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Of Booze and Bars (IO)

Ayato Hyuuga
Kitsunagi Kurosawa
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Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Takeshiyama
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

Of Booze and Bars (IO) Empty Of Booze and Bars (IO)

Mon Mar 11, 2024 3:06 pm
If there was one thing about the Island of the was the beauty that took hold once the sun had retreated for the day. During the day the sounds of nature kept up a constant backdrop of noise, and the scenery was breathtaking. Yet, once the Moon light began to flood the land, it truly came alive, like that of a desert waiting for the loving embrace of rain. It was this that Kaito thought as he walked besides Jun back to Junko's home. Their missions complete, and her request for a shower within reason he had escorted her back. The walk back passed without much incident besides that of various animals awakening for their nocturnal nature moving about the road and off the various pathways. As they walked their small talk would continue until reaching the front yard, Takeshiyama would bow, "See you in a few.." He would say simply before leaving her at the door and moving to his own much smaller dwelling. It was no small part of the funds that he had acquired that went into building a small home for himself. He hadn't minded sharing the room much, such a thing was not foreign to him, yet still the desire for one's own space was a hard one to ignore.

The building having been completed with Junko's blessing as it was her land stood away from the main house closer to the trees, and dohyo that he had constructed. It was of a simple yet traditional design and functioned as a one room home. To the side was a secondary door, and panel that functioned as a small sauna. No time for such things, he would enter the home and take his own quick shower. Rinsing off he would change into a pale green kimono with accents of a soft beige coloring. Tying the belt that matched such accents he would pad his pockets ensuring he had the funds for the night out. In one of the pockets, he found the sleeping form of Wiggly-Woo, a pet that he had purchased in town. Shrugging he figured the creature wouldn't hurt anything, so he left him where he laid. The snake hidden by the kimono would curl around his neck its tail and head dipped beneath the fabric. If one looked, it almost appeared as though he was wearing a thick corded necklace of black and cream. Slipping back on his wooden sandals he would go out and wait for Jun to join him. He was prepared to leave as soon as she was, and should she be ready to go they would begin their walk towards town. If he waited, he would watch the moon as it brightly shone down.

TWC - 456
Jun Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Tokubetsu Jounin
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 6500

Of Booze and Bars (IO) Empty Re: Of Booze and Bars (IO)

Tue Mar 12, 2024 4:22 am
Jun happily walked beside Takeshiyama as they made their way back to Junko’s home, and as usual, she would be attempting to keep speaking with him. She found that his stories captivated her as she learned more about the world off of the island. When they had left for their missions earlier that afternoon Jun admittedly was a bit nervous about being around somebody as seemingly as strong as him but she quickly learned that her worries were for nothing. Takeshiyama was a very friendly man who didn’t chastise her for her clumsiness. This was something she appreciated very much as she was used to primarily being around Kiko who thought very little of her. Jun found herself being rather fond of him and was excited to spend the rest of the night by his side.

Soon they came upon the house and he’d give her a small bow before parting ways. She’d return the bow and exclaim that she was excited for their night together. Quickly she’d make her way inside and up to the bathroom. She felt gross and sticky from the day's hard work and knew she desperately needed a shower. After about 30 minutes she’d emerge from the bathroom covered in a towel and smelling like Jasmine. She then made her way to her bedroom, and thankfully she found it empty. Ren and Kiko had been staying in there as well, so she was happy to not have walked in on something she would have rather not seen.

She’d look through her wardrobe for a moment and pull out a few different options. Certainly, this wasn’t a date, so she didn’t feel the need to go completely overboard like Junko often did. However she knew that Daiki would be working the bar tonight, so she found herself wanting to dress to impress. Also, she was unsure if Takeshiyama had seen her looking her best and felt the desire to draw his attention as well. After contemplating her options she would finally land on an outfit that was more cute than alluring.

Her long green hair was split into two loose braids that lay on her shoulders, and a few strands of hair along with her bangs hung down slightly in front of her face framing it perfectly. On her head, she wore a flower crown that was decorated with small white and yellow flowers. A light green dress that was cinched tightly around her waist covered the rest of her, stopping just above her knees. The top of the dress looked similar to a tank top but had white, see-through, angel sleeves that cascaded down her arms. Around her neck, she wore a simple necklace that had a small heart pendant hanging from it. She also had put on a few silver bracelets and placed a pair of earrings in her ears that resembled the white flowers in her hair.

