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Oyu Otsunato
Oyu Otsunato
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The fated moment Empty The fated moment

Fri Sep 01, 2023 9:16 pm
The trip was long and arduous, and as the Tau arrived into the country, she was met with a fierce rainfall, covering the land in darkness, wet and cold, under charcoal clouds, roaring by time to time, but without lightning. Without rest, Isomo made her way from the carriage station to the heart of Hot Spring country, crossing hills and cliffs, on serpentine roads, littered with geyzers emitting thick dark vapors, mixing in with the rain. The roads were abrubt and wilds, poorly maintained in this land that was almost desert beside the temple to where she was getting to. Passing hot waters bath warmed by thermal sources, Isomo looked at the tourmaline colored waters, steaming hot, with packs of black and white baboons bathing in the warmth.

As Isomo arrived into the climbing path carved into the jagged rock in the flank of a cliff, she couldnt help but be excited, anticipating of the communion with her god. And, after a turn, climbing with her strong claws and muscle, only equipped with her new black silk kimono, and a large backpack of her travelling supplies, she saw it in the distance: a large temple, old, seemingly abandonned, decrepit from the outside, the painted wood chipping, all dried and cracked. The roof missing tiles, with water seemingly leaking from it beside the temple. The large scrolls, moldy and shredded by the winds, twirling from the side of the roof, with ritual markings loosing their meaning over time. It was just like she remembered.

As she hurried up to reach it, she finally arrived in front of the large metalic door, rusted, and battered, only the circle with reverse triangle symbol remaining to hint at the dark place of ritual she finally arrived. Pushing the heavy doors, Isomo entered the temple alone. The place was quiet, but at the same time screaming. The voices in Isomo's head were getting stronger, taking the tonality and vocals of the old man she met before, who enlightened her path.

As she kneeled before a large circular bell of dark iron corevered in runes and painted with sacrificial blood, Isomo closed her eyes, letting the screams of the quiet place fill her mind, ignoring the hundreds of bodies around the temple, previous sacrifice made to Jashin. In there, her person left to fate, waited for a sign, for something, for purpose.
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
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The fated moment Empty Re: The fated moment

Fri Sep 01, 2023 11:50 pm
Another routine sweep of the temple, especially after the recent activity having stirred at the sites holy tiles she found herself drifting along the outer wall of the temple - along the top of the wall that lines the courtyard. Lowering herself to a sitting position on the wall at the back of the figure kneeling at a circular singular altar laid into the wall. They were 6 meters apart and her seated position placed her 2 meters higher as well. Two paths diverged in her immediate consciousness - prey on the beliefs of those who enter the temple or shatter the illusion and introduce herself properly.

Leaning forward on her knees, the tight fitting black bodysuit shifted with her adjustment. “Jashin huh?”, the expression was disapproving as she stared at the figure that had more of the structure of a female. “I spoke to the arrogant god once..” she trailed off as her gaze turned up to the sky as if remembering a towering figure. Finally she turned her gaze on the face that had inevitably turned to acknowledge her presence. The pale white eye contrasting with the crimson eye ringed with soft violet stared accusingly at her. “He wasn’t worth the conversation.” Another pause as she contemplated, “You on the other hand seem at least worth an introduction.”

WC 218
Oyu Otsunato
Oyu Otsunato
Vagabond (D-Rank)
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Stat Page : The Collection
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The fated moment Empty Re: The fated moment

Sat Sep 02, 2023 12:11 am
Deeply concentrated on her meditation and scrutation of her own distorted mind for answers and a purpose, Isomo didnt ear the presence of someone else entering the temple, and getting close to her, until that someone talked. Immediately oppening her eyes, Isomo would look at the other woman, herself too, bearing the stench of death and blood. Her eyes were unique, one like the heart of a blizzard, the other one crimson like spilled viscera, filled with malice. The dark red eyes with sickly green pupils met with the esoteric eyes of the other lady, fair of skin, a thousand time more pretty than isomo, even if both lady had curves and athletic shapes. 

As the Tau girl listened to what the pale one had to say, she was feeling deeply unsetled, her sense jammed, her instincts scrambled. This lady talked poorly of the dark god in his own temple, yet had an undenyable sense of belonging here, tied to the god in one shape or form. Curious, Isomo shifted her insulted and angry mood to one of curiosity.

''hmmm ? Yes, my dark god, Jashin. An arrogant god? Hardly. Nothing is more down to earth than a victim guzzling in his own blood, clawing at the dirt, breaking nails and skin to graps their own life going away, spilled for my enjoyment.'' said in a creepy and slow tone Isomo, her jaw widely oppened, letting be seen her large row of sharp teeths, black threads closing her jawline in each cheek, completing her grin from ear to ear, while she looked Mizu into the eyes without flinching.

''He is my mean to attain my goal, and he accept me for who I am, rewards me even. I hardly care about conversation. It is a much more simpler and pragmatic relationship.'' said in succession the tau girl, looking again at the shrine, this time getting up. As the lady seemed interested in her, Isomo removed her hood, revealing her leathery face full of scars and stitches, covered in her unkept and wild long grey hair. They where the grey of old age, as Isomo appeared quite young for her age, being fixed in the young adult traits. Her hair were as if covered in ash, or soot, as if she was more dead than alive, more monster than human.

