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Senba Utuma
Senba Utuma
Stat Page : Link
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Clan Focus : N/A
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 850

Mission Topic: Assisting the academy Empty Mission Topic: Assisting the academy

Mon Apr 08, 2013 3:09 pm
Senba walked up to the academy and found that his assignment
was to help repair the training grounds. It seemed to have fallen in disrepair
and it was not pleasant.

Senba walked up to a academy teacher that was in the
training grounds and asked “I am here to help repair what I can in the training
grounds. What exactly do you need me to do?”

The teacher who was in a very happy mood smiled and replied “Well
we need a few things done. The things that need to be done are: painting
fences, refurbishing sparring arenas, fixing targets, sharpening tools, and

Senba asked “All the stuff is available for me to be able to
do that?”

The teacher replied “Yeah, everything is in the shed, and
here is the key.”

Senba took the key and said “Alright I will be right on it.”

The teacher said “Thank you.”

Senba went to the shed, unlocked it, and found that it was neatly
organized. The weapons and tools were stacked neatly and categorized but a lot
of them were dull. This irritated Senba because he always made sure his weapons
stayed sharp. There were unopened cans of paint for the fences and sparring
arenas, paint brushes, and other things used to fix the stuff in the training
grounds. He grabbed a sharpening stone and ran some water over it and started
sharpening the blades first. Most of them were kunai and shuriken. He started
to hate sharpening shuriken because it took more time. He could not understand
how they fallen into disrepair but he figured they might have been busy.

Senba thought to himself “I should not be complaining. It is
an assignment to get myself ryo.”

He got done sharpening the ninja tools and went on to
painting fences. The training grounds was a decent size but would not take
Senba long to finish painting the fences. This was the longest task he had to do
though. He painted the fences going clockwise. When he finished he sighed and
looked up at the sky. Then looked back down, and saw that he used all the paint
cans to finish the task. They must have already had it ready but just did not
get around to it. He disposed of the trash and went on to the next task.

He started refurbishing the sparing arenas. Painting new
lines in a circle, and making sure they were all the right size to allow room
for the fighters to move. There were targets made of straw and the bindings
were loosening. This caused the straw to come out of place making it look more
like a fluff ball then a body. There were a few and Senba took each one and
worked on them. He rebidded the straw together making sure they were tight and
held together. He did this for each one and tested it out. He threw a kunai at
it and the straw held perfectly. He put up all the stuff that he repaired and
used. Senba organized it in the shed as it was before. Then put the targets
back on the training grounds. Everything looked good as new.

Senba walked back up to the teacher and said “Everything is

The teacher smiled and said “Okay I will send a confirmation.
Thank you.”


[555/500 words required, + 450 ryo]
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Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Living Clones : Isamu
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 271700

Mission Topic: Assisting the academy Empty Re: Mission Topic: Assisting the academy

Mon Apr 08, 2013 8:03 pm
Approved for Appropriate Rewards
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