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Akki Senju
Akki Senju
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Akki's Stats
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Clan Specialty : Wood Release
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 600

Somewhere Out There  Empty Somewhere Out There

Thu Mar 28, 2024 3:39 pm
Akki and her sister Megami decided to play a game of chess in the rec room of the Konoha prison. They had been in so long that they were actually allowed to sit in the rec room due to good behavior. Despite her innocence she was stuck in here, as for Megami, well her insane lie landed her jail time.
Akki finally moved her chess piece, it had been about 15 minutes since Megami made her move. This jail was actually kept up quite well. And the prisoners were well taken care of? However both Megami and Akki were very depressed. No one to communicate with and they were in another dimension. However, at least the food is good and they have games in the rec room.
Akki was dressed in her orange inmate outfit, her blue hair pulled up on top of her head and her Senju clan crest tattoo on her neck was visible! Even in her saddest times, her tattoo reminds her of her heritage and where she came from.
Akki may have been an orphan adopted by Megami’s family, but she knew she was a Senju and that she should be proud of who she was.
“Your turn sis!” Akki said as she took a bite of her noodles that sat beside the chessboard. She was sure she would lose to Megami, considering Megami is borderline genius, but it was entertaining nonetheless! Hopefully, it would be seen someday that Akki and her sister were both innocent, there were files in the Kages office proving such.

Megami Kuoga
Megami Kuoga
Stat Page : Megs Stats
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 20

Somewhere Out There  Empty Re: Somewhere Out There

Thu Mar 28, 2024 5:02 pm
Boring, dull, depressing….as is the life of an inmate! Somehow, Megami kept a glimmer of hope. She passed the time by working on her medical jutsus to help the other prisoners working in the jails clinic! Today however, she was spending some family time with her sister Akki Senju.

Megami smiled as Akki made her move. She moved her chess piece next to the queen.
“Check Mate! I won!” Megami smiled as Akki took a bite of her noodles! Megami's purple hair was cascading down past her shoulders considering she didn't pull it up today and her purple eyes had a glimmer to them. She felt as though, maybe today would be a good day and not as depressing as the others had been lately!

Megami took a bite of chicken fried rice, which actually tasted good, the cook had a tendency to make extra for those in the rec room. “Want to hit up some checkers?” She asked Akki as she looked up at her putting the chess pieces away in a box.

WC: 175

Goto Senju
Goto Senju
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : Goto
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 752950

Somewhere Out There  Empty Re: Somewhere Out There

Sat Mar 30, 2024 11:05 am
Amidst the ongoing chaos that was the Culling Games, Goto decided he had seen enough for the time being. Some results were as expected while others could be called surprising. Nevertheless, in the end the general consensus was one of disappointment. "Perhaps I need to get more involved" the silver haired Senju thought to himself, worried the current batch of Genin were still far from ready to become the next pillars of Konohagakure. With that in mind, and while everyone's attention would be on the fights, the Deputy decided to pay a visit to the village's prison and see who all was rotting away.

Arriving at the facility, he would first head to the front desk and collect the inmates' files before starting his inspection. Doing so, the silver haired Senju started going through all of the information to roughly get an idea on everyone currently locked away. "Prisoners of war" the Deputy spoke softly under his breath, deducing those were the ones they brought with them after Konohagakure's conquest of Sunagakure. "I'm afraid their fate is sealed". Perhaps it would even be best to end their suffering, but that was something he could decide later. In the end they could always find some use for them.

As he made it to the prison's recreational room, Goto could hear the sound of chess pieces being moved across the board. "At least someone's having fun" he thought to himself, approaching closer in order to get a better view. Doing so, he noticed two female inmates absorbed in a little game between the two of them. Going through the files to see whose profile would match the picture of both women the Deputy eventually stumbled upon Akki Senju and Megami Kuoga, a pair of kunoichi that arrived and eventually got apprehended a couple of months ago. "It appears you have no plans to leave anytime soon, considering how you're enjoying yourself" the silver haired suddenly voiced, possibly breaking the siblings' concentration.

