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Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Log
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

The White Haired Duo Meet Empty The White Haired Duo Meet

Mon Oct 30, 2023 8:11 pm
Mission Details:
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Log
Remove Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

The White Haired Duo Meet Empty Re: The White Haired Duo Meet

Wed Nov 01, 2023 11:39 am
What a day to be alive. A wonderous morning, a chill breeze that woke you up as soon as you exited your home. The sun barely cresting the horizon filling the sky with a variety of colors that really encouraged you to take a moment and enjoy the sight, this was something that Hiroya had come to enjoy throughout his years of living. Those small moments of enjoying the wonder of the world and what you could naturally see if you simply took a moment and observed your surroundings. The sounds of the village waking up, there was no time to waste for even those in the village, if the sun was up so were they and they had much to do to make it through another day and live their own lives.
The thought that other people are living lives that are just as stressful, enjoyable, thrilling and wonderful is something that not many think about when it comes to others. After all if they aren’t apart of your story its easy to think of them as just some unimportant individuals that simply fill the background with their chatter and noises. Like an accent that helped make things feel more alive.
Moving past these scattered thoughts that were more meant to enjoy with some company and a strong drink that went down smooth, Hiroya began his stroll towards the building that held all the mission requests available to those in the village and those with permission to undertake the missions. His father had chosen to root the family here in Konohagakure and with that it meant that now that the eldest was reunited that he needed to lead by example and pull his own weight for the betterment of the village as a whole. After all he had gotten plenty of rest during his retirement and now it was time to knock of the rust from his old bones. So his plan today was to undertake a single mission from each rank available to him as it would be a good way to gauge his own abilities and the true danger of each one.
You could tell a lot about a village based on the requests they received from the people nearby. Entering the building it was already quite busy filled with various people of all ages and backgrounds, that was a positive sight to see as it meant that people were taking part in bettering their village. Hiroya didn’t see anyone nervously looking over their shoulders or quiet hushed whispers of those who were scared and forced to be here, it seemed that generally everyone was quite happy and proud to undertake these missions. It seemed that his father had gone with the more humane approach this time around. There had been times when he had seen his father simply execute those who failed to meet his expectations on the first go around. Those were rougher times, now it seemed that his father had adapted to the era we lived in and it was showing promise. Though he knew that his father still took care of those who disappointed him with calm efficiency.
Approaching the desk he asked for the person there for one mission of each rank from E rank the lowest possible danger all the way to S rank which was suppose to be the most dangerous and only suppose to be undertaken by those who had proven themselves, luckily he had the permission to do almost anything he wished within the village and the person handed him the requests. Going through the massive amount he chose the ones he wanted to do and had the person process the requests. In order the requests were a request from someone claiming to be the best marksmen in the world and it was basically a challenge of sorts from them, the next was a local connoisseur that requested help with making something new whether that be by improving a dish, creating or any other sort of way of just showing them something new, the third request was about a person who had been robbed but due to an injury sustained during the robbery had amnesia and needed help capturing the suspect, the fourth request concerned crafting weaponry for an more unorthodox individual that wished for something special, the following request was something similar but this time an armor and the last one seemed to pertain to the two prior requests.
At the end of the day it seemed like Hiroya would have quite the full day and he was quite looking forward to it, he did make sure to have the person at the desk mark the requests as open to others to join because it would help him meet some of the prospects of the village. Though he wasn’t planning on holding his breath for anyone to join him but he would rather leaving up as a possibility for now he would simply go to the nearby water fountain in the village square and wait for a time before he started to complete the missions by himself. That should give any others plenty of time to join him or not.
WC: 863
Ryouta Shinkou
Ryouta Shinkou
Stat Page : Ryouta's Log
Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 71500

