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Tenshi Uchiha
Tenshi Uchiha
Stat Page : Tenshi’s Tools
TenCorp (Shop)
Mission Record : Tenshi’s Track Record
Living Clones : Ayane - Kaya
Remove Taijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 198214

Do you C what I did there? Empty Do you C what I did there?

Thu Jun 01, 2023 6:32 am

Dirty Dining: Ramen Style

Tenshi awoke later than usual to the sound of banging drums and guitars playing through the streets. He was confused at first, unsure if he was still dreaming or if he had hit his head a bit too hard in training the day before. After a few minutes of grogginess, it finally dawned on him that there was a festival on today. Something about a great Uchiha of old being celebrated or glorified? Whatever it was, Tenshi was far too tired to care or join in just yet. He had not been getting much sleep recently and just wanted to rest up before his big mission day. Oh right, when was that again… “OH CRAP!”

Jumping out of bed, Tenshi quickly looked at the time before running to the bathroom and preparing himself for the day. How could he forget that it was mission day today? He had to prepare himself for two C Rank missions, followed by another tomorrow. He felt like an absolute fool as he hurried about to get ready. Quickly dressing himself in all black Shinobi attire, Tenshi ensured that his Uchiha logo was not visible unlike his usual preference. Considering it was an Uchiha celebration day, he did not want to get scolded for skipping out on the ceremonies. The Uchiha could be uptight and easy to trigger when their traditions were ignored or scoffed at. So moody these people, I swear they just need to loosen up every once in a while…

Finally grabbing his usual piece of toast in the kitchen, Tenshi abruptly exited his home and began to make his way towards the city centre. It was a beautiful day today, which was somewhat surprising considering how dreadful the weather had been recently. The past week had been full of depressing rain and raging storms, it was as if the universe had decided that the people of Konoha could not have the right to enjoy themselves outside. Today was a (quite literal) breath of fresh air, it felt as if the entire village was happier thanks to the sunshine. He was not sure what it was, but Tenshi had a feeling that this bit of nice weather would not last too much longer. It never did after all.

As he made his way through the busy streets, Tenshi made sure to keep his head down. He did not want to draw attention to himself as he skipped past the celebrations of his clan mates. He would most likely be branded a traitor to his bloodline by some old and drunk men who were too busy enjoying themselves. They probably never knew what it was even like being a Shinobi, especially the rich ones who made their profits through exploiting other Uchiha. Tenshi was surprised to see just how many of his own people would go out of their way to bring others down. It was frustrating and debilitating for the Uchiha clan.

Continuing along the way, Tenshi thought about his upcoming tasks. Focusing on the first, it appeared to be quite a straightforward task that anybody could do, Tenshi was actually quite surprised that it was even considered a C Rank. It was not like there was any danger in it for anyone. He had simply been tasked with assisting the Ramen Man with cleaning his shop and the street it was located on. Quick, easy, boring. At least that was how Tenshi interpreted the role.

His mood suddenly shifted when he heard the noise, it was people, and a lot of them. At first Tenshi believed that it was the sound of more Uchiha partying and celebrating their special day, until he realised the noise was coming from AHEAD of him, not behind in the Uchiha district. It suddenly dawned on him, today was not only a celebration for an Uchiha holiday, but also for the village. He was not even sure what kind of celebration it was or what it was for, but Tenshi suddenly remembered hearing about it over the course of the last week. Most Shinobi had been granted time off, however, Tenshi was a fool and accepted the missions for today, forgetting the occasion and what his friends would be doing as he slugged away at work. He sighed in dismay.

His mood worsened the closer he got to Ichiraku Ramen, he suddenly noticed that the large groups of people making the noise were all lining up for Ichiraku. This was unbelievable, he knew that Ichiraku received hundreds of guests per month, but there HUNDREDS of guests here in line. As he continued to walk, he noticed that it wrapped itself around several corners, the people in line more than happy to wait for a chance to devour some delicious ramen. He loved Ichiraku and firmly believed that it was the best ramen in the world, but this was absurd. These people would be better off going home and making their own food, at least that way they would not have to miss out on their days to do it.

