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Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Upping The Difficulty Empty Upping The Difficulty

Fri Jan 05, 2024 5:31 am

Stat Page

Natural Disaster

It had been heavily pouring in the plains of the moon for the past few days. Some of the elders in the villages have been murmuring about potential floods and a need for a safety plan, however, others simply thought it was normal for this time of year. Small communities began to leave their homes to shelter farther inland, and others decided to hunker down for the incoming floods. Soon people everywhere on the moon began starting to board up their houses and pack up anything of value to them.

Junko didn't seem to think anything of it, she didn't have much value anyway so if she needed to leave it wouldn't be too difficult for her. However, during dinner one night Emi and Akira had lamented about their worries about the upcoming floods which began to make her grow nervous. They spoke about not wanting to leave their home, and withstanding the storm, but Junko insisted that they try to leave. As harsh as it sounded, they were both relatively old and it would be rather difficult to attempt to evacuate them when the flooding began. Throughout the night Junko pleaded with them to leave until the flooding had stopped, and soon they agreed with her.

She was relieved that they were going to leave and offered to help them pack a few things. She owned a wagon and horse after all, and they had a whole house of memories they wished to preserve, so it only made sense to offer them the assistance. She knew they wouldn't be able to save everything but she felt relieved knowing she at least convinced them to move from harm's way. If what the other villagers were saying were true, half of their home would be nearly submerged.

Since Emi and Akira owned a clothing store that was soon going to be underwater, Junko had the idea of donating the available clothes to any who may need them. The clothing shop had a variety of styles and sizes that people could choose from, so as soon as word spread around the plains others began to flock to the area. A lot of families came to them seeking necessary items like warm heavy jackets, socks, and some other miscellaneous things.

She noticed as she handed the items out that a lot of these families had small children too. Some kids were taking the trauma of displacement and losing their home completely better than others, unfortunately, she could see it on some of their faces and it broke her heart. She knew what it was like to be comfortable somewhere, only to have that comfort ripped away from you due to forces out of her control. She tried to cheer up any kid who came through the shop while their parents looked for what they needed. She felt as if the parents deserved some sort of break, and the kids needed something to lift their spirits. So to keep them preoccupied she told stories of her travels and told them how fun and exciting it can be to go to new places even if it was temporary. She would also sometimes break out her old violin and play some fun music for them. Though it wasn't much, she felt like she was at least helping for a little bit.

Everyone she ran into, whether it be a child or an adult, seemed thankful for the help that Akira, Emi, and her had been providing. They had been members of the community for such a long time, and they also didn't want their clothes to go to waste so they were happy to share what they had access to. Unfortunately, not everyone who came by could find something for themselves, but that was few and far in-between. Some people came simply looking for fabrics to make blankets or specific items that the store didn't have in stock. Thankfully there was more than enough to go around, and at the end of the day the store had been nearly cleaned out.

Those who unfortunately didn't have homes sought shelter amongst each other, and like all the other villagers attempted to move farther into the land mass. Due to Moon being surrounded by seawater, there wasn't much room for people to move towards. Thankfully due to the smallness of the communities, people could start helping others. People soon began leaving the region quickly before the flooding could properly get started. Akira and Emi hadn't left yet, and the window for leaving safely was closing in quickly on them.

Junko began begging them to leave, she didn't want to see them get hurt and knew if they didn't leave she may not be able to save them. After some negotiations, they finally agreed to leave, and Junko promptly started loading their things into her wagon. She knew it was going to be muddy, but there was no other option for them to get their things out of their home. A lot was left behind, and the couple seemed to be heartbroken but they still decided it was a good idea to leave. Before they headed out, Emi handed Junko a small box wrapped in some cute paper that had her name on it.

Emi explained that she and Akira had got her a little gift for all the help she had been doing around the community, and was planning on giving it to her on her birthday but figured this would be the right time. She smiled brightly and thanked the couple for their thoughtfulness and began opening up the box. Inside the box, there was a package of sewing needles, some different colored threads (mostly black), and a small book that seemed to tell the reader how to make a variety of different stitches. They had gifted her a cute little sewing kit. Jokingly Emi mentioned that she was sick of fixing any of Junko's clothes that had been ripped in a mission and that now she could do that herself.

This could be very handy, after all, who knew when she'd see the couple again? She thanked them profusely and gave them each a long hug before they all piled into the wagon. She was going to help them reach a point of safety and then potentially return to the town to help others fleeing from the storm. Emi and Akira weren't happy about that decision and wanted her to stay with them until it passed but she knew that her abilities would be best put to use in the town. As the wagon made its way through the village she saw boarded up houses and passed by people walking on foot to a similar destination.

It saddened to her see the community she was growing to love was now nearly in shambles. Realistically however she couldn't help but feel that something like this was bound to happen soon enough. It seemed that everywhere she traveled would sooner or later be stuck with tragedy, whether it was her own bad luck or just bad timing she couldn't tell. She couldn't help but think of how those she interacted with in previous missions were now faring in this weather, but she tried to not dwell on it too much. She had to focus on getting Akira and Emi to safety before she could worry about much else.

Prior to leaving she had heard that town folk who had left as the storm began were forced to return to the town because some bandits had robbed them of all their belongings so she remained on high alert. The rain was debilitating to her senses so she was rather nervous about their situation. Nonetheless, they continued on, afterall she could fight some bandits but not flood. She had forewarned Akira and Emi about the potential threat and discussed a plan if they were to be attacked. She would create a diversion while they escaped to their destination, and she would then follow after them once the threat was taken care of.

As they traveled they were able to catch up to a small family, a mother, a father, and a small child about 4-5 years of age. Akira being the gentleman he was offered to make space for them in the wagon, and they piled in. The wagon was now weighed down significantly and was moving at a slower pace. The father and Junko decided to now walk beside the wagon, hoping to relive some of the work off of her large black horse, and allowing the others to sit comfortably. The mud was deep, making it difficult to walk in, but she persisted.

She made casual conversations with the man as they walked, and soon they came upon a stretch of road flanked on both sides by a tall tree line. Thinking this was the perfect spot for an ambush she activated her ketsuryugan and peered through the tree line. She was still getting used to her own abilities, and being able to see people's veins still freaked her out quite a bit. Her father never told her she could do things like this, so she slowly discovered the new things she was capable of.

Scanning through the treel line she was able to make out about four different people, two on each side of the road. Obviously, they weren't scared of townsfolk fleeing, so they were either the bandits mentioned previously, or some missing ninja hoping to steal their things. She brought the wagon to a halt informed everyone what was going on, and had the father take control of the wagon. The people hiding hadn't seen them yet so fortunately they had the upper hand, and had some time to think of a plan.

