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Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
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Kids & Smithing Empty Kids & Smithing

Mon Jan 09, 2023 6:00 pm
Mission Details:

Another day done and another chunk of never ending missions and requests taken care of. Coming off the completion of the last missions with his fellow Konoha Shinobi Iscarot and Shin, Jecht was looking forward to seeing what kind of things he would get into this time around. After all last time they had to deal with a crazy guy who thought he was helping people but ended up doing a lot more harm than good, dealing with the scientists and their mistakes or at least their kid’s mistakes. At the end of the day they did what they were suppose to do as Shinobi of the village and that is really all that matters, well the Ryo was nice too.

After doing his morning routine and restocking on some necessities for his home, Jecht headed back off to the building that housed all the requests, tasks and missions for the village. He was looking forward to getting around to doing the next rank of missions. So far he had completed the E-ranks, the D-ranks and even the C-ranks now he just needed some B-ranks to prove his contribution to the village and worthiness to move up the ranks themselves. Jecht could only hope that he was doing right by the village with these missions. He approached the counter and requested for any B-ranks that needed a group of people to complete them and the worker gladly obliged handing him a scroll that had the details for two missions that needed a group of four to help with. Jecht read them over, one was about helping keep a talent show of sorts fair between the children and more so the enthusiastic parents and the other was a job to help someone craft a weapon. Jecht didn’t have much knowledge on making weapons but it didn’t make Jecht want to avoid the mission, if anything learning something new would be beneficial for the older Shinobi, Old dog learning new tricks and all that.

Happy with the choice he took the scroll and headed to the meeting place listed which was in the village center by the fountain there. It was a pretty common meeting place so Jecht stood around enjoying the weather of the day and waited for the others to show up.
WC: 382
Xena Uchiha
Xena Uchiha
Stat Page : Xena's Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Forest Of Dreams Ravens
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 102750

Kids & Smithing Empty Re: Kids & Smithing

Mon Jan 09, 2023 7:45 pm
Xena had already accepted a mission, a very basic one all things considered yet one she had very little idea about, sitting on the fountain a white sheathe on her lap as she held a azure blade in her hand, she had recently bought the weapon on a whim, needing something other then a shuriken she figured now would be the best chance to get sometime proper, so she settled for a Ninjato, a straight katana effectively, they blade was hardened to a fine tip which made for decent blocking power, while also sharp on one side, to give effective slashing power. Having looked at the blade nicely she slowly slipped it back into the sheathe, it making a satisfying clicking sound as it locked into place, before with the hoops on the back of her cloak she slipped it back onto her back, this was supposed to be a group mission, though as she gazed around, she couldn't see anyone, perhaps she was late, or early, she figured the ladder but hoped for the former.

Sighing she got up, to stretch, her eyes now gazing more focused around the area until her gaze finally locked onto something, or someone. Shirtless, lovely were they one of those Taijutsu people, that's all she assumed upon seeing them, though she did make a waving motion. "Uh hey, you here for that B Rank mission too?" She asked in a solemn but somewhat upbeat voice, if it was then well shit, that might not be the best duo for her, but if it is oh well, missions are missions no matter the team mates.

Walking over closer her sword someone jostling in its holder, she grimaced at the feeling of it doing so, it could likely fall out if she wasn't careful which she was now somewhat paranoid of, it possibly falling out, after all she did work hard to get the Ryo to get it. Regardless of the sword as she finally got close she crossed her arms looking the man over more, yeesh, he looked like a wreck, the scars over his body, the whole unkempt look in general, now her thoughts were rambling on how this guy looked like a wild human. Was she getting a ego? She knew many Uchiha got them but she thought she'd be different though with how her first impressions of this man are seeming, it did appear she was getting some kind of ego, even without a sharingan, she'd need to do her best to fix that in the near future.

