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Facing Reality (P, IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Facing Reality (P, IO)

Thu Mar 14, 2013 5:58 pm
Minorin was only half-listening at this point, she was in a daze; her only contact that wasn’t related to her had lied to her for four years, maybe less. Unfortunately Minorin had no idea of how long Den had really been lying to her.
How pleasant.

She tuned into the conversation once she heard Sanctuary being brought up. The place that had kept her oblivious to what was actually happening in Kirigakure. Now she thought of it as a twisted cage that keeps one locked away in their own little paradise, while the people they know are being hurt, a dreadful creation for sure.

Once Takehiko was finished speaking Minorin hesitantly joined in, “As far as I can piece together we were in Sanctuary while Kirigakure was attacked... That must be why we didn’t know. And why I have continued not to know.”

She looked at the man again; he was probably the Tenkage after all. If Kirigakure went to war or was attacked then Tengakure might have aided them. Perhaps something unfortunate had happened in the process. Or maybe the last Kage had stepped down. She didn’t know. Plus, Tengakure and Kirigakure had been allies; things would definitely have to change with the fall of Kirigakure if Tengakure was going to be able to pull through without too much of a problem, right?

The girl looked at the ground, pushing the thoughts away for the time being.

Now she would listen, wondering what would happen next on this depressing day.
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Facing Reality (P, IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Facing Reality (P, IO)

Fri Mar 15, 2013 7:59 pm
Shinji's whole body relaxed as he heard what the man known as Takehiko had to say. His hand fell back down to his side and away from Makaze. For some reason Shinji felt inclined to believe him, after all he had seen the former Tenkage disappear in a crimson flash. Often times the most outrageous things were often true-it was the more subtle things that one should worry about. It is those that are the most lethal. One would be able to see the stress vanish from Shinji's face-it was not often that stress cloaked his face, but when it did it was readily noticeable. Listening to the last of what the three shinobi had to say Shinji would take on his lazy causal tone once again in his response: "Very well, I apologize for prying, but had to be done. I could not allow you three into this village without having a basic knowledge of who you were....Now, I reckon this is your first time to Tengakure?" This question was directed to all three shinobi, but Shinji did not stop talking there as he started to ramble on-not really talking to anyone in particular, more himself really: "I suppose I will have to find you housing....and....get you three headbands... naturally there will be some paperwork..." His voice would trail off a bit as he realized that he had been speaking aloud. He would then crack a nervous smile-odd that he should feel nervous. He was the one asking the questions, but the feeling came all the same. Pretending that nothing had happened Shinji waited for response about this being there first time being to the village of the Skyscrapers.

[7 posts of recovery]
{Sorry for the meh post...having writer's block}
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Facing Reality (P, IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Facing Reality (P, IO)

Sat Mar 16, 2013 3:29 pm
Any trace of worry left Denkiteki’s face as the Tenkage spoke. It seemed that they were going to be allowed into Tengakure. This was great news, even though Denkitkei had to reveal his jutsu. It didn’t seem that the Tenkage cared much about it though, so perhaps he hadn’t bothered to think about how powerful it could be. Or maybe he doesn’t think it’s that powerful.. After discovering Sanctuary he had thought it to be one of the most powerful jutsu ever, especially after discovering he could at least make a flesh and blood clone of himself that had all of his powers. But perhaps a Kage would possess a superior jutsu, and not find his interesting.

Den and Takehiko would listen to Shinji as he talked, Takehiko taking a special interest in the fact that he would receive a headband. I get to be an actual shinobi? he would have been excited, if it wasn’t for the fact that Minorin was upset. I told Den to tell her.. Den was a bit of a fool sometimes though, and had wanted to protect Minorin. He didn’t know how she would take finding out her entire village had been destroyed. In the end, you probably did more bad than good.

Den wasn’t focusing on how Min felt at the time however, stilling try to make sure that she would be safe. He was fairly positive now that they would be safe in Tengakure, the Kage seemed to be nice enough, though also cautious which was good. He also seemed powerful, so hopefully that meant the other shinobi in the village would be powerful as well.

“This is my first time going all of the way to Tengakure. I’ve traveled near the borders before however, and ran into someone from this village once. I can’t recall his name however.” Den pondered for a moment on the name of the boy he had met, but it seemed that it was lost to him. Not that it really mattered, he quickly gave up on trying to remember it, “the same goes for Takehiko here.”

Den looked to Min after speaking, noticing that she was looking at the ground. His expression didn’t betray how guilty he felt, he should have told her about Kiri.