After spraying herself with a bit of Jasmine perfume, Jun would leave her room and attempt to find Junko. Once she found her, Jun would inform her that she would be going out with Takeshiyama to Daiki’s bar and Junko would give her the ok to go. Junko’s only request was that she would take Kitsu along with her to ensure nothing happened. She’d sigh a bit as she was unsure about how to feel about him however she felt a bit of a kinship with him due to them both being clones. Jun would accept her creator's request and attempt to find him, she knew he often spent time out in the orchard or could be found lurking around the home so she decided to check some of his regular spots.

If she was able to find him, she’d greet him with a happy smile and a polite bow. After explaining the situation, she would ask him sweetly if he’d come along with a bit of an alluring voice hoping that he’d agree. If he accepted this task she would attempt to give him an affectionate hug, though if he denied it she would simply give him a respectful bow and happily thank him.

Soon she would reconvene with Takeshiyama and inform him that Junko had requested that Kitsu come along as well. She would apologize if he seemingly was upset by this but if it didn’t bother him she then would lead the two men to Daiki’s bar. As they walked Jun attempted to converse with both of them equally, not wanting either to feel left out. She would inform them that they would be going to Daiki’s bar that he had recently opened up, and was seemingly excited to share her night with the two of them.

After about an hour of walking, they made their way to the beach where Daiki had set up shop at. Upon opening the door, Jun would stride inside and walk confidently up to the bar hoping that Daiki would come by once he was free. Before she could make it to the bar however she noticed a familiar man sitting at one of the barstools, it was Kut, a man she had seen only a handful of times but had grown to enjoy the company of. As she approached behind him, she’d place a gentle hand on his back before announcing her presence to him.

”Kut darling, I’m so happy we keep bumping into each other like this. Let me introduce you to the others won't you?”

At this same moment, she’d noticed Daiki realize she and a few others from the house had come by to visit and he made his way over toward them. Jun smiled sweetly and waved at him as he approached, a bit of her hoped he appreciated her put-together attire. Once he was in front of her she’d attempt to lean over the bar and give him a loving hug. Soon she’d pull away from him and begin speaking to him in a sweet voice.

”How has your night been dear? Would you mind getting me a bottle of whatever your strongest sake, I had a rather hard day doing some missions and would like to take the edge off if you don’t mind.”

After talking she’d listen to his response and allow others to speak up if they wished.

Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Focus : N/A
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Of Booze and Bars (IO) Empty Re: Of Booze and Bars (IO)

Tue Mar 12, 2024 2:06 pm
"Fuck." Kitsunagi would say to himself as he was walking back through the forest. He heard in his damned head from the telepathy seal that Junko wanted him to watch over Jun at the bar tonight. He tried to argue, but Ren was having none of it. "Kage's orders" He said. What a twit. Him and Kiko were unbearable, and everything Junko did just made him want to end her life sooner and sooner. So because he had no means of getting away with it just yet, he continued to wait. "Maybe poisoning her food would be best?" He would think as he began to exit the forest.

"No Ren would just fucking heal her. All of them practicing medical crap just makes this so much harder. Ugh." He would complain as he could see the waterfall that the bar was planted next to. He kicked a few rocks as he looked down at his clothes. Ren told him he had to wash up, couldn't be covered in blood in public according to Ren. What a know-it-all jerk. So what if he wanted to wear the blood of the bandits and other animals on him? It's not like he cared for what the rest thought of him. But he supposed it was best to at least put on a show for everyone else.

The closer he got to the bar, the more people that he could hear. This was upsetting. There was too many people and it would be far too loud. Full of people being ridiculous and honestly insufferable. He'd rather just be out hunting more bandits. Killing them, wearing their blood after he sacrificed them to the spirits of the island. But of course that wasn't being productive enough for Ren or Junko, so here he was. On babysitting duty to make sure their darling Jun didn't get into any trouble.

He moaned and groaned about it the whole way to the bar, and when he got to the bar, his fears were realized. The place was already packed, and more people were already coming in. The noise was loud as all of the insignificant people were all yelling over each other. Cackling like animals, but far less appealing. He stood outside for a few minutes, just knowing that he had to enter, but he didn't want to. He would hear Ren in his head once more asking him if he had gotten there yet. He swore under his breath and responded to him that he had, he was just about to enter into the bar.