Shin of the Wind
Shin of the Wind
Stat Page : Stats Link

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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Kids & Smithing Empty Re: Kids & Smithing

Tue Jan 10, 2023 6:16 pm
Another night had passed much like any other that week. The boy would find himself waking up, rubbing his tired eyes to lift the morning fog from them. This was the fourth or fifth time that he woke, hindering his sleep more than he preferred. Unrested, the boy would slowly lift himself from his bed, tossing on some clothes shortly thereafter before making his way out of his room and down the stairs to the inn. The pale youth would wave to the clerk behind the counter, letting them know he was going to be leaving for the day. There was shinobi work to do, and the village had suddenly had a serious influx of tasks to be completed. Doing work for the village never really bothered Shin, though. In truth, he felt it was the least he could do for them taking him in during his time of need. 

The administration building was quite busy, and Shin didn't wish to spend more time in the crowded place than needed. He would ask the attendant for some assignments. They asked if he had any preferences, but the boy would simply shake his head. They would scan the job scrolls, the tasks split up by rank. Since he was only a genin, he had serious limitations on what missions he could take up. They would pull two scrolls out of the bin labelled as "B Rank" and hand them to the boy before waving him off so the next person could go. 

Once he found himself out of the building, the scrolls would be opened and read over. It would seem there was some sort of exhibition for the youngest of the village, their various ninja skill going to be on display. The oddest part was why they were going. The task wasn't to watch the children and prevent any problems from arising from their displays, but instead to watch over the parents. Shin would scratch his head, uncertain as to why any adult would do anything to try and sabotage the efforts of academy students. Still, he had his task and knew what must be done. He would briefly scan the second task, noting that it left a great deal to be desired as far as an actual explanation of what they would need to do. It just said to meet their contact and 'help him forge a suitable weapon' which confused the boy. That could easily be done by any skilled blacksmith, many of which were not village shinobi. Why does he need not only shinobi assistance but the assistance of a whole team? Shin couldn't wrap his head around it now and would simply need more information before he was able to make any further determinations. 

The boy would quickly make his way over to the fountains that were mentioned to be the meeting point. It would seem as though he was not the first one there, two familiar faces already present and seemingly waiting. The pale boy would approach, making his presence known to both Jecht and Xena. He would recall the large man's preference for a more informal approach to their meetings, so he would offer the man a knowing nod, "Jecht, a pleasure to work with you again." 

He knew Xena, but wasn't familiar with her outside of a brief training with Goto. One thing stuck in the boys mind, to which he would ask her, "How have you been progressing? Destroy any mountains yet?"

wc: 580
twc: 580/1650
Iscarot Ushitora
Iscarot Ushitora
Stat Page : Link
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 119700

Kids & Smithing Empty Re: Kids & Smithing

Tue Jan 10, 2023 11:35 pm
As always his day began before dawn but unlike most days beforehand he had peace. Since his acceptance of the Oni blood that had been coursing through his veins now, he felt a new sense of belonging to the point where he didn't mind his horns growing out. Since that day he had retired his filing set and buried it so to speak. He watched the sun slowly rise as it graced the world, his sunset colored eyes watching with a somber enthusiasm about the day itself. Whatever it would hold for him would be taken in stride and he would make the best of it. Iscarot would make his way back into his apartment where he would put on his normal attire for the day- A white Kimono that sat neatly on his left side but on his right would be hanging down to reveal a black vest. White pants and black boots would complete his outfit as he reached for his "new" sword, a refined Katana. He didn't know how to feel about it honestly since he had been used to his own blade, but until he could get the materials and place to reforge it this would have to do. Placing the blade on his left hip just inside of his belt, he would have made sure he had been presentable before heading out for the day. Iscarot did not personally see it but he could feel that people had notice the change in demeanor about the male. More people had waved to him, and normally he would silently pass them. Now he would at least wave back at them. It was the small steps in life. Today would be much more of the same as the past few days, missions. In order to get the materials he needed for his blade, he would need to amass the money for them.

