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Tenshi Uchiha
Tenshi Uchiha
Stat Page : Tenshi’s Tools
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Mission Record : Tenshi’s Track Record
Living Clones : Ayane - Kaya
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Ryo : 218214

Cruel Summer - Page 2 Empty Re: Cruel Summer

Fri Sep 22, 2023 12:16 pm
Tenshi's battle with the scarred Uchiha was possibly the most vicious he had ever experienced in his life. Perhaps it was the bloodlust he felt in his opponent. Perhaps it was the total quantity of near misses he experienced as his opponent's blade continually came within centimetres of piercing his body. Or perhaps... it was the bloodlust that Tenshi felt within his own body. Whoever this mysterious man was, he had known Tenshi's mother, and the young Genin assumed that the two did not have the best of relationships. To make matters worse for Tenshi's mood, the man would constantly laugh and egg him on, attacking him both physically and vocally. "So tell me pup, is it true that your mother conceived you in a back alley pub? It would most definitely be fitting for someone like her, she always was a filthy sow!"

Tenshi knew he was only saying these things to get into his head, but he could not simply allow this man to besmirch his mother's memory. His attacks grew more violent, instead of attempting to subdue his opponent, Tenshi had begun going for the kill. Each slash of his tanto swung and stabbed with venom. Each dodge and parry followed up with another strike of his own. He knew that he was tiring, but he could not bring himself to slow down and think rationally. "SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" Suddenly, Tenshi dashed backwards and began forming some handseals. At the same time, his opponent mimicked him, using the Sharingan Copycat ability, as the two opposing clan members cast the Great Fireball Jutsu at the same time. To Tenshi's surprise, his opponent's was stronger, far stronger. His own fireball was quickly enveloped as the opposing technique continued to make its way towards him , forcing Tenshi to leap sideways out of harm's way. This gave his opponent the opening he needed, dashing at Tenshi and violently slashing down with his katana.

Tenshi gasped as he felt the blade cut through his torso, leaving a painful gash diagonally across his chest, down to the right side of his upper abdomen, forcing Tenshi to fall down to one knee. Instead of attacking again and potentially finishing Tenshi there and then, the man simply took several steps back and seemingly admired his handiwork. "Oh my, it seems that one hurt a bit, didn't it pup? But no, you do not get off the hook that easily. I promised mommy dearest a painful death and I was robbed of that opportunity. I will not have my prey fall that easily this time..." Tenshi's eyes widened, could it be true? Could this man have been the one who ended his mother's life? Now full of rage, Tenshi grit his teeth and forced himself to stand back up, causing his opponent to laugh and clap his hands in appreciation. "Well I must admit, you clearly have her fighting spirit. She was stubborn in death too."

The man's laughter ended abruptly, his smile suddenly replaced with a scowl that could have cut through a mountain. His Sharingan seemed to burn brightly with anger for some reason, Tenshi's own rage seemed to be halted at the man's change of attitude. His curiosity did not have to wait long. "How dare you assume the right to live. You, the hell spawn of that she devil. You have no right! Your eyes are filthy, WEAK! I can see it in them, the love you have for her. SHE DESERVES NO LOVE! The cow that took my brother from me. The brother THAT SHE PRETENDED TO LOVE! She led him on to believe that she wanted to spend the rest of their lives together. That was only half true, they spent the rest of HIS life together. Once she was bored of him, she decided to cut him down, the traitorous piece of garbage!" Tenshi's mind was racing, what the hell was this man talking about? His mother never mentioned loving anyone aside from his late father.

The man's scowl deepened before he suddenly dashed forward and planted a roundhouse kick to the side of Tenshi's head, sending him flying into a nearby building. The young Genin struggled to regain his bearings as the world around him spun. He could slightly make out the silhouette of his opponent walking towards him as he once again rose to his feet, albeit slower than last time. Blood was streaming out of his wound as he swayed back and forth, his vision began to get blurry as the blood loss was getting to him. As he approached, the man continued to speak. "So you really are as dumb as you look. Can't put two and two together yet? Must I spell it all out for you, nephew?" Tenshi's eyes widened at the realisation. This man was the brother of his father? It could not be. This made no sense.