After a short discussion, it was decided that Junko would create a distraction a little bit farther into the woods and attempt to get them to chase after her. She wasn't the fastest but she was quick enough to buy them enough time to pass by. With a last warm hug from Akira and Emi, she headed off in the direction of the ambushers. She didn't want to get herself trapped, but thankfully she had some time between previous missions where she was able to explore moon a bit and roughly knew where she was.

She walked alone up the path to the ambushers, seemingly an easy target. As she approached she pulled down the hood of her cloak to cover her now glowing red eyes and prepared herself to make a run for it. She watched as the ambushers took notice of her, and began slowly creeping closer toward the road. Stopping dead in her tracks as they moved, she called out to the four of them

"If you leave now maybe you won't get swept up in the flood. Your safest bet would be to seek shelter inland, and to remain there until the rains have passed."

All four of the men now stepped out from the tree line, remaining about 15 meters from her. They wore simple clothes they were now caked in mud and leaves, thankfully looked to be some average bandits and not some professional missing ninja. They laughed at her as she attempted to persuade them to leave, and one of the men spoke back to her.

"Actually we'd rather not dear. You see we're just some poor folk down on our luck, and we need help from you or any others who pass by. We simply want the things you have on you, like all your Ryo and weapons. If you hand them over nicely, we won't need to harm you. You seem to be alone, maybe you could join us. We always need more women around the camp"

She removed the hood from her head, revealing her drenched ebony black hair and her piercing crimson eyes. Then she locked eyes with the man who spoke to her. She could see him tense up at the sight of her eyes, but he still seemed fixed on accosting her. Not swayed by his words, but now infuriated by them she attempted to control her anger and spoke once again but now in a commanding stern voice.

"If you continue to pester me, I will be forced to take lethal action. If you dare to attempt to lay a hand on me, I will cut it off and deliver it to whatever family or friends you may have."

She wasn't being completely truthful here, but she wanted to try to goad them into challenging her more. She didn't want to kill any of them however she was prepared to fight for her life, and if it came down to having to kill them to save herself she would. The men didn't seem to back down, but her words only intrigued them more. Soon they attempted to close in on her but she was prepared and began running full speed deeper in the woods. As she sprinted she saw the men chasing after her, now with some tantos drawn.

As she fled through the trees she could feel her boots sinking deep into the mud, leaving tracks right to her. She needed another way of maneuvering around without leaving a trail to follow.

Stopping to focus for a brief second she performed the ram handseal and  2 identical-looking clones appeared around her. She decided to send them out toward the men to distract them long enough to allow to to come up with a plan. She decided to attempt to climb the tree and leap from branch to branch in order to prevent her from being tracked. She then pooled some chakra around her feet and began ascending the tree using the tree climbing technique that Akira had taught her a few weeks back.

The surface of the trees was moss-covered and slimy, an average person would had a horrible time trying to climb up them. However, to her, it was a cakewalk. Soon she saw two of the men following the footsteps she had left, and they soon made eye contact with her. She smirked at them and made a "come get me" face and began running off a large branch and hopping to another closeby tree. Thankfully most of the forest had been left untouched for years, so the trees loomed high over the ground and were dense with foliage, making it hard for any pursuers to keep up with her.

For about 30 minutes the men chased behind her as she lept from tree to tree, but soon she was able to shake them. They had been led far enough into the forest, that it would take them some time to get back to the road. She had hoped that Emi, Akira, and the family would make it safely to where they had planned to meet up and she began heading in that direction. Soon she came upon the road she traversed previously, with no bandits now in sight, and managed to follow the wagon tracks.

As she walked the rain began to lighten up, it was now just a sprinkle. A sigh of relief escaped her lips, thankfully some of the villagers had been correct in thinking it would stop before it got too bad. The coasts were still in danger but where Akira and Emi's home, along with her own, seemed to not be in as much. Continuing to follow the wagon tracks, she soon came upon a large group of people who had seemingly put up tents, temporary huts, and other shelters, along with her wagon parked close by.

Wandering into the small camp she found Akira and Emi sitting around a small fire under a makeshift shelter, along with a few other elderly people. Junko informed them of what had happened, along with her assumption that they could return home within the next few days after the waters had settled. The rain could always pick up again once they went to sleep, so they decided it was safer to remain here at the camp, along with some of the other citizens.

That night the rain seemed to nearly come to a halt, the sky was still covered in grey clouds but the down poor seemed to have moved on. For the next few days, Junko slept in her wagon and assisted around camp by helping prepare food for everyone, collecting wood for the fire, and generally being there to lend a helping hand to any who may need it. Her nights were spent telling stories and playing music around the campfire. The kids seemed to enjoy it the most, and even some other musically inclined adults joined in on the fun.

Soon the sun was shining once again, and Junko, Akira, and Emi decided that now was the best time to leave. Other families must have felt similar since they also packed up the remnants of their belongings and headed back to their homes. Since there were a lot of people traveling, she assumed that the bandits wouldn't be able to stage any attack without drawing too much attention to themselves and she was correct. From what she could see, there was nobody skulking around, and didn't hear any of the other travelers complaining of being attacked.

Soon Junko, Emi, and Akira had arrived back home, their house seemingly left untouched by the storm other than maybe some water damage, but nothing extremely detrimental. She assisted them in unpacking her wagon and helped them re-settle into their home. That night Emi had made a wonderful dinner for the three of them and they happily shared it amongst each other.

Returning that night to her home she assessed the damage done, there were already holes in the roof, but she had attempted to patch them a few days before she self. Thankfully they held up and withstood the down, similarly to Akira and Emi she had some water damage to worry about but that was for another time. For now, she was exhausted from her travels and needed to rest. After completing her morning routine she promptly fell asleep in her comfortable bed.

Reward: 6000Ryo / 30AP

Party Security

For the past few days, the small villages around Moon have grown to become livelier than Junko had ever seen. Stalls were selling all kinds of exotic products, staying open significantly later than usual, and the cost of merchandise skyrocketed. Thankfully she was pretty well known around the town she stayed in and the locals sometimes would give her discounts on food or other necessary items. Where she had grown up she had only seen this many people gathering to celebrate the various harvest festivals. It was odd to walk the once-empty roads that were now nearly flooded with different people. Asking around to her neighbors she was able to find out that one of the wealthier villagers had invited nobility from all over to attend a masquerade ball to celebrate the winter season. She was told that every year the same person hosted it, and it was a big economic boom for the surrounding villages so that's why all the villagers were out in full swing.

Unfortunately, this also stirred up varying degrees of mischief and mayhem. With the inns staying open and serving drinks later this caused some hooligans to start popping up more often. Differing magnitudes of assault could be witnessed late in the night at nearly any bar or tavern, so most of the locals steered away from there. With dozens of nobility coming through, danger significantly increased on the roads. Thankfully most of them had their bodyguards, but the locals were having a hard time traveling safely. Generally, the guards kept to themselves, however, some nobility had seemed to hire other vagabonds or whoever they could find as mercenaries. Some of those traveling without protection found themselves accosted by large groups of bandits or a handful of missing ninjas.