He silently made his way to the administration building where he had obtained missions before, going as far as to do a few B rank missions today. With any luck he would be able to get enough money to start his project and maybe a little more for other miscellaneous things. He was perplexed by the line that had been at the building today but after patiently waiting to get in he would. Several scrolls laid bare upon the table and after reading over a few he would pick out two that would be the easiest. One of which coincidentally laid within his skillset but he would leave that one for last. With a keen understanding of what needed to be done, Iscarot would begin to head out to where the first mission would start. It took him a moment to get there but once he did, he noticed two familiar figures that were conversing. Walking over to them, he would alert them to his presence before doing anything further," how fortuitous for us that we get to do more missions together. How have the two of you been faring," the question asked to Shin and Ject. As for the other, he would smile and give a small bow as he spoke to her," Greetings, I am Iscarot. Who might you be"," he didn't know who had this person but he was generally pretty cool.

550 WC
WC needed: 1,650
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Log
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Clan Focus : N/A
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Kids & Smithing Empty Re: Kids & Smithing

Fri Jan 13, 2023 4:26 pm
It seemed like it wouldn’t be that long before everyone of the group would start showing up the first person to show up was a younger girl, black hair long hair and a weapon strapped to her back. She waved at the older man and once she came close she asked if he was apart of the group doing the B-rank Missions. “Yes’m young one, we got a few more showing up but it should be easy enough for us.” Jecht replied as he kept his eyes on the area to see who would show up next.
The next person to show up was Shin a young genin that Jecht had already done a handful of missions with and got along with, the child though young was intelligent and had a keen eye for his environment and those in it. Easily pointing out Jecht’s and Iscarot’s main focus of fighting on first interaction, a smile broke out on Jecht’s face as he watched the pale as snow child arrive. Jecht’s guess was confirmed when the young genin gave his greetings Jecht noticing that it was casual and informal, it seemed that Shin had remembered that Jecht didn’t care to much on formalities and the likes. “There is the child prodigy, look at this Shin you got another kid in the group to interact with instead of the old men.” Jecht teased the younger Shinobi out of goodwill, he had grown to liking the boy after seeing him in action in the last handful of missions. He respected those who could pull their own weight without trouble. “Now if only Iscarot could join us the gang would be back together with a plus one.” Jecht pointed out as he looked back over the area half expected the fellow Ushitora to show up. Though Jecht’s ears did perk up when he heard Shin ask the young lady if she had destroyed any mountains yet, this caused the older man to look her over once more. Beyond the weapon on her back she didn’t seem like someone with any real physical strength so he assumed she was either someone that used Ninjutsu or possibly Bukijutsu like Iscarot though he also assumed that Shin was teasing the girl.
There was the last person of the group showing up last but not least, Iscarot. The silver haired shinobi seemed to be much more at peace then he had been the last time they had been on missions. Jecht figured it had to do with their interaction not long ago, he was glad to see such peace coming from the slightly younger man. “Ah well look at who decided to finally join us.” Jecht said as he put an arm around Iscarot in comradery, “Look at this Iscarot we got little Shin with us and some new blood who is trying to destroy mountains.” He moved his hands showing off the younger duo of the group. Jecht removed his arm from around Iscarot so that it didn’t over stay its welcome. “We got the old generation and the new generation here, these missions won’t know what hit them.” Jecht was enjoying himself, but knew he couldn’t keep messing around.
“Alright, now that niceties have been exchanged. Our missions for today is two-fold. First we need to be security for a talent show of the local children who are displaying their abilities, now you would think we are suppose to make sure the kids don’t get to rowdy but its more we got to make sure the parents don’t get to enthused.” Jecht explained as he went over the missions details, “That task will be later tonight so we can worry about that later. The mission that is going to take us probably the longest is the second, We are to help a client make a weapon suitable for them and the things they want to do. The client seems to be eccentric in their weapons having been nicknamed “The Quartzmaster” due to their massive sledgehammer.” Jecht continued as he looked at each member to make sure they were following along.

“Now the scroll mentions that we will be in charge of gathering the materials, assisting with the creation as needed and then training them to an extent where they can use the newly made weapon. We will probably need your weaponry expertise on this one Iscarot.” Jecht pointed out and with that was done with his explanation of what they needed to do today.