''Very well. I am Isomo, but i'm known as the Undying demon of the hidden rain. Consider yourself high in my esteem, as the only people who know me to have this name are either dead or dont know that I am this urban legend of Amegakure. And you, who are you?'' said in a eerie voice isomo, still looking into her eyes without ever once flinching, or even blinking. She had a creepy feel to her, the one only monster from horror stories had, the one keeping children and adult alike awake at night.
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
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Ryo : 330650

The fated moment Empty Re: The fated moment

Mon Sep 04, 2023 4:44 pm
‘My dark god’ - the phrase caused a tightening in her gaze but she remained silent as she listened to the reply. Drinking in every movement and expression passing through the hideously scarred face or sickly colored eyes; infinitely harder to stare at than Kou’s had been when she came across her in the same space. Words flowed easily from the artificially widened mouth; attached together with very familiar black threads. It was like a stone fell into the pit of her stomach as her expression of mild interest slid into disbelief.

Still leaning on her knees, Mizu scrunched her nose, tilting her head slowly. “Does every Tau have to look like a stitched up nightmare … makes sense why he constantly shifted his appearance.” The first half was in direct reaction to Isomo, and the second half was spoken to herself as she flitted her attention in a sweep around the room.  The tone wasn’t disrespectful, more matter of fact. Of course she was referring to Kenshin from her past - a famous Tau but this girl would have no way of knowing what her side comment meant.

“I-sO-mo.”, testing out the name as she weighed her options. “Urban legends who have to name themselves aren’t exactly very legendary but I’ll allow your country's origin to be excuse enough.” The comment was a poke at her eager act in giving information, unfortunately Mizuki wasn’t as loose lipped. Straightening her face and back into a more dignified sitting position she replied, “A Kyuketsuki, so forgive me for not bowing down to a purposeless god.”
Oyu Otsunato
Oyu Otsunato
Vagabond (D-Rank)
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Stat Page : The Collection
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The fated moment Empty Re: The fated moment

Tue Sep 05, 2023 7:13 pm
Isomo noticed the look of disgust or disdain on the woman's face, and instead of being sad to revolt the others sense or to shock with her appearance, she reveled in it, embracing her monstrous appearance, and loving everything of herself. She was made a being of maim, of terror, and of nightmare, and was well determined to give people the monser they saw in her.  

As the woman noted that Tau looked horribly nightmarish, Isomo only reply was to grin and extend her mouth, letting out a loud laughter, twisting her abnormaly long tongue while doing so, showing even more the creature that she was, more beast than human. After that, the lady added other comments regarding the story of Isomo, and her name. The tau woman was suprised at the comments, and in a bit of proudness, retorqued to the pale woman. ''I didnt give myself this name, I was given it by the surviving people of Amegakure after the massacre I did before leaving.... And I embraced it!'' said Isomo in a proud voice. The woman presented herself like being from the Kyuketsuki clan, a clan not well known, but Isomo had heard about it, as their fates and story was tied to Jashin. She knew these individuals feasted on blood and flesh in the same way she did, but didnt do it for the same reasons. Isomo had heard of shinobi needing to feed in order to survive, but she herself fed only for pleasure and feeling of sating her bloodlust. She needed it, but not in the same way.

''So you dont carry Jashin in your heart? None the matter. My guts tell me you also feed on flesh, blood and suffering, and that is sufficient for my respect and interest. What is your name?'' asked away intrigued the old tau, curious of having met someone so similar, but at the same time so different from herself!
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
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The fated moment Empty Re: The fated moment

Fri Sep 08, 2023 9:39 pm
Casually sliding her right hand out of view she would weave the five familiar hand signs - Dragon-Ox-Boar-Ram-Dog-Monkey - for Mayfly. All while giving her undivided attention to the mangled creature in front of her. The way she spoke was crude at best, vile at worst - and the lust for blood for blood's sake felt like needless energy spent.

The pride in which she spoke of the massacre she left at her back reminded her of her own massacre - after washing up from escaping Kirigakure and losing Souji… the slaughter of that coastal village haunted her. Her eyebrows lifted in mild shock as Isomo claimed her guts held knowledge of her nature that couldn’t be further from the truth. Blood and suffering was not a pleasure to her - being a Kyuketsuki was a curse.

None the less the expression melted into an idle pleasant mask as she bowed her face in acknowledgement of what the woman believed was a compliment. “You may call me Mizuki Ohta.” She felt no need to elaborate on any of her past events, if you knew you knew, if not then you have no business finding out. “Unfortunately this was just a curious pause along my day. I’m sure I’ll see you around I-sO-mo.” She began to sink into the wall she sat on quickly, raising her hand to wave a farewell as she completely melded with the surface and disappeared.


Jutsu Used
One-Handed Seals [v7] AP used 15 AP
Mayfly [V7] AP used 100

Total 115 AP

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The fated moment Empty Re: The fated moment

Fri Sep 08, 2023 10:25 pm
Mizuki Ohta wrote:

Oyu Otsunato
Oyu Otsunato
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : The Collection
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The fated moment Empty Re: The fated moment

Sun Sep 17, 2023 5:19 pm
As the lady spoke, Isomo felt a strange way. This woman was special, but she still didnt knew yet in wich way. As she presented herself, she knew then what was that gut feeling. This lady, was Mizuki, a legend amongst the ninja stories. Isomo immediately felt small, a rat in front of a tiger. Isomo almost immediately looked towards the floor, not sure if she needed to kneel or something, so she only stood there, with a now changed body language of respect and tameness, not wanting to attract the ire of such a powerhouse. ''I'm looking for my purpose lady Mizuki! Please help me find my way!'' would answer Isomo. But it was too late, the lady was going away, melting trough the wall and passing trough it seemlessly, waving goodbye to Isomo, while saying they would probably meet again.

Now alone again in the temple, Isomo started to cry. She now knew her purpose, or at least the next step, but needed to follow a now untraceable legend. She would need to gather her strength again, and with newfound motivation, continue to wander the lands of hot springs, in search of Mizuki, the one she now wanted to be a pupil too.


TWC : 1010

Stats: +10 vigor (new vigor=69)

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Sun Sep 17, 2023 5:29 pm
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