(WC: 329)
Akki Senju
Akki Senju
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Akki's Stats
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Clan Specialty : Wood Release
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 600

Somewhere Out There  Empty Re: Somewhere Out There

Sat Mar 30, 2024 10:15 pm
Akki heard a voice that she hadn't heard before, she had grown used to the average voices you hear on a daily basis in this hell hole. She looked up and saw none other than, a fellow clan mate and the deputy Kage everyone here in the jail, well those from Konoha anyways, Goto Senju! Her eyes widened to the point they could have popped out of her head! Was this the day? Had hope finally arrived in the form of this man? Okay, maybe over dramatization but still…one night in here feels like an eternity!
“We are beyond ready to get out of here sir! I promise you…we are innocent and there is proof!” Akki said truthfully, making eye contact with Goto. She was hoping that they could finally get out of here! She didn't know Goto very well but she hoped he was a man of mercy.
“This is all we could do to keep ourselves sane in here. I honestly never knew how to play chess before I ended up here.” Akki said as she continued looking up at him. She couldn't explain her emotions at the moment, but hope was definitely there, there was still a small glimmer of hope in her heart that he was here to pardon them so they could leave! Jail was for legit criminals, something they weren't!
Megami Kuoga
Megami Kuoga
Stat Page : Megs Stats
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 20

Somewhere Out There  Empty Re: Somewhere Out There

Sun Mar 31, 2024 10:01 pm
Megami looked over quickly at the sound of the unfamiliar voice! She was on guard until she realized it was just the deputy Kage, she dropped her guard out of respect for the man in front of them. Goto Senju, member of Akki's clan, and someone of high status in Konoha! After Akki spoke, Megami herself spoke up.
“It's how we pass time here sir. I also volunteer in the medical ward, if I'm here I figured I would help others until Akki and I are able to leave.” Megami did a slight bow to show respect for Goto’s authority. “I hope you are here today with good news for us!” She added as she looked at him then back at her sister. Hopefully this was the moment they had both been waiting for! Could this be the day they were freed from this place?
It had been such a grueling few months the sisters had spent here! Being in a separate dimension, Megami, being a medical nin, had seen inmates go crazy in this place, she had witnessed people develop severe illnesses in here that they couldn't treat! She was ready to leave hoping they could regain any sanity they had lost in this place.

Goto Senju
Goto Senju
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : Goto
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 752950

Somewhere Out There  Empty Re: Somewhere Out There

Fri Apr 12, 2024 4:44 pm
It appeared the two of them hadn't yet lost their sanity as both siblings were able to notice his voice after calling out to the prisoners. "Oh really? You're the first one to claim they are innocent" the silver haired Senju replied sarcastically. Akki and Megami wouldn't be the first nor would they be the last to try and convince the Konohagakure representatives of their innocence, at this point it would've been more surprising if they pleaded guilty. "Refresh my memory, what is this proof you are talking about? If you can still remember after being stuck in here for so long". Goto wasn't present when the siblings were apprehended, but from what he knew they didn't commit any grave crimes.

Assuming his guess was right, the Deputy would listen to both Akki and Megami's explanation before making a final decision. There would be no point in keeping them there if they were not a threat to Konohagakure nor did the two of them belong to the prisoners of war Aokidanza and Iscarot brought with them from Sunagakure. There was always the option of killing and harvesting them for organs, but Goto only hurt those who would try and hurt his village. Even if he was known to be ruthless, the silver haired Senju also knew how and when to show mercy.

(WC: 222, TWC: 551)
Akki Senju
Akki Senju
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Akki's Stats
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Clan Specialty : Wood Release
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 600

Somewhere Out There  Empty Re: Somewhere Out There

Sat Apr 13, 2024 5:34 pm
“The former Hokage and Deputy Kage, Jason Senju and Yensung Aburame kept files on our return after we had been kidnapped. Shortly after our return, we transferred to Volcano Village with some close friends and teammates. Sadly our village was attacked and destroyed which is why we returned to Konoha! We weren't missing nin by choice sir, I assure you! The proof is in those files.” The blue haired Senju girl explained every detail as clearly as possible to Goto in hopes he would understand and let them go.
“Unfortunately none of our teammates or friends returned to Konoha, I believe them to be in Kirigakure or Hoshigakure, we would like to travel and find them, if possible!” The best way is to always clearly explain things in detail so your words are understood, unfortunately Akki had issues with this in the past, but she made sure everything was perfectly clear for the Deputy Kage today. This way he would realize they were innocent and he could let them out so they could be reunited with the rest of their team, wherever they may be. Goto seemed a lot easier to talk to than the man who put her in there! He wouldn't listen to her at all!