When he entered in, there was a few people already there. The big sumo guy that had a snake now, for some reason. There was Daiki with his body not matching his head and a dumb smile on his face. There was a mass of people, not a single face that he cared about. Then there was Jun. She stood there with a big smile on her face, waving at everyone, being all jumpy and happy. Probably already drunk off her ass. "Ugh." He would audibly groan as he took his first steps into the bar.

He would approach Jun, and he would speak into her ear as it was far to loud to hear otherwise, or at least that's what he thought. To be honest he didn't like speaking at full volume anyway. "Hey Jun. I've been asked by Junko to watch after you tonight. So as long as you plan on staying here at the bar, I am here to be on watch. Not sure for what, but I am pretty sure it is to make sure you don't get into any trouble. I don't know, Ren didn't tell me. But anyhow. I'll be at the bar. If you need anything from me. Let me know." He would then turn towards the bar and walk over to it.

When he sat down, he would ask the small headed Daiki for whatever the most expensive vodka he had on offer, and wanted a double of that. He would tell him to put it on Ren's tab as he wasn't going to be paying for this. He also would ask for whatever they had on offer for food. Anything that was heavy with meat, if there was steak, he would order that and ask that it was still bloody, very rare if it needed to be.

When he was done ordering, he would simply do what he was asked. Watch over Jun and her bouncy attitude. It looked like people were going to sing Karaoke, when he made this realization a part of him would die inside. The idea of being in the bar for a prolonged period of time was horrid, the idea of listening to people destroy already horrible music sounded far worse. He would moan about it for a moment, and put his elbow on the, resting his face on his hand. This was going to be a long night, and he wasn't at all prepared for it.

WC: 839
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : (1) Daiki
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Of Booze and Bars (IO) Empty Re: Of Booze and Bars (IO)

Wed Mar 13, 2024 11:00 pm
Daiki would give Jun a warm smile as he approached her and the group. He would take note of her outfit, impressed by how she looked stunning yet still managed to keep it casual. She always looked wonderful but tonight she was simply breathtaking.

"Jun, Takeshiyama, Kitsu, it's great to see you all here,"
he would greet them. He had seen Takeshiyama and Kitsu around this was their first interaction though. "My night's been going well, thank you for asking, darling. I got Kut here to keep me company," He would let out a soft chuckle as he looked in the man's direction.

"And of course, I'll get you a bottle of our strongest sake, Jun. I'm sorry for your hard day. I'm sure this will do just the trick," handing her a bottle of his strongest Sake. "Let me know if you need anything else."

Daiki would then turn to the others, "What can I get for you guys? Also, tonight is Karaoke night, so I want to see all of you singing and dancing up on stage. Completely free. I might even do a little something. " he would say.

Kitsu would ask for Daik's best bottle of vodka, and make it a double. As well as a red steak, how odd Daiki thought. But he would tell the man that he would put that on the grill here in a second. He would give the man a look over. Interesting looking guy, not much like his creator.

With that, he would turn to Takeshiyama and ask for his order. He was quite the man, Daiki was too but not to this extent. It will be interesting to see how the big man carries himself.

Kutari Uchiha
Kutari Uchiha
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Of Booze and Bars (IO) Empty Re: Of Booze and Bars (IO)

Thu Mar 14, 2024 7:33 pm
The wandering Uchiha had found himself in a place of interest. At first, this island seemed like so many other places that he had been, sun-baked locals with a rather tribal-type aesthetic. Many small villages in the land of Wind share this very same sentiment. But over the last few days, that's when the differences really started to help this place stand out amongst the others. There were a few standouts that seemed to catch and keep his interest, and his attention surprisingly enough. He was generally on the move, never to sit in one spot, but recently this place had provided just what he needed to stay.

He had heard that there was a karaoke night at the bar that he had originally picked up the green haired woman. He couldn't for the life of him remember her name, but he could remember every inch of her skin. Her alabaster complexion seemed to soak into brain after their three night bender in the woods. He was high and pretty drunk for the majority of the time, but there was no way on this beautiful yet desolate planet that he was going to be able to forget a beauty that powerful.

He figured that if he was going to go anywhere tonight, that it might as well be the bar. Maybe he'd find Jun there again, offer another little excursion into the underground forest that they had stumbled into. Or, maybe he'd find another woman there to pick up. He was pretty fine with it either way as there was no clear drive for him. He wandered through the village streets and he thought of just how much alcohol he could try and swipe from the bar this time, thinking in the sense of volume of liters.