Tenshi groaned audibly as he realised what this meant for him, a few confused villagers nearby looked at him oddly at the sound. Little did they know that they would be making a mess that he would have to clean. He was going to clean up after hundreds of people, this quick and easy task was suddenly not gearing up to be so straightforward. He was going to spend half of his day here at least, Tenshi just hoped that it would not interfere with his next mission. He could not keep an eye out on an elder being potentially followed if he was stuck here cleaning up after messy villagers who were only thinking about their stomachs.

Tenshi resolved himself and powered on forward, he had decided that he would get through this as quickly as possible. Marching towards the entrance of the small Ramen shop, he heard angry chatter behind him from the people who believed that he was cutting in line to get his own meal. As people began to speak up and yell abuse at him, the Ramen Man called out as he saw the young Genin approach. “Ah! There he is, my young helper!” Waving Tenshi in as the angry villagers shut their mouths at the realisation of what was going on. Tenshi waved back and smiled at Ramen Man, he was potentially one of, if not THE, most joyful man in the entirety of Konoha. Going to Ichiraku always lifted Tenshi’s spirits, he just hoped that the man’s joy would keep him going through this dreadful shift.

Ramen Man pulled Tenshi in for a big hug, as his daughter served customers in his place. It was quite clear that he was over the moon with happiness at the realisation that he finally had another helping hand. Tenshi could not blame him, the line was ridiculous and they would be cooking for hours at this rate. “Thank goodness that you are here young man, we are struggling quite a lot at the moment I must say, we will require your assistance immediately. Please it would mean a lot if you could start early, I will even throw in a week’s worth of free ramen, what do you say?” He was already walking Tenshi to the back of the shop as he spoke, clearly the young Uchiha did not exactly have a choice. “Make it two weeks and you have yourself a deal old timer!” The two of them chuckled as Tenshi was given an apron and a role.

As Ramen Man and his daughter worked painstakingly hard and quickly to cook the food and feed everyone in line, it was Tenshi’s job to collect and wash the dishes equally as quick. No, he needed to work quicker than they were, or else he would risk the wrath of Ramen Girl. Tenshi had always had a crush on Ramen Man’s daughter, but today he saw her in a different light. He saw her as the angry and bossy hardass who would yell at him for being too slow or not doing a good enough job with the dishes. The part that confused him though, was how quickly she would shift back to her customer service voice as she would turn back around to serve more customers. Ramen Girl was a pro at her job and, for some reason, Tenshi’s crush on her tripled in size as he witnessed it.

She caught him staring and daydreaming for a moment and was about to yell at him again for not focusing on the job, until he quickly shift back to what he was doing and began scrubbing the dishes painstakingly hard. He had been on many missions before, but this one in particular was draining him in more ways than one. He could fight, he could follow, he could gather intel, but he was not the best hospitality worker. His respect for the Ichiraku family grew tenfold as he watched them in action. They were both so intensely dedicated to the shop and their roles in keeping it operational. It inspired him to continue working his hardest to assist them in whatever way he could.

After an hour of nonstop cleaning behind the scenes, Ramen Guy finally came around the back and called out to Tenshi. “Lad you are doing a phenomenal job back here, but I need you out the front now to help clean up the surrounding area. There is a lot of rubbish laying around and we really need you to clean up so that we do not get in trouble with the village for the mess!” He smiled apologetically knowing this was not going to be an enjoyable job, but Tenshi nodded without question. “Thank you lad! My daughter will take over from you back here, we starting to settle down out the front since we have fed most of the villagers in line now. It should only be a few more before we are done!”