One night as Junko was having dinner with Akira and Emi, the elderly couple she had stayed with previously, they talked about the recent events in town. Akira admitted to being afraid to leave the home to get food and the other things they needed, so he asked Junko to assist him. The walk was less than 2 miles, and relatively populated so she didn't think the errands would be too bothersome. Akira knew she had been taking on more serious jobs, and training hard so he figured she would have better odds at staying safe. Happily, she accepted his task, said she'd get it first thing the next morning, and then dinner continued as normal.

Bright and early the next day Junko arose from bed and began her morning routine. She liked to start her day off with a nice warm bath, followed by some breakfast and tea, and then she'd finish getting dressed and preparing her equipment for the day. It had been rather sunny outside so she didn't feel the need to layer up before leaving the home. Leaving her house she wandered over to Emi and Akira's home, grabbed a list of things to purchase, and then headed out to the market. As she got closer to the market, crowds began to form around her. Deeper into the market there was hardly enough room to get around, she now understood why they wouldn't want to come here.

It was hard to keep track of where she was going due to the amount of people, now and again she'd bump shoulders with someone accidentally and then promptly apologize to the person. She soon felt an overwhelming sense of panic as she started to feel closed in, she needed to quickly get the things and leave. She soon found her way to a general store and got the things required on the list. Before she could finish her transition, a man wearing a long black cloak bumped into her, causing her to spill the Ryo she was handing over. The man scooped in a handful of the Ryo and dashed into the crowd.

Leaving the things she was purchasing behind she quickly ran after the man. Activating her Ketsuryugan she was able to keep track of him, he often would attempt to push people into her but she was able to swiftly evade them. She pursued him to the outskirts of town and was able to corner him in a blocked-off alleyway. Standing before her was a middle-aged man, slightly overweight, and now severely out of breath. Junko spoke to him in a rather scary tone, commanding that the man give her back the ryo that was taken while her glowing red eyes pierced through the shadows of the alleyway.

The man trembled as she approached, soon he threw the Ryo at her feet and asked for mercy. He explained that he had been hired by some of the mercenaries in the area to cause issues so they could raise their prices. If there was more danger, they could charge the nobility more Ryo, simple as that. She couldn't blame the man, he was merely just trying to get by. She sent him on his way with a strict warning and told him to tell his boss to stop playing these games.

She returned to the market, and this time as she glanced through the crowd with her glowing eyes people made room for her. Thankfully this time she was able to grab the items required, with no issues. Before she could leave the market she decided to stop at the mission board and check to see what was available. One of the more recent ones put up that intrigued her immediately was from the proprietor of the masquerade ball asking for help with security. There were a few days between now and the party, so she had time to fully prepare. On the note it mentioned getting a disguise to blend in, and that it should seem as if she was just another guest.

Taking the paper from the mission board she gathered the items she had collected and began the walk back to Emi and Akiras. She had never been to something like this and was excited to go dress shopping. She thought for a few minutes about how she wished she could go with her mother or even some friends. Though she had a handful of people around her, she couldn't help but feel a sense of loneliness as she dropped off the groceries. Thankfully Emi and Akira had a clothing shop so she wouldn't have to go far to find something flattering to her body shape. She also needed something she could fight in if the need arose, so it had to be something flexible.

With an outfit in mind and the groceries dropped off she headed to the address written on the paper. Venturing back into the busy crowd wasn’t something she was looking forward to, but knew she had to do it to accept the mission. See on she came upon a very large and ornate iron fence that had 2 guards posted up beside the entrance. Showing them the mission they allowed her into the premises, and escorted her to the person in charge. The home she entered seemed to be the size of a mansion, she'd never been in a home this large before. It was kind of intimidating. Everything looked as if it cost millions of Ryo, and she was afraid to touch anything around her.

She was taken into a lavish room and told to wait there for the meeting. Soon an extravagantly dressed woman sauntered into the room, holding a glass of wine. She sat down across from Junko and introduced herself as Naomi, her new employer. Naomi went on to give details of the job and handed her a small stack of papers with pictures of some people to look out for. As Naomi spoke her words slurred and stumbled, and occasionally she took a sip from her wine glass. Near the end of the discussion, the woman handed her some Ryo to purchase some clothes with, and an invitation to get in. With the conversation concluded, Junko made her way back to Emi and Akira's home to discuss what she would be wearing.

The rest of the day was spent with Emi having Junko try on dresses, shoes, and accessories to go with the outfit. She decided to wear a rather ornate-looking, long, crimson-red dress that reached the floor. There were no sleeves, and the top of the dress was made from a corset that tied tightly in the back. The corset was the same red color as the rest of the gown. However, the black lace embroidered onto it covered the whole top of the corset. The mask she wore was of a similar design, a solid red base, a similar shade to her eyes when the ketsuryugan, with black lace covering it. Then finally for accessories, she wore black lace gloves that ended just above her elbows, black high heels about 4 inches high, and some different kinds of gold jewelry.

After the disguise situation was settled Junko headed back to her home and began studying the faces on the papers she received. Soon she could feel herself becoming drowsy so she laid down to sleep once more. Thankfully there were a few more days until the actual ball, so she had time to prepare herself fully. While waiting for the day to come Junko did some training and tried her best to remember the faces of the people who weren't allowed there. She didn't leave her home much, not wanting to deal with the mobs of people flooding the streets.

Soon the day of the masqued ball had finally come, and Junko was as prepared for it as she could be. She had been stressed out about having to potentially play the hero that night but hoped that nobody would try anything. As she prepared herself she couldn't help but ponder how the night would go. Would she dance with someone, save someone, kill someone? As she soaked in the tub she couldn't help but feel like she was on an emotional rollercoaster. After taking her “everything” bath, she turned on her radio and began getting ready. She had very little makeup to work with, but thankfully it was a masquerade so she didn’t have to worry about it too much. She put her black curls into a high ponytail and tied a crimson matching ribbon around the hair to keep it secured.

After tucking her tanto and senbon under her dress, she headed out of her home as the sun dipped below the horizon. She found that the streets were only slightly less busy than earlier, however arriving at Naomi’s home she found where the rest of the people were residing. A swam of people had gathered in front of the gates of her estate, and guards were slowly filtering in. Before slipping into line she pulled the masquerade mask over her face and observed the surroundings. There was a significant amount of security, she hoped that would sway anyone from trying anything that night.

After observing for a few minutes she decided to step into line, mostly keeping to herself but still trying to blend in. Occasionally someone would compliment her hair, dress, or whatever else caught their eye. Slowly the line moved close to the entrance and soon a guard in front of her was asking to see her invitation. Handing it over she easily gained permission to enter and soon now had free range to roam. As she weaved through the crowd looking for a high place to post up, she was able to find a balcony with only a handful of people speaking amongst each other.

