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Kurai Koutaishi
Kurai Koutaishi
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : The Phantom
Mission Record : Records of the Phantom
Bukijutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

How Deep is Your Heart? Empty How Deep is Your Heart?

Wed Sep 06, 2023 7:24 pm
Kurai wandered into the market district and social hub of the village of Konohagakure. It was a wild and different setting than what the late-teen was used to. Seeing the vibrant life and the warmth of the sun radiate on others made the Huntress slink a bit in her garb. She looked foreign and felt foreign too. She gave a light sigh to herself as she was welcomed as a guest and she should act like one. As much as growing up she was not one for pleasantries due to her appearance, it was only more recently she helped the threads come out in more natural or normal ways than as a child. Finding her way through the district of Okinaga, the Phantom found a shop that stocked the hunting goods and some base supplies that she was interested in. Once supplies were purchased and done, she would step back out into the district looking around for her chaperone within the village.

WC: 162, TWC: 162
Goto Senju
Goto Senju
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : Goto
Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 752950

How Deep is Your Heart? Empty Re: How Deep is Your Heart?

Mon Sep 11, 2023 12:05 am
Walking the streets of Konohagakure, this time not accompanied by Fenrir, Goto made his way through the village as he walked from one shop to the other. Visiting many a stall the Leaf had to offer, all with their own goods and valuables to sell, the silver haired wondered if perhaps he should buy something for Toshiro, his little brother. The youngest of the two Senju siblings had been putting in quite the work, vigorously studying in hopes of achieving his goal of following in the footsteps of the legendary Tobirama. "Maybe a reward will encourage him even more" the Deputy thought to himself. 

Doing so, he eventually ended up in the Okinaga District, a place in Konohagakure where many shops with the most basic of supplies could be found. It was there where he would stumble upon a familiar face, one he saw not all that long ago. Consequently, the silver haired decided to walk up to the young woman and ask how her stay in the village had been faring so far. "I see you were able to find your hunting supplies" the Senju voiced out loud, standing roughly four meters behind Kurai. Even though he already knew that much, he would still pay close attention to the goods and wares she ended up purchasing.

(WC: 217)
Kurai Koutaishi
Kurai Koutaishi
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : The Phantom
Mission Record : Records of the Phantom
Bukijutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

How Deep is Your Heart? Empty Re: How Deep is Your Heart?

Mon Sep 11, 2023 1:42 pm
As the Huntress wandered about for a while it was nice to be in a place so lively and warm. Trying to find Goto within the village or spot the man was easier said than done for the kunoichi. It was not in her wheelhouse yet to really identify or find individuals who were not leaving pawprints in the dirt in the forest. With her own purchased set of supplies, Kurai held in her hands another set of shoes, some basic first aid supplies and some other general goods. It was not often she would have a chance so it was apparent she took it graciously and got more than a standard month or two worth of supplies. To Goto it probably would look a bit excessive in comparison to her physique but it seemed like she was intended to be self-sufficient for the most part once she departed once more. There was curiosity in her eyes at the village itself but it seemed the youth inside her was been railroaded towards the primary objective that she had described already once to the Deputy Kage of Konohagakure.

"Ah... Yes." She stated hesitantly wondering if the Senju judged her for her actions up to this point. Upon closer inspection, Kurai got a better feeling as it appeared they were similar in age and that thought of that brought a small sense of fear to consider the village she was in. The best behavior was of utmost importance for someone as young as Goto and herself to be helping run the village. The wild reality that was sinking in lead her to be a bit more hesitant in her responses. "Got more than I need. Makes it less likely for me to wander up to the gates once more. Hopefully I can make it to the point where I can go back to my homeland." She began to say and finished her sentence without further elaboration. It was not needed. Goto was aware and for the lack of better sense, the random assortment of faceless people need not know her plight or objective. The guards at the gate let Goto take the lead with her arrival and paid no mind with their Deputy Kage though she herself was unaware of his proper position within the village itself, it was obvious to an outsider looking in that he was not someone to be idle around.

