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Takizawa Kenchi
Takizawa Kenchi
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What happened?! {Mission, Private} Empty What happened?! {Mission, Private}

Thu Feb 21, 2013 3:57 pm
Mission Name:What happened?!
Type: Intel/Assassination
Word Count : 3500
Reward: 4000 Ryo

Task : Reports have it that valuable info was stolen from the Kage's office, it is your job to get it back! The information must be retrieved at all cost, speculation is that this is a group of missing ninja threatening to overthrow the elemental nations, retrieve the information and end this group if possible, show them the true power of your village!
The rumours were spreading like a wildfire. The kage's office had been broken into aparrently. It was also believed that valuable information had been stolen from the office. This was interesting, Kenchi had only been in the village for a few weeks and already such a crime had been comitted. 'I guess this village isn't so different from Kirigakure afterall.' Kenchi would think to himself as he walked through the village. He was headed to the missing boards in hopes, of a recieving a mission to complete. He hoped the missions would not be too easy. He wanted a challenge, so an S rank mission would be nice.

Kenchi walked towards a large board in front of him which contained many mission, some claimed and other not. Kenchi would randomly choose a mission, his ginger landing upon a paper. He would remove it from the board, holding it in his left hand he would read the contents. Out of all things he had been given the most talked about mission, which was to locate the stolen content from the kage's office. Kenchi would smile, though he figured he would need help probably. So he thought it best to wait for someone else to arrive, that way he could ask them for help on the mission.

Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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What happened?! {Mission, Private} Empty Re: What happened?! {Mission, Private}

Fri Feb 22, 2013 10:49 am
Yozora had her hopes up. She heard the rumors of a break-in into the Kage's office. And she heard there was a mission to retrieve whatever was stolen. She woke up earlier than normal that day in hopes of snatching the assignment before anybody else could get their hands on it. It was exciting too - long time since she has done any missions, since she did some with the boy named Hisuke in fact. Running through a bit foggy morning Yozora made her way to the central building where the mission board was. There among other people, who were walking around and doing their job, she saw a man in front of the board. She ran up to it and looked for the assignment until she noticed he was holding it. The guy was taller than her and she could see most of what was written on the paper. But she saw enough, it was the assignment she wanted alright, but it was S ranked. Genins were not allowed to do S ranked assignments by themselves. For a moment Yozora kind of froze, her enthusiasm dying. "Damn it..." Not only did she fail to get it in time, on top of it even if she did the assignment was too high ranked... And then it hit her. The guy standing in front of her, the guy holding this paper - he certainly was at least Chuunin ranked. Maybe...
"Hey there, I see you've set your eyes on an interesting one... In fact, I was looking for this mission, but it seems it's S ranked and they wouldn't let me do it all by myself. Would you mind if I asked we did this mission together?"

[Sorry... busy day, did this in a hurry]
Takizawa Kenchi
Takizawa Kenchi
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What happened?! {Mission, Private} Empty Re: What happened?! {Mission, Private}

Fri Feb 22, 2013 12:49 pm
Kenchi watched as the ninja entered and left. He was slowly building up the courage to ask someone to join him on the mission. Had this been Kirigakure, he would have asked for help long ago. Though this was a different place an entire new territory. He watched as a girl entered the area. She appeared to be searching for a mission, an S rank mission at that. Kenchi smiled, he was surprised to see someone so young attempting to complete a mission most Jounin would cringe at doing. Kenchi would begin to walk towards the girl, when she looked at him. She would repeat the very words Kenchi was about to ask her. "No, I don't mind at all. In fact I was about to ask you the same thing." Kenchi would smile, "Well since we are going to be attempting such a dangerous mission, it would be appropiate for me introduce myself. My name is Takizawa 'Jinn' Kenchi, to keep things formal, you can call me Kenchi." If she would respond as expected, giving him her name, Kenchi would stare down at the paper once more. He would plan out the mission in his mind. He did not want the girl to die during the mission, though something avout her told him that she was more skilled than he thought. Still, even some of the strongest ninja die on missions that would be ratther simple. Kenchi would begin to walk through the village. If the girl followed him, he would begin to speak once more. "This is an S rank mission, so for the most part, it would be wise for us to not go into this unprepared meaning a plan would be most certainly necessary." He would stop walking, once he reached the village gates. "Any ideas?" Kenchi would ask the girl, he was curious to know if she took the mission serious enough or if she was just doing it for the ryo.

Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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What happened?! {Mission, Private} Empty Re: What happened?! {Mission, Private}

Fri Feb 22, 2013 4:18 pm
Yozora's eyes widened in joy and a smile appeared on her face as she heard the reply. The man seemed somehow different from the other shinobi in Tengakure. While smiling he introduced himself and so did she. "My name is Shinkou Yozora. You can call me just Yozora if you feel like it, though." Then they walked out making their way to the gates. On their way Kenchi said they would need a plan. Silently Yozora agreed - S rank mission is no joke. When they finally reached the gates he asked her if she had any ideas. Yozora spent a moment thinking and only then replied. "Well... we're to find a group of missing ninja right? We've got one lead - they broke into the Kage's office. Nobody can infiltrate into the heart of a village without leaving some sort of track, somebody must know something... maybe civilians saw something, or patrols noticed them leaving the area. Those people who make the assignment don't do the info gathering for us... Look, how about we split up and look for some clues. You're a high ranked shinobi, so you could ask for patrol reports or something, I'll ask around the village, talk to civilians. We can meet here a couple hours later, what'd you say?"
If he agreed she'd vanish into the heart of the village.

[Sorry, looks like we won't finish this today, but I'll try to be more active tomorrow. Maybe I'll catch you online and we can do a whole bunch of posts one after another.]
Takizawa Kenchi
Takizawa Kenchi
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What happened?! {Mission, Private} Empty Re: What happened?! {Mission, Private}

Fri Feb 22, 2013 7:52 pm
Kenchi would listen to the girl as she spoke nodding his head the entire time. He agreed with her, someone had to have seen something."Okay, I'll look around for clues, talk to some shinobi see what they know." Kenchi would place his hands together for ming a single hand seal he would then seemingly disappear. Kenchi would be walking through the village. His hands ay his sides as he stared at the people passing him, any of them could be the thief as far as he knew.He would quickly put such thoughts behind him as he began to cross paths with a fellow shinobi.

"Hello, I'm sure you heard about the recent trouble in the village. Info being stolen from the kage's office. Do you happen to know who was on patrol at that moment?

The man would grimace slightly, "Yes I heard about it, coincidentally I was on patrol at that moment. Who are you and what do you want to know?"

"My name is Kenchi, I currently have the luxury of finding the people of person responsible. I am a shinobi of Jounin rank, if that means anything."

"O..well I guess I can tell you then. I was patrolling you know, the usual. When I heard a strange noise from the kage office. I immdiately went to investigate. Upon opening the door I saw a man, flipping through files. He was dressed in all black...I went to stop him, when another man stepped in front of me. I went for my weapon when he attacked me, throwing me against the wall in the hallway."

"Is there anything you can tell me, that can help me locate these men?" Kenchi would say, he wanted more than anything to catch them. Such men did not deserve to freely roam through the village, let alone live.

"One of the men, had a large X shaped scar on his face. I'm pretty sure you can't miss that. That's all I know. I...fainted once I was thrown against the wall.." The man would stare out of the eyes of Kenchi as he said this, it was obvious he was embarassed.

