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Stat Page : Senju, Shiroyasha
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 4000

Training Day Empty Training Day

Mon May 16, 2022 12:33 pm
Early in the morning Shiroyasha was wide awake and sitting at his dining room table. The room was painted white and very bright, the morning sun was still begining to reflect into the many open windows, and the birds were singing early dawn songs. Shiro was a well off bachelor despite his rank as a lowly genin, and truly shone best in his home where he was the man.

Shiroyasha had a maid named Dochan who lived with him in his home nearby Shinrin Yoku Forest. Dochan was up early with her master, begining the days chores.

As Shiro was listening to the birds he peacefully hummed along. Sitting on the table was a metal tea ball, preloaded with Shiroyashas favorite chamomile tea and his little tea cup. Shiro stopped humming and put the tea ball inside of his cup with a little clink, his intuition telling him Dochan was soon to bring his boiling water.

While Dochan was still hard at work Shiro called to her. He was a morning person and generally had a lot on his mind. "Dochan. How much is steak right now? I know it's been ages since we've had wagyu over a nightly ramen. I'm thinking that's what's for supper tonight." Shiro chimed happily to his live in maid. Dochan had been with the family for sixteen years, since she was twelve; her and Shiro were the same age and in a way they grew up together so were platonically close. They had a master servant relationship however close their friendship was.

Speaking softly the dainty maid replied to Shiro as she walked to him holding his kettle filled with hot water in both of her small hands. Shiro preferred to pour his own water so she sat the tea kettle down at the table next to him while her soft voice carried over the morning birds chirping. 

"I think Maiu's Meat Market has wagyu on sale. I'll get us some today after I fold the laundry." Dochan didn't need to recieve orders from Shiro, she knew what to do and smiled happily about it. Usually she was soft spoken and quiet but today she had something on her mind. As she was sitting she looked into Shiros eyes, and he could tell something was on her mind. 

"You sure do love your tea. Your parents did too. All day long you could drink chamomile tea eh Shiro?" Dochan often spoke of her former employers, and Shiro warmly welcomed the reminder of his lost love in life. 

The genin was always close with his parents, even while pilgramaging in the Fire Country he sent them letters by sparrow. Since they had left this world, by house fire, Shiro found himself thinking about them less and less; as grief dictates for the broken hearted. 

Not saddened to hear of their memory however, Shiroyashas eyes twinkled when Dochan brought up how his folks loved tea so. "Yeah it must be in our blood. I think in a way this is part of what keeps me close to them. Hehe, it's the little things ain't it, Dochan?" The maid was tearing up, and Shiro continued speaking as to preserve the level of Awkwardness one felt while speaking of the dead. 

"I remember when I was a wee lad my mother would walk me home after my Academy training she would promise me to make her special tea. I would drink this same tea, and tell her all about my day studying ninjutsu and formations for ninja. Neither of them were ninja, yanno Dad was a devoted priest. They loved to hear about how happy I was studying shinobi theory. I think that passioncof mine mattered more to them than being a shinobi." Shiro was tearing up now, thinking about how they always supported him. He wiped his eyes and continued.

"She knew how much I loved ninjutsu. I still remember after spar days she would walk with me to the shrines in Shinrin Yoku Forest. She told me the spirits loved to hear about the fun we have in life and to pray about our best of times." Shiro poured himself some tea and took a great, long sip before sliding over the piece of paper he had in front of him. Both eyes had running teardrops in them, and he couldn't have read the paper if he wanted to. It was a sudoku he couldn't finish. Dochan kept her teary eyes down and began surveying the math puzzle without another word.

The two sat in silence for an hour as Shiro kept pouring his water over the tea ball. Eventually Dochan quietly got up to carry out her daily chores around the house, and Shiro was left alone to think about his parents before his morning walk thru the shrines henkept in Shinrin Yoku Forest. Along the trail he had thirty two alters to pay tribute to before his daily training.

WordCount: 825
Stat Page : Senju, Shiroyasha
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 4000

Training Day Empty Re: Training Day

Mon May 16, 2022 1:00 pm
After lighting all of the shrines along the Shinrin Yoku Trails Shiro decided to head into the village and visit the sparring grounds. Previously in the morning, while he prayed to the spirits of Shinrin Yoku Forest, the priest couldn't help but notice he felt restless. After all the flashbacks he had this morning talking with Dochan the young priest figured he would do best to clear his mind by fighting. 

