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D-Rank; Student Shuffle Empty D-Rank; Student Shuffle

Sat May 19, 2012 3:24 pm
Another day of placidity. While calm, relaxing days weren't bad, Sokizu had enjoyed enogh of that. He was a shinobi, a genin of Konoha. He may not be the most important, the strongest, smartest, the list is endless really, but he should still do something.

"Okay, I've had enough of this, I'm going to find something to do; someone to help." Sokizu said to himself. He walked outside, squinting his eyes through the gaps in his wild hair. The wind was little more than a shallow whistle, brushing against everything in its wake. Walking through the streets granted him no work to be had, so he turned his attention to the outer spaces of the village.

He eventually stumbled upon the academy grounds. I guess old habits die hard, whatever can't hurt to have a look around again. He walked up to the main entrance and slowly opened the doors. Walking through the hallways was a serene moment, he remembered overcoming the genin exam and feeling so proud of himself. His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a shouting coming from down a hallway to his right.

"Fine, I'm done dealing with this! Go to recess!" A familiar voice yelled. A chorus of laughs and shouts of victory erupted from the nearest classroom. Kids began to pour out, running outside to go and play. When the last of the mob escaped Sokizu walked into the now empty classroom. He saw the sensei in charge of the class sitting with his hands clamped over his head.

"Excuse me?" Sokizu muttered.

"Huh? Oh Sokizu! What are you doing here?" The sensei said, standing up from his desk. Sokizu recalled him instantly.

"Tokodowa-sensei! I'm just kinda walking around, don't have much to do. So what's all this about, is something wrong?" Sokizu asked, worried.

"Well, yeah, you could say that. All these kids are ridiculous, I can't teach them a single thing. They all act out, refuse to listen, and I just don't know what to do." Tokodowa said in misery. "I'll probably get assigned somewhere else for failing at teaching them."

"Hold on now, could I help you? I could stick around here and do something, I don't have much else to do." Sokizu offered.

"That's a wonderful idea! They only get away with all this because I can't be everywhere! Okay, when they get back they're going to come in and sit down, I'll introduce you and we can get to work. If you see someone act up go and yell at them, if need be you can write them a slip, the slip is for punishment training after class."

With that they went back into the room to wait for the children. It wasn't long before they all piled back into the classroom, sitting in their seats. The sheer number of children started to worry Sokizu.

"No wonder you can't control all of them, there are so many!" Sokizu exclaimed when all the children were sitting.

"Yeah, it can be a bit crazy, but we've got this. All right, listen up! This is Sokizu, he'll be my assistant today and has full power like me. You will obey him and mind his authority." Tokodowa said to the class, then began teaching. Before a minute had gone by a couple students toward the back started poking each other, causing a ruckus in their row. Sokizu leaped forward and landed in front of them,

"Hey, be quiet! Or do you want a slip?" Sokizu said as menacingly as possible.

"No." Came the angry reply.

Already there was another outburst in the middle of the room.

"Hey, quit looking at my paper!" A kid yelled. With a sigh Sokizu ran down to them.

"No cheating!" He yelled. This time the class lasted a few minutes before the next interruption. A few kids on opposite sides of the room started throwing crumpled paper at eachother. Sokizu quickly put his hands together in the tiger handseal.

"Doppleganger Technique!" Now two other Sokizu's stood by his sides. The real one and one of the others intercepted the next barrage of paper being thrown and ran up to the boys who had thrown them.

"Alright, you're getting a slip, have fun." The two Sokizu's said to the troublemakers. After seeing what Sokizu had accomplished the class was quiet for the remainder of class. Once Tokodowa was done he told them,

"Good, I see you've all realized that I'm not messing around anymore. You will be punished if you interrupt this class again. Now class dismissed, except for you two." He said, pointing at the boys who had received slips. He then turned to Sokizu and said, "Thank you so much, I think this'll stick with them for awhile, I shouldn't have too much problems with them anymore. Here, take this, it's payment for today. You certainly did earn it."

"Thank you sensei," Sokizu said, taking his pay. "I hope you don't have any more trouble with them." He said, leaving the classroom. He went home, exhausted and proud.
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