“Now if anyone has questions, lets answer them as we make our way to the blacksmith that the client is waiting at. We can get more details from them on weapon type, materials wanted and the likes.” With a Smile and a clap Jecht would lead the group towards the destination as discussed and of course answer any questions as best he could and joke with them as needed.
WC: 817
TWC: 1199
Xena Uchiha
Xena Uchiha
Stat Page : Xena's Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Forest Of Dreams Ravens
Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 102750

Kids & Smithing Empty Re: Kids & Smithing

Sat Jan 14, 2023 8:49 am
Until shin had arrived she honestly felt mildly concerned that just some buff guy was here and no one else, though shin's arrival dear bring a small amount of relative ease to the Uchiha's mind. Until of course he mocked her, she scoffed with a glare that was worth a thousand words. "You wanna find out?" She actually didn't have much to back up that threat, though it was mostly playful she supposed, what was she gonna do, burn him alive? No she'd never, even if it may have came to her mind at first, she simply shrugged. "I'm practicing lightning style if you care." She'd state before looking at the other arrival someone she didn't recognize, of course there was few she knew personally so that was given, it's a miracle she and shin got into the same group, small world.

Too him she gave a small wave, not much until he gave her a name, she nodded before simply stating. "My name's Xena." She didn't really know how to communicate with people she didn't know so she stayed quiet after that at least until they had began walking. She did indeed have a question, more a formality, they were heading to a blacksmith so it's likely they weren't going to be the ones making it but. "We won't be the one's blacksmithing right? Cause I have literally zero idea how to do that." Xena commented, maybe one of the others were capable of black smithing she wasn't entirely sure what the two new people could do and she was only vaguely sure of what Shin could do so maybe they'd surprise her, regardless material gathering should be relatively easy all things considered.

WC:284 TWC:711
Shin of the Wind
Shin of the Wind
Stat Page : Stats Link

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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Kids & Smithing Empty Re: Kids & Smithing

Sun Jan 15, 2023 12:04 pm
The pale youth couldn't help but find himself with a small grin when Xena replied. Glare and tone suggested displeasure, likely took remarks to heart as insult. The immediate, guttural response had passed, simmered down to a much more tame second statement regarding lightning release style. Shin would offer a smile, "I would be very much pleased to witness any great strides you have made in your techniques." The words were sincere, as the boy did find great joy in witnessing all of the amazing things that other people could do. One could not learn all the world had to offer by limiting themselves to only their own capabilities. 

In reply to Jecht's statements, Shin would nod. "Xena seems the capable sort. I look forward to seeing her progress and become the Kunoichi she wishes to become." He didn't place a great deal of stock in the mentioning of him as a prodigy, for he mostly struggled with each and every step he attempted in the field of Ninjutsu. Foggy recollections of techniques that he simply cannot perform no matter how much he tries. Wind style was the only thing he was able to regularly perform. Considering that many shinobi are able to mold multiple elements, he couldn't help but feel like his own skills were lagging behind in comparison. 

Shin was quite pleased to see Iscarot join as well. He knew that both Jecht and Iscarot were talented elders and able to complete missions very efficiently. "Pleased to see you assigned to this task as well. I have been doing well and progressing nicely with my training. I hope that you are also doing well." Jecht seemed to be quite happy about the group reuniting, tool, which truly did make Shin happy. He really did want to find more friends here in this village, and these missions have made that goal all the easier it would seem. Jecht would then give the basic briefing of the tasks they found themselves having to do, both of which seemed simple enough. The talent show would be later in the day, giving them ample time to assist the 'Quartzmaster' with his odd request. 

They would make their way to the meeting place, the local forge that typically housed many reliable blacksmiths. The ringing of hammers was something that could be heard for several blocks during the day, but the familiar ringing was absent right now. Curious. Xena would make mention of her inability to perform as a weaponsmith, to which Shin would offer, "Nor I, but this could be a great chance for us to learn a thing or two. I'm excited. Plus, we might be able to assist with our techniques. Fire style to heat the forge, or perhaps wind style to act as a bellows?" The boy had various idea run through his mind, yet upon second thought he figured that all of the needed equipment was likely already on site. With a bit of the wind stolen from his sails, the boy would finally offer, "Well, at the very least we can gather up whatever resources are needed." 