"LIAR! I do not know what game you are playing at here, but I do not have an uncle. My mother was all I had le-" He was cut off as his opponent struck him with a punch to the other side of his head, hitting him cleanly on the jaw. He felt the man's hand wrap itself around his throat and lift him into the air. He spoke again as Tenshi struggled to draw any breath. "Your mother LIED TO YOU! I don't know what that witch said to poison your mind as a foolish little child, but it clearly worked. But worry not young Tenshi, you will be seeing her again in a moment, I have had my fun with you. When you see her down there in hell, tell her that Mirak sends his regards." Finally, a name... Mirak.

As his supposed uncle readied his blade to strike, Tenshi's mind was screaming at him to find a solution. No mean feat considering he was on the cusp of losing consciousness. As Mirak's katana struck forward towards Tenshi's heart, the young Uchiha reacted on instinct and caught it with both hands. His palms seared with pain as the blade cut into both of them, but it was just enough from him to slow the attack down and change its direction. It still pierced him, but he managed to force it downwards, instead striking an inch below his still beating heart. Mirak raised an eyebrow, "Truly impressive pup, if you weren't her son I would probably have recruited and trained you myself. It is a shame that you still have to die tonight." Mirak pulled the blade out Tenshi's chest and began attempting to wrest it out of his hands, which were still griping the katana tightly.

Suddenly, the sound the large wooden dragons filled the air as they came straight for the both of them. Gasping Mirak decided to simply let go of the blade and jumped backwards, letting go of Tenshi in the process who fell down to both of his knees, gasping as he was finally afforded the ability to breath again. Both of the Uchihas looked on as the dragon heads neared them, before Zarina jumped leapt into action and intercepted them. Tenshi would have thanked her, but he did not have the luxury of time to do it. As Zarina landed with her back to them both, Tenshi saw Mirak weaving his hand seals, the same seals that the both of them had performed earlier. NO! Throwing caution to the wind, Tenshi performed a hand seal of his own, casting Body Flicker and dashing directly to Zarina at full speed. As she turned around, she would see Tenshi wrapping both of his arms around her and tackling her to the floor, just as his back was struck by the Great Fireball Jutsu.

Tenshi's whole body was now screaming at him in agony. The flames were so hot and intense that he was barely able to stay awake, the temptation to pass out was trumped only by his determination to fight it off. He was thankfully able to shield Zarina from the flames entirely, but it meant that was suffering the full effects of it. Finally, the technique was over and he managed to roll off her, but that was all he could do. His body was broken, burnt and bleeding, and Tenshi could do no more than watch as Mirak stared at the both of them from a distance, his eyes still bright in the darkness. Suddenly, Mirak's eyes changed their design. The Three Tomoe Sharingan was replaced by something very familiar to Tenshi. The unique design was different to his own, but there was no mistaking it, it was the Mangekyo Sharingan.

Cruel Summer - Page 2 KsDPMe8

Mirak smiled as he and Tenshi stared at each other. "I have had a change of heart nephew, you have earned the right to live... tonight. That is assuming you survive my pale friend over there. If you do, then I look forward to the next time our paths cross. I have a feeling that we will not have to wait too long..." Suddenly, he performed the Kamui and slowly disappeared from this dimension, leaving an empty space where he used to be. Tenshi could do nothing but curse the man as he lay on the ground bleeding, Milak had given him the right to live but his body had decided not to allow him the right to move.

