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Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

A Village Leaders New Clothes Empty A Village Leaders New Clothes

Sun Jun 02, 2024 2:26 pm

It was a beautiful sunny morning in Tsukigakure as Junko rose from her bed. As usual, she’d make herself a cup of tea before then starting her morning routine. There were a few things that required her attention for the day, though the one she was most excited about was her meeting with her dear brother. Recently she had ordered a few items to be shipped to the village in order to craft a new set of armor for herself. Knowing she’d have to leave the village sometime, it was only right that when she left, she had a reliable set of armor.

Thankfully she was able to convince one of the blacksmiths in Sutageiza Koto to allow them to use their forge, so now that all of the materials had been gathered she was ready to begin the process. She had sent Azuki a message the day before, requesting that he meet her at the forge so they could work on the item together. After dealing with a bit of paperwork, she would make her way out of the tower and to the market square.

As she exited the building, she heard light footsteps trailing roughly 5 meters behind her. Turning to see who it was, she made eye contact with Nariko, her bodyguard. Though Junko hated being followed around, others within the village insisted that she have protection with her at all times. Unfortunately for Junko, Nariko wasn’t very talkative and seemingly had a more stoic nature. She’d offer the young woman a nod and inform her that they would be meeting up with Azuki for a bit. Nariko then bowed to her but didn’t speak on the matter.

The two women then soon arrived at the forge and Junko greeted the blacksmith while Nariko stood guard outside. She would engage in a bit of small talk with the man while she awaited Azuki’s arrival, which would be announced to her by Nariko as he approached. After excusing herself from the blacksmith, she’d greet Azuki outside with a warm welcoming hug if he allowed. She’d squeeze him tightly for a moment before releasing and taking a small step back. With a warm smile, she’d speak to him in an excited tone.

”I’m so happy you decided to come! I hope it’s not too much of an inconvenience to you, I know you’re quite busy after all. Oh! I don’t think I’ve introduced you to Nariko before, also Nariko this is Azuki.”

Nariko shifted her gaze to him, briefly looked him up and down before then looking away once more, seemingly uninterested in introductions. Junko would laugh a bit nervously, as she bowed slightly to Azuki in an apologetic manner.

”Forgive her, she takes the job super seriously and often won't even talk to me unless it's absolutely needed. She kinda reminds me of you when we first met”

She’d laugh a bit before extending her hand for Azuki to take, so she could lead him into the forge to meet the blacksmith.

WC: 510
Azuki Shinoda
Azuki Shinoda
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Unhallowed
Mission Record : Missions
Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 37

A Village Leaders New Clothes Empty Re: A Village Leaders New Clothes

Sun Jun 02, 2024 9:41 pm
The rush He had went over this in his head it was done. Everything so far all these new roles. He had wondered at one point what was this all for? With  a large final jump he would appeared suddenly in front of the entrance. "Lady Kage." He said more distant than normal.His eyes were soft and polite a wall or coldness lingered.His eyes wandered when she attempted a hug he closed himself off. Nodding to this Noriko he didn't heed her much attention it would seem. His personal tools in his hands he would step in front of Junko walking inside. Pausing with his face hidden he steeled himself and his emotions. That was the least he could do.

Turning around to face her slightly he looked at her but also through her. His gaze averted from hers he turned back around. He would wait for her to lead them inside as he was going over techniques. "Shall we then?"This Noriko person would have to get her measurements. Many months ago they had talked about her custom gear. It was part of the reason he picked back up the hammer. He was in the middle of his own project as well. A way to strengthen the village from his own travels and discovery. It was something he needed to bring up to Junko as well.

A journey across the lands to collect the materials he needed. Otherwise he could stay and complete missions earning stones. Not to mention they were still in the development phase. It would be foolish to divert to much power from the village. Especially when they were still gaining numbers. It was a difficult situation but in all honesty was it? The choice was obvious so he may divert to at least setting Junko up. Giving her the most power through tools and whatever else was important. More battle training to considering she needed to master his combat drills. The creation of teams and all the units. All the while deep inside he was drowning. Drowning the drowned with sheer will and misery. They had a job to do and a village to run.