With that said and done, the Phantom looked around to see if there were any shops that interested her any further as there was likely not going to be another stop like this any time soon. The journey ahead was going to be a long and perilous one to handle and deal with. There was more to be concerned and worried about for sure for the young Tau but thankfully it appeared she had been blessed with good graces so far and she wished not to step harder on the hospitality that had been shown. "I appreciate the allowance to shop Goto-Sama." She stated softly bowing her head lightly before looking a tad nervous before following it up with a question, "Did you find anything out perhaps? Surely not so quickly but still I know you departed briefly from me so I figured..." Her words trailed off as she asked in reference to Goto saying he would look into their files to see if her sister's description was recorded, but secretly she was asking more about the idea of her 'curse' that she understood it as he implicated possibly being able to do something about it. Her curiosity shined like tiny stars within her darker eye as the radiance of determination echoed in her lighter one.

WC: 618, TWC: 780
Goto Senju
Goto Senju
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : Goto
Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 752950

How Deep is Your Heart? Empty Re: How Deep is Your Heart?

Mon Oct 30, 2023 7:39 pm
As the two of them engaged in some small-talk, Goto made sure to listen attentively to the huntress, paying close attention to what she was saying. Doing so, Kurai eventually ended up inquiring about what the two of them discussed back when the Phantom found her way to Konohagakure. "I wish I could tell you that we were able to locate your sister, but I'm afraid her whereabouts remain unknown" the silver haired explained how they didn't find anyone matching the description of the kunoichi's sibling. It was a shot in the dark, that much she would know as well. Nevertheless, the Senju understood there was always a sliver of hope.

Speaking of hope, he would be able to give the woman at least a small piece of information. "It might not be much, but we've received news of a rogue group settling somewhere East, it could be worth checking out". There was no telling if Kurai would find her sister there, but perhaps it could help the huntress continue her search. That being said, Goto realized the hidden meaning of the Phantom's message, and although she wanted to find her sibling, there was something else she required first. "It just so happens that I got my hands on a couple of bodies a while ago, most of them possessing a Fire or Lightning heart". One belonged to a Kaguya who tried to attack the Deputy and lost his life in the process, while the other used to be an Uchiha who attempted to defect the village and found out what happened to those betraying Konohagakure.   

(WC: 266, TWC: 483)
Kurai Koutaishi
Kurai Koutaishi
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : The Phantom
Mission Record : Records of the Phantom
Bukijutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

How Deep is Your Heart? Empty Re: How Deep is Your Heart?

Thu Nov 02, 2023 5:13 pm
Kurai nodded at hearing Goto's relay of information about her sister. It was not very surprising to her to as the village of Konohagakure was very distant and far from where she grew up let alone where her sister was likely hiding away. There was a volume of doubt that she would never see her sister again but she knew that if she continued down her path she could find her. It was simply just a matter of time and effort. If Konohagakure did not have information on her, then it was likely she remained on the distant continent. "Thank you.." Kurai bowed lightly with her remark before her eyes wandered about the village's setup. There was a lot more color and life within her field of sight here. She was best described almost like a fawn within a forest for the village itself was towering to her as she stuck away from major villages and settlements.

Hearing about the rogue group of shinobi, Kurai made mental notes of that as the Tau girl listened intently to the Senju. "I will take that into consideration. I thank you for the information." She added as Goto elaborated on the hearts that she could make use of. Hearing of the availability, she did her best to contain the excitement of the potential they provided her. As she grew in power and strength she could find her sister easier and with less fear of discovery on the road if she was better prepared. "If you are willing to part with those hearts I will happily pay for your trouble." She proposed to Goto as she moved a bit closer to keep her voice quieter as they conversed, afraid of what implications could be made by any who may be listening in on them.

WC: 300, TWC: 1,080
Goto Senju
Goto Senju
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : Goto
Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 752950

How Deep is Your Heart? Empty Re: How Deep is Your Heart?

Wed Nov 29, 2023 7:14 pm
As expected, collecting and assimilating hearts would allow a member of Kurai's clan to grow stronger and gain power, that much became clear after he witnessed how the young woman was trying her hardest not to give away how relieved she was to be able and come across what she had exactly been looking for. "Like a kid in a candy store" the silver haired Senju voiced softly. On the other hand, it was quite interesting how Goto suddenly became the person everyone came to see when they needed an organ or two. Not quite the career he had in mind, but at least it came with its perks.