Tenshi smiled at him and waved a hand as he began to walk out the front. “Oh no worries at all Ramen geezer, if it means that I get two weeks of free ramen, you will hear no complaints for m- Ohhhhh no…” The sight he witnessed as he exited the shop was one made of nightmares. There was rubbish EVERYWHERE. Did these people not know how to use a rubbish bin? That they were supposed to dispose of their trash with some decency? Did they think that rubbish was just magically cleaned up by someone else and that it was not their problem what happened after they disposed of it? Well, he supposed that last one was true. After all, he WAS cleaning up after them here, and they would not suffer any consequences for it. “Oh what a day this is shaping up to be…”

For another painstaking hour, Tenshi was picking up hundreds of objects from around the still busy street. People would step over the rubbish he was trying to collect and dispose of without even giving the young Genin a second, or even first, look as they did so. He felt a pang of rage as he saw their condescending eyes look down at him while he cleaned their mess. They thought they were better than him because he was doing for them, what they should have already been doing for their own village. Lazy slobs, the lot of them. How hard is it to just find the rubbish bin and use it? Tenshi dared not say it out loud though, he did not want to risk getting Ramen Man in trouble for having a loud mouthed employee scaring away all of the customers with his attitude.

Another hour passed, it was roughly 4pm now and the customers had finally all left the area. That was the longest lunch time he had ever experienced, and he did not even get to eat during it. Tenshi gave the whole street a once over, making sure he had not missed anything in his stressed out state. Satisfied with his results, the Uchiha made his way to the shop and sat down wearily on the stool at the front, his head resting on the bench top as he tried to stay awake. “Wow Tenshi, don’t tell me that you’re already done for the day?” Ramen Girl had reverted back to her kind and polite persona, clearly evil overlord boss Ramen Girl was away now that the customers were all gone.

“What can I say, I am a hard worker ma’am.” He joked in response. He was exhausted, but his day had only really just begun, there was another mission right after this, and it was an extremely important one. “I guess I should be on my way and prepare for my next task!” Before he could leave however, Ramen Man put a hand on his shoulder and forced him to stay seated. Before Tenshi could say anything, the smell of the spicy pork ramen placed in front of him shut his mouth. “Thank you for the food!”

He dug into his first free meal for the next two weeks.

Mission Accomplished.

WC: 2208
Tenshi Uchiha
Tenshi Uchiha
Stat Page : Tenshi’s Tools
TenCorp (Shop)
Mission Record : Tenshi’s Track Record
Living Clones : Ayane - Kaya
Remove Taijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 198214

Do you C what I did there? Empty Re: Do you C what I did there?

Thu Jun 01, 2023 7:03 am
Stalking the Stalker

Tenshi sat down bloated and half asleep on the stool as Ramen Man and his daughter spoke to him. He had just finished his large serving of ramen as the store was closed until dinner time while the three of them had spoken. They were truly two of the kindest people he had ever met (Of course this was different when Ramen Girl was working with him, but that was another matter entirely). They had been speaking about Tenshi’s progression as a Shinobi and how he had performed so many missions already. Although he would not reveal any sensitive information to them so as to avoid getting in trouble with the village leaders for doing so.

“Wow Tenshi it sounds as if you have been keeping super busy, you should take me out on one of your missions some time soon!” Ramen Girl was practically bouncing with her request, the Genin actually felt bad as he was about to shut her request down. However, he was saved by the input of her father before Tenshi had to break the news himself. “Absolutely not young lady, no child of mine is going to put themselves in danger going into an environment that you are not trained for!” Ramen Girl was about to protest, but her father went on aggressively. “Tenshi is a trained professional and he is fully aware of the risks he takes as a Shinobi, he has been training his entire life for this!”

“Even for a job like the one he has just completed for us, do you think just anybody could do that well on such short notice? Of course not because they don’t have the ability to adapt and overcome the difficult and different situations that a Shinobi does!” His daughter was now pouting and looking away, clearly defeated by her father’s arguments, all of which were extremely logical and well thought out. Tenshi almost choked on air as he saw the time, he was running late for his next mission! Quickly jumping up and apologising profusely to the duo, Tenshi ran off to try and make it in time, so as to avoid a scolding his contract giver.