He would laugh to himself when he thought of the first time that he had found his way into that bar by the waterfall. He met the barkeep Daiki, the small-headed one who professed his love for the green-haired woman, the woman who was barely sober enough to stand. She would give him affection in public, but it was Kut that she would think about later on that night. He knew as much when she had decided to take him up on his offer to get lost in the woods and perform various dubious acts together of varying ethical dilemmas.

He wasn't trying to stir trouble, he wasn't hoping to make people sad and upset. To be quite honest he just thought she was beautiful and decided that he had to have her at least once. He had some fun, a lot of fun if he was honest. It was a good introduction to this little gathering of people. She was dang good at what she did, the outgoing nature, the level of affection she'd give people, other activities that would likely make a preacher blush. But he pushed those thoughts to the side for now. Instead he would focus on the night ahead.

If there was music to be played, then there was fun to be had and that was what he was going to focus on. He had his harmonica primed and ready to go. He knew exactly what music he was going to play. He had a particular song in mind that he would play for the green-haired lady, or really every woman in the bar, or maybe man. He didn't tend to discriminate on the gender of folks, provided they were appealing enough to him. He neared the bar by the time he began thinking of the music, and when he peered through the glass windows that led to the front door, he already saw a few individuals that would be interesting.

When he entered, his first sight was the green-haired woman, she was currently busy with others in the room. He was fine with that as he had to focus his mind on trying to remember her name before she would possibly walk up to him first. He took a right turn into the lounge part of the bar, the area full of tables that had the stage in front of it. He sat down and he continued to think about it.

It was a few minutes later when he felt a soft and gentle hand on his back, the hairs on the back of his neck would shoot up, raising sharply at her touch. He would turn around and as if by some miracle the name would pop into his mind. "Jun my darling! It is so wonderful to see you again." He would stand up from the seat he was in and turn to hug her. When his face was next to her ear he would whisper, "It's a shame its with your clothes on." He would pull away from her, look into her eyes and laugh.

"Yes that would be great to meet the others!" he would wrap his arm around hers and follow her to the bar where they would see the man named Daiki. He would raise a friendly hand towards the hulking man with the small head. "Hello Daiki! Truly packed house, eh? You must be so proud!" He would bow while still having his arm around hers while she grabbed a bottle of Sake. He would ask for a double shot of whiskey, the strongest he had as well.

When he was served his drink, he would place payment on the table, plus a little extra for the man. He would wink at Daiki, take the shot, set the glass down and ask for two more. "I plan on getting absolutely wasted tonight. I do hope you will both join me in that endeavor." He would turn to Jun, "You especially. You are rather fun when you're drunk." He would laugh once more as he consumed the next two doubles of whiskey.

He saw the mountain of a man with a beautiful snake necklace around his gloriously large neck. He would raise his now empty glass towards him. "My fucking goodness friend. I don't know what is more impressive. Your sheer width and size? Or the fact that you can pull off such a look and make it look easy. Cheers to you my handsome friend, and cheers to your gorgeous snake necklace of yours. Tell me, glorious mountain of flesh and sweat, what is your name?" He would look to Takeshiyama, once and then twice, impressed with each glance.

When he was done, after responding with courtesy, he would speak up to the whole group. "I heard there was music tonight! I got my harmonica ready, and my lips as prepared as they can be." He would wink over to Jun as he said the last part of his sentence. "Let's make this night a damned good one!" He would yell out loud enough for them all to hear. He would wait for whatever was to come of the night, and he would be sure to get as drunk as possible throughout.

WC: 1172
Azuki Shinoda
Azuki Shinoda
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Unhallowed
Mission Record : Missions
Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 37

Of Booze and Bars (IO) Empty Re: Of Booze and Bars (IO)

Sat Mar 16, 2024 11:43 am
Azuki breaks strides through the streets of Moon Country, an intriguing figure with a guitar slung casually in his right hand and a notably incapacitated bandit lord dangling from his left. The bandit's legs dangle limply, a testament to Azuki's precautionary measures to prevent any attempts at escape. Tonight was not about bounties or battles; it was karaoke night, an event Junko had invited him to, and he was determined to honor that invitation, showing a side of himself seldom seen.

Gone were the days dominated by Jashin's curse, along with the overwhelming urges that had once steered him towards darkness. The dissolution of the curse had not just freed him from its grasp but had also significantly dulled the edges of his once sharp demeanor. Tonight, he planned to reveal a different facet of his character, one that would surprise those who knew him only as the formidable warrior.

