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Travin Uchiha
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Lets kill some pirates  Empty Lets kill some pirates

Tue May 11, 2021 8:44 pm
mission detail:
Travin was starting to get tired of everyone being gone for the chunin exams. He had been slammed with missions almost non-stop, and now there were pirates to deal with. The only good thing is that with all the work he was getting to show the higher-ups just what he is able to do and they were taking notice. Since everyone left he had not only claimed the rank of chunin but had also advanced to Jounin in a matter of weeks. He was positive that if everyone was still in the village that he would not have been able to show out so much with all the missions. 

Travin did a quick check of all his gear before stepping down on the docks. He was going to be meeting Saya for this mission. A young girl that he had help deal with an assassin problem a few days ago. While the girl was weird without a doubt she was able to handle herself, and that was all Travin needed to know. The day itself was quite nice out with minimal mist cover but it was a bit on the humid side. Not enough to make your clothes stick to you but it wasn’t far off from that point. The ship they were going to board Travin new was one of Kiri’s many warships this one name was the S.S Starship it was slightly older than the rest, but with the skeleton crew, they didn’t want to risk one of the new ships with a light crew. 

The ship itself was very nice, however, Travin knew almost nothing about ships and couldn’t really tell what anything was. None the less he boarded the ship and waited for the rest of the crew. Standing by the rail on the other side of the ship with his back to the water so he could see the village from the dock and anyone else that walked upon the ship. He hadn’t seen the village from this angel very much and noticed that he liked the way it looked from here. Deciding that maybe he would start to take the boat out with his family more and learn about boats. His mind would just be wandering around in his head going over several different possibilities both about the mission and his own life at home while he waited for his teammate to show up. Travin wasn’t in a hurry as he was several minutes early as he liked to go over things in his head before meeting up with his team. Thinking of different ways to use the abilities of his teammates in creative ways to get the upper hand and crush their enemy. 

Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Tue May 11, 2021 9:00 pm
Saya's outfit:

When travin walked on board, he would be met with a bit of a surprise. Just as he crested the gang plank, a chorus would ring out as the tiny terror, our own beloved Protagonist, continued her work on a song she'd learned specifically for this instance. It was a capstan shanty, typically performed in keeping steady time with the raising of the anchor via the capstan--hence the name. She stood atop the focsle, a long clearly wooden cutless raised high.

"Now we're ready to head for the horn!" The crew joined in reluctantly at first, answering her call

"Way, hay, roll an'go"

"Our boots and our clothes boys are all in the pawn!"

"Singing Rollicking randy dandy-o" As they continued she zipped about the upper deck, pulling and checking on things that she couldn't possibly understand... Could she? My dear listeners I know from being a long time narrator to our beloved heroine that there is no way she actually knows how to sail a ship, and yet as she zipped about magic started happening. She took a moment to look down, waving at travin with a bright grin before she went back to work and sure enough it looked as if she were persistent in whatever important job was preparing the ship to leave. This means she forwent sleep, and spent hours studying well into the night how to pilot a ship, while finding any record available of traditional sea songs specifically to be able to handle this short moment in time as a surprise for her mission companion. She truely is remarkable.

"To be rollick randy dandy-o!
Heave a pawl, O heave away!

Way, hay, Roll an' go

The anchor's on board and the cables all stored

to be rollicking randy dandy-o"


Last edited by Cosplay Queen Saya on Tue May 11, 2021 9:01 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : fixing outfit image parameters for clarity)
Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
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Lets kill some pirates  Empty Re: Lets kill some pirates

Tue May 11, 2021 10:18 pm
Travin arrived on the ship with the intention of getting a few minutes to think about the mission and maybe warn the captain about Saya. However, he was not given the chance as the girl was already on the ship, and the moment he had touched the gangplank she burst into song. He watched the girl fly around the ship going from rope to rope somehow singing some kind of sea shanty. Travin stopped and watched for a few seconds once he was on the ship seeing that most of the crew didn’t really care for it, but they soon got in the mood and joined along. Either that or the girl had gotten her a lot sooner and paid the guys off to join. Travin could never tell about the girl and how far she would go for a good performance. 