WC: 360 [Enter]
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

A Village Leaders New Clothes Empty Re: A Village Leaders New Clothes

Mon Jun 03, 2024 12:48 am
Junko was a bit taken aback and offered him a concerned face as he rejected their normal greeting and spoke to her with such formality. She thought their relationship was doing quite well, they had left off previously on good terms so she didn’t understand what had happened. She’d open her mouth to speak, potentially inquiring about what was wrong. However as she gazed at the faces around them, she knew this wasn’t the time or place to talk about such things. Instead, she’d offer him a warm smile and polite curtsey before then entering the forge with Nariko following her inside.

After some discussions with the blacksmith, Junko would hand over the necessary items to Azuki. Though she was seemingly a bit detached herself now, usually she adored spending time with him, but today he seemed so distant and she was unsure why. Had she done something to offend him? Something so vile that caused him to avert his gaze or look at her with such emptiness. Though outwardly she maintained the image she so intricately crafted, internally she felt a storm of emotions brewing in her mind.

”I’m eager to see how this turns out, thank you… for everything you do for me”

As she handed the armor over to him, she also gave him a small piece of paper with her measurements listed on it.  Not wanting to loom over him while he worked his craft, she’d wait for him outside of the smithy. With Nariko standing beside her, Junko would find a nearby bench to sit at as she tried to figure out what she had done. The two women would sit in silence, and though Junko wished to sob, it wouldn’t be a good look for the village leader to be crying in the streets.

She’d remain there until he finished the item and would perk up slightly as she began to inspect it.

WC: 322
Azuki Shinoda
Azuki Shinoda
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Unhallowed
Mission Record : Missions
Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 37

A Village Leaders New Clothes Empty TRIGGER Warning : Panic Attack (mild-intense)

Mon Jun 03, 2024 1:24 pm
Azuki felt like his heart was torn apart. The sudden coldness but it was better this way. It was better to hold off not be a burden not with these emotions.Entering the forge his eyes sparkled for a moment. It was a quality he had never been quite familiar with. He was use to making his own outdoor forges with his master. It was a pain the ass and the memories came flooding in. Collecting and making the furnace and tending to the fire. However the bezel and stone forge would make things much easier.

The array of tools at his service would allow him the ability to out do himself with ease. After much discussion and deeply analyzing the armor concept his plan of action was formulating. "Thank you." He would briefly say unable to look in to Junko's eyes. Whatever pale imitation of the wall he built. It was moment's from toppling over...his heart felt torn and twisted. She hates... or knowing her she hates herself she can tell i'm distant. His mind wandered he had no right to complain. He was doing this bullshit to himself how dare he feels sorry for himself. As everyone left the room he sunk into his work chair.

Was justifying this for their wellbeing a cop out? Was it not the right thing to put off how he felt. It was almost always a recipe for disaster especially considering their positions. He wasn't the one who enjoyed formalities yet here he was enforcing them the most. Pitiful he thought as he accepted the items from her. Hearing her words of thanks he brushed it off more than anything. It was his fault for this shitty energy he would pay the price and suffer in silence. At least she would get use to it overtime. He was hellbent on suffering alone or bearing the majority of this pain.

Not like he ever had it in his heart to ever let it go anyway. Truly pathetic he thought to himself disgrace, filth, selfish bastard demonic CHILD! Now more memories came back. Drowning him again; pain ,death, destruction. He was always a cursed child even without the blight of Jashin"Haah..haah..." Deep rooted gasp his world was unraveling. His mind split and conquered crashed by the waves of agony and anguish. Dysphoria and a onset of nausea that twisted his vision. That's why he was still tainted, still had a demonic aura. He was nothing more then a tool of destruction. The work desk splintered his strength betrayed him. The deep purplish color of his knuckles softened as he let go. Breath? what was oh...he wasn't breathing. It was always a strange phenomenon his panic attacks. The more he realized the more calmed down he was in control. His withered gasp were kept to a hush mainly a gift from losing his breath.