The White Haired Duo Meet Empty Re: The White Haired Duo Meet

Mon Nov 06, 2023 1:59 pm
The morning had always been beautiful on days like this. He woke up first in the house or so he thought. The door of his brother, Nura, had been gone early as per usual or had been on the roof looking at the change between night into day like he usually did before he went out into the village. For his daily routine he grabbed a few cleaning supplies and an apron and went right to work. Opening up as many of the windows as he could without disturbing the sleeping princess he would begin to air out the house and begin his cleaning. Starting from the top he would start with the hallway silently and expertly moving things around to get any spare or lingering dust particles before mopping and putting them back the same way they were. As he moved from section to section he would ponder on what he wanted to do for the day. In the early mornings he would help out their sister in her morning chores or errands and then head off into either spending time with her or reading. He was dubbed the bookworm by the fiery haired male of the house due to his accumulation of useless or odd facts about either history or something that many would have skipped over. Ryouta liked the aspects of learning from the past so that the events did not happen again, but for him knowledge of the past allowed him to personally avoid the mistakes that those before him made. In a sense it was poetic in his case, but for now he would continue to move through the house until it had sparkled like a clear lake. Once he was done he would place his tools of the trade back into the closet and wipe the sweat from his brows.

Judging from the stomps he could hear on the roof the sun must have been up, the cue of his heavy footed brother taking off into the day meant that his sister would be soon waking up. He had probably an hour before she came out of her room to have breakfast out which was plenty of time. Soon he got to cooking a nice meal of eggs, sausage, toast, and a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice just as she rolled into the kitchen. Smiling he would help her sit down and then his day would soon commence. The two sat there and talked for what seemed like hours before he looked at the clock on the wall and smiled. It would be time to head into the village but before he did he would ask her if there had been anything she might have needed while he was out. A moment of silence would fall before she shook her head stating she would be in-house today straightening up her room and reading over some things so he did not need to worry too much about her. That was always her catch phrase but out of the two he would naturally worry over here, but for the moment he would only smile and head to his room to change. Putting on his normal attire, he would slowly put on his white jacket and grab the Konoha headband, strapping it to the right side of his pants and begun to head out. His first stop would be heading over to the administration building to see if there had been any missions he could take. He was still adamant on saving up the money for his sister so that she could finally experience the act of walking again, even if it would cost him a lot, he would strive to get to it. His walk took him a minute because he stopped to grab a bag of fruit for the road in case he was out for a while.

Once he had arrived, he begun to look over the missions going from severity to if their were any other people tackling them as well. The ones done in a group were always good and the money paid great. It also allowed him to get a feel of the ninja of the village similar to how his father had tried to know everyone that lived within these walls. There was something about that mindset that had made him proud to be the son of Ishimaru, but even then that would only get him so far. As he continued to look around he would see that a batch of missions starting from E rank and slowly going up to S rank were already assigned but even more there were still open slots. He would ask the lady at the desk where he should meet whoever signed up for these and she said given who it had been the best bet would be the fountain in the center of town. Nodding he would take a copy of the missions and with haste head on out to meet up with the mysterious male. He quickly placed some pep in his step due to not wanting to be the last one there or make the other person wait that would be rude and a bad first impression. Ryouta would arrive there probably ten or so minutes after leaving the administration building and he would begin to look for the male that had matched the description he was given of the first person. After looking around he would see that there had been someone matching the description of the male and after a moment he would walk over there to them.

He would slowly approach Hiroya and stop about 2 meters from the male before giving him a wave," Hey. I'm Ryouta, the other person to sign up to do these missions with you. Nice to meet you," sticking out his right hand he would move to shake the other males hand if he wanted to at least. Whether or not he did he would slowly retract his hand back to his side and offer an orange to the male," So where are we going to start with these missions? Seeing as you signed up first i'll be following your lead on a lot of these if that's cool with you?," being someone who was still getting used to doing missions, he would follow the others lead but he was smart enough to know and see if someone had been steering him wrong, but he did not get that kind of vibe from Hiroya. At least not yet.

WC: 1,087
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