"Thanks for your help." Kenchi would say, walking away. He was pretty sure that there were not many man with an X shaped scar in the village. The best choice thing to do would be to go to the hospital, there he would be able to get the records of anyone with an x shaped scar. Kenchi traveled through the village leaping from roof to roof, until he could finally see the peak of the hospital ahead. He was hoping that there were records. Kenchi would make his final leap, from the roof onto the ground. He would run up the steps and quickly enter the doors of the hospital. A nurse would be standing up front. Kenchi would approach her, "Hi, can I take a look at the records. Jounin level shinobi, investigating on a mission. So if you don't mind.." Kenchi would walk pass the woman. Some files he could not see, for they were too confidentil. Others were open to the public. Kenchi would walk towards a file cabinet, opening one of the drawers. He would scan the files, he would find the 'S' letter, for scars. There were a ton of men in the village with scars, but very few had them in an X shape. From the research Kenchi was doing, there were 2 men. One of the men died, so that narrowed it down to one. His name was not on the file, though there was a picture and an adress. The man appeared to be living outside of the village, this would make since, for who would want to comitt such a crime and still walk around the village. Kenchi had gatheres all of the info he needed. He hoped Yozora had gathered some info on the other man in the incident. Kenchi would thank the nurse as he exited the hospital.

He would shortly appear at the village gates. He now knew exactly what one of the men looked like, and he had an address. This was more than he could ask for. He would wait for Yozora to appear, hopefully she had as much luck as he had.

Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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What happened?! {Mission, Private} Empty Re: What happened?! {Mission, Private}

Sat Feb 23, 2013 4:35 am
After they agreed and split up Yozora went for Tengakure's marketplace. She did not know a better place to hunt for information - a ton of people, everyone's talking, gossip, rumors, hell people come there even if they don't want to buy anything and if anybody knew something about something then you could say the whole market square knows about it too, usually for the right price though. But that takes time... Yozora spent over an hour asking around about the break-in and if somebody knew something more about it, but most of what she got were the rumors she had heard before or dead ends. A few of those actually, felt as if somebody was trying to cover their tracks. Did a good job too. After an hour since she and Kenchi had split up Yozora had only gathered that some people had seen something, but she simply couldn't find them. One man said that he saw shadowy figures moving on rooftops, heading north and probably leaving the village that day. But no more details than that, no faces remembered, nothing. And then somebody told her about one more guy who was supposed to know something. Yozora learned what the guy looked like and where he lived, then made her way there. She found him leaving his house, looked a bit in a hurry. "Hey there mister. I heard you know something about the break-in into the Kage's office. I'm on a mission concerning that break-in. Would you tell me what you know?" The guy looked caught off guard, probably not expecting to be caught with such questions just after he left his house. But he soon regained his posture. "Yea, well, I don't know what you heard people saying about me knowing something, but truth is I don't really know anything. It's actually my friend... I was about to go to him, said he'd tell me the whole story. You could come with me if you like, I guess..." He extended the invitation in an unsure tone, as if it was nothing. Yozora looked in the direction the gates were, where she and Kenchi had to meet in a bit over half an hour, then back and nodded. "Alright. Where did you say he lives?" The man smiled. "Not far, just outside the north gates, outside the village."

On their way Yozora said she had to boy something, when in fact she already suspected a trap and just wanted a moment out of the man's sight. In the shop she quickly wrote a short message, more like a script that she hoped Kenchi would understand:
"Found something. A cottage north of the village. Not back in time -> trouble."
She was in a hurry, folded the message a few times and wrote on the outside " Give to Kenchi, 9:43 AM, North Gate."
When she and the man were leaving through the gates she secretly handed the massage to a guard, while explaining that they were going to see a friend living outside the village. Hopefully the guard wasn't as dumb as most of them and would hand the message to Kenchi when he showed up.

Finally they were here. The cottage looked a bit shabby, not something you would live in for a long time, more like a hideout. Yozora did not let her expressions give away what was happening in her head. After she followed the man inside they met his friend. A guy with a scar on his face, not a regular looking person, for sure. After a few questions Yozora understood the guy did not really want to talk about what he knew, but actually wanted to know what she had gathered so far. He was fairly good with words, but when you look at it all already with doubts it gets even better, so Yozora already knew what was going on. What matter was to play along as long as possible until Kenchi arrived. Well she lasted for some time, but finally slipped and they realized she was just playing them. Hopefully it was enough time for Kenchi to get the message and be at least half way here, it was roughly 10 minutes after they were supposed to meet at the gates.