This was as happy of ending as he could get. A coward like him it was all fitting he couldn't have the decency to speak his mind. It felt so selfish to demand what he wanted. To lay claim to scream to the world to get this off his chest. But he was being left behind he still can't make out the memories of the bar with that damn Kurosawa. He was breathing a little heavy he peeked to see he was alone for the moment. He wiped the sweat of his brow after being momentarily worked up.

He sighed smacking himself and locking in.He focused on the cool blue hue of the forge. The soft orange layers of the forge giving the room light. The flickers and warmth of the fire calmed him. "Rabbit's Fur, Leather makes up the majority of the suit with natural thorns. " Azuki whispered to himself as he calmed down. He had a job to do and he couldn't keep her waiting. This is how he would express his love by remaining and being a loyal blade. Dedicate himself to not just her but the soldier's he has fostered a relationship with. They all love him in their own way and he would do well to meet their expectations. He took his time shredding the rabbit furs into individual fibers to mix in with with the leather.

Creating a new leather mixed with rabbit furs it would be great for the properties of genjutsu. Not to mention the smooth insulation with some breath ability. Sitting down he slowly worked on sewing all of the fibers together. As a master weapon's user he had amazing dexterity. Little by little he weaved together an entire rectangle's length of the material before hanging it up and grabbing the measurements. Using dye her lined up the measurements and quickly made his cuts into the fabrics. Each line and cut down for perfection in quality and alignment.

Grabbing four separate bins he would use his water style to fill them up with fresh water. Next he would bring in four cans of dye needed for each piece of the outfit. Filling each bin with a separate die and using sticks for a even mix; each bin was then filled with an article of clothing. While those would soak he begin to the outerwear to the main body made of the armor. He looked over to the vines he had set to soak as well to make them more malleable. They had been dyed silver and would be used to make the psuedo metal bits. He took some time to take a quick three minute break.

He knocked back some water taking a deep breath and making a mental note of his progress so far. Everything was being dyed and he had sewn together the majority of the gear. But his day wasn't over as of yet. For the next few minutes he dedicated himself to this tedious work of sewing while keeping the measurements true and comfortable. But once he found a steady rhythm even he couldn't prevent his thoughts to surface.

For all this trouble he was causing he hadn't even admitted the truth to himself.Was it really love or just attraction mixed with admiration. Maybe a subconscious excuse to minimize his own feelings. Another elaborate scheme to run and hide with in himself. Part of this was anger from the entire Kurogane incident. He hadn't been strong enough to prevent her from getting hurt.

He was stronger now but not enough. Even he did not have the confidence to defend her always. In the bottom of his heart it was uncomfortable to be so pitiful. Not being able to do something for the one you love. To stand idly by when it's life or death. He barely was able to run away with her. If not for that singing bastard would they have survived? Without the Omoikane and domain expansion he had to refine his weaponry....his taijutsu.

His stomach growled stealing his thought for a moment. With a sigh he looked over to the dye filled buckets. It would take another hour or so to fully soak. Setting down the bodysuit portion of the armour he washed his hands. Scrubbing them clean and flicking the water off as he stretched his shoulders. Standing over the thorny vines he grabbed a pair of padded gloves.

For extra resistance he cloaked his hands in chakra. Along the assortment of tools he found a sturdy pair of tongs short enough to work with the vines. He dragged out the vines and using his gloves went to work with crafting. Formulating the shape of the armour pieces he used the tongs in assistance with his hands. He had to properly layer the vines on top of the other.

He did it in set pieces first working on the shoulder pauldrons. They were smaller and easy enough to shape before he set the fire. Adding a few more logs to the fire he bellowed and bellowed every breath of air making the fire stronger. Double checking the measurements he applied the hardening liquid for the vines. Mixed with the flames it would cause the moisture to harden yet soften the vines as to not be too brittle.