He waited for Min to answer the Tenkage’s question herself, Den already knew that Min had traveled to Tengakure once with the Mizukage. However, he didn’t know how much Minorin wanted others to know about that trip, and whether or not she would be willing to let the Tenkage know that the Gobi was sealed inside of her. As far as Den knew, Min wasn’t really secretive when it came to the Gobi. She had revealed her mastery over the orange cloak to he members of a small team Den and Min had been on once just to pull a prank. However, for Min and Den that had been four years ago. He didn’t know if she had changed, and he didn’t want to be the one to reveal her as a jinchuuriki. She was already mad enough at Den as it was he was sure.

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Facing Reality (P, IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Facing Reality (P, IO)

Sat Mar 16, 2013 4:05 pm
Minorin had watched the Kage as he talked; he seemed exceptionally kind in her opinion. The small girl was relieved that he seemingly found no problem with Takehiko being some kind of weird clone thing from Denkiteki's Sanctuary. As Minorin watched the man she thought it funny that a Kage of all people developed a nervous smile after speaking to three children. She felt like she could trust a person like this.

As Denkiteki spoke she was wondering if she should tell the Kage that she was a jinchuriki. The girl wasn’t really sure if it was important or not to tell the man. But her reason for traveling to Tengakure once before had been for the purpose of having the Gobi sealed inside of her. She didn’t know if it was something high-status people had or if it was just very common for Kages to have a bijuu, since she knew that her previous Kage had been a jinchuriki as well. She didn’t think of herself highly for having one, however. So she thought it was most likely the latter, which confused her a little, since she was no Kage, nor was she Kage material. By this time Denkiteki had finished speaking.

“I’ve been here once before,” The girl paused to look beyond the Tenkage and at the gates instead, before looking back as she spoke, “I met the former Tenkage here, his name was Zachariah?”

Then the small girl frowned, if she was going to live here and serve under this man he should probably know about her being a jinchuriki now rather than randomly finding out about it later.
“Um, also, I came here with the Mizukage, Suzaku Shina, to have the Gobi sealed in me, I just thought it’d be best to tell you now… Maybe. I don’t know if there’s a certain way to go about telling your Kage these things.”

The girl looked from the man to her bright red shoes, shifting her weight to her left foot and then to the right. That was probably an awkward way of saying she was a jinchuriki, but at least it had been done. She felt like someone who seemed as kind as he did would be understanding at the very least. If she’d felt like the man was untrustworthy she most likely wouldn’t have mentioned the Mizukage or the Gobi at all.
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Facing Reality (P, IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Facing Reality (P, IO)

Sat Mar 16, 2013 5:17 pm
The nervous smile disappeared from Shinji's face as he listened to Denkiteki. Both he and Takehiko seemed like alright people. And, well, if they were not Shinji did not doubt that he could take them out-call it cockiness, but Shinji liked sizing people up when they first met. However, instead of listening to Denkiteki entirely Shinji's mind drifted a bit back to the idea of a space time realm. The idea was interesting, but it came with little value-at least in Shinji mind. One could rule an entire realm as a god, but was that really worth a damn if in the real world they were not? Dismissing the thought he listened to the last of what Den had to say. So, he had never been to Tengakure before-go figure. Maybe a tour would be in order later on. However, once again, Shinji was forced to move the thought back as he listened to what Minorin had to say, because apparently this was not her first time to Tengakure.

Listening to what she had to say Shinji would merely nod as she mentioned the former Tenkage: Zachariah. Shinji noted the frown that passed over the small girls face with interest-why would she need to frown? He quickly found out: she was a jinchuriki. He was indeed shocked, but his face betrayed nothing of the shock that he held internally. Instead he gave a light hearted laugh-it was not meant to be mocking nor mean it was merely a laugh. The laugh trailed off a bit and his face took on a bit of a grave look as he spoke in a tone that bordered on seriousness: "Well, Minorin, I do not envy you. You hold a greater burden than I do myself as Kage. I urge you, as you no doubt have, to keep this beast from overwhelming you.....Now, as for accommodations. I assume you three will not need a tour. What kind of would you three be interested in?" Shinji did not want to dwell on the idea of a jinchuriki-he would have to keep an eye on Minorin. At least that explained her odd chakra signature. Shinji was no expert on these creatures, so he was not too sure which one the Gobi was. Though he would make it a priority to get some knowledge on it. It was at this point that one of Shinji's anbu, who had been monitoring the conversation, blurred up next to Shinji. In the anbu's hand were three Tengakure headbands. The anbu would merely wait for Shinji's instructions while Shinji mean while would wait for a response from the three shinobi. It was a waiting game.