On his way there, Tenshi quickly tried to recollect the information of his next task. A village elder had requested a Shinobi to insist in discovering whether or not he was being stalked by some nefarious individual. The higher ups assumed that it was just a senile old man imagining things, hence why the mission only had a C Rank rating. If there was any actual danger, it would have been a B Rank at the minimum. Even still, it was a village elder he would be assisting, so Tenshi knew it was important and that he could not be running late. Instead of running through the streets, Tenshi had resorted to hopping from roof to roof in an effort to save on time. He was panicking and rushing as quickly as he possibly could, nothing could worsen his mood now, right? He was dead wrong there.

The sound of thunder in the distance echoed throughout the village. Tenshi groaned loudly as he realised what this would mean for him. The rain was returning and he would have to tail a slow and old man while being drenched from above. He could not even bring an umbrella has he needed to avoid being seen and a large object like that would reveal him instantly. He would be drenched and probably catch a cold from this mission, he sighed and pushed forward in disdain. It truly was going to be a long day for the Shinobi.

Rushing towards the political district, Tenshi jumped over countless villagers, all of whom were full of ramen and heading back to their homes in hopes of getting inside before the rain and lightening arrived. Tenshi envied them all. Not only did they get to have a meal without cleaning up after themselves (he was still holding a grudge on this one), but they also got to stay warm and dry as he was forced to trench through the cold and wind, lucky bastards. He barely made it in time for the meet up area, with half a minute to go before he was due to be there. However, he was surprised to notice that nobody else was here yet.

Had he gotten something wrong? Was there another meet up spot that he had not heard about? Was the mission canceled? Had he missed something recently? No surely not, the village was extremely efficient with their missions and structure, something like this would not have slipped through the cracks before getting to him. Perhaps the man had just gotten lost on the way. Tenshi did an exceptional job of hiding his frustration as he saw why this was taking so long. The village elder in question was named Toru, and Toru was the oldest of the elders. To be the eldest elder was telling on exactly what this man looked and acted like. He was barely skin and bone, it was as if he was being held together by a thread. Worst of all, he walked like an old person, painfully slow and with laboured breath throughout it all.

Tenshi was not sure who would struggle the most in the mission. The man who could barely move without looking like he would cry, or the young fool who was forced to follow the corpse around and keep an eye out for potential stalkers. Although he assumed if there were a stalker, that they would fall asleep out of boredom through the entire “chase” with Toru. Regardless, Tenshi put on a big smile and bowed deeply as Toru (finally) approached him. “Elder Toru, it is a privilege and a pleasure to finally meet you. I am Tenshi Uchiha and I have been assigned with the task of tailing you and keeping an eye out for anyone who may be following you around.”

Toru kept walking past Tenshi without so much as speaking a word. Raising an eyebrow, Tenshi realised the old man was muttering to himself. It appeared he did not even hear the Uchiha speaking to him, let alone see him at all. He had an almost glazed over look in his eyes, his stretchy and wrinkled eyelids barely allowing the pupils to show through them. This man truly was a walking corpse. “Uhhhh, Elder Toru? Elder Toru… Eldeeerrr… OLD MAN!” It took Tenshi yelling for Toru to finally jump slightly and look up at the boy.

“What in tarnation was that you stupid little whippersnapper! Can you not see I am busy here? Youths these days have no respect for their elders. Did you know that I am a village elder? Well? WELL?? DID YA?” This old man was suddenly full of life that Tenshi could never have predicted possible a mere minute ago. He was unloading at Tenshi, who just stood there scratching his head in confusion. It was as if this was an entirely different person, the Genin decided to cut him off mid tantrum to avoid any further headaches.

“Yes Elder I know who you are, I am the Shinobi tasked with assisting you today.” Toru’s eyes (somehow) widened, but there was no joy in the grey little beads, only more anger. “You? YOU??? But you are just a mere little Genin!! What in the world could YOU possibly do in this situation? I need ANBU! Can you not see it, my life is in danger! To send me a Genin in this situation is an absolute outrage. An insult, slander, blasphemy, moronic, DEMONIC, the village officials are laughing and spitting in my face here!”

