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Akatsuki? {Tengakure Assault}

Samuru Uchiha
Arthur Pendragon
Gilgamesh Uzumaki
Shojiro Shinkou
Naoki Gekou
Shouten Ataenushi
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Shouten Ataenushi
Shouten Ataenushi
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Akatsuki? {Tengakure Assault} Empty Akatsuki? {Tengakure Assault}

Thu May 23, 2013 12:56 am

It is near the borders of Tengakure no Sato where an act most foul is set to begin, seven hundred meters away from the village gate to be precise. Shouten Ataenushi now stands at his post, a set of seals is preformed, a Kage Bunshin formed to his right in a puff of smoke. The Kage Bunshin begins an action using the Chimera transformation, the features of the man now changing to take on the appearance of a female, his beloveds form to be most precise. The female stands in his clothes now, the transformation technique used to replace her clothing with her normal garb that he seen her wear during his exploration in the Kumogakure no Sato mountains. The girls form now stands, admired by the creator whom looks upon it with a smirk, licking his lips slightly but he holds back his urge to ravage his clone on the borders, instead going back to the long thought up plan between him and his partner, the assault on Tengakure no Sato whilst the Tenkage is away, this assumed as he put a gap between when his ally, the Kage of Funkagakure no Sato, left for the meeting.

The clone is now sent in, dashing towards the gates of the village, the cloned diamond Katana of Shouten's upon the girls left hip as it speeds towards the village, reaching it in only a few minutes due to the mans speed. The woman stops at the gates of the village once they are reached, the girls voice is replicated as the clone hollers into the village. "Feeble Insects of Tengakure no Sato, your end is here!" the females voice hollers to the village, heard by all who frankly give a damn, the proclamation made to attract attention, and to simulate a false ego and confidence that one girl could take out the village, to be perfectly honest he thinks his beloved could do such a thing.
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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Akatsuki? {Tengakure Assault} Empty Re: Akatsuki? {Tengakure Assault}

Thu May 23, 2013 4:46 pm
As the girl's voice echoed in front of the gates, a young ANBU was already standing on the wall, observing the situation. The gates were closed and village shield active, it would take considerable firepower to break inside. Nevertheless, the figure down there sounded fairly confident and confidence was never to be underestimated, only proven wrong. Behind Yozora the area near the gates was already being evacuated. There was absolutely no need to risk civilian lives if this developed into a fight. There were other ANBU on the wall, not only Yozora, but none dared to jump down and simply run through the intruder. Normally in similar situation Tenkage would come to the gates himself, but alas he had departed to the Gokage Summit... How convenient for enemies of the village to appear at this exact time. A mask on Yozora's face symbolized a fierce cat and had blood strains on it, but the important part is that it hid her ever active Meigan, which was now piercing the girl bellow. It was clear that the chakra levels were unusually high, engaging would be a huge risk. She would wait to see if anybody else came. For now, all the intruder was doing is shouting. Nothing to get into a fight over... yet.
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Akatsuki? {Tengakure Assault} Empty Re: Akatsuki? {Tengakure Assault}

Thu May 23, 2013 5:03 pm
Xyxer had heard a rather weird threat echo through his ears; a feminine voice declaring death upon the village of Tengakure. Of course, naturally, Xyxer had been doing his usual patrols inside of the village as he did not do much these days. He was quite the sloth. Regardless, the boy climbed up the wall, decked out in his ANBU gear as he looked over the wall and towards what appeared to be a sole figure in the distance. He could feel raw chakra strength emitting from it.. but the boy was confused. Only a sole person to destroy Tengakure? Was this a member of the "group" that destroyed Kirigakure? He was unsure, but he could hardly take this situation seriously, so the boy simply stood there, his repitillian crocodile mask fit snugly over his face and his white hair spiked upwards. He did not know how to react to such a weird event, so he simply watched in awe.
Shojiro Shinkou
Shojiro Shinkou
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Shojiro's Valiant Transgressions
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Akatsuki? {Tengakure Assault} Empty Re: Akatsuki? {Tengakure Assault}