Grabbing a drink she wandered out onto the balcony and looked out over the estate's beautiful gardens. Music filled the air as she spent about an hour relaxing and keeping an eye on everything. She wondered how many others here were undercover, and attempted to try to pick some out in the crowd. As she eyed the room, she locked eyes with a finely dressed man. He wore a simple grey suit, stood roughly 5’10, and had dark brown hair, and a mask to match his suit. Her gaze lingered on his momentarily, but she soon broke it not wanting to get distracted.

Surprisingly the man finished speaking with the other person and walked towards her. As he walked closer to her she took a sip from her wine glass and stood up a bit straighter. He stopped about 5 meters from her and held out his hand for hers. After placing her hand in his, he pulled hers to his lips and gave it a quick peck. Without introducing himself he asked her to dance and began pulling her out to the dance floor. Not wanting to make a scene she obliged, thinking it’d be a good opportunity to eavesdrop on any conversations happening on the dance floor.

He pulled her close and began leading the dance, thankfully Junko had some practice with this and could keep up with the beat. He spoke to her throughout the dance about menial things which she didn’t pay much mind to. Instead, she couldn’t help but overhear some of the nobles around her gossiping about various things. Petty things, but nothing of murder or anything similar. This made her mind slightly relax, after all, there were probably dozens of people here on the lookout for the same things as her. The dance then soon came to a close, and the man invited her to sit with him and his friends.

She decided to do it, why not have a little fun as long as she still kept an eye and ear out. Sitting down with the man’s friends proved to be a fun time, they all shared laughs, stories, and more. This seemed to be a group of people who all came here to get, and she was blending in amazingly. Not wanting to get swept up in the party she made sure to pace herself with her drinks and then asked the man she had danced with prior if he’d like to walk in the garden. She felt like she was only watching over the main area and wanted to wander around without arousing suspicion.

As they walked and talked she made sure to still be on her toes, not wanting to lose the task at hand. They took a few laps around the garden, arms linked together, and gazed at the stars. If she wasn’t on duty she’d say this was romantic, and unfortunately for this guy, she wasn’t truly interested in him. Soon she excused herself from his presence, telling him she needed to use the bathroom. She now used this time to skulk around the less populated areas of the estate.

She soon found herself alone in a dimly lit hallway, it looked as if the doors were lining it were mostly bedrooms, maybe a bathroom here and there. As she crept through the halls she could occasionally hear people inside of the rooms. She would stop at a handful of doors and quietly listen, attempting to hear about anything mischievous. One caught her attention specifically, it sounded like a nervous woman and a gruff man. The man was instructing the woman on how to sneakily slip some sort of liquid into a target's glass. The woman sounded as if she was stifling a cry as she listened to the man.

As their conversation concluded, Junko snuck away from the door and hid down a hallway nearby. She memorized the door she had listened through and waited for the woman to exit the room. Pulling out her tanto she quietly stalked the woman, Junko was able to sneak up behind her and pin her to the wall. As she held the blade of the tanto up to the woman’s neck she commanded her to hand over whatever liquid the man had just given her. Junko explained that she had been hired by Naomi as security and immediately the woman began cooperating. Breaking down in tears she explained that the man had threatened to kill her if she didn’t help him. She was tasked with poisoning a drink she was going to be serving, but decided it was best to hand it off to Junko.

Thanking her for the information Junko released the woman and told her to hide for the rest of the night. Looking at the dark liquid in the vial, she shook her head. “Why couldn’t this be an easy night” she thought to herself as she slipped the vial into the bust of her corset. She then snuck back to the room and listened at the door. Some shuffling could be heard on the other side and the sound of a drink being poured, but no conversations. She decided to then stand up straight, puff out her chest, and adjust her dress. She was going to try to convince him that one of his higher-ups “sent her for him”.

The voice on the other side of the door called out inquiring about who was there. She responded with a fake name, saying that “his boss sent her”. For a moment she couldn’t hear anything behind the door. But soon she heard footsteps walking towards her, and the clicking of locks unlocking. As soon as the door opened, she rushed into the room hoping to catch the man off guard. The man attempted to put up a fight but seemed to have had too many drinks so she was easily able to overpower him. Quickly getting behind him, she was able to jump on his back and strangle him into unconsciousness using her arm. Using some of the bedsheets she tied his arms together around his back and tossed him into the bed.

Leaving the room she found the closest guard and informed them of what happened. Soon people began rushing to the room to collect and question him, Junko had done her job for the night and was happy to at least stop one killing. Soon the party came to an end with assumingly no other notable events. She had spent the rest of her time on the same balcony she started on and filtered out with some of the other nobles.

Arriving back to her home she found a note waiting for her with a pouch attached to it. The note simply said “Thank you for your efforts” and the pouch held the payment discussed earlier with Naomi. Happy and exhausted Junko removed her party clothes and slipped into her pajamas before lying down in her bed and slowly falling asleep.

WC: 3110
Rewards: 6000 Ryo / 30 AP

Last edited by Junko Tsukiko on Fri Jan 05, 2024 5:37 am; edited 1 time in total

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Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Upping The Difficulty Empty Re: Upping The Difficulty

Fri Jan 05, 2024 5:33 am
Shopping Spree Supervisor
Awakening from a deep sleep Junko rose out of bed and began her morning routine by making breakfast, getting dressed, and doing some stretches. Her home seemed a bit empty due to her newly occupying it, and since she had been doing some work lately she decided that today she should treat herself and try to buy some new furniture. After cleaning up her breakfast she made her way out of the house. As she walked along to the market, her mind couldn't help but wonder.

"I love it here, maybe I should consider staying here for a while. I'll want to stop at Emi's and Akira's before heading home for the day, I'm sure they'd love to see me.."

Before she was able to make it to the market however she noticed a rather plump-looking man, wearing a relatively fine suit, attempting to flag down passersby. Beside him looked to be an elaborately clothed woman in a long dress who looked to be very unhappy. They were standing in front of a wagon, and looking around cautiously as the man cried out. As she approached them the man seemed a bit on guard. He introduced himself as  Kenshiro and the woman beside him as his wife Rina. While speaking Kenshiro informed Junko of his woes. They had hired a bodyguard to guide them safely through the bustling market, but the guard had gone missing. He explained that he was one of the wealthier individuals who lived in the area, who often had issues with pickpockets and other criminals trying to accost them for money. His wife had previously been robbed while browsing the various markets, so she was afraid to go anywhere near there without a guard looking after them. They simply had a few hours away from their kids and wanted to spend some alone time together out on the town.

