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Ryumi Hiyu
Ryumi Hiyu
Stat Page : Ryumi
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Remove Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 8793

Stop that child! Empty Stop that child!

Wed Jun 05, 2024 3:55 pm
Mission Details:

She shouldn’t have been too surprised to find out that a child was making a ruckus inside the village. Ryumi however found the odd job quite boring now that she was a chunin. The daily task life of a Genin trying to help out around the village certainly was something she wouldn’t forget, or seemingly escape from. She wished for excitement, for some amount of fun. But now she was going to have to deal with a child that was running loose across the village sector of the village, not only that, but she had a couple of other missions that she’d need to get done today. Ryumi would be walking around the village in search of the supposed partner that she was assigned with, once she did. Ryumi would begin to introduce herself.

“Heya! Names Ryumi! It’s a pleasure to meetcha!” She’d say with keen excitement. She’d turn her head to see where the last place of destruction was of the child. Finding one of the police stations vandalized, with some of the shinobi there more surprised than anything that a child was able to do this without being caught. Some of them were simply doing their best to try and clean off the red paint splattered across the walls and door, to no avail.  Ryumi would begin to walk around the building, beginning to inspect it to see if there was any evidence of what the child looked like. She was unsure if asking around would work since he probably did it in the dead of the night. But she was able to at least find a few splatters of paint that seemed rather odd, small footprints of red were around the side of the station, leading away from Ryumi’s view as she followed the trail. She could see that the steps were erratic in their movements, before slowly beginning to fade off into the alleyways of the village. There she saw a few others in the alleyways, one of which was a tall, lanky man with dirty blonde hair, small bits of hair grew from his face, there were a few others, a stocky fellow with a bald head, and another who’s hair was a pale white. She had seemingly caught the stocky ones attention, and due to her height, she was rather short even compared to the short one. Yet she’d simply roll her eyes.

“You guys seen a kid around here? One that had a red paint bucket?”

The three of them turn towards each other for a few moments, until the one with white haired responded with a feminine voice, “ Well? What’s in it for us?”

Just before Ryumi could respond, the sound of a metal can being tipped over alerted her that someone was nearby. Jumping backwards, her original position was suddenly hit by a blue paint can that exploded, which caused the other 3 to be covered in paint. The loud laughter of a child being heard throughout the alleyways.

“You’re gonna have to do better than that too catch me!” The boy shouted, racing off on the rooftops with Ryumi suddenly racing after him.

Stat Page : Stat Page
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Stop that child! Empty Re: Stop that child!

Wed Jun 05, 2024 4:57 pm
"Today we will have the forge closed for a brief period of time while I go out and take care of something then we will work on the business goals for the next quarter. We have been doing well, but we can do better. We don't want Morio to come back and have a fit after we've stayed stagnant for so long...and he's more likely to get onto you two since you are his ilk," though even he knew he would draw the ire of his Master and surrogate father. Rilo had signed up for another mission and given that the business was yet to open, he figured he would give everyone a reprieve from the chaotic nature of the orders. Dressed in his usual attire, he would make sure to grab both of his swords, the Reforged Katana and Enten, placing them both in their respective spots on his left hip. He left the store in a bit of a hurry considering he would need to be a tad early to stop and get something for breakfast. In the midst of talking to the twins, he had forgotten one of the most important starts to his day- breakfast. The dark haired male would cut through one of the local markets, looking for one of his more frequented stalls to pick up a couple of apples and an orange. Feeling like this would be enough to sate his stomachs needs for the moment he would pay for the items and begin his journey into the depths of the village. He would make his way to the City Square where he would sit along one of the water fountains and begin to peel the orange in silence. He would people watch here and there, but ultimately once he had finished peeling the orange quite meticulously, he would begin to eat it one side at a time.

Eventually someone had came into the picture and as he heard their voice he would have been idly throwing an apple into the air. Looking at the female he would rest his crimson eyes on fer for a moment and he could tell that she was someone who was strong in a physical sense. Her posture along with the development of her muscles stood out among the rest of her. He did not see any weapons on her so he came to the conclusion that she was a taijutsu practitioner. On his last catch he would stand up and introduce himself," Rilo. Shall we begin?," of course though she bounded off to find their mission target which was...interesting. He was never truly in the midst of those that had an overabundance of energy so this interaction was a little overbearing but at least she had kept her focus on the task at hand so he could overlook it. Walking not too far behind her. The two began to head to one of the areas that had been hit by the vandalizing culprit and quite honestly Rilo was not impressed with the craftsmanship or work of the child. They could have done better but did not. Such a shame. He would let Ryumi do all of the talking and eyed each of the three for a moment as the interaction happened. In his peripheral he could see something moving. Something silver. As the paint came down, For a moment it would have seemed as if time had stopped, and he was 5 meters back from his original position watching the paint hit the three alley dwellers and barely miss Ryumi. Dusting his overcoat off he would look up to meet the eyes of the child. As the child began to take off, and Ryumi after him, Rilo would slide his right foot back and leap into the air using the tightness of the alley way to scale the walls and land on one of the rooftops.