Upon arriving at the bar, Azuki makes a spectacle of his entrance. With a nonchalant toss, he flings the captured bandit lord onto the floor, nudging him towards the wall with a kick that's forceful yet carefully measured to avoid any unnecessary destruction. It's a move that speaks of strength but also of a newfound restraint.

The most notable change, however, is the smile that graces Azuki's features—a subtle uplift at the corners of his mouth that, while low-key, signals a significant shift in his persona. It's a smile that hints at ease, a contentment found in the simplicity of attending a karaoke night among friends and allies.

Swinging his guitar around to the front with a flourish, Azuki waves to the gathered crowd, an acknowledgment and an invitation rolled into one. His presence, once a harbinger of tension, now carries a different weight, a promise of entertainment and camaraderie. Tonight, Azuki isn't the fearsome warrior or the brooding presence in the corner. He's just another participant, ready to share in the night's festivities, to sing, to laugh, and, perhaps, to reveal more of the person he's become in the absence of the curse that had once defined him.


For Junko, and for all those present, Azuki's performance promises to be a revelation, a glimpse into the evolving journey of a man who had walked through darkness and emerged into a lighter, more harmonious path. It's a moment of connection, a bridge built from the notes of a guitar and the sincerity of a smile, extending an invitation to see Azuki Shinoda not just as the warrior, but as the man he is becoming.

As Azuki's gaze sweeps across the room, the subtle uplift of his smile begins to falter, a slight dimming of the light in his eyes as he realizes Junko isn't there yet. The anticipation of sharing this moment with her, to reveal this new side of himself in her presence, had been a significant part of his resolve to attend and participate in karaoke night. Her absence, even if temporary, casts a shadow over his enthusiasm, tempering the warmth that had briefly flickered across his features.

Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Takeshiyama
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

Of Booze and Bars (IO) Empty Re: Of Booze and Bars (IO)

Sat Mar 16, 2024 7:04 pm

For all The serenity and peace that had enveloped the pair on the walk to the bar, was paid back tenfold with the crowded company within the bar.  He had been in and out a few times, but never with anyone.  Typically he went by himself and whatever friends for the night he made he would keep, before leaving both the place and the conversations behind.  Still, he would gaze around the crowded space some individuals standing out more than others as he measured up the crowd.  He would stay next to Jun as they made their way to the bar before the women was accosted by a plethora of man.  The situation arises two analogies in his mind, one endearing and one rude, both he kept to himself.  For his part, and despite the looks of his companion he sought the company of a different kind for the moment.  If there was one thing about Kaito, he rarely pursued when he wasn’t in the mood and at the moment his mood desired sakes and songs.  With that he’d lean down against the bar, and almost audible groan of the wood sang to him as he waved at Daiki a man he knew by site if not by words.  

Daiki would come over and ask for his order after had helped several others.  He’d point at a large ceramic jug of old sake from the land of iron.  One that was typically meant for multiple pours but he assured the man that was for him.  “Start a tab.”  He’d say in a low voice measuring up Daiki.  He appreciated a man that took care of himself, it was a shame for one to grow old and not see the extent at which they could push their body.  As he got older….he even more thought it a virtue.  “Karaoke ready?”  He’d ask simply before Daiki would let them know it wasn’t only ready but encouraged.  He’d flash his first smile of the bar, his eyes twinkling with a fun the was belayed by the general look of the sumo.  He’d take the jug by the corded rope that was wrapped around the lip, and pop open the top before taking a deep and long drink.  Enough to knock uninitiated in the ways of alcohol tolerance on their ass, for him it was but a start.  As he was about to leave the crowd the man who was trying to drink not only whiskey with his mouth but Jun with his eyes would stop him.  

He wasn’t sure if the man was confident, arrogant, brash, or drunk.  All of these things could be attributed for the way he spoke and the profanity in their initial meeting.  Still, he wasn’t wrong….he knew he was a sight to behold.  There was a reason people paid to seem him compete, and a reason he was sought after in certain areas, even if this current town wasn’t the typical demographic.    “Takeshiyama….”  He would say with a pause.  “If you think this…”. He would gesture up and down at his body, “is impressive, the amount of wonder you’ll experience tonight is just beginning.”  With that he would wink at the man, so quick it was hard to know if it had happened at all.  Taking another large drink, he would drop the ceramic jug on the counter with a deafening thud that proved the thing already empty.  He’d place another order for something stronger to be brought up to the stage, and he’d turn from the bar.   He’d take long confident steps to the stage, before reaching and grabbing the shirt of a local that had attempted to be first to sing.  With one hand he’d lift the man bodily before dropping him gently off the stage, solidifying that he was first in line.  