The young Deputy watched how the huntress moved closer before speaking up, but making sure to keep her voice down as if she was making sure no one could overhear their conversation, understandable given the nature of their discussion. Nevertheless, the silver haired simply continued as to not draw any unnecessary attention, slowly raising his hand with palm facing Kurai. "Five thousand each" the Senju voiced as he then repeated the same motion with his other hand in front of him. "Ten thousand total". A fair price and deal, one that would now be up to the woman to accept or not.

However, it was never said she would pay in money, only that she was willing to pay for his trouble, leaving room for interpretation. And the one deciding the price was Goto. "Having plenty of ryo is all nice and that, but perhaps you could offer me something else, you are traveling the world after all". Assuming she wasn't born yesterday, it wouldn't take Kurai too long to understand and figure out what he was alluding to.

(WC: 288, TWC: 771)
Kurai Koutaishi
Kurai Koutaishi
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : The Phantom
Mission Record : Records of the Phantom
Bukijutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

How Deep is Your Heart? Empty Re: How Deep is Your Heart?

Thu Nov 30, 2023 10:42 pm
Hearing the prices being listed from Goto, it was apparent that they were not a cheap commodity. Availability and usefulness aside, the items in question would always have a purpose wherever they ended up. It was almost too good to be true at ten thousand ryo for a final price tag. That was when Kurai showed a different side as she narrowed her eyes, her focus on Goto was easy to read and she recognized that the difference in objective was in the fact that he listed a monetary value but did not expand on payment fully through that mean. That was when Goto voiced that money was not inherently the biggest thing of value that Kurai had to offer and she understood plainly once he brought up her travels. She closed her eyes giving a light nod before speaking up once more.

"Yes... I am indeed bound to travel. I do not know where my journey will end nor will I know the path." She spoke unsure which part of interest Goto had. Considering he brought up a missing-nin cell forming around Hotsprings, it was likely something he would want information from that. Though sending a message through normal channels would likely be risky in the sense of information. Equally uncertain would be a return to the village of Konohagakure. The nature and intent of what more Goto would ask of her was the question. "If monetarily the concerns are little, then what specific is that you seek?" She would probe a bit further unsure what the Senju would want beyond the possibility of knowledge.

Perhaps a pseudo alliance of support in worldly matters? Maybe looking to acquire a debt to be repaid when called upon. A person like Kurai who stuck to the shadows, who lurked behind the scene, would be valuable but what was the price, and would it be steep? From there her background, her history, was beginning to show a bit more from the lost huntress to the business of con. She was unsure of the intention beyond what was currently shown but it was obvious by her shift in understanding that she was not new to the idea of other means of payment. It would boil down to what the Deputy of Konohagakure No Sato requested of the huntress. Surely an answer in vagaries is what she would expect now that the notion of money was not the method of bartering that was being pursued at this moment. Kurai awaited cautiously for a response.

WC: 420, TWC: 1,500
Goto Senju
Goto Senju
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : Goto
Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 752950

How Deep is Your Heart? Empty Re: How Deep is Your Heart?

Sun Feb 18, 2024 6:06 pm
The facade of gullible traveler quickly disappeared as the woman suddenly turned into a businesswoman, no longer naive but cunning instead. "I did not fight for this village's freedom only to abandon it afterwards" the silver haired Senju spoke. Securing the safety of Konohagakure was just the beginning, the first step towards its growth. And as it usually went with progress, it was important not to become stagnant, restless. To keep moving forward, even if only by a little. Babysteps, if you will. "Sometimes it's better to prepare than to wait, wouldn't you agree?". Always thinking two steps ahead, something that helped him get to where he was now.

A partnership, business agreement, simply two people helping each other out. Call it whatever you like, the name of the game didn't matter to Goto, only the results did. "So, are you ready to listen to the whispers of the outside world and convey them to me when necessary?". The Deputy knew how useful it could be to have eyes and ears outside of the village, there was only so much he could do on his own after all. Accepting a Missing-Nin's help, unorthodox but no less beneficial. "Whether or not you agree to this proposition does not affect our other deal". Sometimes you had to be willing to take risks, to invest in something with the purpose of being paid back full in the future.

