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Natsumi Nara
Natsumi Nara
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Eight Days a Week Empty Eight Days a Week

Wed Jun 19, 2024 2:07 pm






From beneath the comfort of her covers, Nastumi silenced the alarm clock with a blind slap each time it went off until, somehow, it was nearly half an hour after she planned to be up by. When she finally mustered up the requisite will to break away from her bed’s warm embrace, her morning became a blur. She rushed through her typical routine with the frantic energy of one who needed more time in the day; she splashed water on her face, dragged a brush through her hair, and was out the door with breakfast in hand.

Given the early hour, the streets of Konohagkure were still relatively empty. A few merchants set up their stalls for the day, several ambitious shinobi were out on a morning run, and a kindly old couple walked their two petite dogs.  Normally, the Nara girl would have stopped for the dogs, however, today she was already running behind and couldn’t afford to be any later, petting cute dogs could wait.

Today, unfortunately, was another day on the job, something she had come to dread. The assignments came down the day before in a file folder as thick as a book and hung over her head throughout the previous evening. Most of the so-called “missions” seemed to be more chore than mission, but that was the lot of a genin. At least this time she would have help—she wouldn’t have to suffer in solitude.

By some miracle and her abbreviated morning routine, she arrived on time at the agreed-upon meeting place, a public park in need of a cleanup. Wearing a yellow sweatshirt layered over a black shirt, Natsumi would be hard to miss. Glancing around the park, however, she didn’t see her supposed partner for the day’s missions, was he running late?
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Xuexing Yuki
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Eight Days a Week Empty Re: Eight Days a Week

Wed Jul 03, 2024 12:28 pm
If you aren’t starting the morning with a panic attack, then are you really preparing for the day? That was what Xuexing contemplated as he stared at his face in the mirror, his breathing finally starting to calm down and cease the likely event of hyperventilating and subsequent syncope. It seemed like forever since he had been called out to do an important mission for the village. He’d been tasked with cleaning a mansion that seemed months ago, but he could hardly remember how it ended. From there he’d been given a “mental health leave” though he swore he’d seen the word suspension on the document.

Still, the leadership of Konoha had clearly seen that he’d been working hard during his time off to get his nerves in-line so that he could once again contribute. The morning was cold, probably only around 78 degrees out. With that in mind he layered himself in several sweaters followed by a heavy black coat. He pulled up the fabric of one of his undershirts to cover the bottom half of his face so that he could feel the chill of his breath against the humidity of the day. Heavy pants and galoshes competed his ensemble, his headband woven into a woolen cap he placed on his head obscuring where the hat, his hair, and the black coat came and went.

Making his way outside, he made his way to where he was supposed to be, to collect his tasks and complete them. As he neared…..he saw possibly the most frightening thing he could have on such an important mission…..something he had not prepared for in his morning mediation and self affirmations……a girl…

TWC - 278
Natsumi Nara
Natsumi Nara
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Eight Days a Week Empty Re: Eight Days a Week

Thu Jul 04, 2024 11:38 am

Natsumi’s greeting cut through the morning air upon the arrival of a shorter figure. Wrapped in cold weather wear and obscuring their face, the figure appeared an enigma on a hot day when even Natsumi’s light sweatshirt felt a bit much. Moreover, the Nara girl couldn’t quite place whether this was, in fact, the person she was meant to partner with on the day’s mission. They reminded her of the strange white-haired boy she’d meant roughly a week ago.

“You must be Xuexing,” she hazarded a guess as she approached the figure and extended a hand in a less-than-traditional greeting. “You can call me Natsumi, it’s great to meet you. I guess we’re working together today?”

Clearly, Konoha’s administration had little interest in safeguarding its genin’s free time. By Natsumi’s estimation, the docket of missions the pair was to complete would take much of the day. First, they needed to clean up the park, then run a few errands for a couple of Konoha’s more established clans, and, on the way back into town, address some disorder in the market district. Unfortunately, when missions came down, one couldn’t simply say no—all the Nara teen could hope for was good company and time for lunch.

“Should we get started?”

She jerked her head in a half nod towards one of the park’s larger trees. The groundkeepers had left out large paper bags for the pair, all that remained was to gather up the leaves. Maybe it wouldn’t be too bad?
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Xuexing Yuki
Xuexing Yuki
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Eight Days a Week Empty Re: Eight Days a Week

Sat Jul 06, 2024 11:50 am
With deep breaths in and out, Xuexing prepared himself for the most difficult part of any mission.....the social interaction. "y-y-ep...t-thats...m-m-me!" he said, his voice louder than what was socially acceptable in an attempt to sound confident. This was only slightly undermined by his anxious stutter as though his teeth were chattering. He'd rigidly stick out a mitten clad hand to shake the girls hand....he was nailing this.

