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Kidnapping The Slanderer(Mission,Kuro) Empty Kidnapping The Slanderer(Mission,Kuro)

Tue Dec 04, 2012 11:51 pm
The wind blew gently through the estate of the Hoshimuras this wind could tell many storie if it could. The wind blew through the trees around the estate having cherry bollsoms carry among the skies. The scent was pure bliss if anything else even though there was peace among the skies. There was ever lasting chaos down below in the household. Who could hear the elders of the family argue about there beliefs as there voices carried over into estate they were so loud. On the top floor in a room near the window was this generation next leader of the family. She was in her own world you could say her other half under control for now. Her long black hair going only shoulder length due to how she wore her hair at the time. Her kimono pulled down as her bare breast pressed against the wall. Her red eyes was looking at the kunai she was playing with as she would yawn out of boredom. She would continue playing with her kunai as she would look out the window briefly as the wind would blow through it. She would continue to look out there as she begin to hear bits and pieces of the conversation below. She knew the problem had to be urgent calling in all those elders in one room.

She would breath slightly as she would turn her head towards her sword case where her dual blades resides. She heard bits of the problem from the constant yelling below her you can say."Humans are such pitiful creatures..." she would say as she closed her eyes as she begun to think of what to do this little argument was annoying to begin with so she would rather put a end to it already. She would stand up as her kimono would hit the floor her complete seventeen year old body showing. The scar on her left shoulder was a scar to represent her loyalty to the royal family to her royal blood."Kurokon i know your there you can show yourself....and tell me the situation"she would say out loud. She would yawn as she waited for him to appear she would start to get dress. She would grab her black top slipping that over her head over her C cup breast as she pulled the pin from her hair to let it down. She would then slip on a pair of black laced undergarments as she slipped on her jeans. She looked at her sword case opening it also to retrieve her family blades. If she knew what was going on or not she was going to put a end to it."Well guess it really is time to play my role"she would say...


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Kidnapping The Slanderer(Mission,Kuro) Empty Re: Kidnapping The Slanderer(Mission,Kuro)

Wed Dec 05, 2012 12:46 am
She would of finished getting dressed as she would out her blades to her sides as she looked in her mirror. The person looking back at her was her other self she would continue to listen to the ongoing bickering as she would rub her neck softly."Slanderer eh? why do it seem my family always getting some negative feeling from the people we do more for them then any other nobles"she would say in a heighten tone knowing her emotions was on the uprising."Yes we shall capture this ungrateful....bitch question him then i want him wiped from the face of the earth"she would say as she would walk towards her open window stepping on the ledge. As she would look towards the sky as she closed her eyes as she would lean out the window falling towards the ground the wind pressure pushing against her face as she would land on the ground perfectly on her feet. Her legs being the strongest part of her body most likely,she would look towards Kurokon with a smile."Anything else you uncovered or is that all"she would say as she begun to walk towards the gates of the estate as she knew Kurokon was right behind her.

Makina would stop for a moment realizing she had no idea where she was going so she stood there looking dumbfounded."Kurokon you should probably lead the way would be better that way...we dont get lost"she would say to him as she would begun to think to herself. There was a lot in this world that she didn't see that she wanted to her moter told her stories of how the world really was. She would be in her train of thought as she knew of her other half that was most of her power. But she had to get stronger she was a decendant of Claire Farron a leader. So she knew she had to get stronger also with Kurokon at her side she knew shoe could do it. Guards would open the gates as she would walk through them. She had a destiny to fight running away from it was not a option but a privelage. She would look at Kurokon with the expression of her alter ego meaning she was serious now the time for games was over she was princess of a noble family. She would write out her destiny along with Kurokon and become the leader she is meant to be."Lets Kill Them All..."was her final words as she made her way most likely following Kurokon.


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Kidnapping The Slanderer(Mission,Kuro) Empty Re: Kidnapping The Slanderer(Mission,Kuro)

Wed Dec 05, 2012 1:23 pm
Makina wasn't just holding her own frustration but her whole family by being the next head of her family. She knew what was at stake if she wasn't the one to take care of this nuisance once and for all. She would listen to the information Kurokon knew as she followed him. "This man must be a commoner..."she would say cause she knew the rest of the nobles were afraid of her family ever since her great great grandmother reign. Makina would see that they would have to go through the woods to reach there destination she was honestly fine with that. The faster they got there the faster she can return for more training. She had to take her grandmother example and make the world into one. But she knew she could do that so she continued on her way. She pushed branches aside as they walked through this forest to there destination. She was thinking to herself would she be able to control the other persona within her or would it just go berserk like it did few months ago. Her mother spoke how she was a decedent of a fearsome tyrant. Kurokon was suppose to belong to another family which by the scared books was to protect the reigning noble family,her family.

"Kurokon you seem kinda out of it are you alright?"she would ask. As they continued to walk through the woods she would look at the sky as the breeze blew slightly. Makina would use this time to make her plan possibly something that could work. A similar pain in her head begun to happen as screams and agony filled her head. The color in her eyes was disappearing she was always through this once her thoughts were either of killing or torturing her target. Makina would place a hand on the trunk of the tree as it felt her body was being overheated as if something was trying to get out. Then a similar voice would enter her head"Maki i feel it...i feel your hatred your bloodlust dont hold it back embrace it become me!"the voice would say as it's laugh echoed through her head. She was still following Kurokon hope they were getting there soon cause her body was on fire and only one thing could settle this Lust. She would continue using the trees to support her as they made there way hoping it was soon.