Thu May 23, 2013 5:41 pm
Something interrupted Rin's morning meditation. His Mind's Eye of Kagura caught a glimpse of someone approaching the gates, but still in the plains. The person was clearly harboring dark intentions for the village and their chakra levels were unusually high, which sounded an alarm for Rin. Without a delay he would gear up, while maintaining his focus on the person. In a moment he could feel the chakra split into two, both of identical quantities and qualities. It was obviously some sort of clone technique which divided the chakra. As Rin rushed out the doors, he felt one of the chakra sources change. It would now feel like a different person entirely and had he not known that the chakra came from the same source, he would have been tricked by this deception. Only one thing he could not differentiate - was which one was the original. He knew which chakra signature remained original, but it did not have to be the clone that transformed... The Chuunin appeared at the gates just in time to see them close and the girl shouting at the village, threatening the people. It was obviously an emergency. Rin got onto the wall and saw a girl in front of the gates. The ANBU were looking at her, but nobody noticed the man standing almost a kilometer away from the gates in the plains outside the village. So, either the girl was the clone, transformed. Or the man was the clone, left to guard the rear or maybe kept as a back up. It did not sit really, keeping a clone as a back up - sending out a clone first sounded more like a thing a ninja would do. Disguising a clone, that's even better. The ANBU needed to know this, not everyone possessed the ability Rin had. He would approach the two nearest ANBU, a boy with a reptilian mask and a girl with a blooded cat mask. The boy actually looked familiar and soon Rin connected it together, the mask and the white hair and the familiar chakra - it was Xyxer. He would tell them, loud enough for both of them to hear, but not loud enough for the girl before the gates, or even others around them to hear. "There is one more in the plains, roughly 700 meters from the gates. They have the same chakra, the girl has it masked. One of them must be a clone... One thing sure, even if they're shouting nonsense, they are both very dangerous."
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Living Clones : Isamu
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 271700

Akatsuki? {Tengakure Assault} Empty Re: Akatsuki? {Tengakure Assault}

Thu May 23, 2013 9:54 pm
Den would appear on a small building near the gates, allowing him a view of the Anbu and the woman without getting to close. He wondered if the situation was serious, and had dressed for battle just in case. He wore his jounin gear, his Sanctuary boots, and his multi-weave mask. He also had his Tenga headband a top his forehead, identifying him as a shinobi of the village. Den's kunai holster was strapped to the outer part of his left thigh, his somewhat larger weapon pouch being attached to his belt, on his back and on the right side of his body. His new sword, Kaze no Ha, was strapped to the right on his belt, easily accessible to his left hand.

Den's sharingan scanned the woman, noting her high level of chakra. It was fairly large, no wonder there were Anbu present. They all seemed to have powerful chakra as well, perhaps, if there was a fight, Den would not be needed.

The building Den stood upon elevated him 3 meters above the Anbu and the Chuunin, and he was about 15 meters away from them. He was not directly behind them, he was towards their left and behind them, the building itself being 5 meters away from the village wall. That put the building as being about 14 meters to the left of the Anbu and the Chuunin, but also 5 meters back. Den was near the edge of the building, standing silently.

Den didn't activate any of his abilities yet, besides his sharingan of course. His left eye was closed as to not confuse his senses, his sharingan processed things faster so in comparison his left eye had a sort of lag, confusing him when he was in a fight.

Den was unable to hear the Chuunin talk, though he could tell he was whispering something to one of the Anbu. He wondered what it was, but now wasn't really the time for questions. He waited to see what would happen, if the woman would attack, or the Anbu, or if the woman would just leave and he could go about his day.

(Fairly meh post, hope I didn't mess up my math to badly. Had to do Pythagorean theorem twice, and may have rounded to much. Just wanted to have it stated how far I was away from the group, seeing as Shouten has a lot of AOE attacks and what not.)
Shouten Ataenushi
Shouten Ataenushi
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Akatsuki? {Tengakure Assault} Empty Re: Akatsuki? {Tengakure Assault}

Fri May 24, 2013 1:35 am
It would seem Shouten's part in the plan was occurring flawlessly, the ninja gathered after his proclamation of war, although unbeknownst to him the efforts of one Chuunin detect his real position whilst his decoy remains to start the war.
Using the cloned brotherhood ring shrouded by the transformation technique, the clone sends messages to the original who waits back on the borders.
"Four shinobi are here, according to the masks two of them are ANBU."
The clones visage catching sight of the opposition upon the wall of the village, their position just ahead of him standing upon the twenty meter tall wall, more specifically on the overhand above the village gates.
The original upon receiving such info sends a message to both of his comrades at the summit, both messages being identical. "Attack is under way, current opposition, four Shinobi, two anbu included."

The clone due to stopping when seeing opposition has not yet reached the barrier, specifically stopping one foot from it as it is positioned in front of the closed village gates.
Advancing now with a single step of his right leg he finds the leg not able to complete the motion, stopping seventy five percent through the advance on a tangible surface of some form. His leg lowers to have his form take a regular standing stance, modified slightly by the left leg being slightly behind the right. The clones right hand raises softly placing a bare palm upon the tangible space, "They are more prepared than last time.." the clone thinks.

With a sick smirk the clone looks upwards at the group upon the wall above him, it speaks with a loud tone assuring they can hear its next words. "So, tell me.." with the first three words completed, from the clones palm that is upon the barrier raw gravity chakra is produced, a palm sized bullet shooting forward to test the durability of the barrier whilst his own form using his bloodline adjusts himself as to not take recoil by adjusting his own gravity field. To his surprise, the barrier does not hold up to his assault as immediate cracks in the air are seen, traveling up and outwards as he continues his next words.

