt of the ninjato and her left on the sheath, at the final moments she would lunge from behind him and unleash a slash at his back in a single motion both unsheathing and swinging the blade. If everything went according to plan and if Kenchi managed to free himself, this would be about the time when he would throw one of the clones and it would be dispelled on impact with the kunai. 

1762 w.
[Used Quickdraw.]
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