{12 posts of eye recovery. Note the jump in this number is due to me derping and counting Minorin and Den's posts as one post of recovery. Feel free to check.}
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
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Facing Reality (P, IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Facing Reality (P, IO)

Sun Mar 17, 2013 1:44 pm
Shinji didn’t seem as surprised as Den had thought he would be, when Minorin told him that she had the Gobi sealed inside of her. He wold have thought the Tenkage would have at least have been shocked, the Gobi Jinchuuriki just randomly walking up to his village. He just laughed though, before telling Minorin that he did not envy her. He also mentioned something about her not allowing the beast to overwhelm her. That may prove a problem. Min seemed to rely on the Gobi in combat, at least when sparring Den anyway. Sometimes her cloaks would even activate when she was just upset.

As far as Den was aware though, Minorin was at least somewhat in control whenever she transformed. He had never seen her actually go on a rampage. She just tries to beat the shit out of me, or maybe even kill me. I don’t know. Den wondered if he should talk to Minorin about that, to see if the Gobi was trying to break loose or if Minorin was in control whenever she used its power.

“I’m not really partial to anything, worse comes to worse I could probably just live in my dimension. However, I suppose my parents might need a home though, as well as Minorin and her mother. Before I left to find Minorin I made sure to teleport them to my dimension, they wanted to come with us so that they could make sure we were safe and alright. I hope that doesn’t complicate things at all.” He hoped that wouldn’t be too much of a problem for the Tenkage, seeing as he would have to find housing for more than 3 people, at least four if Den and Takehiko remained in his dimension.

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Facing Reality (P, IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Facing Reality (P, IO)

Sun Mar 17, 2013 1:59 pm
Minorin looked up at the Tenkage in surprise; laughter was not the reaction she’d expected. The girl smiled nervously and listened to what he had to say, he didn’t envy her, and she couldn’t blame him. The four years she’d spent in Sanctuary she’d always spend some time speaking to the Gobi before she went to bed - just to try to bond with the beast, since he was sealed inside of her and all. That probably wasn’t very fun, being sealed into a young girl who was just starting to bloom. Talk about awkward. However, the Gobi always seemed very polite as well as more than a little antagonistic. He’d laugh at her failures, snort at her accomplishments, that whole deal. But he’d always listen to her; he never interrupted her, always seeming thoughtful as he sat there.

The short female didn’t know what to say to the Tenkage in response to his laughter but she listened as Denkiteki explained his situation.

The girl sighed softly, she did not under any circumstances want to live with her mother. That just wouldn’t work.

As soon as Denkiteki had finished talking Minorin piped up, “I can live alone; my mother would most likely prefer it that way as well. She can stay in Denkiteki’s Sanctuary.”

The girl seemed a little bit frustrated, but only a little bit. After all who was Den to decide that she and her mother lived together? First he lies and then he’s deciding her life? It was just downright unacceptable.
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Facing Reality (P, IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Facing Reality (P, IO)

Wed Mar 20, 2013 1:03 am
Shinji sighed inaudibility-these three were definitely not a threat. They seemed more interested in fighting among themselves than taking down a village, which became apparent as Minorin and Den contradicted each other on where and who they would like to live with. Thus, Shinji would try to ignore this and continue on: "Very well, for now I will set you three up in a apartment or rather three of them. One for the nice young lady and one for you two and one for the parents. From there we can work out more permanent living arrangements. For now I just want to make sure you lot do not have to live as vagrants while we find a place for you-do not worry the apartment I have in mind are rather upscale. Seeing as you will soon be shinobi of Tengakure I will spare no expense." With those words the anbu that had been next to Shinji would approach the three shinobi and offer them each a headband with the insignia of Tengakure on them: first to Den then to Takehiko and lastly to Minorin.

While they are taking the headbands, assuming they do, Shinji would continue speaking: "Allow me to formally welcome you to Tengakure. If you have any questions please come find me in my office. Right now I am needed back in my office at any moment. This anbu here will show you to your new home. Oh and by the way-the name is Shinji. So, for now adieu and farewell." Shinji would then turn around and blur away in a burst of speed. He had a feeling those three would not cause any trouble. For now he could sleep easy without fear from an atack from within, but nonetheless he would have these three watched-closely.

