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History Told Back..(Kuro) Empty History Told Back..(Kuro)

Sat Dec 08, 2012 7:55 pm
Subject: Secret Mission Today at 12:36 pm
Mission Name: The Phantom Ruins Hidden In The Depth Of The Earth

Task:The Hoshimura have a underground ruins which can't be accessed by any other means. The only way to access these historic catacombs is to be the next heir of the throne. There was a story Claire left a stone of utmost power in these ruins. So as the next heir your mission is to make the power of the stone yours and make us rejoice you are the next heir with brilliant power.

1500 words must invovle the search of the stone and the fusing of it into the body.

The day was young and the wind blew softly as the sun would rise above the horizon. The grounds were the royal family memorial tomb was built was a girl her back up against the gravestone of one of her ancestors. A cigarette between her lips as she would inhale deeply and exhale smoke through her nose. This girl had'long black hair and a scar on her left shoulder from a battle she had few years ago."Why is life so boring grandmother i bet it was fantastic in your time wasn't it you brought honor to the royal family"The girl would say as she talked to the gravestone. This girl was the fourth in decades to inherit the head of the family her name is Makina Hoshimura. At her side was a blade her prize of her family which showed her family crest. She would inhale once more as the smoke circulate through her body as she rub her fingers through her hair. She hates she would be wandering around here for a long time till the time is right for her to return as a split image of her grandmother Claire Revy Farron. Her attention would be drifted to the trees to her right as a thundering stomping could be heard coming her way.

She would yawn softly as she would watch as guards after guards would of been spawning onto the grave site. She was pretty amazed that so many had came here looking for her. On there suit of armor was the crest of the Hoshimuras as one of the elders would of came forward."You look old as usually Eliza"Makina would say as she would smile to herself as she looked at her."Makina theres something we must tell you thats why we traveled to the grounds of your ancestors" she would say. Makina back turned towards the grave stone as she looked at the woman waiting for her to finish."Your ancestor claire farron left a treasure in the domains below this graveyard she left it for the heirs of this generation you must go down and retrieve it now just pour your blood on the opening of the statue it will lead to the catacombs good luck princess". Makina stood there dumbfounded cause she couldnt even figure out how she didnt get a chance to respond. She knew Kurokon would accompany her due to the fact he was her bodyguard.


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History Told Back..(Kuro) Empty Re: History Told Back..(Kuro)

Sat Dec 08, 2012 10:17 pm
Makina would look at the elder of her family well one of them anyway as she sighs deeply she knew she had to go or its her ass. She would look at the gravestone behind her as she would sigh again."Why did you have to make me do more work"she would say out loud as she psighs once more. It was at that time Kurokon had stepped out of hiding which she knew he was."Only the Princess is allowed in the Catacombs!"Eliza yelled as she looked at Kurokon."Last time i knew...i thought i made the rules not listen you old hag ill get this stone lets hope i dont kill you with it"She would say then look towards Kuro who she gave a small smile towards. The elder would show a bit of shock on her face as she was talked down upon like a child by one at that.
"Kurokon you would accompany to the Catacombs center is where the stone is being held i heard stories of it from my mother before"she would say as she looked at him turning her back from the elder as she walked to the statue behind her. Taking her sword nipping her finger as blood would drip to the statue base.

It would seem a earthquake would happen as the base of the statue would open showing a staircase that leads below. Maki would stand there as she woukd sigh and begun to descend into the Catacombs of the Hoshimuras. Knowing Kurokon was right behind her she had a lot of searching it seem to do. As she came to a door her sword in one hand. It was painted with faces of the past Queens of the Hoshimura each and everyone picture had a time of birth and when they died. But there was one picture dates missing as if it had been scraped off. She run her fingers among the door until she accidently push part of it i making tne door opening as a massive dust cloud was release. The smell of death filled the air it almost killed her as she had to catch her breathe."oh my fucking god what is down here"she would say as lights suddenly came on leading down a hallway filled with coffins."Great.......Coffins"she would say as she walked in with Kurokon behind her most likely. As the doors shut behind them the floor below them will give in making them fall to the next level of the catacombs. Where skeltons of all different ninja from around the world was piled up in this single room."What the the hell is this...some sort of bad dream"in truth it was the Hoshimura secret lab...


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History Told Back..(Kuro) Empty Re: History Told Back..(Kuro)

Sat Dec 08, 2012 11:17 pm
Makina would start dusting herself off as she would look around she heard about her ancestor Claire. She was a mad scientist it was listed this only proved that theory as she looked around. She would take a glance at Kurokon who seem to act like he was at a amusement park."It seems this place is a wonder the smell of death was so strong"she says looking around. She would walk around for now as she would pick up pieces of papers that laid on the floor as she was kneeling down. Her eyes scanning the area once more as she would stand up her feet taking her deeper into the lab. As she made her way she would look around there was paper all over the place what the hell was this place. As she was basically walking around as the lab looked like it was here for a reason it been underground this whole time. "Kurokon what you think of this ...its weird my ancestors had such a thing right"she would ask as she just moved around in total shock from this even her other self was."Your ancestors was creepy people Maki"her other self would say. She would come across a device in the center of the lab as a drip of her blood touch it a light suddenly shined.

There right in front of her was a recorded message it seem as a hologram popped up afterwards. She open her eyes which she shielded from the light as she looked at the person in the hologram it was was Claire."If this messaged is being seen by must be the new heir due to only a blood of a noble can unlock this device...If your in this god forsaken place i welcome you to paradise...If you are watching this that mean your here for one reason the Stone Of Gelel a powerful stone lost in history or was suppose to. I discovered the lost fragments left behind to build a new stone,a new power for this world salvation I Claire Revy Farron bestow that power to you....The stone is located to the lower levels of the lab take it and harnest the power within You are a Hoshimura...."with that claire was gone as the image disappeared. She would stand there for a moment before she begun to pace towards her desti ation going down steps after steps. Her mind was so confused how did her grandmother know to hide this stone? How did she know she will come for it?. These questions ran through her head as she reached basement level. There in the center of the room was the stone and the corpse of Claire the stone within her hands. Makina fell bad she was scared of the site before her the stones blue glow begun to brighten. As a beam would hit Maki right in the chest as the stone would pull its way into her her chest. Closing the wound it had caused as her body undergo a complete transformation then she would pass out as the floor begun to crumble. On the basement floor Kurokon had to get to her in time was she will be with the abyss like her ancestors.


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History Told Back..(Kuro) Empty Re: History Told Back..(Kuro)

Sun Dec 09, 2012 11:11 am
Mission success.
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