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Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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Bone and Steel (P, NK) Empty Bone and Steel (P, NK)

Sun Sep 15, 2013 12:18 pm
Yozora decided to take that day off. Screw the paperwork and screw the people doing it. It can wait. Today she had found someone to train with. Coming from their mission in the village, Yozora and Haru headed for the plain. To spar, ye know? Landing behind the walls, Yozora would proceed farther into the plains, who knows how far their fight might go. After finding a nice spot, assuming Haru followed her, she would stop and make sure their distance was proper. Even though she knew her opponent specialized in close combat, much like her. "Ready? Let's not overdo it. I want to test my swordsmanship against those bones of yours..." If her partner was signaled he's ready, the girl would grip both of her blades and unsheathe them, immediately infusing with chakra to prepare for the fight. The move she called the Northern Star.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Bone and Steel (P, NK) Empty Re: Bone and Steel (P, NK)

Sun Sep 15, 2013 1:09 pm
So it seemed Yozora wanted to fight something fierce… Haru had barely had time to answer her request as she led them to the plains. For a moment, he thought he was in trouble for throwing that guy out the window, or maybe the little radio incident? Eh, she didn’t seem mad at him, and he wasn’t about to ask if she was. Reaching a spot she deemed “Appropriate”, she drew her swords. Haru shrugged, obliging her request for him to use his bones. He would roll up the sleves of his robes, beore grabbing his elbow and pulling out a bone, leaving it in slightly to serve as an arm spike to use as a weapon, should she get too close. He would do the same thing with his other arm, before reaching for his main weapons. He would reach over his shoulder, holding his other hand out in a “Just a sec” motion, as he yanked out his own spine quickly, before reaching back over and pulling out yet another copy of his spine for his other hand. He would extend them both to their maximum length, holding them both with arms that hung at his sides. For the final touch, he would activate his byakugan. Now that it was active, he could see some kind of chakra running across her blade… interesting.
”Well, here goes nothing.” he would say, warning her that he was about to start his attack. He would quickly dash forward, clearing the distance between them very quickly, aiming a slash with his right sword/spine at her right elbow.

Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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Bone and Steel (P, NK) Empty Re: Bone and Steel (P, NK)

Sun Sep 15, 2013 2:45 pm
Yozora would carefully observe the transformation Haru was undergoing with her Meigan; as he was pulling out those bones, a most interesting ability indeed. She would also notice his own doujutsu active as well. She just could not wait for this fight to begin, but she tried. When he was ready, he announced the fight starting and dashed at her wielding two sword like bones that were actually his spines, however weird that sounded. But his attack was flawed. With the bone weapon her wielded in his right hand he would swing targeting her right elbow. This essentially left his right side unguarded as both of his arms were on his left side, preparing to strike at her right. Basically she could skewer him right now, with all the inertia of his attack all she had to do was step forward and point one of the blades at his side, and he would run onto it himself, but that was not the goal. Instead she channeled more chakra into the swords, powering up the vibrations to become sounds, a silent song of the blades would seem sad, yet beautiful. Like that of a bird, the technique was called Nightingale. Shigure would be in her left hand this time and her family katana in her right. Stepping to the left she would essentially avoid the slash, but keep the right katana raised in case Haru decided to do something more. Her left hand however would thrust at his stomach, an attack she was willing to stop if it came to it, but it would hopefully persuade him to back away as well as point out the flaw in his approach. She was now basically in his completely unguarded side, unless he would do something about it.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Bone and Steel (P, NK) Empty Re: Bone and Steel (P, NK)

Sun Sep 15, 2013 3:28 pm
As yozora stepped to Haru’s right, avoiding the slash, Haru felt the world move in slow motion, as it often felt in a fight like this. He saw Yozora begin to direct an attack at his stomach. Realizing he’d made a mistake, he unconsciously let out a small acknowledgement of the mistake.
”Shit.” He would mutter as he began his attempt at wording the attack. Using his natural flexibility that was found in all hyuugas, he would start to spin on his right foot, using the momentum from the spin to throw himself into the air slightly, in a way that he would momentarily be face to face with her in midair, essentially jumping over the strike made at him. He would land on his left foot, pivoting around using the same momentum he’d used to make the jump, finishing his spin.
As he spun around towards Yozora, he would bring his right arm around, aiming the bone coming out of his elbow at her right shoulder as he came around. If she failed to get out of the way of the bone, it would rake across her right shoulder, leaving a somewhat small cut, nothing major. Continuing the motion, he would then bring his right arm all the way around, bringing his right foot back and stepping away from her slightly, into sword range, and swinging the spine in his left hand at the right side of her neck, all in the same motion used to dodge the attack directed at his stomach. He would stop the strike aimed at her neck if the need arose.
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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Bone and Steel (P, NK) Empty Re: Bone and Steel (P, NK)

Sun Sep 15, 2013 5:08 pm
Haru would respond to this attack very well. Using the momentum generated by preparation for the previous attack which did not actually happen, he would start spinning while jumping over her blade. Yozora expected some sort of counter attack as soon as he landed, or even before then maybe, but because of that should would act first. Her opponent was mid air, right in front of her - a position not the most comfortable for fighting back or dodging as Yozora could foresee where he would be headed and where he would land even. So, now Haru was above her blade? Well sucks to be him as she had one more and it was not in any sort of motion, ready to strike. Not wishing to give an easy way out of this one the young Shinkou chose to use a technique in her attack. Her right hand grasping the second blade would blur out as a sudden strike was performed, aimed at the back of the boy's head. The boy at the time in the most unwelcome position, the attack coming directly from behind him. This would most surely interrupt whatever he was planning after he landed, but in case no ways to save himself from the deadly strike were to be employed, Yozora would slightly tilt the hilt causing the strike to be done with the flat part of the sword and not the sharp edge delivering a hit without penetrating the skin.

[Swing speed up to 182, strength 161
Chakra capacitor nor with 8 stacks
-1 base chakra from using Flashblade]
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Bone and Steel (P, NK) Empty Re: Bone and Steel (P, NK)

Sun Sep 15, 2013 6:32 pm
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