Seeing as she needed to do some shopping herself she was more than happy to assist the two of them. How dangerous could it be anyway? She had frequented the market multiple times without any issues, however, she wasn't known for having a vast amount of money either. As Kenshiro spoke she couldn't help but reminisce about how she and a few other kids in her mother's traveling performing group used to act as pick pocets sometimes during the shows. They usually didn't make enough money off of tips and consistently relied on the sticky fingers of her and the others. She couldn't help but smirk a bit as he spoke but kept a professional demeanor.

After hearing about the couple's problems she agreed to assist them in their shopping pursuit. As they began walking down the street, for the first time she activated her Ketsuryugan and her eyes began glowing a dim red and pinkish color. She was amazed at how her sight changed, she was able to see things around her significantly better. She also could see the chakra within others and, also oddly enough the veins and organs in their bodies. She was astonished by this newfound power and was determined to make use of it on her mission. Also while looking around she could seemingly see peopled bodies from behind walls and varying degrees of cover.

As Kenshiro and Rina shopped, Junko kept her head on a swivel, stopping anybody who wandered too close. Sometimes she'd take a moment or so to take a look at a few things, but decided she wouldn't be able to be on top of her game if she did the shopping she had planned to do. A bit disappointed by that realization she continued to follow the couple to various clothing, furniture, jewelry, and general stores. All seemed well as the couple enjoyed their time together. She found it rather charming that they, at least from what little time she spent with them, seemed to genuinely enjoy being together and had a bunch of fun running around the marketplace together.

She wished her parents had been like that, anytime they were in the same room as each other it would end in a fight. She was thankful originally when they split, but soon realized that it may have not been for the best. For a while she didn't see her father at all, now and then on holidays or birthdays a gift would show up at their door for her but as she grew the gifts became infrequent and then stopped altogether. As for her mother, she loved bombed Junko at every turn and then would use her for emotional support. Seeing these two seemingly work well together made her a little envious.

While deep in thought Junko had noticed that a man had gotten close to the couple and seemed to be watching them. Being the good bodyguard she was Junko stepped closer to the couple and shot the man a deadly glare. As they stared at each other a bit of fear could be seen in the man's eyes but he didn't back down. Previously if Junko had seen somebody staring at her with glowing red eyes she would've been visibly shaken too so she understood why he'd look like that.

As the sun began setting the couple started concluding their business and decided it would be a good time to return home. All of them grabbed some of the shopping bags and boxes and then began heading back to where their wagon was parked. As they headed back she could see the man from before tailing them, and then out of the crowd, another man joined him. She could tell they were talking amongst each other, but couldn't quite tell what they were saying. Looking at the couple she asked them to pick up the pace and to quickly get to their wagon.

Upon getting in eyesight of the wagon, she could see a figure sitting on top of it, with their feet dangling off the side of it. It seemed to be throwing a senbon in the air, catching it, and repeating. Turning back she could no longer see or sense the two others that had trailed behind them, and she began to grow nervous. As she walked up to the figure, it lazily hopped off the wagon and began walking to the group of them. Approaching them was a younger man, maybe in his thirties. He wore what looked to be various rags and stained clothes. On his hip, he seemed to be carrying an old and worn katana. The figure called out to the group as they stood about 10 meters apart.

"Well well well, how was the shopping spree? Me and my buddies here have come to lighten your load so you don't have much to carry. Why don't you hand it over, along with some Ryo and nobody will get hurt okay?"

The two similarly dressed and armed men from earlier appeared from behind the wagon and flanked what seemed to be the one in charge. Junko stepped in front of the couple, placed her hand on her hips, and glared at the group in front of her. She then responded to them in a stern but confident voice.

"I can assure you that what you want, will not be happening. If you let us go on our way, nobody needs to get hurt here and you can go on living your lives. Do you have children? I wouldn't want to make them fatherless due to a misstep on your part."

She could tell that the two men flaking the man in the middle were seemingly a little shaken from her proclamation. Looking at their superior, however, he on the other hand cracked a devilish grin. He didn't seem to be swayed in the slightest and looked as if what she said intrigued him. Taking a step forward he began talking once more.

"That's honestly adorable that you think that. You're outmatched here honey, and I know these two value their lives more than any amount of money. Can you say the same for yourself? All we'd had to do is kill you, then they'd hand over everything they have, and they'd probably sell their child to get out of this pickle. Or maybe we'll just knock you out, and turn you in for a bounty."

Matching the man Junko also took a step forward and called out in rebuttal.

"Well then, who are your loved ones, and what do you want me to tell them when I bring them your body? Mr. Kenshiro and Mrs. Rina, would you please take a few steps back, I'd hate for you to get harmed on my watch?"

Listening to her and seeing the potential danger at hand the couple decided to listen to her and step back about 10 meters from her. She then pulled out her tanto and took a defensive position then spoke in a very monotone voice toward them.

"I'm going to give you one last warning. If you take a single step forward, your swift death with be because of your inability to know which battles to choose."

After she finished speaking he sneered at her then the man looked to the sides of him at the two others and just gave a little head nod towards her. The two seemed reluctant at first, but with an aggressive glare and another head nod from the boss, they began to rush forward with their katanas drawn. As they took their first step Junko used the blade of her tanto to slice open a shallow wound on her forearm and winced in pain. She then quickly began doing the tiger, hare, serpent, and ram hand seals as the blood ran down her arm to form a pool at her feet. Upon completion of her hand seals the blood clone jutsu technique her father taught her had begun to go into effect. Suddenly two identical copies of Junko sprung out 2 meters in front of her, also wielding their tantos.

Taken back a bit by the new enemies now in the battle, the two men hesitated before cautiously continuing their pursuit. Her clones instantly jumped into action and began exchanging blows with the men. Unsurprisingly the men weren't that skilled of swordsmen, to her they fought like toddlers wielding unfit weapons. She felt a bit of pity for these men, at least the two goons that seemed to just be following orders. They probably had no other option than to resort to petty theft and were potentially doing this to get by. She hadn't heard anyone else complain of being robbed, so maybe they were targeting those who had more than needed. She knew what it felt like to go without the necessities in life, and knew the disdain that they felt towards those who had more than enough to get by.

Before her clones could do too much damage, she commanded them to disarm and restrain the two men. Quickly after the order was given, the clones easily disarmed each of their katanas and were able to subdue them. Looking at the man who had given the order to attack she spoke in a sympathetic voice.

"I was like you all at some point, but I promise you this line of work will lead to your death. If not from me, then somebody else. Others may not be as empathetic and understanding as I am. I'll make you a deal, leave now and I won't kill you where you stand, I'll even throw some ryo your way out of the kindness of my heart."

Seeing his men so easily defeated there was nothing else for him to do but yield. He had picked a fight with somebody he couldn't handle and was now regretting it immensely. After releasing the two grunts, she pulled out a little pouch with enough Ryo for them to make it through the rest of the month and handed it to the man in charge. They exchanged some information, and Junko offered to assist them if they needed anything. The man told her his name was Ren, and the two others were his brothers.