Using his tongues he slide both of the vine shoulder pauldrons into the fire. It would take too long so he got to work on the other pieces and designs. He crafted a the skirt, knee and shin guards, and the gauntlets as well. The inside of the seams and arms would be free of the spikes. He spent the next 30 minutes in rotating the pieces in and out of the forge. As the individual pieces cool down he painted each one in a bright silver color. The spiked vines now completely Identical to real armour.

Setting them all out to cool and fully harden he walked over to the dye bins. Setting a line of string to hang he hung every piece of of the body suit. The base colors having seeped in beautifully to the cloth of leather and rabbit fur. Now they would hang and dry meaning it was time for lunch. Having not stopped once he looked around the forge before deciding to head outside.

Collecting a few free stones out back of the building Azuki searched for random items. After crouching and looking for metal racks he found the perfect one to make a stove. Crafting a small fire pit he took the time to use water and scrub it clean. He would prepare lunch now it would be good to offer Junko some as well. That way it would smooth over his sudden cold disposition.

Offer her and Noriko a meal while the other items dried over the fire. He would hold together what pieces were left shards and bloody hands together. And not let a single drop spill or stain others it was his burden alone. Washing his face and hands off he would head towards the entrance looking at her from behind. No more being in awe more being stunned or enamored. He was her hand her general a brother in arms same as they always had been. The idea of more was childish and not something that would be entertained. Of course no one would ever feel the same. A cursed child was lucky enough to even find another who cares.

"I have a good portion of the armour done."
With a gentle bow he looked between her and Noriko. "The bodysuit pieces need to dry for now after sitting in dye." Walking into the sun he angled his body to not get blasted with sunlight. " I'll be cooking lunch shall I get enough for everyone?" His voice was soft and polite. This was enough right? Even if it wasn't he would learn to be content with this. Little acts of service for her, for everyone, for their home. Yes this was more than enough. And even if it wasn't he would make it be no matter what. "I plan on getting fish from the river and some spices." He would offer waiting for the response. Before he could even get excited at the thought of her voice he killed the feeling. No more....

WC:1867 TWC: 2,227
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

A Village Leaders New Clothes Empty Re: A Village Leaders New Clothes

Fri Jun 21, 2024 2:21 am
Junko couldn’t help but allow her eyes to water slightly as she attempted to figure out what she had done. Was he upset about the mess up in ranks when the village had first been constructed? No, he would have said something at the time. As she sat on the bench, she’d have her hands folded together in her lap. From a distance it seemed as if they were gently interlocked with each other, instead however her nails dug slightly into her skin. As she heard him speak from behind her, she’d quickly wipe away any tears that were forming on the corners of her eyes and turn to address him.

Taking a deep breath, Junko listened as he informed her about the progress of the armor to which she’d only offer a nod to. He then mentioned that he’d be cooking lunch soon, and asked if he should prepare some for the two of them. Junko would look briefly to Nariko who gave her a slight nod, then her attention turned back to Azuki once more. It was clear by her expression and voice that she felt a bit detached from the moment.

”Lunch sounds great, should I join you by the river or remain here? Either is alright with me.”

She didn’t want to force him to be around her longer than needed. It was obvious that she had wounded him in some way, or he wouldn’t be treating her like she had. Though she wished to go with him, if he decided against her company she understood. She didn’t want to push him, thinking he’d only separate himself further from her. Her heart continued to crumple as every moment passed, unsure of how she could continue without the emotional support of those around her. Azuki had been one of her closest companions up until now, she potentially wouldn’t be alive if he hadn’t ushered her away from the fight with Kurogane.

She’d wait patiently for his response, though she couldn’t bring herself to meet his gaze. For the first time in a long time, Junko felt completely worthless and stuck in a situation she no longer had control over.

Total WC: 1197
Azuki Shinoda
Azuki Shinoda
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Unhallowed
Mission Record : Missions
Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 37

A Village Leaders New Clothes Empty Re: A Village Leaders New Clothes

Fri Jun 21, 2024 2:08 pm
Azuki's fist clenched at his side it felt like his heart was twisted and crushed. Pathetic ,his indecisiveness was making her act this way. Despite what he had thought his memories from the bar that night were still there. If he was truly going to commit to being a sacrificial piece then he needed to dive in. How dare he make her cry after all she's done.