" important one." He'd say looking around. How they had been so fortunate to garner the responsibilities for the beatification and wellbeing of the village was beyond him. The top brass must see something in him that he did not see in himself and given Natsumi's gung-ho attitude and clear proclivities to taking charge...she must be on the fast track to leadership. It was almost too much, but he was determined to not pass out during another mission.

With a confident nod that looked more like a petit mal seizure, Xuexing would start to get to work. He would grab a bag and methodically pick up one leaf at a time placing it carefully into a bag. It would be dangerous to grab more than one at a time, who knows if there was a kunai, or paper bomb, or worse a spider lurking in the foliage. He would move about in this methodical pace for some time before realizing it was rude to not make conversation with one's comrades. "so....d-do" he'd ask. He let out a sigh, not only was he nailing this mission, but it was clear his break/suspension and those books on social protocol were paying off.

TWC 547
Natsumi Nara
Natsumi Nara
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Eight Days a Week Empty Re: Eight Days a Week

Sat Jul 06, 2024 2:33 pm
Shaking Xuexing’s hand was a bit like shaking that of a mannequin’s hand: stiff, unsettling, and devoid of human warmth. Despite the second-hand awkwardness, Natsumi met her over-dressed companion’s stutter with a smile. When in doubt a smile and a good attitude got one far in life, and the teen hoped that maxim would hold true for the day ahead or it would be a long one.

As for the importance of the mission, the Nara couldn’t quite agree with her fellow genin’s assessment. If anything, the mission seemed, more or less, like busy work, meant to teach some kind of lesson about the importance of hard work. After all, Konohgakure had professional arborists to care for its many trees. However, she tried her best not to think too hard about such things—far better to do the work and be done with it.

For a period of time, the pair worked in silence. Unlike Xuexing, however, Natsumi used one of the rakes the arborists had left for them, scraping together piles of leaves and then stuffing them into the bags. Having spent much of her childhood helping maintain the Nara Clan Forest, the teen was not unacquainted with the concept of yard work. The work was a simple drudgery that, thankfully, Xuexing broke with a question.

“Eh.” Pausing her work, Natsumi leaned against her rake and wiped the sweat from her brow. “I can’t say it’s my favorite—I’d kill for a light breeze and a few clouds.”

She looked up at the sky hopefully only to find a clear blue sky and a fast-ascending sun.

“What about you, aren’t you hot in all that?”

In the back of her mind, the Nara girl could already hear her mother scolding her for calling out the oddities of others. However, she couldn’t very well not ask, right?
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WC: 305
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Xuexing Yuki
Xuexing Yuki
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Eight Days a Week Empty Re: Eight Days a Week

Mon Jul 08, 2024 2:25 pm
With leaves meticulously bagged and the village square looking tidier than before, Xuexing allowed himself a small sigh of relief. He was doing it. He was contributing. His hands, still clad in mittens, were steady, and for once, his heart wasn't racing like a startled deer. He glanced at Natsumi, who was expertly handling her share of the task, and felt a flicker of admiration. She made everything look so effortless. He could never just grab so many leaves at once, she was clearly destined to be a great leader. As he watched her he would answer "'s fairly.....c-chilly o-out." He would say his eyes going back to the last remnants of the work.

"Alright, Xuexing, next mission," he muttered to himself devoid of a stutter when he just spoke to himself, brushing a stray leaf off his coat. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the mission scroll. Unfurling it with care, he read the next task: delivering an order of meat to the Inuzuka Clan.

This was one place he was aware of, not so much the Inazuka's, but rather the butcher shop. His mom made an excellent bone broth soup and more than once he had made his way there. Maybe this was his chance to take the lead and show what he was actually capable of. "I-I can talk to the _b-butcher....if y-you want..." He'd say almost in a whisper as they walked. "I-I know him.....butifyouwanttoitstotallyokIunderstandsodontworryaboutit" He finished in a single breath, the words mashed together, no stuttering when there was anxiety ridden word vomit. He kept breathing, kept focusing watching the road Infront of them, he hoped he hadn't offended the girl by trying to take any form of lead.....she was probably used to being the lead he thought now. If there was an election, she'd probably win.....but she also seemed so cool, she wouldn't even want it and instead take a different opportunity elsewhere....

TWC - 868
Natsumi Nara
Natsumi Nara
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Eight Days a Week Empty Re: Eight Days a Week

Tue Jul 09, 2024 12:39 am
Chilly? Natsumi couldn’t quite agree but gave Xuexing a polite nod without pressing the matter further. Instead, like her stuttering companion, she returned to the task at hand. And soon, by the two teens’ combined efforts, the park was spotless: all the leaf litter was gathered up into bags, which were then sealed and left out for pickup at a later time—with any luck the leaves would be mulched and help nurture the next generation of Konoha’s silent sentinels.

