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Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Missions
Summoning Contract : Sarutobi Weapon Monkeys
Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

The Grind Begins Empty The Grind Begins

Wed Aug 09, 2023 10:14 pm

A beautiful sunrise crested the horizon, the sound of the settlement waking up as people started their routine for just another day in existence, the chirps of birds filled the air. These were the moments that Merlin lived for and woke up early to experience, that slight moment where nature and society mixed as one, it gave Merlin hope for a future where it could be the normal occurrence instead of the current brief moments at the early hours or late hours. Either way now that Merlin had enjoyed his favorite moment it was time to get about and start his own morning routine, which consisted of a very long and thorough hair care regime which took quite some time as his silver hair was long enough to reach his ankles. Normally he would allow it to flow freely but today he was going to be working and it would be better to braid it so that it would reduce the chances of it interfering with his work.
Once he had completed that section of his day he pulled out the request forms he had picked up the day before from the lady at the counter, he had chosen five different requests which covered a variety of tasks. One of them had him teach the young children of the settlement the way of the shinobi as with the village going from a typical civilian place to one that was entering the world of the shadows, the children were excited to be able to learn the things of legends and myths. Another one was volunteering at the local daycare and give them a helping hand, another involved standing in for a sick worker at a brunch, another was delivering packages and then finally helping people find the right office for their administrative needs. Merlin had quite the day set out for him and he was quite ready to get both the recognition and rewards that came with successfully completing these requests.
Once he had adorn all his garbs and robes he wore, Merlin headed off to the academy to begin his day teaching the young ones in the way of the ninja, though he didn’t have much experience he would teach them what he was able to which would mostly be chakra Control which was probably the most basic of foundational things needed to become one who walked the shadows.
Arriving at the academy Merlin checked in with the receptionist and get his visitor badge, upon getting directions to where he needed to be Merlin would thank the person behind the desk and make his way to his destination. Entering the room there were two instructors and what seemed to be about ten children in the room ranging from ages of five to ten. They looked excitedly towards the silver haired vagabond, with the instructor holding up their hands and asking the class to quiet down as they introduced Merlin and what he would be doing during the time he was here.
“Good Morning young ones, I am Merlin Shinto as your teachers already said. I will be teaching you on how to feel and control chakra or at least the introductory lesson to do so, that way you all can begin your journey as Shinobi’s of this settlement.” Merlin explained as he had the class follow him outside into the nearby clearing set aside for the children to play and get rid of excess energy throughout the school day. “You will all take the lotus position and if for some reason you aren’t able to comfortably sit that way you may sit with your legs crossed at your ankles, whichever you feel most comfortable sitting in for a long period of time.” He offered as he showed the proper form and the alternative, once the children had taken their spots he continued, “Now fold your hands as such and close your eyes, you are searching for a pit in near your stomach, it may feel like a liquid or even like small storm.” He offered as he continued to look over the class seeing the children concentrate. “There is no rush to try and feel this feeling, you only need to try and continue to do so. With time, patience and training it will come to you, after all the sapling doesn’t try and rush to become the unyielding oak.” He finished with a smile.
He spent the rest of the time going to each child and helping them feel what the chakra inside them was by circulating his own into them. It was an enjoyable experience as each student had their own realization on what Chakra really was. Merlin ended the class and gave thanks to the teachers for allowing him to take their time, as much as he would have enjoyed staying for a longer time but he needed to move on to the next request which was to help out at the Daycare.
WC: 826
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Missions
Summoning Contract : Sarutobi Weapon Monkeys
Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

The Grind Begins Empty Re: The Grind Begins

Wed Aug 09, 2023 10:24 pm
The journey to the daycare wasn’t a long one but it was one that Merlin enjoyed as he was able to interact and greet his fellow townsfolk, while Merlin wasn’t the most sociable of people he did enjoy the short moments of pleasantries that could be exchanged as you walked the settlement. This was a close community and one that wished for the growth and success of those around them, it was a very pleasant experience.
Arriving at the daycare Merlin went through a similar experience and routine with the receptionist as he did with the one at the academy, greeting the worker and checking in as needed he was once again given a visitor’s badge and directions on where he needed to go to get started on what work he was to help with. It seemed that the owner’s of the daycare where going to be away at their child’s graduation from the academy, it seemed that Merlin had missed being able to attend that event but he was sure that some day he would be able to attend a future one for the settlement.
Merlin took a moment to look over the schedule and instructions that had been left for him by the Owners and once he was satisfied he had memorized them and was ready he found an apron and put it on making sure to tie it tightly, he was about to spend a good portion of the day with toddlers and some babies that were here though there wasn’t many these ones were just on the cusp of being considered toddlers so they had been moved to this class.
Leaving the staff room with a smile on his face Merlin greeted the children and they greeted him back, he was glad to see that there were plenty of bright and sunny faces within the bunch. Children had always seemed to gravitate towards the young man, he contributed it to his love of nature and the creatures that roamed the land there was something about people who were attuned to the world that drew others to them. While some people would find this a tiring and exhausting experience Merlin loved every second of it, playing with the children and enjoying showing them how to paint new things or make new colors. These children were very well behaved and even when there was accidents it wasn’t anything that Merlin couldn’t handle with grace. Finally it came nap time and upon singing and soothing those who were resisting the call of sleep Merlin had finished his task and with the appearance of the worker who would be taking over now he was ready to head off to his next request which was the brunch that was being held. Merlin returned the things he had borrowed for the task and set off to the next place.
WC: 477
TWC: 1303
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Missions
Summoning Contract : Sarutobi Weapon Monkeys
Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