Azuki walked over to Junko's side with soft gentle steps. He sighed releasing all the stress from his body. If they couldn't relax around each other they would continue to feel drowned. In a way it was again a subtle hand of destiny or fate. He took her hand and caressed the back with his thumb. "If I don't have you there what motivation will I have to show off and get us a meal dear Junko." His voice was dry but his eyes brimmed with life. Dilation and subtle wavering that would meet her eyes or attempt to do so.

He poked her cheek squishing it a few times with his free index finger. "So hurry up it's an order from your GeNerAl. Otherwise i'll keep poking your face." He mocked with a small smirk on his face. Shifting along the ground he would lean forward and offer her his back. "I'm so considerate even I'll give a free ride." He rolled his eyes before  immediately throwing  back a grin. " It wouldn't be the first time I had to whisk you off with speed of the gods." He softly chuckled with all types of warmness filling his soul. He missed this, it reminded him of simpler times. They rarely saw each other now a days and he wanted to go cold. This was ok though, this is what it is was all about.

If Junko had accepted his offer to carry he would let her get situated. Once she was on his back he would hook underneath her knees and adjust to give her comfort. After he  rose before warming up his legs with chakra. "Hold on tight ok we're gonna fly." He looked to Noriko nodding in the direction he would be heading. Waiting for a confirmation of some sorts he would immediately enhance his body chakra before bursting into the air. Soaring 60 or so meters into the air the entire view of the village would come into view. Not only with his few wind techniques and the lightness skill he was more than able to safely float in the air with Junko on his back.  

If Junko had refused him he would still speak these next words from his heart. Either with her traveling at his side or if she chose the free piggyback ride.

Taking the lead he would have traveled through the village to one of the main rivers that was only a minute or two away with their level of speed. On taking this route he would be more closed off. More to say focused on leading Junko and Noriko to the river. His face looked as if it was unraveling. More so if a heavy burden was coming off his shoulders.  If she ever looked his way he would turn to meet her eyes and give a curious look. "Ever since you got hurt I blamed myself. We've been so busy with running the village I...I didn't mean to act so cold. It was my first time seeing you in a awhile and I was personally overwhelmed." He choked out looking ahead to keep their path clear. "I have so many more emotions now no curse and all... so the happy ones make me go bat shit crazy. I have to actively counteract my energy." He had been so much more honest as of late.

It was therapeutic to really speak his mind. The emotions he felt as of late resonated with his will. "I'm scared to lose you sometimes and I feel pathetic because I know what strength I have right now isn't enough. It's not your fault or my fault, it's just the situation. For a moment it felt easier to push you away but I realize how stupid and selfish it was instead of being honest with you. You make me so happy and also sad but that part is my own fault not yours. Can you forgive me, I'll get strong and I'll also get stronger with you too. With everyone.?"  

He sighed heavily trying to clear up his own words. "What i'm trying to say is I didn't want you feeling bad, because I felt bad, because I was distancing myself. But I realized it probably just seemed like I didn't want anything to do with you. And I know how lonely it feels doing this leadership job. So I figured I should stop being a idiot, tell you how I feel and spend more time with you instead of wallowing in self pity." Whether carrying her or running at her side Azuki kept his head forward. Small droplets falling into the wind along with a small satisfied smile.

WC:849 TWC: 3,076
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

A Village Leaders New Clothes Empty Re: A Village Leaders New Clothes

Thu Jul 25, 2024 8:00 pm
A brief look of relief crossed her face as he explained that without her there he wouldn’t need to show off and get them something to eat. Her gaze would move to look at his, as a bit of the usual sparkle that usually lingered in her eyes began to return to her once more. She’d giggle slightly as he poked her cheek and issued her an “order.” The giggle would turn into full-on laughter as he offered her a piggyback ride. Though he was correct, it wasn’t the first time she’d be whisked away in his embrace, it wasn’t becoming of a village leader to be doing such a thing. If things were different, she would have happily agreed, but she felt it would be seen as improper in her current position.