As she made her way a few more steps her back would press against the tree as the color of her eyes were gone. She had faded into the depths of her other self who she knew she couldnt control as she laid down in what seem to be water but thicker. "Where am i?"she would ask in a low voice as she looked around. Standing before her covered in blood and nothing else was her other self. The one she created mentally from her lonely childhood. What snapped Makina out of her phase was the low chuckle of the other maki. The chuckle begun to increase as she was going insane she would reach her hand out touching the actual Makina."Heh i will show you what power me just make sure you pay attention little girl"she says as she begun to fade laughing insanely until she was no more. Outside where her body stopped moving her lips would curl into a smile ear to ear. As Maki would break in a soft chuckle as her eyes were redder then before. She would look at Kurokon"your more muscular then i remember and shall we continue?'she would say as she would continue to laugh to herself knowing they were almost there."This shall be fun isn't that right you oh muscular bodyguard of mine"she would say in a flirt tone while normal maki was locked within.


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Kidnapping The Slanderer(Mission,Kuro) Empty Re: Kidnapping The Slanderer(Mission,Kuro)

Thu Dec 06, 2012 1:55 am
Makina would continue to laugh to herself as she was simply ignored by her perfect charm. Maybe her breast wasn't big enough i mean she was still a growing girl after all. She would follow Kurokon constantly not letting him lose her he may be fast but so was she overall so she made sure to keep up. The pure insanity running through her head was like the beat of drums being pounded together if she was a normal person she would for surely go insane from it. But hey she was already there so she couldn't get more insane then she already was. She would come to a stop as she would unsheathe both of her blades each in a firm grip of her hands. She would twirl one of the blades within one hand as the other was nailed into the ground."I guess were here now"she would say with a chuckle as Kurokon had came to a stop."Makina i will show you the power of your real potential i hope you watch as i tear this place apart"she thought. "you are insane you crazy bitch"she would say bluntly in response. Maki would be blushing on the outside"that is the nicest thing you ever said to me Makina"she would say enough for Kurokon to hear.

She would contine to think until she heard Kurokon go down a list of plans he gave her options for her to choose. She didn't even have to think about it as a smile was on her face ear to ear."Lets break through the fucking front door i want them to know it is i Makina Hoshimura who ended there lives today"she would say with a psychotic chuckle as she would reach and lick Kurokon face."ill take care of the samurai big boy you guard any non samurai who try to interfer"she would say as she would lick her lips. She would twirl her head around she was going even more insane about the blood bath she would be making all it did was turn her on. She would rub her free fingers through her hair as the feeling in her gut was intensifing make her whole body heat up as she begun to caress her own body. She would then walk out to the open not even trying to hide her prescenes. Her body was over heated she needed release. She would walk towards the group of four samurai."Stop this area is off limits ma'am"one of them would say to her as her head was down as she begun to chuckle low at first and it just got louder. Her head was facing them now her eyes wide her smile was spread across her face like a madman.

She held on to the hilts of her blades tightly as one of the samurai was approaching her from her right side. She just stood there as she was still laughing and laughing. Once the samurai was in range she use her blade to quickly switch the blunt side to face her. Then using that gained momenteum she brought the blade upward slashing the samurai across the chest. His blood spraying like a hose as it splashed on her she begun to laugh out loud."Give me more...pleasure me more i need more!"she would moan out loud as if the middle of a sex session. The samurais would look as she smothered the blood all over her body moaning as she did so. The next two samurai drew there blades as they were moving to each side of her while she was pleasuring herself with the blood.

She would close her eyes as the blood kept pouring on her as she was being double teamed by the next two samurai. She would stand there as both of her blades was in her hands. She would just stand there with a psycotic smile of hers as the blood felt nice on her very skin for sure. She would watch as both samurai would charge at her and swing there swords. With little movement of her body she had blocked both of the sword attacks with her own swords. She would then go into a instant split letting the swords go through clashing with each other. With that and her own speed she swirled her blades around and drove them right into the chest of both samurai as there blood begun to splash on her. This made her moan ever so louder as she would still be in her split as the bodies would hit the ground. She would begin to laugh as she used her sword after pulling it out of the samurai and continue stabbing his corpse over and over again. Each time the precious blood would splash on her,her breathe was heavy as she pants."Pure.....Ectasy i can't stand it i want more give me more"she would yell knowing the last samurai would call for back up it was now Kurokon part in this plan. As all Maki was doing was stabbing the corpses constantly with moans and screams of pleasure.


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Kidnapping The Slanderer(Mission,Kuro) Empty Re: Kidnapping The Slanderer(Mission,Kuro)

Thu Dec 06, 2012 8:57 pm
Makina hands would be completely covered in the esscence of the blood of the dead samurai. Her mind was lost in the pleasure the ongoing pleasure of the heated fluid of these samurai. Her mind was so lost she tilted her head to the side as she would watch Kurokon a bit clueless at the moment as her whole body was glittering with the blood that covered her completely. She would slowly stand up grabbing the handles of her blades she would rise up as her body was rocking side to side. Her eyes was huge as the Murder Princess made her way to the entrance pass the bodies left by Kurokon as she walk passed him coming to the doorway as she would chuckle to herself as she continued this towqrds the door way she would stop as she looks towards Kurokon as she would step through the door as she gave the final order of this farcade"Exterminate Everyone"........


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