The guy with a scar in front of Yozora got a kunai out of nowhere, the man that got her here undid his transformation and now stood behind here with a nasty looking blade. On top of it three more appeared for the second floor. One of them seemed to be wielding needles, one had a big scroll and the last one ... well he seemed to have a transplanted byakugan in his left eye. Yozora slowly put her hand on her katana's hilt, which was over her right shoulder as always. "We'll see how this plays out..."

Takizawa Kenchi
Takizawa Kenchi
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What happened?! {Mission, Private} Empty Re: What happened?! {Mission, Private}

Sat Feb 23, 2013 2:31 pm
Kenchi had been standing at the gate for quite some time now. He was beginning to wonder if Yozora had left without him. Shuffling from foot to foot he would notice something odd. One of the gaurds seemed to be looking at him strangely. The man would clear his throat, speaking.

"Hmm..Are you Kenchi by an chance.?" The man would say as he shuffled through his pocket, handing Kenchi a note."A girl passed through here not long ag-."

Kenchi would not let the man finish his sentence, he would place his hands together bodyflickering out of the village. He would leap from branch to branch quickly. He hoped she had not gotten herself into too much trouble. He knew if anything bad happened to her he would be held responsible, therefore he had to get there as quickly as possible. He was Yozora had her resons for leaving, she appeared to be wise. Kenchi could hear the faint sound of voices in front of him. He woud leap onto a branch ahead of himself. He could see clearly into a cottage in front of him.

'YOZORA!' Kenchi would shout mentally, as he watched the girl enter the cottage with a strange man.

Kenchi would leap from the tree, landing on the ground. He would then quietly make his way towards the cottage. he did not want to go directly into the cottage through the front door. Instead he leapt onto a set of stairs, that seemed to lead up to the second floor from outside. He would make his way up the stairs and enter the cottage. He could hear Yozora talking, it sounded as if she was stalling for time. Kenchi would stare down, hid behind a heap of hay. Everything was going well, until Yozora slipped. 'Dammit.' Kenchi would say mentally, he would then form handsigns, creating a single shadow clone beside himself. They were still outnumbered, for more men had came. Kenchi would stnd up fully from behind the hay. The clone would mimick his movement, standing aswell.

Kenchi would notice that all of the men seemed to now be armed, except one. The man stood with his back faced towards Kenchi, he also had his hands at his sides. Kenchi saw this as the perfect opportunity to attack, still this was an S rank mission and he was unaware of the man's abilities. Instead, Kenchi would throw a single kunai towards the man aiming to strike him at the temple. The man would smile, at the last possible moment he would then begin to spin forming a large dome of chakra around himself. The dome of chakra would easily reflect the kunai, changing its course so that it slammed into a wall. The man would now be facing Kenchi, their eyes meeting. "A poached byakugan." Kenchi would say as his left hand reached over his shoulder. Drawing a large blade, Black X Calibur. Kenchi would leap from the second floor landing in front of the man with the byakugan and the man with the needles. Kenchi would leap towards the man with the needles, slashing his sword in the air creating an ark of wind that would travel towards the man. The man would leap to the side avoiding the ark. He would then throw several needles towards Kenchi. These are the type of men that destroyed kiri, missing ninja. Killing without reason. They all deserved to die. Kenchi would think to himself. He would then feel a weird sensation. His short white hair, would grow longer flowing down his back. His eyes would begin to glow a crimson blood red color. The last change would be a large figure, appearing to stand over Kenchi. Kenchi would sway from side to side, before dashing forwards towards the man. He would be even faster than before, surprisingly fast. He would catch the man off gaurd, his sword slicing through the man killing him instantly.