Tenshi had gotten sick of the old man yelling at him and decided to put a hand up. “Elder Toru, regardless of what you say, this is considered a C Rank mission and I have been assigned to tail you. Whether you like it or not. If you do not think this is sufficient, then you are welcome to cancel your request and I will be on my way to celebrate the day’s festivities. So what do you say?” This seemed to work in shutting Toru up, he stopped puffing out his chest and relaxed slightly.

“Alright fine, but be aware that I am no joking about the seriousness of this situation. Somebody has been tailing me, and they have nefarious intentions for me, I am telling you!” He sighed and began walking in his original direction, raising a finger to point above. “Get yourself up on the roof and tail me from above. Whenever I have felt like I am being watched, it is always from ground level so you will not be seen from there. I take it they told you not to engage in the person in any way? Yes? Good, now get up there.”
Tenshi sighed at the old man’s attitude and looked around, making sure nobody else was around to witness him using his surface walking ability to climb up the side of the nearest building. From above he began scouring around, making sure nobody else was within the vicinity. He saw nothing of concern, until he saw something that made his heart drop. Storm clouds. “Oh come on, not today of all days…” He was getting really sick of this rubbish weather. Oh well, at least it would provide him cover for the rest of the mission, he sighed sadly and began to follow Toru from above.

The old man moved slowly, REALLY slowly. Tenshi had to stop himself from yawning several times as he virtually crawled along the rooftops. No wonder Toru thought somebody was stalking him, EVERYBODY around him stopped to stare at the pathetic old man. An extremely young child who could barely walk yet was moving faster than he was. The Uchiha tried to remain calm and composed as he kept an eye out, looking around for any indication that somebody else was following the Elder. Nothing just yet, but the night was still young.

Tenshi flinched and almost jumped as he was shocked by the sudden feeling of a raindrop hitting the back of his neck. It was followed by another, and another, and then countless more. The rain was wasting no time in coming down. Tenshi put his hood up and kept his head low in an effort to stay as dry as possible. Looking down, Toru did no seem to even notice the rain was coming down at all, he seemed so unfazed. It was either that or he just did not seem to feel the rain, that seemed far more likely as Tenshi chuckled.

Suddenly, something caught his eye! A suspicious shape that snuck around the corner behind Toru. Tenshi struggled to make out what it was at first, before activating his Sharingan and concentrating on the movement. The first thing he noticed was that the person was small, very short, almost childlike even… Tenshi did not jump to any conclusions, instead deciding to wait and observe as he had been instructed to. He noticed that the figure never approached the man by more than a 20 to 30 meters, always hiding behind the corners.

Tenshi also noticed that the person appeared to be laughing… no, giggling? This was out of the ordinary for sure, this seemed like an unusual person to be stalking a village Elder for nefarious reasons. Tenshi decided to slowly approach the figure, staying out of sight and ear shot. When he was roughly 10 meters above the figure, Tenshi sighed and barely avoided letting out a loud laugh. Toru’s stalker was a child, who seemed to be having the time of her life just watching how slowly the old man was moving. To ensure there was no further foul play, Tenshi continued watching from a distance before the Elder made it back to his home. The little girl had stopped well before then, getting bored and leaving the area.

Satisfied with the outcome and confident that the Elder was not in any actual danger (besides death by natural causes), Tenshi made his way back home quickly through the rain. When he arrived he wrote down his report and decided to turn in for the night.

Mission Accomplished.

WC: 2,052
TWC: 4,260
Tenshi Uchiha
Tenshi Uchiha
Stat Page : Tenshi’s Tools
TenCorp (Shop)
Mission Record : Tenshi’s Track Record
Living Clones : Ayane - Kaya
Remove Taijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 198214

Do you C what I did there? Empty Re: Do you C what I did there?

Sat Jun 03, 2023 6:39 pm
Tax Dollars at Work

Tenshi awoke to the sound of a storm continuing to rage from the night before, it was infuriating when he was trying to sleep. Before he could go back to sleep and rest up, a massive thunderclap made his ears ring and he groaned awake. Why could he never get the rest he wanted? He could have sworn he was cursed for this bad luck. As the storm raged on, Tenshi heard the wind howling, trees shuddering and buildings groaning under the stress of staying upright. There was likely going to be a lot of damage today following this, he was not looking forward to walking outside.