Shiro didn't love violence, but he did enjoy exercising his full body; and using ninjutsu invigorated his spirit like no drink could. It wasn't enough to just punch a bag ten thousand times, Shiroyasha needed to feel the grass on his cheek by getting knocked around by greater shinobi than himself. 

Once he had changed into his usual gentleman's garb Shiro ran off to the sparring grounds. Separate from the forest where Shinrin Yoku was, the journey took him two hours. By the time he got there his heart was pumped up from the run. 

As Shiro was dashing atop the roof tops he recalled a spar he had in the academy. His opponent was named Yuichi, a strong Suiton user that practiced an ancient art of Leaf Village taijutsu. At the time Shiro was still grasping Doton, and he wasn't expected to win the match. His academy teacher refereed the match.

Yuichi made the first move and came at Shiro with a flurry of punches, of which Shiro couldn't block any. By the time Yuichi threw the last right hand Shiro went flying backwards five meters. Landing on his behind Shiro rolled backwards while Yuichi performed hand seals for Water Shuriken. Still rolling Shiro spotted the handsigns and began his own for a Substitution Jutsu. When the liquid projectiles came flying he was ready. The water shuriken dug into a log, and simultaneously Shiro dashed forward flanking Yuichi. Shiro came at him with a flying knee, but Yuichi was built different and dodged the novice. 

Yhe two got in a grappling match soon after and Shiro lost the match in a leg lock, nearly breaking the young Senju's foot. 

It wasn't a great memory, but Shiro had come a long way since then. 

When he got to the sparring grounds and found Yuichi sparring a woman he was truly shocked. By chance his former rival had shown up at his doorstep, so Shiro watched his fight and waited for his chance to challenge the champion. Standing in one spot Shiro went through the handseals he used like scales on a guitar. He stretched his fingers out good for this shot at Yuichi, holding horse, rat, and confrontation seals swiftly.

While Shiro was flexing Yuichi battled with a woman. The girl fired giant fireballs at him, which Yuichi dodged with ease and retaliated with his infamous water shuriken. Shiro took notes, and wondered if Yuichi had grown at all in the last fifteen years.

When the two finished Shiro happily approached Yuichi and bowed. Yuichi bowed to him and they began talking like two old friends. After introductions were done Shiro asked if Yuichi would spar with him. "Like our old days." Shiro said. 

Yuichi accepted.

WordCount: 527
Stat Page : Senju, Shiroyasha
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 4000

Training Day Empty Re: Training Day

Mon May 16, 2022 1:41 pm
Shiro's opponent drew a sword from a holster attached to their backside. Yuichi was training his art of Bukijutsu and it showed. Shiro wasn't disturbed however, as the novice swordsman was noticeable even to Shiroyasha. The priest studied a lot in his free time, and knew how to combat a swordsman by controlling the distance during battle.

Leaping backward Shiro flipped twice through the air and readied himself for the battle; Immediately going into hand seals to utilize his strengths. When he landed Yuichi rushed at him, his swords point forward in a stabbing motion. Shiro erected a giant Earth Style Wall and Yuichi was stuck into it. Using the free time behind the other side of the wall Shiro performed a quick series of handseals again. This time for the shadow clone jutsu. Two doppelgangers appeared in a sudden poof of smoke while Yuichi jerked his sword free angrily.

The first clone ran out of the safety of the giant wall, charging at the now once again armed Yuichi. The clone poofed away as Yuichi swiped it with restraint, aiming at the left kidney area.

But meanwhile Shiroyashas other clone climbed the wall for a dive bomb. Standing atop Yuichi the clone jumped down and secured Yuichi in a tight grapple. The clone held Yuichis neck and Shiro had his moment. He leapt out from behind the wall, rasengan rapidly spinning in his hand. Shiro smacked Yuichi backwards and into the wall. Using restraint he kept Yuichi as safe as he could. But the spar was definitely over. Yuichi had a giant bruise on his chest, and coughed out some blood.

Yuichi was done and fell to the ground exhausted. "That was some jutsu..." he groaned as Shiroyasha picked him up from the ground. Shiro modestly replied to Yuichi, "Yeah I learned that at home trying to control my chakra. It's called the Rasengan." Yuichi coughed again, this time no blood. After a short congratulations Yuichi decided to head home and left Shiro to his training. 

Unfortunately there was no one to spar with so he was stuck shadow boxing. Shiro could only stand to kick, kick punch so many times and eventually found himself sitting on a log. He planned on meditating on Mokuton again.
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