With the exchange completed, the clones assisted the couple in packing up their wagon with their goods, and then all three Junkos escorted them back to their home. Upon arrival, the couple handed Junko a sack with the ryo she earned and thanked her for the protection. After payment was received, Junko wished them luck and made her way back home. She was a bit upset about not being able to complete her shopping list but felt good about the deeds she had done for the day.

WC 2116
Reward: 4000 Ryo / 20 AP

Building Blowup

It was a cold but sunny morning, and as usual, Junko awoke around 9 am and began her morning routine. The real Junko and her clones all had breakfast together to start the morning off and discuss what the plans were for the day. After talking amongst themselves for a while, they decided to go out and see if they could pick up some work. She was going to need some more money if she wanted to finish fixing her house so she could begin furnishing it. After freshening, and getting dressed they began walking into town.

She was now becoming more familiar with her neighbors, and the various villagers. She waved and smiled at any she recognized as she walked through the streets. Often she'd stop to chat with a few people, talking about what was going on in their lives, and having some pleasant conversation. When she first arrived in town many kept their distance from her, but she was a vagabond after all. They were probably used to her type only traveling through town, not remaining in it for a long period.

She felt very comfortable here now that she had proven herself a helpful member of the community, and her neighbors slowly began warming up to her. One middle-aged woman relented to her about some of the issues the village had been having lately. There is word that some bandits and missing ninjas have been using abandoned homes in the area as hideouts and safe places. It recently got out of hand, and the bandit attacks have become more frequent. The woman informed her that the law enforcement in the area was looking for people to help blow up and then clean the rubble of any abandoned homes in the area.

She was rather intrigued by this and wondered if she should help in this endeavor. Just the other day she was able to detain some bandits in one of the abandoned homes and turn them in. After the conversation came to a close, the Junkos began discussing what their next course of action should be. Deciding to assist law enforcement in their mission, she began making her way over to their office. She noted that the building was unimpressive and bland, had her clones remain outside, and then walked in through the front doors.

A small chime could be heard as she opened the door and a strong smell of cleaning products accosted her sense of smell. Inside was a similarly bland receptionist office, all white walls with a small seating area. A few house plants were placed in various corners on top of some side tables, along with a few different pamphlets about different kinds of safety. On the receptionist's desk, there was a small piece of paper that said "Please wait to be seen, somebody will be out momentarily" with a smiley face drawn below it.

She then walked over to the waiting area and took a seat on a rather uncomfortable chair. While waiting she browsed the various pamphlets and books that had been left out. She waited for about ten to fifteen minutes before an average-looking middle-aged man came out and took a seat at the desk. After rifling through some paperwork and preparing himself to speak with her, the man motioned for her to come to his desk. Taking a seat across from him, Junko explained that she had come to aid in destroying the abandoned homes in the area. The man then took down her information, discussed the terms of the mission, and had her sign some official-looking paperwork.

The receptionist had her sit back down in the waiting room for a few minutes while she got the correct paperwork in order. The man disappeared behind a door near his desk for a few minutes, then returned with what looked to be a small badge and some papers. She was told the location of the house, and upon arrival was to present the badge and paperwork given to her. After the discussion came to a close, Juko shook the man's hand and left the building. Soon the other Junkos flanked her sides and the real Junko informed them of what happened, showing them the badge and paperwork she received.

Now examining the badge closer, she read the word "Safety Manager" etched in a professional font. She couldn't help but chuckle to herself. By no means was she a safety expert, maybe a nap expert, or a relaxing expert, but not a safety expert. After allowing the clones to take a look, she pocketed the badge and the paperwork and began walking to the site.

Soon she came upon 2 two-story, large, and nearly collapsing buildings. About 10 meters from the building a tall fence was being built by a group of construction workers wearing bright yellow vests and hard hats. Se wandered around looking for somebody in charge when finally she spotted a rather muscular-looking man in similar clothes to the workers putting up the fence, giving orders to a handful of other wokers. Approaching the man, she introduced herself as Junko Tsukiko and presented the badge and paperwork. The man introduced himself as Isamu, shook her hand, and took the papers from her. After reviewing the documents he handed them back to her, and thanked her for coming out to help.

He explained to her that.....
"We've recently gotten word that some bandits were using this place as a hideout, so somebody bought the building and was able to get the proper permits to demolish the thing. I guess they're going to build some kind of park or something here? I don't know honestly and don't care. My job, and yours is to make sure nobody gets hurt and that everyone is following proper protocol for how things are done. Afterward, we'll assist in cleaning up the property and making sure it's ready to be turned into whatever they're putting here. Here's a vest, hard hat, checklist, and a pencil. Everything on that checklist needs to happen and or be maintained for this to go smoothly. Thanks, kid."

The man handed her a clipboard, a vest, and a hard hat then looked to the two clones behind her and handed them a hard hat and vest also. They needed to be protected as well after all. He then gave them all a quick wave and ran off to do some other task. Glancing down at the checklist she read the list.

-Ensure all workers are wearing proper safety equipment
-Confirm the durability of the fence
-Assist in laying lines for the dynamite
-Confirm nobody is in the blast area when the countdown begins
-Assist and manage the other workers in cleaning up the debris

Seemed easy enough to her, that she didn't have to do a crazy amount of manual labor it was mostly supervisory things. Beginning at the top of the list, all three Junkos grabbed various amounts of safety equipment and began making their way around the site. While handing out the gear itself was rather easy, getting people to put it on seemed to be the challenging part. Most people begrudgingly put it on, but occasionally a handful of people would flat-out refuse to wear it. She didn't want to have to pest grown adults about the sriousness of safety, it was their life they were waging but it was her job to do so. It seemed like a few of them would look at her with disdain when she would come to remind them of their need to wear it. She was more annoyed that she had to keep telling people to wear it than anything else.

Soon the fence surrounding the building was complete, and when it seemed like she had convinced the majority of the workers to wear their safety gear she began the second task. She wasn't sure how to check its durability but she was going to try. The clones and the real Junko split up and went to each post to check if it was wobbly or not. five out of the fifteen posts seemed to not be completely stable, so they had to have some of the other workers come in to reinforce the posts. After that was completed, they checked their sturdiness once more and everything seemed up to standard. Large tarps were now placed up against the inside of the fence to help catch more of the debris.

Moving on to her third task she went to speak with the engineers tasked with rigging the explosives. They needed somebody light-footed to walk into the home to lay some of the explosives. Junko had both of the clones assist in this task as well, she figured that the less time spent in the falling apart home the better. All three of them spread out through various structurally important parts of the home and laid the explosives. As she wanders around the abandoned home she can't help but sense a feeling of sadness. The home still had furnishing, old pictures on the walls, dirty dishes in the sink, and various personal items. It looked like whoever home this was had left and never came back. There was a thick layer of dust covering everything in sight, seemingly untouched for years.