The man may have initially meant to have words, but he quickly swallowed them and sat down at a nearby table to wait his turn.  On stage Takeshiyama was in a world of his own, not concerned with the buzz of the bar now just a background noise.  The stage was where he felt confident, even stronger.  It would almost appear that he had swollen up, taller, bigger than what he had been a few moments before.  Something that to an even greater extent occurred when he found himself within the dohyo with a proper opponent before him.  There was a microphone, and other items typical of karaoke, but he didn’t need a book of songs or assistance. He knew what he had wanted to sing, and taking up the microphone he’d give it a tap before clearing his throat.  A man nearly 7 feet tall and now around 400lbs was a sight to behold, and using him the entire stage he’d take a breath, vaguely aware of his second order of sake being sat on the table near him.

Holding the microphone, he’d hold it close to
His mouth, and close his eyes.  The drum of noise vanished, perhaps it really did, or maybe it was just in his mind.  The same clearing that performed during a match….life was a gift, enjoy each moment, for these moments are your life, and you will never get another.  A voice that seemed at odds with the big man would begin to leave his lips.  His normal talking voice was low but with his current voice one almost wondered if that was for effect rather than what nature really made him sound like.

“Ask my why my heart is in my throat…..I’ve never been in love, I’ve been alone….” The first lyrics would come out and so would his eyes open moving between anyone watching him sing.  “Feel like I’ve been living life asleep… so strong it makes me feel so weak.”  His eyes would find Jun’s for a moment, lingering for a breath before moving on.  “Are you lonely…..ill fingers dancing where they meet….you seem so lonely, I’ll be the only dream you seek”. He’d look at Daiki working the bar, and then over to Kitsu spending his time alone watching but not with the main ground.  The song would continue, “you’re the ground my feet won’t reach…”. 

The song would continue, and his eyes would close again.  “Under the pale moon light, dreaming of the circus life….carousels and heights, I’ll be yours if you’ll be mine….”  He’d say looking towards the group at the bar.  The song would finish, and he’d reach for the new sake taking a deep drink, before moving his way back to the main group, and sitting heavily down on one of the stools.  He’d nod if anyone mentioned his song before turning to watch who was next up.  Already thinking of his next song.  “Anyone know any duets?”  He’d say turning with a smile, his cheeks finally starting to turn a little red under the influence of the spirits.  
TWC - 1607
Jun Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 6500

Of Booze and Bars (IO) Empty Re: Of Booze and Bars (IO)

Tue Mar 19, 2024 2:17 am
Before she could make her way to Kut, she would be stopped by her “friend” Kitsu. He’d inform her that he was here to watch over her for the night at Junko’s request as he whispered in her ear. She’d roll her eyes slightly as she turned to face him. If he allowed Jun would turn towards him and similarly speak in his ear. She hadn’t quite started drinking yet so for the time being, her normal alluring voice would escape her mouth.

”My dear I’m so happy you came, you know I love it when you watch me”

She’d pat him lightly on his chest, smile sweetly, and wink at him before making her way over to where she believed she saw Kut. Once she made her presence known to him, he’d happily greet her with a hug. He’d mention that it was great to see her, but as they embraced he’d whisper to her that it was a shame she had clothes on. She couldn’t help but laugh at his playful remark along with and simply brushed off the comment. Jun would give him a quick peck on the cheek before pulling away from his embrace, taking his arm in hers, and then leading him out towards the bar where the others congregated.

After exchanging some pleasantries, and requesting a potent bottle of Sake from Daiki, Jun finally had a drink in her hand. As he was passing the bottle to her, she’d loosen her grip on Kut's arm as she leaned over and also kissed his cheek as she thanked him for the bottle. Returning to Kut’s side, she opened up the bottle of sake as he awaited for his shots to be poured. Jun would opt to drink directly out of the bottle, she knew she would be finishing the bottle so why dirty a glass? She’d watch as Kut downed two shots before turning to her and stating that he was planning on getting wasted and that he wished she’d join him. Before she could respond he’d remark that believed her to be rather fun while intoxicated.

As he spoke she was already putting a dent in the bottle she had within her grasp, and would just laugh at his remark. She’d raise up the bottle with a smirk before speaking up once again.