” Then I suppose I’ll go, my dear, though I’ll have to take a rain check on the ride. Besides, I don’t think Nariko would be too happy being left behind like that.”

Following his direction, Junko walked closely beside him as they made their way to one of the nearby rivers. Nariko would be behind the two of them, trailing roughly 15 meters behind them to give them some privacy. The beginning of their walk was filled with silence, though as she turned to him, she noticed his facial expression and offered him a curious look. He’d begin by explaining that ever since she had gotten hurt, he had blamed himself for it. Immediately she’d shake her head at this, hoping to shift the blame. In all honesty, it was her fault, she had led the three of them into a battle they weren’t prepared for.

In the days after the attack, Junko had isolated herself away from the world, hoping to detach herself mentally from her failure. That had been the only time that she questioned her own leadership, if Ren or Azuki had perished that day she would have never forgiven herself. It was from then on that she realized she couldn’t solely look out for herself anymore, she needed to protect and cherish those around her. Continuing on he’d explain that he had just gotten so overwhelmed since it had been the first time they saw each other in weeks.

Since the creation of the village, they had been too busy focusing on other things and she knew that she was at least partially to blame. It was her idea to get the village up and running in the hope of providing her chosen family with a safe home. However, in doing so, she neglected those around her and lost sight of why she had made it in the first place. Admittedly she felt pitiful. She boasted about her love and adoration for those who chose to follow her, but in her personal life she hadn’t been showing her dedication to them

She’d remain silent as he explained that he was simply afraid of losing her, so it was seemingly easier to push her away instead. However, she felt relieved that he realized that wouldn’t help the situation. Continuing on he’d explain that he didn’t want her to feel bad because he felt bad, and apologized for doing so. Tears could be seen in her eyes as he finished speaking, she felt horrible making him feel as if he was losing her and hoped he would be able to forgive her. Stopping her stride, Junko would attempt to embrace her dear brother as the tears began to stream down her face. If he denied her like previously, she’d accept and offer him an apologetic bow before speaking up.

”There’s nothing you could ever possibly do to lose me, we started this village together and I intended to run it with you by my side. I cherish you more than anyone else within these walls and I’m so sorry if you haven’t felt that recently. I want to spend more time with you, to continue to grow together, and just forget about village business sometime. You’re not weak, and I’ve never seen you as such. In a time of crisis, I know I can rely on you for what is necessary, and that is more important than how hard you can hit something.”

If he allowed her to hug him, Junko would squeeze him gently for a moment before releasing him. She’d give him a moment to respond, hoping her word brought a bit of calm to his mind. Briefly, her eyes would dart to Nariko, who was simply standing there looking at everything except for the exchange between Junko and Azuki. Turning her attention back to her brother, she’d offer him a reassuring smile before continuing her stride towards the river.

”Could I try to help you catch some of the fish? There’s a new technique I picked up that I think could help us!”

Hoping the topic change would lighten the mood, she’d continue to follow him.

WC: 883
Total WC: 2080
Azuki Shinoda
Azuki Shinoda
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Unhallowed
Mission Record : Missions
Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 37

A Village Leaders New Clothes Empty Re: A Village Leaders New Clothes

Wed Jul 31, 2024 1:09 pm
Azuki trembled in her hug as he squeezed her gently. Part of him never wanted to let her go. How could he do this insufferable action.Make her cry, make her feel isolated. What the fuck was wrong with him? He did this he was the monster he had always been. He broke down regardless, even if it felt selfish. He truly couldn't stop this strange yet natural feeling.  This sensation, he closed his eyes and embedded it within his mind. It was part of a jutsu he had once learned about, one to refresh the mind but also to bring him into a certain mental state. What sensation could be better than a hug from his treasured friend?He felt so cherished and safe. Vulnerability was only plausible within Junko's arms. "Forgive me for hurting you, Junko. I won't be like this anymore. But I don't know how.... I've never had to feel. I've only killed to not become a monster. I never had to worry about emotions or feelings. I just killed, and massacred, and I made sure to save people. Even if I couldn't feel, because it would consume me," Azuki choked out over   his  tears. He had never lost someone before. He had lost parents, his home, a normal life. This was the first time something had become precious to him.