WC: 1,565
TWC: 4,786
Hakudōshi Hyūga
Hakudōshi Hyūga
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Cruel Summer - Page 2 Empty Re: Cruel Summer

Thu Oct 12, 2023 10:33 pm
Zarina stood valiantly as the crumbling wooden structure fell from the skies. However, the slight victory over the wooden jutsu was short-lived as she heard a voice shouting no from behind her. Letting her byakugan unfocused off the area, she watched as the villain performed a fire-type jutsu and Tenshi disappeared with extreme speeds. The sudden rush on her, almost knocked the wind out of her chest as the arms of the white-haired Uchiha wrapped around her frame. Gripping her free hand against his cloak, she held tightly onto him as they succumbed to the floor.

Intense heat soon was on them, or rather, Tenshi as he let out an ear-shattering scream with his back being consumed by flames. A flood of emotions circulated through her mind as she laid there, holding on tightly to him. She wasn’t used to someone protecting her like this…she was always doing the protecting. She felt warm, but not from the fire, but from the feeling even with her mind in hysteria over Tenshi being burnt.

As soon as the flames ceased their action, Tenshi rolled off of her, allowing her to stand once more. Looking down at Tenshi, she could tell he was in pain, severe pain. She could try and heal him but there was still the case of the other Uchiha and the creature that used wood release still around. Turning her focus on the Uchiha, she watched as his eyes morphed into the advanced stage of the sharingan. The Mangekyo Sharingan.

Zarina has read and heard about this formidable ocular prowess but has never faced it in combat; but perhaps, today was the day she does. “Thank you for protecting me, Tenshi, but allow me to continue,” she said as she tightened her grip on the hand of her sword while reading her stance for combat. But combat never came. The Uchiha menace announced that Tenshi was his nephew, sparing him, and then ultimately vanished from the area through the usage of his eye. A quick sigh of relief escaped her mouth as she turned her focus back upon Tenshi, kneeling down next to him.

“You’re going to be okay, everything is going to be okay,” she said as she quickly studied his body. Bones were broken, bleeding, and intense burns covered him. He was in critical condition and if not treated right away, something bad could happen.

“Oh, Tenshi,” a worrisome voice from Arutemisu spoke out as he came next to the duo. His eyes scanned over him and empathy was visible upon his face.

“Take care of him, Zarina, I will deal with this last beast,” Arutemisu said with Zarina nodding her head at him. Performing the correct hand signs, he begins to push revitalizing chakra into Tenshi’s body to heal his severe wounds with Arutemisu taking off towards the demon.

“Your fight is with me, now, beast.” Arutemisu said as he approached the horned individual.

“No, the fight is over…but I have something for you,” he said as he threw something that looked like a black sticky mass at the Anbura. Arutemisu immediately formed the hand signs to bring his stargate up, but the mass did something unthinkable. The mass wrapped around the edges of the gate, turning its contents black but also gaining a suction force with it. Autemisu tried to escape but was sucked right into the portal.

“Arutemisu!” Zarina screamed as she watched her friend being sucked into the portal but ultimately continued healing Tenshi’s body, still watching the barrier.

What happened next, she didn't think was possible as body was thrown out of the portal onto the ground. It wasn’t Arutemisu but a female girl with brown hair and brown eyes, with an unusual style of clothing that almost matched her own. She looked similar to Arutemisu but not that same. She has a beauty mark right underneath her eye. The girl immediately stood up, looking around before speaking.

“Where am I?”

She immediately noticed her and Tenshi and began walking towards them while the barrier dissipated into thin air with the creature gone. What did he do with Arutemisu? Who was this girl?

“Where am I? Who are you?” She asked again as Zarina slightly shuttered.

“I’m Zarina and this is Tenshi, you are in Konoha.” Zarina said.

“This is Konoha? It can’t be, Konoha is still under the Kiri regime and falling apart,” the girl said as she stood next to Zarina healing Tenshi.

“We were, but we are no longer. We found independence,” Zarina said, “who are you?”

“This doesn’t make any sense. Anyway, I’m Arathel…Arathel Anbura,” she said as Zarina’s eyes widened.

“Anbura? Like Arutemisu Anbura?”