They would finally arrive at the site, the fires of the forge raging with an orange glow. The heat in this place was intense, something that young Shin hadn't truly expected. He expected it to be hot, but not to radiate heat like this so far away from the source. The sign out front made clear why they couldn't hear the ringing of hammers on their way here.


"So you must be the ones here to help me!" Would be spoken, booming from inside the building as the word were getting louder towards the end, as if the man was approaching the group. Shin wasn't sure that the expect here, for the 'eccentric' warrior could look like... well, anything.

Iscarot Ushitora
Iscarot Ushitora
Stat Page : Link
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 119700

Kids & Smithing Empty Re: Kids & Smithing

Sun Jan 15, 2023 3:52 pm
"Well it seems like fate just wants us to excel together which is not an issue on my end. It is good to build oneself up with others as I have been learning for the past few days so let us give this our best so we can succeed," the words came as a small chuckle as he straightened his posture and fixed the sword that had been slightly askew on his side. He had to give thanks to Ject of course for prying him out of his shell and accepting that which was now his identity. Being able to come to terms with his Ushitora side had allowed him much relief both physically and spiritually to the point where he finally felt at peace again. Though with the new addition, Xena, to the mix he wondered what would come of this batch of missions. He didn't catch much of their prior conversation, but it seemed as if Shin knew her from some degree so she was probably competent in that regard. None the less as Ject began to lay out the mission details a small smile would appear on the face of the Ushitora. One of which was simple as far as making sure no one had caused any trouble, yet it was the other that made the smile come about. In his old lineage they had some of the best smiths the land had seen at least in their old homeland. It would be a very easy mission for them to complete once Iscarot got into his groove.

An interesting question was posed about if they had to help smith the weapon to which he would actually respond," It is not a bad thing if we do. Luckily I have a seasoned hand in making weapons due to my families lineage. We had an entire family line that were the heart and souls of smithing where I hail from and a lot of that was also passed down into my family line as well. There are very few weapons that these hands can create and if it is one I cannot, then I will learn quickly. Besides it is essential for any warrior to have an intimate knowing of their weapons. It takes anyone to swing a weapon, but a true person to create, learn and become one with their weapon," it was almost as if he had went into a tangent on weaponry. From everything he had learned from the Black Dragons of the Pendragons he was quite adept and forging and even better at having a keen eye for weapons and armor alike. This would be a good way for him to rekindle that fire within him and also let out a little steam. Once the group had arrived to the forge, Iscarot would wait for Shin to finish speak and the voice to get closer. Once he did Iscarot would push past him, respectfully of course, before going into the forge and inspecting the tools. His hand would hover over each one as he passed them, his eyes laying on each for moments at a time before he picked up a smithing hammer. He would give it a few swings while the others had been talking over the materials and the weapon to be made. Turning around slowly he would smile and place the hammer down," So why are we standing around? Let's get these fires roaring and the weapon made!"

576 WC
TWC: 1126
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Log
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Clan Focus : N/A
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Kids & Smithing Empty Re: Kids & Smithing

Fri Jan 20, 2023 6:02 am
It seemed that the group was doing well together even with the new blood in the group, that was a good thing, after all they were all comrades that could in the future have to fight side by side till their final breaths defending the village. It was a somber thought line that really hit home how weird this world was that we allowed children to fight in such dangerous outings, its like we accept it only because it is how things have been done since the beginning. Maybe they would live in a world where it doesn’t have to be like this but till then the most everyone could do is properly train and grow.

The blacksmith had been rented out for the day for this task and Jecht was glad to hear that Iscarot came from an intensive background on forging and crafting weapons and the like. He had been thinking if anyone of the group knew anything about blacksmithing it would be the one that handled a weapon as their main way of attacking. Though the more Jecht thought about it the young girl named Xena claimed to have no knowledge of such things and she carried a weapon, so this made Jecht think that maybe the weapon she carried was more of a support and not a focus for the girl.