"Jashin has tortured me my whole life. I didn't know what it was to love, to care. I only knew torment and blood. Every night he'd torture me with nightmares and fill me with bloodlust. But you fixed me, and I'm so scared to overwhelm you with everything I feel. It's like a myriad of colors that becomes muddled and black, turning into darkness. You made my curse go away, and I don't know why. It's so horrid; I feel like a helpless child. I was numb, not by choice but by the effects of my affliction. Now, everything that was suppressed I feel all at once, all the time, every day, no matter the emotion. It's not your job to fix or bear the weight of what I feel. Just know that you being here means so much to me. You do so much, and I'm ever so thankful. I know as long as I have you as a friend, I don't have to be alone anymore. I have the village, my troops, you, I....." With a sigh, he pulled away with a soft smile and silent tears streaming down his face. He cupped her face and wiped her tears away before his own.

"No more tears. For the first time in my life, I've been blessed. I am cursed no more. I finally get to be me. I get to be a person now." He scanned her eyes as he held on to her hands for comfort.Ignorant to the  dilation of his pupils. "I want to discover who that is....Give you a proper introduction... And I would love to see this new jutsu." He chuckled squeezing gently to convey some semblance of comfort. With nearly everything off his chest, he felt relieved before letting her go for now. He looked away as she turned to Noriko, wiping away the straggling tears.

He continued to walk alongside her until they reached the riverbank. With the descending slope, he opened up his palm to lead her down. "For this jutsu, do you need me to make the fish jump out of the water?" he asked her with rejuvenated life in him. He was the same yet different. More like he wasn't at 100% but now had become fully realized. Somber thoughts dispelled by joy and peace. What had he missed out on all those years? Everyone who was consistent in his life was dead. The majority of them were his abusers, his owner, his master, even the village that chased him out.

Whenever he saved people on the road it was the same. Killing bad people was just a means to an end. One that because of his good will led to positive benefits. Overlords, bandit groups, and even terrorizing missing ninja. Jashin ushered him to kill, the voices never pertained to the morality. That was why he decided to do good despite the situation. How many people could he have connected with. All the people he turned down. the homes he rejected. The feelings he was afraid of. The ones laid dormant within his soul he had in full. However intense it was manageable, which in turn made it doable. But now he would become excellence.

WC:760 TWC:3,836

[Saving the feeling of embrace for Auto Suggestion mental state]
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

A Village Leaders New Clothes Empty Re: A Village Leaders New Clothes

Thu Aug 08, 2024 1:26 am
Junko tightened her embrace as he began to break down in her arms. As she listened to his words, she’d gently rub his back in small circles, hoping it’d ease his mind. He’d apologize for hurting her and explain that he hadn’t had to deal with emotions like this before. Admittedly as the two of them grew closer, she had noticed him opening up to her significantly more. Though she adored being close to him, she worried about his mental health and was unsure of how she could help him.

He then would explain that Jashin had tortured him his whole life, and he didn’t know how to care for things. Admittedly Junko had a vastly different relationship with the god of murder than her brother. Where he had been afflicted by the disastrous nature of the deity, she had been embraced lovingly with his gifts. Without his cursed blood surging through her veins, she wouldn’t be able to do most of the things she was capable of. Though she didn’t worship him, she knew he was necessary for her growth and development. She hated to admit it but she always felt the best when she listened to his occasional whispers in her ear.