She couldn't help but be a bit overwhelmed by it thinking her previous family home could be in a similar state. Small tears ran down her face as she attempted to lay the explosives, making sure to wipe them away before they could trickle off of her face. With the explosives laid Junko and the clones carefully crept from the house, thankful that it hadn't collapsed on them. After exiting the home they began with their fourth task, the two Junko clones began to run around on the opposite side of the building instructing people to get out of the bast area. The real Junko made her way over to the engineers and informed them that the explosives had been laid.

Soon people had finished clearing away from the blast area and began taking positions behind a shield of sorts. With the explosives rigged, she began the count down and as she finished parts of the home seemed to jump into the air and quickly fall back into rubble. Lots of smoke and dust began to fill the air in the surrounding area. It almost hurt to breathe for a few minutes while they waited for the rubble to finish falling and settling into place. After the air had cleared people began moving toward the now-fallen building to assess the situation.

Thankfully the fence had been sturdy enough to keep most of the rubble in, and it had fallen where the engineers had wanted it to fall. Soon large empty wagons began pulling up near the rubble and people began loading them. Not really physically strong herself Junko and her clones helped but didn't even attempt to pick up anything remotely heavy. She saw some pictures she had seen on the walls when she had explored the home just a little while ago, now crumbled and torn in various places. It made her choke up a little, but not wanting to cry in front of everyone she swallowed her emotions and kept on working.

Soon the sun began dipping below the horizon and the once massive rubble pile had been completely removed. They only thing left now standing was the outline of the building where it once stood. Meeting up once more with Isamu they discussed how she had done. He praised her and thanked her for her help, then took the badge from her and placed it in his pocket. He then handed her a sack with the amount that she had been hired for and they parted ways. The Junkos climbed on their wagon and headed home for the evening.

After getting home and spending some time bathing she slipped into her sleepwear and headed to sleep for the night.

WC: 2004
Reward: 4000 Ryo / 20 AP

Wagon Worries

While on her walk back home from a successful mission, she and her clones were talking about the day's events. She hadn't used the technique before and her arm still hurt she had to harm herself to conjure her blood clones into existence. Thankfully she didn't need to cut too deep, but still, the wound throbbed. As she walked she used a bit of cloth to wrap up her arm, in an attempt to prevent it from getting infected.  She seemed excited to get back to her home and relax from the stressful day she had, she never had fought a real person before and was unsure about how she felt about how things unfolded. Genuinely she felt as if she did the right thing, nobody died after all.

As she began to escape into her mind, farther up the road she could see a man running up to her. He was waving his arms above his head and yelling out for help. Snapping back into reality, each of the Junkos rushed closer to the man, quickly closing the gap between them. As they came upon the man, he bent over and tried catching his breath. A look of confusion plastered his face as three identical women came to rush to his aid, but he wasn't in the position to be asking questions. He seemed to be a rather out-of-shape elderly man, dressed in some sort of traveler's clothes. Between deep breaths, the man introduced himself as Jiro and began explaining his situation.

As Jiro was taking a break from driving his wagon, listening to nature's call, he noticed a figure quickly dash to his wagon, grab a pouch from inside, and then the figure ran off into the plains. Examining the wagon he found nothing of real value was taken except a pouch with some miscellaneous items. He also noticed that one of the wheels had been loosened up to the point of nearly falling off. If he had tried to drive it, the wheel would have surely fallen off, causing him at minimum to be thrown from the wagon, and at worse severe bodily harm or death.

The man quickly was overcome with emotion as he explained that nothing of monetary value was taken, but a few trinkets that were his late wives along with a photo of her. He seemed extremely distraught and asked Junko to help, promising to pay her handsomely upon returning the items. After looking at the other Junkos, the real one turned back to the man and agreed to assist him. Jiro then hastily leads the three Junkos back to his wagon to investigate the crime scene she hopes to be able to investigate the surrounding area. The real Junko asked the clones to search the immediate area for tracks, or anything else that would indicate the direction the thief fled.

As they spread out and began examining the scene, the real Junko took a look inside the wagon. Inside there were piles of stuff, packed clothes, food, and whatever else this man owned. It looked as if everything he owned was packed into the wagon like he was living out of it. She found this curious, why would an old man like this be living out of a wagon? Finding this odd she decided to question him about it. At first, Jiro was very reluctant to say anything about his living situation, but Junko insisted that it was vital to learn all things about a crime scene. Finally caving in, and with a saddened voice, he responded...

"Well, my wife passed away recently as you know.. and her family was rather upset about how things were divided up between me and them. Due to some legal jargon, my brother-in-law was able to get ownership of the home she and I built together. Obviously, I was upset and said some things I shouldn't have said, but hey I just lost my home.. how else should I have acted? Long story short, I was removed from the home and wasn't allowed to take anything of hers as a memento, only the things that were mine and that could fit in my wagon here. Thankfully I was left alone while I packed so I was able to squirrel away some things from the home that would remind me of her. Now, as I make my way to another village, those things have been stolen from me!"

Junko listened closely as the man spoke, nodding along with his words. When he finished speaking silence hung in the air for a moment while Junko pondered the possibility of the thief being his brother-in-law or another of his previous family members. Bringing this to the man's attention seemed to upset him even more. He became red in the face and looked as if he couldn't contain his anger much longer. Attempting to relax the man, she reassured him that she'd try to recover his belongings and return them promptly. This seemed to put him at ease for the moment, as he thanked her and told her that he'd start getting his wagon fixed while he waited for her return.

Circling up, the three Junkos discussed what each had found. One of the clones had found a trail of footprints leading into a nearby overgrown field, and the other found a different set of tracks near the tree line, indicating that somebody else had been there watching what happened. They decided the best course of action would be for them to spit up, and follow the footprints. The real Junko and a clone would follow the footprints found near the wagon, and one clone would go off to follow the footprint found in the woods.

Spitting away from each other, the real Junko and her clone began sneakily following the footprints into the overgrown field. While sneaking their visibility was rather low, but they tried to keep their ear open for any movements or sounds. Thankfully it recently rained and the footprints were easy to follow. As they got farther into the field the footprints became less erratic looking, indicating the person had begun to walk instead of run. They followed the footprints for about 30 minutes before coming upon a road. The prints led up to what looked to be more footprints and some wagon wheels.

Hearing a walking sound in the tree line on the opposite side of the road, both Junkos immediately pulled out their tantos and the clone stood defensively in front of the real one. Coming out of the bushes looking confused was the other clone Junko following the footsteps she had found earlier. With a deep sigh of relief, the Junkos sheathed their tantos and began discussing what should be done next. It seemed as if the two sets of prints converged here, then took a wagon back into town.