Megami Kuoga
Megami Kuoga
Stat Page : Megs Stats
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 20

Somewhere Out There  Empty Re: Somewhere Out There

Sun Apr 14, 2024 8:36 pm
Megami listened to Akki explain everything going on. She forgot to mention one tiny detail, they had their minds read by an ANBU when Jason and Yen were in charge! The process hadn't really been painful but some of the memories it had brought up weren't pleasant.
“Also, after our kidnapping and upon our return to Konoha, we had our minds read by one of the ANBU, it was a requirement by Jason and Yen, not sure why but it was done. It was proof enough that we hadn't abandoned Konoha! The reports are in our files as well. We had permission after our return to transfer our to Volcano. The reason we are currently missing is our village was decimated and we came back to Konoha again. That's it.” Megami added the mind reading because that was enough proof of innocence in itself. As for Volcano, everyone knew it was destroyed, so that as well would be proof of where they were before their return to Konoha!
Hopefully with this information he would let them go, they could leave here and head to Hoshigakure and at least find Sephora, Dante and Talon! At least it would be a good start, right?

Goto Senju
Goto Senju
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : Goto
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Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 752950

Somewhere Out There  Empty Re: Somewhere Out There

Wed Apr 24, 2024 9:03 pm
Maintaining his posture and standing tall, the silver haired Senju allowed the female prisoners to tell their side of the story and come up with an explanation. Doing so, both kunoichi shared some information not everyone would be aware of, even naming the likes of Jason Senju and Yensung Aburame, two former Hokage that failed to protect Konohagakure and were responsible for its downfall. "I've heard the stories, including the ones about Volcano Country". Akki continued to talk and Goto listened attentively, paying close attention to the woman who claimed their friends had yet to return and were probably residing in Kirigakure or Hoshigakure. If anything, she tried her hardest to add credibility to her stories.

Similar to her sibling, Megami made sure to emphasize the fact about their kidnapping, an unfortunate fate in the day and age of shinobi. "It seems you still have not abandoned Konohagakure, seeing how it was the first place you returned to". Even though they no longer officially belonged to the village, it could still be considered the siblings' home. Nevertheless, it was clear the two of them had no intention to settle down and have themselves reinstated as Leaf shinobi. "I won't ask or force you to stay, in the end we only need people who truly want to be here and are willing to fight and die protecting our family". That being said, the Deputy would open the door, allowing the women to set foot outside the room.

As he did, Goto spoke up once more. "You can go and collect your belongings, in the meantime I will go and verify your reports. Meet me at the village gates when you are ready". Having said that, the silver haired Senju would wait for the kunoichi to leave first before heading over to the archives himself.

(WC: 303, TWC: 854)
Akki Senju
Akki Senju
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Akki's Stats
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Clan Specialty : Wood Release
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 600

Somewhere Out There  Empty Re: Somewhere Out There

Thu Apr 25, 2024 5:04 pm
Akkis heart skipped a beat! He was releasing them! Finally! Oh finally they would be out of this place and be able to find their friends and teammates!
“Thank you sir!” Akki expressed excitement as she hurried off to her cell to grab the few items she had. Akki excitedly and hurriedly packed her items and she knew her sister was doing the same thing! Finally, they had their freedom! It was almost too good to be true! Their innocence was proven through words and she knew the words were backed up by evidence! She threw her back pack over her shoulders and exited her cell. She was the first one to leave the prison, she knew her sister was close behind her.


(Finally Free)

TWC: 816

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