Last night when he returned home, he was informed that his mission for today had been cancelled. He was grateful for this, it would mean he had plenty of time now to sleep in and rest after the horrid day yesterday. He was also looking forward to collecting some more of that delicious and free Ichiraku ramen he had earned the day before. He planned on collecting it every day for as long as the offer remained, after all, living on your own was not cheap… Tenshi closed his eyes and managed to get a couple more hours of sleep.

When we woke up, he was glad to notice that the storm had ended, instead, the was a calmness that he had not heard for a while now. No rain, no thunder, no music, nothing. Just bliss and silence. A large smile crept across his face as he slowly got out of bed. It was the late morning, meaning he had not slept in for too long thankfully, he planned on getting a bunch of training done after his meal today. Slowly dressing himself in his usual black and red Shinobi gear, with his Konoha headband on his right arm and large black boots. He took some time to tie his hair up with a senbon and made sure he felt as fresh as he looked, unfortunately this took longer than expected.

Finally, Tenshi was satisfied with his appearance and decided to leave the house to get himself some sweet, sweet, free ramen. He was not ready for the sight he witnessed the moment he stepped out of his front door. There was rubbish and debris everywhere along the street. The garbage collectors were out in force today and they were rushing from spot to spot to collect everything. It seemed that the storm had knocked all of the bins over and spewed the ensuing garbage all over the place. Tenshi sighed and felt bad for the workers, their day would be a long one, and like full of angry villagers who would lash out over the mess.

Unfortunately Tenshi could not stay to help, he had a date with some ramen and would not be stopped. Making his way towards Ichiraku, Tenshi looked around and was sad to see that everywhere was the same. Rubbish, debris and other items were strewn all over the streets. Grumpy old people were yelling at each other as if they were to blame for the horrendous weather they had all experience together. Little children were crying at their swings being broken and falling over themselves. Home owners were left in dismay as their property was damaged, they would need to dish out a lot of money to fix this mess.

Tenshi felt bad, but he felt hungrier still. Perhaps after his meal he would try to assist these people, but not until then. As he began to approach the familiar little ramen shop, his mouth began to drool at the thought of having his meal. Suddenly, an eagle quickly zoomed overhead, diverting his attention to a Chuunin Shinobi awaiting him on the roof. He stood still for a moment, sadness entering his heart as he realised he was about to miss his meal, before finally making his way atop the roof.

Tenshi was most displeased, Chuunin or not, he had interrupted the sacred ritual of devouring ramen, the Chuunin would not be receiving any kindness. “I was on the way to do something very important, why am I being summoned?” Ignoring this, the Chuunin spoke with a boring and monotone voice. “Genin, your assistance is requested in the Uchiha district. A power line has fallen due to the weather knocking over a nearby tree. You have been ordered to clear the tree so that the relevant officials can fix the remainder of the mess. This task requires your immediate attention, your stomach can wait.”

The Chuunin pulled out a small scroll and handed it to Tenshi, who wasted no time in unfurling it to read. Without so much as a goodbye, the Chuunin turned and vanished, leaving a very disgruntled (and hungry) Tenshi in his wake. The scroll contained the address, which Tenshi recognised as a home not far from his own. It also stated that this was a C Rank mission, something that surprised him. It seemed as if the power lines were armed and dangerous. Tenshi took a mental note to not test that out.

With a sigh, he looked back down at Ichiraku Ramen, his stomach howling at him to reconsider his thoughts and fill it. Unfortunately, Tenshi resisted these urges, instead deciding to follow his assigned order. He would remove the stupid tree. This would let the stupid workers fix the stupid power line on this stupid day. Stupid storm, ruining his great plans and making him do work on his day off… Tenshi was feeling petty, this was quite clear in the speed at which he moved towards the incident.