From there he would begin to run above them keeping an eye on the child. As the alleys began to wind he would jump into the lower areas of the alley cutting off the child and drawing his Refine Katana. With one, precise move he would swing at the child cutting a small portion of its sleeve off before pointing the sword at the child," If you value you life and wish it not to end just before its began then you will cease your action and stand down," the words came out as cold, but absolute. He wasn't trying to intimidate the child but he was going to put the fear of whatever deity the child believed in....into him. He would wait for Ryumi to catch up and upon reaching the target location devise on what they would do with the child. After the fact however, he would sheathe his blade and walk in silence unless he was spoken to.

811 WC
Ryumi Hiyu
Ryumi Hiyu
Stat Page : Ryumi
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Remove Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 8793

Stop that child! Empty Re: Stop that child!

Sun Jun 09, 2024 9:35 pm
The child certainly was a rowdy one, his paint attack certainly left the other 3 peeved from being splashed with the sticky and staining substance. Ryumi’s head turned like a swivel, with her body shifting to match her perspective. Rilo was five meters away from where the paint could be dropped, yet his scaling the walls caused Ryumi to also use her talent to scale them. Her entire arm shot out from her body, stretching like a rope to eventually reach her target. Her fingers grabbed onto the ledge of the building, proving great support as Ryumi practically used her arm like a grappling hook. She couldn’t believe that what she found before her was Rilo threatening the child with his sword. His blade outstretched, with the child gulping from being in such a precarious situation. Her left arm shot out once more, suddenly wrapping the child up inside her muscular arm. She felt the child doing his best to struggle and squirm his way out of her hold. The boy, covered with a dark mesh of hair, seemed almost insulted by the fact that the two of them were helping with the police.

He cursed them, speaking out towards them while he was being held, and eventually dragged off towards the authorities. Ryumi only rolled her eyes before handing him off, but not before turning her attention towards Rilo.

“Nice work there partner! Even though the pointing of your blade at him wasn’t that necessary. I hope to be working with you again soon Rilo!” She said. Ryumi’s eyes turned towards the openness of the village. She had a feeling that she’d see Rilo again soon, but it was only a matter of when and what they would be doing. With that, she’d walk off, hopeful to get something too eat around here.


Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
Remove Taijutsu Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Kanjutsu Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

Stop that child! Empty Re: Stop that child!

Mon Jun 10, 2024 3:25 pm
Ryumi Hiyu wrote:Exit and Claims

2000 Ryo + 500 from mission rewards

Training discount applied
Hiyu Muscular Fighting Style: 827/1500

Stat Page : Stat Page
Remove Remove Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Stop that child! Empty Re: Stop that child!

Tue Jun 11, 2024 12:52 am
He stared at the kunoichi for a moment, puzzled by her statement as he looked down to his sword and shrugged," My point was made and he stopped. I'd never truly kill a child because he was being a menace to society. My job was to stop him and I succeeded in just that. Now he also knows the consequences of his actions and should no longer do this again. If he did then we will be right back at this juncture now won't we?," his eyes would turn to the young lad who was probably staring daggers at him. As the child was taken to whatever location they would be depositing him. Watching as Ryumi walked back off to the inner part of the village or wherever she would be heading, he'd ponder on her naivety of the issue and sometimes wonder if that was how many other saw what had just happened as well. With a shrug he turned on his heels and began his way back to his forge where he would wait for the others to get back so they could open the forge up and begin to take orders for the day. With everything that had been going on he needed a new project to put his mind on... something that would outshine all of the work he had done up until this point.

229 WC
TWC: 1,040

Claims (25% discount)
1,040 toward Learning Space-Time as a speciality (1,040/1,500)
2000 Ryo / 10 AP
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
Remove Taijutsu Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Kanjutsu Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

Stop that child! Empty Re: Stop that child!

Tue Jun 11, 2024 10:39 am
Rilo wrote:Claims (25% discount)
1,040 toward Learning Space-Time as a speciality (1,040/1,500)
2000 Ryo / 10 AP

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