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Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Nine and Five. Empty Nine and Five.

Wed Mar 20, 2013 6:52 pm
It was simply boredom, the reason he flew from his home in Konoha to Tengakure, the flight only taking him two hours with his enhanced speed.

He flies forward before lowering his altitude and with a lowering of his right foot as if getting off an escalator he lands and begins...shuffling forward humming a song to himself his goggles obscuring his crimson eyes his mantle fluttering slightly on it's place around his shoulders.

"When I swagger on stage I got this in the bag.." Is the mumbled lyrics heard before he spins on his left heel and dances right past the guards giving them a gun like symbol with both of his fingers a click of his tongue and an utterance of "Yo! Stay cool~<3" before he walks right past them and if any attempts to grab him are made he pauses to give them a raspberry. "Party poopers" He comments.
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Nine and Five. Empty Re: Nine and Five.

Wed Mar 20, 2013 7:04 pm
At the moment Minorin was wandering around Tengakure, still getting a feel for the place since she’d only been there one time before. By this time she had explored the village twice in one day, noticing different things here and there that would help her to better know her way around.

She was nearing the gates now, watching something she hadn’t seen before unfold. An older boy seemed to be acting disrespectfully to the guards. Minorin didn’t know why someone would do that, but that was their own business – or that was what she thought anyways. Instead she started walking slowly, watching the boy in case anything interesting happened.
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Nine and Five. Empty Re: Nine and Five.

Wed Mar 20, 2013 7:20 pm
Echo bounces on his heels as he walks past the guards his eyes scanning the area and stopping on what he deems as a pretty cute girl watching him.

He chuckles giving the girl a smile and a wave from his right hand his attire consisting of his mantle, his choker a pair of simple baggy jeans and a green T-shirt..he is notably devoid of weapons or his other equipment leaving him quite vulnerable to attack if one were to decide to try their luck.

However he is also Echo the Invincible and who knows what he would do if cornered and left without his more powerful weapons..
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 57300

Nine and Five. Empty Re: Nine and Five.

Wed Mar 20, 2013 7:53 pm
The girl froze for just a moment; he was looking at her now. The girl watched in surprise, her blue eyes widening just a bit as the boy smiled and waved at her.

Did she know him? Why else would someone be so friendly right off the bat? Minorin examined the boy as she walked closer, her light blue dress making a very faint ruffling sound as she walked – returning the boy’s smile with a small smile of her own as she made her way over to him.

It seemed she didn’t know the boy after all, which was odd in her opinion, but he seemed nice enough. No visible weapons, which was probably a good sign… Probably.

She was only a few meters away from the boy now, and she still hadn’t said anything, not wanting to seem awkward Minorin would smile just a little larger before speaking.

“Hey,” the girl paused, wanting to kick herself - what was the point of speaking if she didn’t know what to say?

So she would do her best to improvise, “Have you been in Tengakure before?” She could kick herself right there, that was undoubtedly her worst attempt at improvising ever.
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Nine and Five. Empty Re: Nine and Five.

Wed Mar 20, 2013 9:18 pm
He chuckles softly as the girl speaks to him his skilled eyes noting the nervousness in her eyes, no doubt caused by his roguish good looks...haha...he can dream can't he?

He gives a nod in greeting a wide mischievous grin spreading across his roguishly handsome face "Hey, nope first time in the Sky." He states offering her a clawed hand for a shake "Echo." he states as his name tilting his head to the left inquisitively.
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Nine and Five. Empty Re: Nine and Five.

Wed Mar 20, 2013 9:40 pm
The girl listens as the boy speaks, noting his mischievous grin. This boy just had to be a troublemaker, no doubt about it. She guessed he was good-looking though, however, Minorin wasn’t the kind of person to hold much stock in looks so this held little weight in her mind, she guessed she just didn’t feel the need to look around for cute boys, unlike most girls her age.

The girl would then hesitantly take the boy known as Echo’s hand, making sure not to grip it too firmly, “Minorin, a pleasure to meet you.”

She would then let go of Echo’s hand and smile if the hand shake was over, “So what brings you to Sky?”

This boy seemed interesting; she hoped his answer would be just as interesting as he was.
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 49110

Nine and Five. Empty Re: Nine and Five.

Wed Mar 20, 2013 9:46 pm
He kneels down slightly bringing the girls hands to his lips softly in greeting before he releases her hand and stands again.

"The pleasure is all mine." He states with a small chuckle his right hand sliding his goggles from his eyes to his forehead revealing his crimson eyes with the slitted pupils.

Quite a feral appearance most have noted, the influence of the Kyuubi being rather strong the tips of his fangs peaking from his now smirking lips.

"I'm traveling...seeing the world and all that, heard Sky was pretty this time of year...just didn't know I'd run into a cutie who puts the beauty of the city to shame." He answers and compliments casually his hands sliding into his pockets as his crimson eyes twinkle with amusement.
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Nine and Five. Empty Re: Nine and Five.

Wed Mar 20, 2013 10:08 pm
The girl’s cheeks started to feel hot; she really hoped she wasn’t blushing. What an embarrassing way to greet someone, her hands tingled as she quickly occupied herself with fondling the hem of her skirt.

And not only was this Echo completely embarrassing, but he had such wild eyes too. The girl wondered how one even came about having eyes like those; then again, there were stranger things she supposed. The boy even had fangs; he was definitely a memorable person.

She listened to the boy as he spoke, she guessed it was true that Sky was pretty this time of year, and then came the part of his answer that embarrassed her the most. There was no way her blush wasn’t noticeable now. Plus, the boy seemed to really be enjoying himself. She hardly knew what to say, so instead she nodded and looked over to her left for a moment. Smoothing her long white hair with her left hand as she did so.

Then, feeling a little more calm she’d turn her head back to face Echo, “That’s nice, it really is true that Sky is pretty this time of year,” She decided not to bring up his compliment to her, instead she would continue as though she hadn’t heard it - although her blush proved otherwise, “So where have you traveled so far?” She hoped she sounded inquisitive, and not nervous like she felt.
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Nine and Five. Empty Re: Nine and Five.

Wed Mar 20, 2013 10:56 pm
He quirks an eyebrow as his eyes scan her reddening cheeks catching his gaze his eyes scanning down her frame.
He chuckles deeply at this her white hair fascinating him with it's exotic looks her pretty eyes and pale skin drawing his attention and interest.

He nods smirking softly as she tries to ignore his compliment her blush deepening to his eyes.

He hums in thought at her question "Suna, Kumo..." He answers "Been all around actually.." He states a small smile replacing the smirk.
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Nine and Five. Empty Re: Nine and Five.

Wed Mar 20, 2013 11:19 pm
She was glad that he had let the compliment thing alone, mentally sighing in relief. The short girl listened to Echo as he said that he’d been to both Sunagakure and Kumogakure and also that he’d been all around. She was pretty surprised that the boy had seriously answered her question instead of bringing up something embarrassing.

Minorin would slightly tilt her head and smile at the boy, her blush beginning to fade, “It must be exciting to visit such places, I’ve only ever seen parts of the Sky nation.” Well, now that she thought about it that wasn’t necessarily true, her father had taken her many places to go camping when she was younger, so she’d probably seen places other than Sky nation, it was just a matter of remembering.

Then she realized he hadn’t mentioned Konohagakure, although that could be part of his all around statement, though she decided she’d ask anyways, “So does all that mean you’re from Konoha or?”
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