At a snail’s pace, Tenshi began walking back to the Uchiha District. He had barely been gone half an hour and yet he was returning, feeling worse than he had when he left. The villagers were all out and about now, most of them working hard to continue cleaning the debris from around the streets. He noticed many Shinobi were also on the streets and along the roofs, doing whatever they could to clear up all the damage. Tenshi sighed, he knew that he was being stubborn and childish about this, it was his job as a Shinobi of the Leaf to assist village in its times of need. This was no different, the people needed his help so he would provide it. Picking up the pace, Tenshi pushed forward to the scene of his new mission.

When he arrived, he noticed a group of older women huddled around another lady, they appeared to be consoling her. As he approached, he began to make out what they were saying. “My baby! Oooooh no how is ever going to to recover from this? No this is not fair, get off of me! GET OFF!” She was wailing at the top of her lungs as the other women were petting her shoulder. Surprisingly, Tenshi noticed that the other women did not actually seem to be too worried about the situation. Had she lost a child? Was whoever this person was injured in some way? Had he been sent to the hospital? Why were the women so nonchalant…

Tenshi looked behind them at the focus of his mission. The tree was massive and it had completely toppled over the power line, laying along the road and blocking the way through. It was going to take a lot of effort to remove the thing, physical strength was not exactly his forte, and it was not like he could look a tree in the eyes and use Genjutsu to move it. Hmm no, this would take something outside of the box for him. He also took note of the scroll he had been give, which stated that the power line was still live, another risk he needed to account for. The power is live huh… Wait I feel like something is off about this… What could it be? Maybe I should ask these old ladie- OH! THE POWER LINE WAS LIVE AND THEY WERE STANDING RIGHT NEXT TO IT!

“ALL OF YOU, MOVE AWAY FROM THERE RIGHT NOW!” Tenshi yelled out at the top of his lungs, clearly scaring everyone in the vicinity with his shock appearance. “Quickly! The power line behind you is still live and could cause serious damage to anyone that gets shocked by it. I am an Uchiha Shinobi of the Leaf, please listen to me now and move away!” The ladies seemed to relax slightly when he informed them that they were all of the same clan. Uchiha were odd like that, they were so full of pride and rarely tolerated those who were not of the clan, regardless of what their intentions were. It made sense though, after all, the Uchiha DID have a history of subjugation and mistreatment at the hands of the higher ups within the Leaf. Old habits die hard as they say…

All but one of the people in the area moved away, the old lady who was still in clear distress. She did not even seem to hear Tenshi’s orders and continued to wail pitifully. “Excuse me, did you here me? I need you to move away from the electricity as soon as possible, you could be in some serious danger.” He approached her as he spoke, keeping an eye out for where the power was active. The lady finally stopped yelling and turned around to face him, her grief now replaced with rage. Oh boy here we go…

Right on cue, she began to unload onto Tenshi, screams of abuse and rage. Claiming he had no thoughts or care for her “beautiful little innocent and fluffy baby” and that he was a joke of a Shinobi. Wait… did she just fluffy? Oh I think I see now He waited a few more moments before cutting the lady off. “Excuse me ma’am, I am not too sure what the situation is with you ‘fluffy baby’ but if you could just explain it to me instead of yelling, I can try to help.” The lady was taken aback at first, she had clearly expected to enter a screaming match with the Shinobi for some reason, Tenshi did not think that he gave off that type of vibe.

After a few deep breaths, the lady calmed herself and spoke with far more dignity. “My little baby, Cloud, he is trapped in another tree just over there behind the big one. The power line is caught on that one also and he could get shocked at any moment. I need help getting him down but the emergency crew say it is too dangerous to do so just yet. Please young man, help me get my little Cloud back!” So she was simply scared for her little fur baby, Tenshi smiled and nodded quickly, “I will get your Cloud back, do not fear. Please step back with the others in the meantime.” Thankfully, she listened to him this time.

