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Stat Page : Howl's Fat Stats
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Castaway at 3-mile Isle Empty Castaway at 3-mile Isle

Fri Apr 28, 2023 2:25 am
Castaway at 3-mile Isle Artworks-000356872779-v06aeq-t500x500

“Yo ho…, yo ho…,”

In the distance, a black spec appeared in the center of the horizon where the sky met the open ocean.

“…a pirate’s life for me…”

The spec appeared to be growing larger.

“Yo ho…, yo ho…,

And larger...

“…Well what do we have here?...”

The spec continued to grow until Howl determined, without a doubt, a ship was on the horizon and heading straight towards him.

A man with messy blonde hair and a stoic expression now slowly rose to his feet from the sand and made his way towards the shoreline where he began to wade into the shallow, clear waters of the Aisu bay.

“…I’ll be damned! Looks like this isn't the end to my story after all...” He now collapsed onto his malnourished knees in the water.

It has been 967 days since Howl’s ship had been destroyed by Kirigakure naval forces and his crew sunk to the depths of the ocean. It had been 967 days since Howl had been lucky to escape with his life and wash ashore Three Mile Isle. It had been 967 days since Howl had become a Castaway and made this island his home. In just 967 days, Howl’s life had completely changed and the realization that the life he had built here was now coming to an end was beginning to manifest within the young man.  

On one hand, Howl was excited to finally be saved and to have survived this horrible, but empowering experience. On the other, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of loss or nostalgia for the simpler way of life he had adopted and developed while stranded on the island. Howl had been forced to become resourceful to survive, adapting to the harsh environment and lack of nutrients. He had even begun to like the taste of sea urchin and coconut water. Regardless, the challenges persevered had now refined the once rough edged and hot headed pirate into a strong and confident man who was capable of analysis and restraint. The time in isolation had allowed Howl to truly align his mind, body, and spirit together in perfect harmony which resulted in the creation of the best version of himself. With his newfound understanding of himself and the takeaways of this experience, Howl was ready to launch his second chance at life and live it to the fullest- as the world’s most notorious pirate- or so he dreamed to be.

All that remained was to meet his saviors. The ship continued to grow near and as it did, Howl’s energy continued to deplete. The surge of suppressed emotions was beginning to overwhelm the man who had not had a decent meal or drink in years and his body was reaching the breaking point. In the shallow water he waited for the ship to dock and for the lifeboats to launch to deliver Howl towards his destiny.

“...a pirate’s life for me...” were the last words Howl would mutter before passing out, noting before, that the appearance of the approaching vessel seemed to resemble that of a Pirate’s.

WC: 517
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
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Clan Focus : Sensory
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 293900

Castaway at 3-mile Isle Empty Re: Castaway at 3-mile Isle

Fri May 05, 2023 7:56 am
As the sun rose over the ocean, the illustrious Dreadnought parted the waves of the sea as it approached an island's dock off the coast of the snowy peninsula. The ship was a marvel of design, with its sails billowing in the wind and its hull glistening in the sunlight. From up close, it was easy to tell that the Dreadnought was adorned with elaborate carvings and intricate details, reflecting the wealth and power of the pirates who call it home. And so as it drew closer to the dock, any on the land it approached would begin to make out a single figure standing aboard it: none other than the Yamaguchi pirate himself. The ship's captain stood at the helm, surveying the scene with a sense of confidence and swagger. It was a thrilling and exhilarating sight, one that captured the romance and adventure of the high seas. One opposite of the scene and vibe which Auron, Grey, and Hoori had witnessed when they docked on the Eastern side of the peninsula. That leg of the trip had resulted in some unfortunate yet necessary conflict, but on the bright side the band of pirates came out richer. And so since then, they had been surveying the various lands and docks which were placed around and throughout the coastal edges of Iron Country.

As the ship neared the dock, the sound of creaking ropes and fluttering sails filled the air. The crew expertly maneuvered the ship into position, and Auron issued the order to drop the anchor. The ship smoothly came to a halt with a resounding thud, and the crew sprung into action, securing the ship and preparing to send out the first group for reconnaissance. As the gangway was lowered, Auron began to take the first step to descend from its walkway. A single local watched from the distance, as the well composed pirate captain carried a certain swagger yet unearthly demeanor to him. Auron, a figure of traditionally poor charisma and charm had been learning how to break out of his shell and come into his own. And so, recognizing that his ship had a spectator, he'd offer a subtle wave to greet the local, his presence commanding respect and admiration. Yet as he concluded his walk, he'd observe the man fall back and seemingly pass out. The captain would scoff lightly, as he made his way down from the ship and sunk his boots into the snowy sand of the island.

As the sun rose higher in the sky, the ship's crew continued to work tirelessly, unloading their cargo to set up camp for the time being. While off in the distance, the snow-capped peaks of Iron Country's peninsula rose up, which served as a reminder of the harsh environment that surrounded them. But for the pirates, this was just another day of survival on the high seas, a chance to revel in the freedom and excitement that comes with a life of adventure and danger. For that local, perhaps this had been another excruciating day in the harsh climate of the island, which would explain why he may had been fatigued. Auron, prior to separating from his crew, would grab ahold of a water canteen and a loaf of bread from a trunk of inventory which was being rolled out. And following this, he'd make his way towards the man who laid on the ground unconscious.