When the pair returned to the streets of Konoha, they joined the steadily growing throng of humanity that had come to characterize the village’s mid-morning rush. All along the main thoroughfare, shopkeepers threw open their doors, cafes welcomed caffeine-starved patrons, and enterprising merchants hocked their wares to any who would listen and more than a few who wouldn’t. Indeed, as the two genin wound their way past storefront after storefront, Natsumi’s gaze lingered on the various deals being offered in each one until something approximating a complete sentence drew her attention back to the winter-ready boy at her side.

“Well, if you know him,” she tried to give Xuexing a playful punch on the shoulder—a form of encouragement she'd learned from her older brothers. “Then lead on, it should make everything a lot easier.”

Scrawled in big block letters, the sign hanging on the butcher shop declared it to be ‘The best butcher this side of the Hyuuga district’. A bold claim, but Natsumi couldn’t quite argue with it having rarely frequented any other butchers in the village. The building’s façade spoke of a well-cared-for business with new siding, clean gutters, and a smiling, pig-like mascot adorning the door. It could very well be the best butcher shop in all of Konoha for all the Nara teen knew.

Quickening her pace, she arrived at the door a few strides ahead of her companion. In a dramatic flourish, she pulled open the door and stepped aside for Xuexing to enter first. It was only right, she reasoned, for him to take the lead in a place he was familiar with, maybe it would do him some good.

“After you.”
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WC: 357
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Xuexing Yuki
Xuexing Yuki
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Ryo : 500

Eight Days a Week Empty Re: Eight Days a Week

Tue Jul 16, 2024 3:47 pm
Xuexing felt a mix of relief and dread as he approached the butcher shop. The familiarity of the place brought a sense of comfort, but the thought of having to take the lead in front of Natsumi made his stomach churn. He nodded at her encouragement, her playful punch on his shoulder a surprising but welcome gesture. He straightened his back, took a deep breath, and entered the shop with a sense of purpose.

The warm, savory aroma of fresh cuts of meat greeted him as he stepped inside. The butcher, a burly man with a friendly demeanor, looked up from his work and broke into a broad smile. "Xuexing! Good to see you, lad. What brings you here today?"
Xuexing managed a small, shaky smile in return. "H-hi, Mr. Tanaka. W-we need to pick up an order of meat... f-for the Inuzuka Clan."

Mr. Tanaka nodded and quickly fetched the order, a large, neatly wrapped package. "Here you go, Xuexing. Make sure to get this to them quickly. And take care on the way, it's a bit heavier than usual."

"Th-thank you," Xuexing replied, carefully taking the package. He felt a bit of pride in how smoothly the interaction had gone, even managing to avoid stuttering too much. He turned to Natsumi, giving her a nod to indicate they were ready to go.
As they left the shop, Xuexing felt a growing sense of accomplishment. But their relief was short-lived as a commotion erupted nearby. A frantic villager came running towards them, waving his arms.

"Help! Help! One of my chickens has escaped and it's causing chaos in the market!" the villager cried.
Xuexing's heart sank. An escaped chicken? Of all things. He glanced at Natsumi, who looked equally perplexed but ready for action. Taking a deep breath, he set down the meat order carefully on a nearby bench and tried to gather his thoughts.
"O-okay," he said, his voice trembling slightly. "W-we can help. Natsumi, you... you take the left side of the market, and I'll... I'll go right. We can corner it together."

With a quick nod of agreement, they split up, weaving through the bustling market. Xuexing's eyes scanned the area, searching for any sign of the rogue chicken. It wasn't long before he spotted the bird, flapping and squawking as it darted between stalls, narrowly avoiding capture by exasperated vendors.

Summoning what little confidence he had, Xuexing moved cautiously but deliberately, trying to cut off the chicken's escape routes. He signaled to Natsumi, hoping she could maneuver into position. The market-goers' amused and bemused expressions didn't help his nerves, but he pushed through, focusing on the task at hand.

"Just a chicken," he muttered to himself, trying to calm his racing heart. "You can do this."

As the chicken dashed past him once more, Xuexing lunged, managing to grab it by its legs. The bird squawked in protest, but he held firm, trying to ignore the feathered chaos in his grasp. With a triumphant, albeit shaky, smile, he held the chicken up for Natsumi to see. "G-got it!" he called out, feeling a rare sense of victory.