Iscarot took the lead on how to forge it, though as much as jecht would have liked to actually learn the craft as it had been something he had always been interested in he figured that was a time for later not during a important task like they were on now. So Jecht simply helped the others gather whatever materials were needed for the weapon idea the others came up with. He was more use to throwing his body at things so weapons didn’t really mean much to him, he understood their uses and could wield them with some proficiency but it never meshed well with him.

Once they had completed the task as needed it was getting late and time for the last part of their list of missions. It was time for the Talent show where they were suppose to make sure the show stayed civil especially due to the audience itself. “Now its just a simple security job and we are all set for the day.” Jecht mentioned as they approached the building that this show was suppose to be taking place. It was a large building of 4 stories. Inside it was pristine and with multiple displays of various trophies and awards. It seemed this place was one of those higher learning schools, for those that thought the academy wasn’t doing enough for their children.

The group spoke with the people inside and would be told that the show would be taking place in the inner courtyard of the building, so it would be outside but surrounding by the building itself. “Great the perfect place for parent’s to really set up many traps.” Jecht mumbled to himself. It would be a pain to deal with but not impossible. “Very well, do you have any information about the highest potential parent’s or guardians that we should be on the look out for due to past experiences or interactions?” Jecht felt that this place probably had a full background and psyche evaluation on every family that entered this place, and he would be write the worker there produced various files and lists of the most likely individuals that could or would cause any issues dependent on how the show was going.

“Okay so to make this easy we each take a side, any issues that a person can’t take care of themselves whistle to alert the others. Memorize the faces and stay aware of your surroundings. This should be a simple mission but some parent’s are willing to risk everything for their child’s future.” Jecht explained continuing to take the role as leader mainly cause he was simply the oldest though only slightly. “Let’s do this.” He would say with a smile and head off to the east side of the building choosing to patrol the inner parts first to check for any prior set ups of any sorts once he cleared his area he would return to the courtyard and check for any of the people that had been pointed out and taking note where they were in the crowd and seating. So far nothing seemed to be going on and Jecht hadn’t heard any whistle yet so that was a good sign.
WC: 761
TWC: 1960
Xena Uchiha
Xena Uchiha
Stat Page : Xena's Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Forest Of Dreams Ravens
Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 102750

Kids & Smithing Empty Re: Kids & Smithing

Tue Jan 24, 2023 7:02 am
Xena had in fact spaced out most of the day, thinking about things, her training, her father. Her entire family wasn't exactly doing well, her father didn't think she was remotely ready to becoming a Ninja, and would constantly badger her day in and day out, in truth this little mission was just her way of trying to get away for a bit, but nothing could stop this cycle until she did something to show her father, show him she was ready, though she didn't know what that would end up being in the end, these thoughts were obviously distracting, but she did her best to do her job while thinking, taking in what's said, processing it accordingly, then giving them a answer that she feels is best, sometimes it's agreed upon others it's not, but she was just doing her job of keeping troublesome people out, though her spacing out constantly certainly didn't help her or the group in any significant way, she just kept thinking about things sometimes about training sometimes about family, it was a very vicious cycle that she would need to break herself from if she were to do missions properly, though there was very little she could do about it herself, her parents just needed to stop pestering her in her eyes, but knowing them they wouldn't, not until it killed them.

As time passed Xena continued vaguely spacing in and out of her mind helping the people who walked past and stopping people she thought might look like a issue, she recalled they were supposed to be blacksmithing weren't they, maybe they got off track somewhere and got put up to guard duty. she wasn't entirely sure but for now the best she can do is just wait for this to be over and then move on back to the blacksmith thing, perhaps this was just a side job to do while the blacksmiths did their stuff, she wasn't entirely sure though it would make sense, blacksmithing seemed to be a very long and boring cycle of putting a piece of metal in effectively lava then banging on it with a hammer, that kind of stuff would kill most peoples hands, but she supposed black smiths were just built different from regular people being able to do stuff like that for hours on end, it has given the leaf no shortage of weapons at least so that's good.
WC:405 TWC:1116
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