“Arutemisu? My brother. He died when we were little,” she said as a sense of wonder crossed her face.

“No, he was very very alive. You were the one who was dead,” Zarina said, trying to grasp the situation at hand. Arathel began rubbing her forehead as Zarina had a questioning expression on her face. “In fact, he was just sucked into the portal that you came out of.”

Arathel began to walk around trying to come to terms at what just happened. “It seems we have switched spots, but…how?” She said.

“I’m not sure, perhaps Lord Aokidanza will have questions, but for now. We need to get him to a hospital and report back our findings…which would be you.” Zarina said as she ceased her healing, helping Tenshi up.

“Okay,” Arathel said as she continued to the hospital and furthermore, to the Hokage chambers.


TWC: 7,716
+75 to Speed
+2 to Chakra
+24,000 to Ryo
+120 to AP
+24,000 to Ryo
+120 to AP

Last edited by Zarina Hyuuga on Fri Oct 13, 2023 3:09 am; edited 2 times in total
Tenshi Uchiha
Tenshi Uchiha
Stat Page : Tenshi’s Tools
TenCorp (Shop)
Mission Record : Tenshi’s Track Record
Living Clones : Ayane - Kaya
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 218214

Cruel Summer - Page 2 Empty Re: Cruel Summer

Fri Oct 13, 2023 1:15 am
Tenshi blacked out before waking up in a hospital several hours later. He was being observed by a nurse who informed him that he was going to be ok and his wounds would heal. His mind was racing after everything that had happened, he was no longer in pain though and that counted for something. After the nurse was done, a fellow Shinobi that Tenshi did not know appeared in his hospital room and informed him that the missions had been completed successfully. They were in the process of interrogating the captured criminals and thanked him for his hard work.


WC: 100
TWC: 4,886
TMWC: 15,705 (4,000/4000 - 4,000/4000 - 4,000/4000)

24,000 Ryo
120 AP
-153 WC to claim Horde Summoner from this thread
-2,250 WC to claim Sand Manipulation
-2,483 WC toward Mineral Sand  (2,483/3750)

Last edited by Tenshi Uchiha on Mon Oct 16, 2023 10:34 pm; edited 1 time in total
Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

Cruel Summer - Page 2 Empty Re: Cruel Summer

Mon Oct 16, 2023 10:18 pm
Zarina Hyuuga wrote:


TWC: 7,716
+75 to Speed
+2 to Chakra
+24,000 to Ryo
+120 to AP
+24,000 to Ryo
+120 to AP

Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

Cruel Summer - Page 2 Empty Re: Cruel Summer

Mon Oct 16, 2023 10:37 pm
Tenshi Uchiha wrote:


WC: 100
TWC: 4,886
TMWC: 15,705 (4,000/4000 - 4,000/4000 - 4,000/4000)

24,000 Ryo
120 AP
-153 WC to claim Horde Summoner from this thread
-2,250 WC to claim Sand Manipulation
-2,483 WC toward Mineral Sand  (2,483/3750)

Arathel Anbura
Arathel Anbura
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Arathel's Stats
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 216000

Cruel Summer - Page 2 Empty Re: Cruel Summer

Thu Nov 02, 2023 2:53 pm
TWC: 7,716

Claiming all to Arathel: (all 25% off due to max stat)
3750/3750 to Forbidden Sealing Art: Heavenly Prison
3750/3750 to Strength of a Hundred
Total: 7,500 - 7,716 = 216 left over to be thrown into the void
Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

Cruel Summer - Page 2 Empty Re: Cruel Summer

Thu Nov 02, 2023 3:20 pm
Arathel Anbura wrote:TWC: 7,716

Claiming all to Arathel: (all 25% off due to max stat)
3750/3750 to Forbidden Sealing Art: Heavenly Prison
3750/3750 to Strength of a Hundred
Total: 7,500 - 7,716 = 216 left over to be thrown into the void

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