"are the cowards that ran from Kirigakure no Sato when I destroyed it among you?" With the conclusion of the clones words the barrier shatters over the entire village in a brilliant display, the clones senses kept alert at all times, waiting, pleading for that one bit of rage caused by a refugee of Kirigakure no Sato, the little ant that he missed on getting his true revenge.
Shouten Ataenushi
Shouten Ataenushi
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Akatsuki? {Tengakure Assault} Empty Re: Akatsuki? {Tengakure Assault}

Fri May 24, 2013 5:40 am
{Hey just a quick little thing, let's make this a clean friendly thread. Got no hard feelings towards any of ya, just gotta follow IC stuff, so if anything is confusing or ya got any problems, all three of you got my skype to ask anything you want. With that said, lets have fun killing each other! :D}
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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Akatsuki? {Tengakure Assault} Empty Re: Akatsuki? {Tengakure Assault}

Sat May 25, 2013 2:32 pm
Yozora stood on the wall as one more ANBU landed next to her and then a Chuunin got on the wall as well. The ANBU looked familiar and it did not take long to recognize Xyxer. The Chuunin had something interesting to say, apparently he possessed some sort of sensory ability which allowed him to spot a man in the plains as well as deduce the one at the gates most likely being a clone. She had to give some credit for that, as she herself had not noticed this at all. Now focusing her vision on the distant figure, she confirmed that being true. However if both of them were of the same strength, then attacking the real one without a plan would be dangerous as hell. She turned her head at Xyxer. "Got a plan?"
Gilgamesh Uzumaki
Gilgamesh Uzumaki
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Akatsuki? {Tengakure Assault} Empty Re: Akatsuki? {Tengakure Assault}

Sat May 25, 2013 3:32 pm
The young ANBU remained stationary for a moment as he continued to stare over the wall at the female that was not doing much yet. Processing the information that Rin had told him it only took him a few seconds to think of a plan. Looking upwards from the girl, he did notice a man quite a bit away just standing there.. no forestation in sight at all except trimmed grass. He did not appear to be the sneakiest ninja to ever exist. He spoke as he went behind Yozora, lifting her torso attire upwards and exposing her bare back, channeling chakra into his hand as he placed it inbetween the shoulder blades of the girl, "Keep the man in your sight. If he begins to move, follow him. If we can zone in on him we can kill him and end the threat that he poses to be." After doing that, he'd drop the girls shirt and what not before looking around once more, seeing Rin he'd speak to him, noticing another fellow from Kirigakure not too away, remembering him puerly from the day he met the Mizukage, "Rin, you'll need to keep the clone busy so we can do our work. Do whatever you wish." and with that, the boy jumped towards Denkiteki, landing next to him with a smirk, hidden by his mask none the less, and begun speaking to him, "Hello, young wolf. We meet yet again. Let's see if you're blooded for war as you should be since you're my brethren." Turning around, he'd put a hand on the man's shoulder as he begun speaking, nodding his head a little bit, "You see that fleck of a person over there? He wishes to kill everyone in this village, you included. He must believe we're inferior however since he's only using a single person.. let's go prove him wrong, eh?" and, if the man permitted Xyxer would do the same to the boy, marking him, as he had done to Yozora.

Nodding his head a little almost as if it was a sign, Xyxer darted off to the side as he activated his Abysswalker attire, boosting his speed naturally as he left the village now, approximately 30 meters to the side from the girl. He clearly ignored her as he began pursuing the figure that apparently controlled this figure. It would be much more beneficial for him to kill him instead of having to deal with petty attacks like this again. Naturally though, the boy flicked out his fuuma shuriken and tossed it to the side as he continued running, making sure he had a safe escape if he was to be in any sign of danger during his pursuit. Naturally though, the boy would stop when he reached 30 meters from the man, shouting, "Do you wish to surrender, friend?"
Shojiro Shinkou
Shojiro Shinkou
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Shojiro's Valiant Transgressions
Remove Bukijutsu Remove Wind Remove Remove Remove Remove Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Akatsuki? {Tengakure Assault} Empty Re: Akatsuki? {Tengakure Assault}

Sat May 25, 2013 5:05 pm
They listened to him, both must have had some sort of sensory abilities similar to his own as they soon realized his truth themselves. Xyxer would mark the other ANBU... girl?... and then address Rin "Rin, you'll need to keep the clone busy so we can do our work. Do whatever you wish." With a nod, the boy jumped down from the wall, behind the gates inside the village. His mind's eye kept focus on the clone and the original in the distance. Now out of range of their eyes he slammed his hands together activating his wood release. Then lowering his hand again, the technique still active. At this point his did not pay much attention to what the others were doing, he had his own objective. Kagura's eye let him 'see' the clone approach the village shield. The moment it touched the shield and it collapsed to do a strong chakra surge inside the clone, Rin's chakra manifested and multiple thick but fast vines grew right from under the clone's feet binding her legs and going up, restraining her whole body if nothing was done to stop them. Then they would grow even thicker, becoming branches growing into a tree, the clone under it. And so, if not countered, it would immobilize the clone without inflicting any damage. Rin would stay vigilant to what would happen next.
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