Tenshi lept over the fallen tree and looked out for the one that contained Cloud. Activating his Sharingan, he noticed a bit of movement on top of a fairly large tree 10 meters down. Right on cue, a small white cat began to purr from the spot, clearly in serious distress at being trapped up there. It must have been there for hours since the storm took place, poor thing. Tenshi also noticed that there was a loose line not too far from the cat, he would need to ensure that it did not get startled by him and accidentally move into it. He had an idea.

Boar → Dog → Bird → Monkey → Ram

In front of him, the mighty Rellgar appeared in a large puff of smoke. The impressive four meter long ancient red dragon’s bright red scales shon in the sunlight, his glowing yellow eyes scanning the surrounding area before falling upon Tenshi. “Why have you summoned me here Tensh? It is not exactly the loveliest sight to appear before.” Tenshi simply smiled before repeating the process once more.

Boar → Dog → Bird → Monkey → Ram

Three meters to the left of Rellgar, the young Vrox also appeared, in a smaller puff of smoke. His two and a half meter long build was noticeably different to Rellgar’s. He was almost half the size of the larger dragon, with twice the energy. His darker red scales looked metallic in the sunlight. The youngest of the Defectors, Vrox quickly looked around enthusiastically before prodding Tenshi with his wing. “Heyo Tensh, how is it going today? This place is a dump, what the heck happened?” They were like yin and yang, the young Uchiha could not help but chuckle at the difference between the two dragons.

As they were on the opposite side of fallen tree to everyone else, the two new arrivals had not been scene by the people in the area yet. They were in for a surprise when that did happen. “Ok first things first guys, there is a cat in that tree just up here. It is stuck right next to a live power line that could shock it to death in seconds. Vrox, wait for my signal and then I want you to grab the cat and bring it over to a very concerned old lady on the other side of this fallen tree, can you do that for me?” The younger dragon nodded and perked up eagerly awaiting Tenshi’s signal.

With his Three Tomoe Sharingan still active, Tenshi looked up at the cat and began psst pssting at it to grab its attention. Eventually Cloud looked directly at him, when Tenshi cast his Sharingan Genjutsu upon him, freezing it in place. “Ok now!” As soon as he spoke, Vrox zoomed up and gently grabbed Cloud, flying him back over the other side of the fallen tree. He heard gasps and shouts as the villagers saw a living dragon for the first time in their lives. Without waiting, Tenshi turned to Rellgar next.

“Ok now it is your turn. I need you to grab one end of the tree and move it so that it runs along the street, instead of across it. This will allow the emergency crew to get through and fix the rest of this mess. Make sure not to touch the ground while you do this, the power line is running along it and will shock you!” With a kind nod, Rellgar jumped a couple of meters into the air and then hovered above one end of the tree. Grabbing either side of it with his claws, Rellgar then lifted his end in the air with him, to the gasps and yells of the onlookers, before moving and dropping it along the side of the road. He ensure that the no houses were impeded by the move.

Tenshi looked over at the waiting emergency crew, who gave him the thumbs up and prepared to do their jobs. Satisfied, Tenshi turned to the two dragons. “Perfect job, thank you for all your help guys. It means a lot, as ever!” With a nod the two dragons were released and disappeared. Not sticking around to receive the thanks and praise of those he had helped, Tenshi made his quick escape. He had one goal left and that was to finally fill his belly with some Ichiraku Ramen. He would NOT be stopped this time.

Mission Accomplished.

WC: 2,582
TWC: 6,842

Claiming 12,000 Ryo (23,000 + 12,000 = 35,000 Ryo)
Claiming 60 AP (359 Bonus AP)

Using 314 WC to claim Imitation Black Hole from this post (1,000/1,314 -> 1,314/1,314) (6,528 WC left)
Using 1,242 WC to claim Imitation White Hole from this post (72/1314 -> 1,314/1,314) (5,286 WC left)
Using 1,314 WC to claim Imitation Supernova at max stats (3,972 WC left)
Using 3,972 WC to claim ranks D/C/B of Space Time Amplifier (1,722/1,875 towards A Rank)
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Do you C what I did there? Empty Re: Do you C what I did there?

Sun Jun 04, 2023 8:55 pm
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