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Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Hes back only to leave.  Empty Hes back only to leave.

Tue Nov 19, 2013 10:17 pm
Aqua walked out of the village to go on an adventure. After months of having nothing to do he decided to go see the world, his mind was made if. If he died on the way then so be it. It was time for an adventure. If nobody stopped him then he would just continue walking. Alternatively if he was stopped then he would tell them the truth. 

[Exit, Aqua leaves Tenga if not stopped.]
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

Hes back only to leave.  Empty Re: Hes back only to leave.

Wed Nov 20, 2013 12:36 am
Shinji, getting rather bored with his life in retirement, had taken to people watching. The natural spot for this was at the village gates where people would come and go for hours on end. This also served as the perfect place for the second Tenkage to exercise his newly implanted Byakugan. As such it Shinji had spent most of the day simply sitting at a restaurant from which he could see the coming and goings in the village. Thus, far he had been simple flipping his byakugan on and off with a wild abandon just to get the feel for it. At first it had felt a bit unnatural, but after a while it was beginning to feel more and more like normal bodily function. So, far the Uzumaki had seen visitors come to marvel at the skyscrapers of Tengakure and merchant come to pedal their goods on the streets. All and all nothing out of the ordinary had occurred.

However, at one point in time a lull in the crowds revealed one an odd sight: a lone person set to leave Tengakure. This was a rather odd sight, because thus far people had been coming and going in groups. There had been no lone passerbys. Out of idle curiosity and sheer boredom the former kage decided to see where the lone traveler was bound. For now Shinji could only live vicariously through other's stories of travel. For some reason he could not force himself to leave Tengakure. So, Shinji, with his ghostly byakugan active, walked up behind the boy, who unbeknownst to the Uzumaki was named Aqua, and once he was five meters behind the boy he would call out to him in a rather sleepy voice, "Hey, you! Where are you off to?" It was a harmless question or so Shinji hoped. He did not wish to offend anyone; he simply wanted to hear a story. Surprisingly having any papers to fill out or meetings to attend as kage got boring as Shinji had been finding out as of late.
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Hes back only to leave.  Empty Re: Hes back only to leave.

Wed Nov 20, 2013 1:54 am
"I'm off to find an adventure, Lord Tenkage." Aqua said to his former leader. "My name is Aqua, formerly of the hidden mist village." 

Aqua would know who this man was because of his notoriety and status in the Village. He was a great leader and though his time as kage was short he still protected the village and Aqua respected him for it. 

If he wasn't interrupted then Aqua would continue to speak. "I've been bored for quite some time. I was to hone my skills and meet new people out in the world. When I come back from this adventure I will be ten times better than I was before. For the Tenkage."
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

Hes back only to leave.  Empty Re: Hes back only to leave.

Wed Nov 20, 2013 2:11 am
Shinji could commiserate with Aqua on one point: the village life was getting boring. All the same he would not openly admit that to the departing boy. Instead the former kage simply left Aqua with some advice of sorts, "Well, who am I to stop you from the adventure of your life? I wish you well and please don't become stronger or better for the Tenkage or any kage for that matter. Become strong for yourself. Farewell and safe travels." With that Shinji would give the boy a very slight bow and then, turning on a dime, head back to his spot where he was watching the masses pass by. Oh, how he longed to be one of those people passing through the gates.

{+466 words to soul Amethyst, Exit, Aqua is free to go, unless anyone else stops him}
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Hes back only to leave.  Empty Re: Hes back only to leave.

Wed Nov 20, 2013 2:57 am
Aqua would listen to the advice from his kage, bowing back to his former kage. After a moment of thought he continued on his exit of the village. It was nice for the kage to show some concern to a simple genin. Anyways Aqua would just continue on to his adventure. 

[Exit again.]
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