Kenchi would now turn to face the man with the stolen byakugan. His sword would only hold him back, so Kenchi through it to the side, drawing a single kunai. He would sprint towards the man, the man seemed to have a speed almost identical to Kenchi's. He would draw a kunai aswell, both of their kunais clashing as the two men faced off. Kenchi and the men would be moving at untraceble speeds, nothing would be able to be seen by the average ninja. Only the sound of clashing could be heard. Kenchi would leap backwards away fromt the man. The man would smile, drawing a ninjato from his side. Kenchi would begin to charge lightning into his right hand, preparing himself to use the chidori. The man would charge forwards, he appeared to be a menacing opponent, but it was obvious he lacked basic skills he seemed to let rage control his movements. He would slash downwards with the ninjato, attempting to strike Kenchi. Kenchi would remain still, as the man ducked downwards with the point of the sword he would attempt to strike Kenchi at his stomach. The ninjato would strike the stomach of Kenchi, but surprisingly to both of them it had no effect. Kenchi would take this moment to grasp the head of the man. The chidori would connect with the head of the man killing him, the lightning flowing through the head of the man causing his head to explode. Kenchi would grimace slightly. Staring towards the dead corpse of the man. It was obvious, he was their leader.

The Clone of Kenchi would charge towards the man holding the scroll. The clone would draw a single demon dagger, striking the man from behind. Killing him instantly, causing him to drop the scroll. The clone would then exit the area, beginning to search for the stolen file. The clone would begin to look everywhere. flipping over stacks of hay, until it found the file. The file was within a small folder, in the center of the room. This was the most important thing of the mission. Kenchi would stop now, but the mission said that they could kill the men to end the group. This was now their main priority. The clone would appear in front of Kenchi handing him the file. Kenchi would wait to for Yozora to finish the other two men. He had already killed the leader, so it should not be too hard for the girl to handle the others, but he would step in if she needed help.

[3693/3500, the mission is basically done. Just NPC your opponents and we are finished.]
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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What happened?! {Mission, Private} Empty Re: What happened?! {Mission, Private}

Sat Feb 23, 2013 4:48 pm
During the moment of tension Yozora noticed Kenchi. He was already in the house. And then the next moment it all began. Kenchi and his clone taking on the three that came from upstairs, leaving only two for Yozora to handle. Both of them came at her at the same time. Yozora used her sword held in her right hand to block the blade wielding dude. The strike was heavy, since he held his weapon with both hands and she could only afford one, but she withstood it. With her left hand though she quickly get a couple of shurikens and after infusing them with chakra the threw them at the scarred man's throat performing her trick-shot. Both shurikens would miss his throat only slightly, but as they would miss the technique would activate extending blades of wind to the sides and cutting the man's arteries. Yozora almost counted one down, but then she noticed his body changing shape before it even hit the ground. It turning into somewhat like a shadow and started moving through the walls. Yozora's crimson eyes lit up, starting to see what he did there. He kind of transformed into chakra, but it must have been sort of substitution technique, but she did not notice when he activated it, though. She shifted her attention back on the blader. With a swift movement she drew out a kunai and launched a thrust at his throat, but the man dodged it preparing for another swing. Taking the chance Yozora jumped right at him, stepping on his body and almost instantly appearing above him. With a corner of her eye she glimpsed the shadowy guy emerging from the wall so she threw the kunai at him to keep him from interrupting her combo. Then with all her mass and swung her katana down at the blader who attempting to block it. This time she held the sword with both hands and she had a technique up her sleeve - in most powerful blade move in fact. Right before the hit katana's blade began to chime and faintly glow. It cut right through the man's blade and then through his whole body. One down for good. Now the problem was the other guy. With one less to worry about Yozora could now afford a moment to see how Kenchi was doing. He was doing fine, having down two already. The shadowy guy looked like a problem though. Yozora wanted to see how he transformed to she came into close and landed one hit immediately body flicking away to avoid counterattacking. Apparently her opponent did not need hand seals, he just turning into chakra or at least he turned the injured body part into chakra and then reformed it. Yozora saw only one technique that could possibly end this quickly. Once again she came into a close clash, but this time she set her attacks in such a way that her opponent had to block them. And that's when it happened. Yozora's blade sang and after a moment her opponent bursted into a panic, seeing an illusion of being poisoned. Then he collapsed. Right about that time Kenchi had finished his own dose of missing-nins. He also retrieved the stolen files - mission successful.

Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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What happened?! {Mission, Private} Empty Re: What happened?! {Mission, Private}

Sun Feb 24, 2013 2:13 pm
Approved for appropriate rewards.
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