[Exit, unless stopped. 15 posts of eye recovery]
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Facing Reality (P, IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Facing Reality (P, IO)

Thu Mar 21, 2013 7:56 pm
Denkiteki was fine with the arrangements, though he wondered if Minorin would be able to live by herself. He wondered why she didn’t want to live with her mother. She was barely 14, and 4 of those years has been spent in Sanctuary. She was, in fact, 10 in this world, though no one would be able to tell just by looking at her. She’ll be fine I suppose, she is a tough little girl. Should probably be more worried about myself, and what Minorin is going to do to me for not having told her about Kiri Den doubted that she would understand why he hadn’t told her, that he had not wanted her to get hurt.

She would probably think he had wanted her took look stupid when someone asked her about Kiri, maybe she would even think he wanted her to not trust him and wanted her to be hurt. She would never think that he hadn’t told her because he had wanted to shield her from the truth, because he knew it would hurt her. I have failed tremendously however.

Den took the skyscraper headband, holding it between both hands as he looked at it. He hadn’t worn his Kiri headband in years, it would be strange to put on a new one. As he geld the headband, he began to wonder about this new village. Would he be accepted in this one, would there be other power people here? He wondered if there was a hospital, or a library nearby where he could finish his training in the medical arts.

He also wondered if he would be assigned to a team at some point, as a Jounin lead. In Kiri he had led a small squad of Genin. Though Attuu and Jashin had most likely died, a thought he had forced hismelf to accept a long time ago, he wondered if Minorin would remain his squad mate if he was assigned to a new team of if he would get some Tengakure Genin. Den turned the headband around and place it on his forehead, the insignia of the Skyscraper village easily seen as he began to tie it around his head, making sure that his hair didn’t get in his way. His face showed mixed emotions, he was glad to finally find a new place to call home, but at the same time he missed Kirigakure. If only I had been there, maybe I could have done something.

Takehiko was surprised he had been given a headband. He had always thought of himself as Den’s servant and Minorin’s protector, was he now going to become a shinobi of the Skyscraper village as well? Thoguhts rushed through his head, was he going to be a Genin, or a Jounin? Would he have a team like Den had in Kiri, or would he be sent on solo missions? He was also worried that the Kage made some mistake by thinking to give him one, and that once he remembered Takehiko was a clone he would take the headband away. The clone clutched the headband in his hands, hoping that he would get to keep it. He noticed that Den had already put his on, though he noticed it was partially obscured by his long hair when he was finished. Takehiko’s hair was slightly shorter, but he had decided he didn’t want to wear his on his head. He recalled that Den had worn his Kiri headband around his neck for a time, and thought it might look cool if he wore it like that. So he tied it around his neck, letting it loosely hang near his collarbone.

Neither Den nor Takehiko could really think of anything they wanted to ask, at least, anything they wanted to ask in public. Den thought about asking him his opinion of genetic experimentation, something Den hoped he would be allowed to practice once he began to get a good understanding of medical ninjutsu. He had developed a desire similar to that of the snake summoners in Naruto’s time, which was that he wanted to create and become the perfect being. He did not intend to do anything extreme however, by that meaning he didn’t want to kidnap people and experiment on them. Den decided against asking however, thinking that it wasn’t the proper place or time for such questions.

“Thank you for allowing us into your village.” Den made an effort to sound polite, bowing to the Tenkage as he thanked him for letting them join the village. He then watched as the Kage left in a burst of speed, admiring how fast he could move.

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Facing Reality (P, IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Facing Reality (P, IO)

Thu Mar 21, 2013 8:20 pm
Both Denkiteki and Takehiko seemed pleased with their headbands. Minorin held hers in her hands, she wasn’t very keen on headbands seeing as she hadn’t worn one in four years and when she had worn one she was always worried she would lose it. But she still appreciated it.

As she tied it around her waist she would say thank you to both the anbu as well as the Tenkage, making sure that she secured the headband tightly so she wouldn’t lose it. Or she wouldn’t lose it easily anyways.

The girl would look up at the Kage as he continued to speak, did she have questions? Probably, but her mind was wrapped around many different subjects at the time. The main one being Kirigakure. She figured her questions weren’t visit worthy though, and so she probably wouldn’t interrupt the man. Kages always seemed busy anyways; there was no point in getting in the way over a question or two.

The girl would then bow her head, “Yes, I greatly appreciate it, Tenkage-sama.”

Then the Kage was gone, “goodness he’s fast” was all Minorin could think after his exit.

The small girl would glance accusingly in Denkiteki’s direction for a moment before advancing towards the gates.

She would definitely talk to him, but now just wasn’t the time.

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