”Darling I think this may be the night that I out drink you, so I hope I’m by the end of it”

She’d smile up at Takeshiyama as Kut began speaking to him, she was so happy to have all of her friends together in one spot. However, before she could hop into their conversation, her attention would be drawn to the man who just entered the bar with an unconscious man. Thankfully Jun recognized him as Junko’s “brother,” Azuki. She’d hit her palm to her forehead as she remembered that Junko was supposed to come tonight too, but she must have not told Azuki about her being indisposed with village matters, making her unable to attend tonight. Jun would reassure people that everything was fine as she left Kut's side and began snaking her way through the crowd.

Before she could reach him, he’d swing his guitar around towards the front of his body with an impressive display and begin playing. Jun didn’t want to cut him off from playing so she’d simply wait until he finished playing to approach him. Junko had told her very little about him, but his attitude wasn’t like she’d imagined at all. He seemed to be the life of the party, but when her creator described him, he seemed quite distant and quiet. For a few moments, she contemplated how she should go about approaching him. After not being able to decide, she chose to throw caution to the wind and simply just say hello! She would walk up to him with a happy smile and wave happily to him. Since her face looked just like Junko’s, she assumed that he would make the connection between the two of them right off the bat. If he allowed her to close the distance between the two of them, she’d speak loud enough so he could properly hear her.

”Hello hello!! Are you Azuki? I’m Junko’s sister, Jun!! It’s so lovely to finally meet you, I’ve heard such wonderful things about you. My dear sister thinks so highly of you, I’m rather jealous” She giggled playfully as she took a sip from her bottle of sake. ”Darling you must come sit with me and the others at the bar, lets get you a drink love!”

Jun would motion for him to follow her back to where the others were previously gathered. At this point, Takeshiyama would be making his way to the stage to begin his performance. She’d return back to Kut and Daiki after traversing the crowds once more, hoping that Azuki was following her. If he arrived with her, she would assist in making introductions to the others, even beckoning Kitsu to come over if he was looking at her. She’d look for an open barstool nearby, but unable to find one, she’d instead opt to sit in Kut’s lap if he allowed her to. She’d wrap one arm around his shoulders, and cross her right leg over her left while holding the bottle of sake in her other hand.

As the others discussed amongst themselves she would nearly finish the bottle of sake while watching Takeshiyama perform. She was rather impressed by his display as she happily watched him entertain the crowd. Jun was unsure if she was going to go up on stage and perform tonight. The main issue was that she didn’t know too many songs, and admittedly was nervous about getting up and singing in front of everyone. She’d clap loudly and even whistle as he finished up. As the next person in line prepared themselves Jun climbed off of Kut and then presented herself to Takeshiyama with a bow.

She placed her hands behind her back and leaned close to him with an impressed facial expression. At this point, her eyes were beginning to dilate and she could feel herself becoming a bit more off-balanced. As she began to speak, her siren voice would escape her lips and her face blushed slightly.

”That was so amazing Takeshiyama! How did you learn to perform so great? I’m honestly terrified to even step up on that stage, you’re so brave!”

Jun would continue to try and maintain a pleasant conversation with the group as a whole, wanting to make sure nobody specifically felt left out of the fun!

Total WC:2187
Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
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Clan Focus : N/A
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Of Booze and Bars (IO) Empty Re: Of Booze and Bars (IO)

Wed Mar 20, 2024 10:24 am
As he was sitting there at the bar, he would hear a transmission from Ren. Ren would state that he needed to report back to the house immediately with both himself and Jun. He would down his drinks, grab onto Jun and without a word to anyone else he would be off with her in his arms. "We must be going, Jun. Ren's orders."

WC: 64
TWC: 903

Claims: WIP
Jun Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 6500

Of Booze and Bars (IO) Empty Re: Of Booze and Bars (IO)

Wed Mar 20, 2024 11:44 am
Jun would be having a lovely time as she wandered through various social circles in order to get all of her friends together in one place. After polishing off her bottle of sake, she noticed Kitsu quickly approaching with a hurried look on his face. She knew that her good time had come to an end when she felt him pick her up then quickly he’d leave the bar. Jun would offer a wave to any who watched her be taken, and would reassure anybody who inquired that it was alright.

”Fuckers couldn’t let us just have one good night without needing us”

She looked a bit sad as she was pulled away since she had been rather excited about karaoke night.


Total WC: 2312

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