Giving the huntress a moment to think and take his offer into consideration, Goto would inquire about any other purchases once more. "Was there anything else that caught your eye?". Now that they were on the topic of business, it wouldn't hurt to strike the iron while it was hot.

(WC: 285, TWC: 1056)
Kurai Koutaishi
Kurai Koutaishi
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : The Phantom
Mission Record : Records of the Phantom
Bukijutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

How Deep is Your Heart? Empty Re: How Deep is Your Heart?

Tue Feb 20, 2024 3:01 pm
Kurai put a finger to her chin, in contemplation of the words spoken to her by Goto. It was clear that the Deputy Kage of Konohagakure was steady and growing patiently for the village. The precision and subtly were fluid in the conversation and flowed well to the understanding of the Tau. There was much to consider and when prompted for a thought she nodded in agreement, "It is indeed." She recognized that a man of his caliber was not someone to mess with or ignore. Making a business deal with him was something akin to an introduction. Though the two had met in front of the village gates, this was deeper than a simple greeting. This was a showcase of one's breath of existence. One that Kurai would capitalize on to make a good showing off.

When asked once more about the whispers of the lands, the Phantom thought about it for a moment. An alliance of sorts with just a man such as Goto was a powerful force and ally. There was merit to just their interaction thus far and with that in mind, it would benefit and provide more opportunities later to learn more information about her sister potentially. There was equally the capacity to relay to him once she was successful in her journeys or potentially where she may falter. The additional feedback of it not impacting the other deal seemed genuine enough to her. She was a small fish that would flow as the waters took her but there was always the potential she would become something bigger. The future was never set or determined and it was clear that Goto was looking beyond just the transaction.

She nodded, "I appreciate the courtesy you've provided. I shall put my voice to the wind so your ears can hear them in the future. I think it would be mutually beneficial should information be gained in Konohagakure or elsewhere if I had someone to reach out to." She said alluding to the fact that the conversations were not going to be simply one-way messages. A dialogue would likely be sought for both to benefit though the one who would gain the most easily would be the one within the village. Goto would not be the one out and about in the world for others to consume on a moment's notice. Her eyes showed the intelligence of a con-artist though no words sounded or rang with falsehoods. She was playing with her cards close though it was clear she had few that were worth much in comparison to the cards that Goto held. "Other organs would prove beneficial though I am sure they are limited in nature and likely not accessible to a wanderer like myself. I'll pay what premium you wish in conjunction with being your eyes and ears in the outside world." She offered and proposed to the Senju, "I have always been curious about wood and ice." She added curious about what Goto's collection possessed.

WC: 500, TWC: 2,000
Goto Senju
Goto Senju
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : Goto
Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 752950

How Deep is Your Heart? Empty Re: How Deep is Your Heart?

Sun Mar 24, 2024 6:18 pm
It appeared an agreement had finally been reached, one that would be beneficial to both parties involved. "Good, I'm certain it will work out for all of us" the silver haired Senju voiced confidently. In the end there was hardly any risk attached to the deal between Kurai and Goto, that much the Deputy knew. It wasn't a pact with Konohagakure, if anything were to go wrong it was simply his mess to clean up. Working from the shadows, such would be the fate of the unsung hero. Or villain, depending on whose side you were on. Nevertheless, it was a role he gladly took on.

Continuing their conversation, they would move on to the next topic where the huntress liked to discuss the matter of bloodlines. "I'm flattered, but let's keep things strictly professional" the silver haired Senju responded sarcastically to her interest in an organ that would grant her the element of Wood. However, that wasn't the only advanced nature transformation on Kurai's list. Another Kekkei Genkai she had her eyes on was none other than the Ice Release belonging to the Yuki clan. "You didn't strike me as the cold type". It seemed the female rogue became the temporary personification of Dame Fortune as both of those were in the possession of the Deputy.

Even though many would disagree of him striking a deal with a Missing Ninja, Goto simply saw it as an opportunity, perhaps even an investment. "Thirty thousand each, a fair price I'd say". He hardly had any need for money but that didn't mean the Senju would be handing out goods for free.

(WC: 270, TWC: 1326)
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