The Grind Begins Empty Re: The Grind Begins

Thu Aug 10, 2023 1:47 pm
So far the day had been a pretty enjoyable and fulfilling time for the young man, the next place he was suppose to go to was holding a big event that was some kind of Brunch that involved dunking dumplins into the nearby lake, Merlin wasn’t sure about the taste of the food if you dumped it into water but he wasn’t one to turn down the chance to try something new.
The event was being held in one of the larger buildings set on the edge of the lake in question, there they needed some extra hands to simply help make sure the whole thing goes well without any issues and to make sure that everyone gets served in a timely manner. Merlin was more then willing to help out and it wasn’t a bad deal to get paid while helping. Arriving at the building the event was being held Merlin’s routine of talking to the receptionist continued even here, sometimes the fastest way to get started on a job was to talk to the person who was in charge of all the information. Once he was given the needed information and directions on who to talk to past the worker at the front he made his way to the kitchen in the back of the building. There was a swarm of people moving in and out of the area, carrying utensils and food, Merlin found the head chef and explained who he was and what he was here for. The head chef got him a uniform and apron, Merlin’s job today was to help with the creation of the appetizers and finger foods as some people called them. They didn’t need him to go out on the floor and serve the guests just to help out making sure that there were plenty of plates with food on them for the servers to come and get as they rotated through the day.
Merlin wasn’t one to shy away from learning how to make something new and rolled his sleeves up on the uniform and listened intently to the directions and instructions that the chef’s gave as they showed him how to make the food that they needed. Once he had shown some competency on making the item they left him to go about his business to which Merlin took to like a fish to water and wore a smile the whole time filling the plates and putting them on the tray ringing the bell to signal it was ready to be taken. For hours it was a simple rotation of filling the plates and trays up and waiting for new ones to return, eventually Merlin felt a tap on his shoulder, it was the head chef letting him know that he was done for the day and thanked him for the help he gave even going as far to offer him a part-time job helping out on future events if he ever wanted too. Merlin thanked the man and returned his uniform and began the journey to his next request.
WC: 511
TWC: 1814
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Missions
Summoning Contract : Sarutobi Weapon Monkeys
Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

The Grind Begins Empty Re: The Grind Begins

Thu Aug 10, 2023 1:55 pm
Now it was time for that delivery job that he had read about, it was for some other tea ceremonies that were held in the settlement. The business that reached out needed some more hands to help with the uptick in purchases so that was where Merlin came in with his volunteering. All this work for places that handled tea events and produce kind of made Merlin thirsty for a good cup of tea himself, maybe he would look into purchases some for himself once his jobs were taken care of. Walking into the building Merlin could smell the mixture of tea leaves as soon as he opened the front door.
Once more, Merlin talked to the worker at the front and got the directions he needed on who would give him a more in-depth instructions on what he needed to do. This time it was an elderly lady who had black hair and a mole under her right eye, she looked at the tall silver long haired fellow that walked in and started to wave her hands at him signaling to hurry up and get over here. So Merlin obligated and picked up his pace wearing a smile on his face, she explained to him which packages needed to go where and gave him a armband that had the store’s logo on it, she mentioned that it would suffice for this job as a uniform and that he needed to hurry up and get moving already.
So that’s what Merlin did he grabbed the packages he needed to deliver and with his map that he had been given he started delivering the packages as ordered even making his way back to the event hall that he had just been working at helping with making the finger foods. It was a nice interaction as he waved goodbye to the people he had just worked with and went about finishing up his task. Luckily the settlement wasn’t anything grand in size or it would have taken him quite a bit longer then it did. Once he was done with the work as needed he returned and got the thumbs up from the elderly lady in charge. Now that he was done there it was time to head to his finally job which if he remembered correctly was to help out with people’s administrative needs. Returning his armband and waving goodbye Merlin headed off to the last place.
WC: 406
TWC: 2220
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Missions
Summoning Contract : Sarutobi Weapon Monkeys
Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

The Grind Begins Empty Re: The Grind Begins

Thu Aug 10, 2023 2:02 pm
This time it seemed that the people who needed help was in the town hall, Merlin didn’t waste time as he quickly approached the worker at the front desk and was immediately sent onto where he needed to go. It seemed that with the change of the settlement from one that was full of civilians and farmers to one that would be training shinobi’s the amount of paperwork to make sure they fell within the needed standards became much to much for the current workforce so they needed someone to handle the basic things like guiding people to the right offices they needed for their individual needs while the rest of the workforce focused on quickly completing the organizing of the new paperwork and files.
Merlin was more then happy to be the one to help with this as he quite enjoyed interacting with people and he did so as easy as it was to breathe. Taking his place behind the desk himself it was a nice change of pace to simply give guidance to those who came to ask where to go and be the one to hand out the information needed to help others with their requests. It was like becoming the quest giver in the legends of old with a more modern take on things. If anything this kind of made Merlin want to become a receptionist at the mission building sometime in the future, as it was quite a fun time though he decided to put that train of thought on hold as he was wondering if he would like to be stuck inside for so many hours everyday unable to spend more time out in nature. It was certainly something he would need to think about later on as he got older, regardless it was the end of the day and he had done more then enough to help out with the task like he was suppose too.
Now it was time to head back and return the signed request slips and collect the rewards he was promised. It was another great day here in the settlement and it made Merlin excited to attempt to move upwards in his career.
TWC: 2585
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Missions
Summoning Contract : Sarutobi Weapon Monkeys
Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

The Grind Begins Empty Re: The Grind Begins

Thu Aug 10, 2023 2:19 pm

+25 AP, +5000 Ryo
+25 Stats (+25 to Vigor)

+2000 WC towards Beloved Presence
+250 WC towards Clone Technique
+250 WC towards Transformation Technique

Discarding the remainder
Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

The Grind Begins Empty Re: The Grind Begins

Thu Aug 10, 2023 2:25 pm

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