As he neared him, the pirate captain would drop the full canteen of water in the sand just adjacent to the man's resting head and would softly plop the loaf of bread upon his stomach. Assuming these two disturbances would be enough to awaken him, the Yamaguchi would look down upon the man and break the silence.

"Don't you give up now." would be all that he said, as he awaited a response from the man. When he would come to, he would see the figure of a mid sized dark skinned man, adorned in his Cloak of the Undead, equipped with the Yukata. On his left hip was his trusty Masamune, sheathed and unlikely to see action today. And on his back, was a second blade. He'd raise his left hand to the brim of his kasa and tip it upwards to reveal his face. His right hand remained softly, yet firmly gripping the handle of Masamune. Though he didn't anticipate this formerly unconscious fellow being hostile, it was better to be safe than sorry.

+2 NE Stacks

WC = 747
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Castaway at 3-mile Isle Empty Re: Castaway at 3-mile Isle

Thu May 11, 2023 8:22 pm
The ship’s arrival at ‘Three Mile Isle’ was not enough to wake the island’s population of one. Howl laid motionless in the sand while the crew unloaded. The ship’s Captain eventually emerged and made their way from the vessel to Howl’s side. The captain dropped a canteen of fresh water next to Howls head and placed a loaf of bread on his skinny man’s abdomen. This initially did not produce any reaction, and whether he was dead or just asleep was, at this point, a valid concern. However, after a few more moments, the pirate’s boney body shifted like a skeleton coming back to life, sensing the much needed nutrients. His arms and hands moved slowly towards the bread as if possessed and then attempted to stuff the entire loaf into his mouth- all while his eyes remained closed. He appeared to swallow the loaf of bread whole, and then washed it down with the entire canteen, not wasting a single drop. Once done, the unconscious eating pirate would let out a belch, and then fall back into a deep slumber, this time snoring.
Howl would remain in this state for almost a days’ time. It was up to the Captain of the Dreadnought to decide whether to drag the man aboard or leave him to surely perish. If Auron chose to explore the island further, he would find signs of Howl’s inhabitants: a small camp with a crude shelter, an extinguished fire, various tools fastened from organic material and things that had washed up on the island’s shore.
WC: 259
TWC: 517
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
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Clan Focus : Sensory
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 293900

Castaway at 3-mile Isle Empty Re: Castaway at 3-mile Isle

Sat May 13, 2023 10:19 am
Put frankly, the man was in terrible shape.

There was no telling how long he had spent on this island, but judging from the malnourished look the exposed portions of his body upheld, it must have been too long. With the realization that water and food were both provided to him, the deprived man would instinctively grab ahold of each and begin to stuff himself. It didn't even seem like he had consciously done that judging by the look of death his eyes held. And his subsequent actions seemed to mirror that thought, as he fell asleep immediately after each. 

Auron, slightly taken back by the lack of attentiveness that the man displayed, would raise his left hand to his head to scratch his scalp in confusion. Recognizing that this man was unlikely to be in any condition to engage in conversation or make decisions for his well being, the captain would take matters into his own hands. He'd let out a sigh, before more closely approaching the man, bending down, leaning over, and grabbing ahold of his waist. With a swift motion, he'd use his legs to lift the man as he stood back up to his normal stature, and simultaneously swing the man's body over his own shoulder. With the dead weight now slung over his own frame, the Yamaguchi would make his way back to the crew's temporary camp site on the beach. His left hand supported the back of the stranger, while his right was positioned on the back of his legs. Unsurprisingly, the man was quite light, even more of an indication of his potentially deteriorating body. But nevertheless, Auron kept his composure. He knew that if he could get him back to the camp site, someone from the medical crew could analyze him and see just what needed to be done to nurse him back to life. But Auron himself, figured the man just needed a good rest after his meal.

In any case, once he arrived to the camp site, Auron would sling the man's body downward until it rested upon a couple of sturdy and full barrels of Cid's rum. With him laying on it, still slumbered, Auron made his way over to one of the medical crew members who had been gathering some herbs just to the side of the barrels. 

"Yo, come check this guy out. He seems...pretty fucked up." Auron put it bluntly.

The crew member, upon hearing the voice of his captain, would turn around and stand at attention. He'd nod to accept Auron's order, and then make his way over to the sleeping body atop the series of barrels.

"This guy is in terrible shape. You found him like this?"

"Aye" Auron would let out, nodding at the same time.

"Well, let me heal some of his wounds. This may take a little bit."

Auron nodded again, understanding that the medical profession was outside his area of expertise. He'd stand a few feet away from the fallen man as he had been undergoing healing from the medical crew member's iryojutsu based chakra. The captain's arms were folded, as he'd visually scan the man's body. He figured it was only a matter of time before the islander would come to his senses.

WC = 544. TWC = 1291
+2 NE Stacks
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
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Clan Focus : Sensory
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 293900

Castaway at 3-mile Isle Empty Re: Castaway at 3-mile Isle

Thu Jun 01, 2023 3:44 pm
"Let me know when he comes to. Please bring him aboard the ship, I'd like to see if he wants to join our little band."

Auron let out towards the medic. With that, Auron would depart from the shore and return to his ship where he'd await the man to join him.

- Exit -

WC = 52. TWC = 1343
- 1343 WC towards Flame Breathing (1343/1500)
Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
Survived 2021
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Castaway at 3-mile Isle Empty Re: Castaway at 3-mile Isle

Thu Jun 01, 2023 3:54 pm
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