She’d continue to listen as he explained that she had rid him of his curse, and he was afraid to overwhelm her. He was unsure of how she did it, and admittedly she was just as uncertain herself. She had simply shown him kindness, though from what he had told her about his past that was a rare commodity. Briefly, she wondered if she’d be the same way if in his shoes, and wished she could take away the agony he was going through. A gentle smile would cross her face as stated that he knew he would never be alone with her as his friend.

Pulling away from one another, she’d allow him to cup her face and wipe the remaining tears from her eyes. She’d nod in agreeance as he mentioned no more tears, she hoped her words had brought him a bit of relief. He’d finish off by explaining he wanted to give her a proper introduction, and once he was done speaking Junko would squeeze his hand lightly.

”No matter what happens, we’ll always have each other alright? Jashin can bugger off if he thinks he controls you anymore, we’ve got this my dear”

Continuing their walk, Junko would accept his help as they walked down the river bank. He’d ask about the Jutsu and she simply shook her head and told him to watch. Standing by the edge, she’d look momentarily for a fish. After spotting one nearby, she’d whistle a string of hand seals with her right hand extended out towards her target. Around the fish, the water began to spin rapidly, catching it in a small bubble. Raising her hand, she’d pluck the fish from the water and move it in front of Azuki so she could easily grab it if he wished. Once it was free, Junko would release the tech, causing the water to fall at his feet and splash him slightly.

She’d smirk proudly, happy with the rather large catch she easily acquired. Motioning towards the river Junko would simply state ”Your turn” as she looked at him expectantly.

WC: 559
Total WC: 2639
Azuki Shinoda
Azuki Shinoda
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Unhallowed
Mission Record : Missions
Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 37

A Village Leaders New Clothes Empty Re: A Village Leaders New Clothes

Sun Sep 29, 2024 2:31 pm
Azuki blushed at the term of endearment feeling somewhat satisfied of the resolution. Letting go of her hand he raised and eyebrow at the whistle. Looking outwards into the river achuckle escaped him watching the bubble. Holding his hands out the bubble burst as he leaned forward to avoid the splash somewhat. "Ah....." He smirked storing the fish into his pocket dimension with a few seals. Fading from reality Azuki spun on his feel applying chakra to his feet. "How refreshing." He exclaimed flaring his hands dramatically. The small sounds of water splashing with each step until he stood in the middle of the river.  Azuki suddenly snapped into a saulte. "Oh Lady Kage please witness the power of your mighty General." With a bow and even more sarcastic tone his jutsu had already begun.

Azuki flushed his mind as he channeled his chakra. All these distorted and strong feelings towards her would be washed away. A spiraling whirlpool of water underneath the surface becoming a  waterspout guided by finely controlled winds. Small refreshing sprites of water would douse near Junko. But not nearly enough to splash her in the slightest. Fish would be seen stuck inside of the water sprout as Azuki bounded. With a spiraling spin he found his world inverted. Releasing the water sprout fish would fall back down towards the sky. Having crossed his arms 8 kunai had appeared in his hands. As if appearing out of thin air themselves.

Three seamless throws followed suit along with trails of water gracefully forming around Azuki. As if thin ribbons had come to life cascading with his descent. The kunai struck in waves colliding with one another. The resulting effect leading to clinks here and there altering the trajectory of his throws. Each of the 8 kunai found a mark in a fish. The kunai landing along the bed of the river before Junko. A distinct A formed with wiggling fish drowning in fresh air. His lightness skill only enhanced his fall and landing with crossed feet and exposed hands. The water slowed due to the control of his wind splashed creating a circular wave. With this he was cleansed. The water a representation of him washing away his feelings for her. As fate would have it he accepted it would never, never could, and never was. His tears coated by the bits of water that had managed to splash his face. A cover up for the true meaning of his display.

"Thank you , thank you , thank you very much" He clapped to himself making his way back to her. He dropped to a knee and began harvesting the fish on the spot. Taking his time to gut and clean before depositing them in his dimension. "For someone who doesn't specialize in Ninjutsu even I have a few tricks ya know." He amused himself further segmenting and burying his truths.

WC:482 TWC:4,318
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