TWC - 1390
Natsumi Nara
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Eight Days a Week Empty Re: Eight Days a Week

Fri Jul 19, 2024 12:53 am
Natsumi was far from a vegetarian, however, something about the butcher’s shop made her uneasy. Perhaps it was the animal innards lining the walls, the overpowering smell of meat, or the sickening crack of bones yielding to the cleaver of the burly shopkeeper. Reagrdless, she stepped into the shop behind Xuewing, steeling herself with one last breath of fresh air and trying her best not to wrinkle her nose at the smell and sights of the establishment.

While Xuexing handled the conversation, the Nara teen couldn’t keep her gaze from wandering. The freshly butchered pig’s head on the far counter looked nothing like the shop’s happy mascot, and there were a few cuts of meat that she couldn’t quite identify. Interestingly, the gore around them contrasted sharply with Mr. Tanaka’s cheery demeanor. How odd that such a warm man could work every day in a shop built on the backs of the deaths of once-living creatures.

Fortunately, her shorter companion didn’t waste time with pleasantries, and she met her companion’s nod with a forced smile. With any luck, she thought on the way out, she would never have to step foot in the store again. Maybe trying a vegetarian diet for a little while wouldn’t be so bad?

“That was—"

Natsumi’s attempt at conversation died in her throat with the cries of a crazed chicken lady. Before the Nara teen could retake the lead, however, the strangely attired boy by her side took control of the situation, with notably less stuttering than before. How strange to see the difference a chaotic situation could make in one’s demeanor. Xuexing was certainly in the right line of work as a shinobi if all it took was a little adrenaline to break down his barriers.

Nodding in agreement with her companion’s plan, she took off to the left without hesitation. Dodging through the crowd and nearly barreling over an elderly lady, she followed the sound of the squawking bird and cursing merchants. More than a few times, the chicken slipped right through her fingers, leaving only feathers and an increasingly frustrated genin in its wake. The gawking passersby certainly weren’t helping either, a few were even suppressing laughs at the sight of the low-speed poultry chase.

Rat – Monkey – Dragon – Boar – Dog

As she ran, Natsumi’s hands flew through a familiar series of seals. The jutsu every Nara learned in childhood now aided her in apprehending the wayward chicken. Her shadow contorted itself into an unnatural form and, moving faster than her legs could take her, slipped through the crowd. At first, by mere chance and poor luck, the chicken’s shadow evaded her attempt to stop it in its tracks. However, her second attempt succeeded just as her companion lunged forward making the chicken’s capture a foregone conclusion.

“Nice job!” her shadow retreated—hopefully, unnoticed by the proud Yuki boy. “You really showed—”

Once more the Nara girl was interrupted—this time by an older merchant. They explained that a nearby cart had been abandoned some time ago. Apparently, the issue had been ignored for some time by the higher-ups of Konoha, and the merchant hoped that the two genin might be able to help clean it up. And, well, when a wizened old man asks for help one couldn’t very well turn them down—Natsumi couldn’t, at least.

“Of course, we can help,” she resigned herself to the task with a kind smile before directing her attention back to her companion, the brave poultry hunter. “Xuexing, come on, there’s something we have to do before we drop off those bones.”

And then there was also the matter of flowers they were supposed to pick later in the day. It was shaping up to be a busy day that Natsumi would be happy to see the end of. While walking, she explained the cart situation to Xuexing as they navigated their way to the abandoned vehicle.
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Xuexing Yuki
Xuexing Yuki
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Eight Days a Week Empty Re: Eight Days a Week

Mon Jul 22, 2024 5:03 pm
Too busy focused on his own avian situation, Xuexing missed out on the majority of Natsumi's own endeavors.  Still with a flurry of feather and anxiety the ad hoc mission came to a close.  Returning the chickens, he came back to seeing Natsumi picking up another mission.  This time it was cleaning up an abandoned cart that had gone unnoticed for some time.  It made him nervous to take on even more work when their current duties were so important, but the girls confidence quelled his nerves...even if only slightly.  "S-sure....i-if we have time."  he'd say in a quiet voice, following her as she took the lead.  

They'd maneuver through the streets until the cart in question came into view.  Shabby was putting it mildly as he took stock of the situation.  The cart didn't block any of the main roads, likely why it had been ignored for so long.  yet it was missing a wheel, and now there was rotting produce beginning to stink within its compartments.  Thankful for his scarf, he tightened it a little more blocking out the smell.  "H-how....should we do this?"  he'd ask looking towards Natsumi.

He'd wait and follow her lead on the best way to get the cart out of the road.  in the meantime, he busied himself with ridding the cart of some of the goods that had clearly gone to bads.  Time would pass and the cart would be taken care of.  All that was left was flowers and interesting combination.

TWC - 1641
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