It now seemed more and more likely it was Jiro's previous family that had in fact stolen their items back, and left him stranded on the road. They decided to follow the wagon tracks back into the small town. The trip there was quiet as they all pondered what they should do in the situation. On one hand, it was wrong for Jiro to steal items from these people, but on the other, it was wrong of them to throw an old man out of his home and not allow him to have anything to remember his wife with. Maybe she could attempt to reason with them, and allow Jiro to keep some of the momentos, if not was she ready to get into a fight for such a trivial matter? Why couldn't have been bandits that stole it? It would make the retrieval significantly more morally justifiable.

Soon they realized that the racks led through the town, and not to any home in specific. About a mile outside of the small village they noticed that the wagon tracks seemed to go behind what looked to be a nearly run-down farmhouse. The house looked as if it was nearly falling apart, there were holes in some windows, the wood siding seemed to be rotting in some places, and the door was almost off of its hinges. She thought this to be rather odd, this couldn't have been the same house Jiro was living in. From the furnishing he carried in his wagon, he seemed rather well off. No lights came from the building, but there was a faint smell of food cooking in the air.

The real Junko instructed the two clones to go around the perimeter of the house and keep a watch while she approached the door. Maybe this was the brother-in-law's home, she didn't want to judge him quite yet so she decided to try to speak with him. She cautiously approached the door and loudly knocked on the door. For a moment there was silence so she decided to knock again, this time exclaiming that she needed to speak with Jiro's brother-in-law. Some shuffling could be heard on the other side of the door, and Junko wondered if she should activate her Ketsuryugan but decided against it, not wanting to frighten any who opened the door.

Soon a deep man's voice on the other side of the door spoke to her and attempted to command her to leave the property. Standing her ground she partially explained the situation and and tried to persuade the man to return the stolen goods. Thinking the jig was up the door swung open revealing a relatively scrawny man wielding a tanto who then attempted to slash at her. Almost reflexably she backstepped, dodging the attack, and pulled out her tanto. They were bandits after all! Yelling out to the clones she commanded them to search the premises for any other and to knock them out if able.

The man looked a bit shocked as one of the clone Junkos rounded the corner and began charging at him, also wielding her tanto. While he watched the clone Junko approach, the real one took the opportunity and smacked him in the back of the head with the pommel of her tanto. This caused him to splash down in a nearby mud puddle and fall unconscious. Inside the sounds of breaking glass and combat could be heard. Running inside they found the second Junko clone locked in combat with a similarly dressed man in what looked to be a makeshift kitchen. The three of them were able to pile on him and restrain the man quickly.

With the two bandits restrained the Junkos began searching for their items, among them was the pouch that Jiro had mentioned previously. There was also a handful of Ryo, some miscellaneous food, and a variety of small jewelry like bracelets and rings. Also behind the home, they found the wagon the bandits had been using. They loaded the bandits into the back of the wagon and pocketed whatever goods they could find. Then they began heading back to Jiro. They stopped for a little while in town to turn the bandits in to the authorities but soon arrived at the spot where Jiro's wagon was waiting for them.

Stepping out of the wagon Jiro greeted them with hope in his eyes and welcomed them back. After discussing what had happened and returning his items to him, he thanked them profusely. He mentioned that it put his mind at ease that it wasn't his brother-in-law that had accosted him, and that he was easily able to fix the damage done to his wagon by the bandits. Payment was soon exchanged, goodbyes said and then Jiro began his journey once again.

The Junkos then piled into their newly acquired wagon and began the journey back to their home. They spoke very little on their return back home, they all seemed rather tired and hungry. Upon their arrival, one of the clones began cooking dinner for the three of them, and soon after they all headed to sleep.

Reward: 4,000 ryo / 20 AP


Last edited by Junko Tsukiko on Fri Jan 05, 2024 5:47 am; edited 1 time in total

Himari Hyuuga likes this post

Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Upping The Difficulty Empty Re: Upping The Difficulty

Fri Jan 05, 2024 5:46 am
AP Used
Blood Clone Jutsu -30 AP
2 x Ketsuryugan -20 each, -40 AP total
Tree Climbing - 5AP
Clone Technique - 10AP (2 clones, 5 AP each)

AP Used total- 85
1,269 AP remaining

Natural Disaster-3031
Party Security-3110
Shopping Spree Supervisor- 2116
Building Blow up- 2004
Wagon Worries- 2005
Total Wc 12266

WC Claims

Starting Amount 12,266

Using max stat discount

1876/1876 Water Release Water Whip A Rank
2063/2063 Rain Tiger At Will A Rank
2063/2063 Great Vortex Technique A Rank
188/188 Genjutsu Release E Rank
1238/1234- Upgrading Ketsuryugan Genjutsu from C Rank to A Rank
4500/4500- Mature Keturyugan
338/375- Ninjutsu Amplifier C Rank to B Rank

Natural Disaster- 6000
Party Security-6000
Shopping Spree Supervisor-4000
Building Blowup-4000
Wagon Worries-4000
24000 Ryo from missions doubled by Beloved Presence
48000 ryo total

Natural Disaster-30
Party Security-30
Shopping Spree Supervisor-20
Building Blowup-20
Wagon Worries-20
120 AP from missions doubled by Beloved Presence
240 AP total
Himari Hyuuga
Himari Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stats' Link

Health: 300
AP: 1,250
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 100
Speed: 150
Strength: 25
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Slugs of Shikkotsu Forest
Salamanders of Rain Country
Living Clones : Hisaki
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 194150

Upping The Difficulty Empty Re: Upping The Difficulty

Sat Jan 06, 2024 7:21 pm
Junko Tsukiko wrote:AP Used
Blood Clone Jutsu -30 AP
2 x Ketsuryugan -20 each, -40 AP total
Tree Climbing - 5AP
Clone Technique - 10AP (2 clones, 5 AP each)

AP Used total- 85
1,269 AP remaining

Natural Disaster-3031
Party Security-3110
Shopping Spree Supervisor- 2116
Building Blow up- 2004
Wagon Worries- 2005
Total Wc 12266

WC Claims

Starting Amount 12,266

Using max stat discount

1876/1876 Water Release Water Whip A Rank
2063/2063 Rain Tiger At Will A Rank
2063/2063 Great Vortex Technique A Rank
188/188 Genjutsu Release E Rank
1238/1234- Upgrading Ketsuryugan Genjutsu from C Rank to A Rank
4500/4500- Mature Keturyugan
338/375- Ninjutsu Amplifier C Rank to B Rank

Natural Disaster- 6000
Party Security-6000
Shopping Spree Supervisor-4000
Building Blowup-4000
Wagon Worries-4000
24000 Ryo from missions doubled by Beloved Presence
48000 ryo total

Natural Disaster-30
Party Security-30
Shopping Spree Supervisor-20
Building Blowup-20
Wagon Worries-20
120 AP from missions doubled by Beloved Presence
240 AP total

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