He made his way to the wheel deck to see the captain and the navigation map of the island. While it was true that Travin didn’t know anything really about ships or boats he did know about navigation. It was part of shinobi training to be able to find where you are on a map and get to where you need to go. Pulling the captain to the side as Saya went on her tangent with the crew. “The pirates are located on the northernmost side of the islands,” he told the captain pointing to a spot on the map. “While we don’t know their base we do know that are working out of there and hopefully with any luck it won’t be too hard to find them today.” He added to the captain who was mostly agreeing with everything Travin said. It was one of the things he didn’t like about his rank. For the simple fact that he was a jounin now everyone, he worked with automatically thought that he knew everything there is to know about whatever they were doing, and a large majority of them didn’t think that he needed their input on the mission. He however thought it was the other way around and he needed as much input as possible from the people around him. 

It was for this reason that he had a job for his teammate and newly ranked chunin. He motioned for Saya to come over as she was finishing her song and dance with the crew and the ship was taking off. Once she had made it over he pulled her to the side of the ship “I need you to find out any information you can about the island we are going to from the crew. This seems right up your ally” he told her while thinking that they would just tell her anything to get her to move on to someone else. Once Saya was off if she didn’t have any questions or concerns Travin went back over to the maps and studied them closely trying to find the pattern in the attacks in the area. 

Travin knew that most crimes like this happen in a pattern, and if you can find the furthest points on the map then you can make a circle. In the center of said circle is normally the hideout or home of the criminal. However out on the water it the center of the circle covers a wide area of wildlands and deep waters. He would need more information from the crew on what is out there for him to be able to better pinpoint the location. For now, though he just passed the info over to the captain to adjust the course.

(WC-602 TWC-1053)
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Tue May 11, 2021 10:42 pm
"Information. Right. I've gained their trust through the ceremonial practice of work songs. Now I can use that comradery in order to gain valuable insight. PINOCHIO!!!! It's sleuthing time. " With a spin she pulled a long coat from her bag, slipping each arm in turn into the jacket before buttoning it up over her pirate outfit. Atop her head she now wore a hat that gave her a striking resemblance to a certain well known fictional detective, and finally to finish her ensemble, she pulled a large magnifying glass from the pocket.

"yes. This will do nicely. Elementary my dear travin and what not." And like that she was off again. She shifted back and forth between each of the of the crewmates. It defies logic to consider, but she somehow managed to give aid to them in their tasks on the ship, setting sails, securing rigging, and even making motions to hoist the capstan--though she didn't have close to the power to actually give any aid in that particular task. She took great heed to slip into this new character, crouching low to examine the grain of the wood or point the glass directly into the face of various crew members. While they seemed generally happy to aid in her information gathering.... They weren't so glad for the whole magnifying glass in the face thing. Still she scribbled insessently in her notebook what we all hope was valuable information and not doodles of herself doing various pirate like things. Upon inspection as a good narrator often does, I can confirm at least half of what she wrote is in fact information. There are also doodles.

FInally, she stood in the center of the deck, taking a moment to consider everything that she'd gathered. In true saya fashion, this was done while starting another song to ease the stress of their sailing journey.

"Don't mind the rain, Or the rolling sea.
The weary nights, never worried me.
But the hardest time, in a sailors day
Is to watch the sun, as it dies away.

Here's one more day...
On the grey

After a mere verse she left the crew to pick up, soft melodious singing ressonating across the wiavering bow.

"Travin. I think I've found it. " She zipped over to him, holding up a sheet of paper that had a picture of her, sword in hand, battling a kraken.

"Nope. Wrong one. It seems that there's a center point for the attacks. Here's the information I've gathered." She offered the notes to the now jounin, joining in the next verse.

"The finest ship, that sailed the sea
Is still a prison, for the likes of me
But give me wings, like noahs dove
And i'll fly up harbor, to the girl I love

Here's one more day,
on the grey

While I understand that you can't hear this dear listeners, imagine a soft soulful cry to all that was lost to the sea with the smell of salt melting the hearts of weary travelers. It's nothing like that. it's just a sad and pretty song.

Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
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Wed May 12, 2021 10:06 am
Travin wasn’t sure if he was just getting used to Saya or becoming more mature from all his training and missions he had been doing, but he didn’t even bat an eye when Saya showed him a picture of her battling a Kraken. “Nice Work” is all he said as he took it back and pulled out the real piece of paper he wanted. She had found out that the attacks were centered in a location that they could travel to within a few hours. Since thankfully the wind was on their side it could cut the time in half. “Good work Saya go have some fun while we wait” he would tell her. He wasn’t sure if she would even notice or not since she was basically singing along with the crew once more before he spoke. 

Travin took the notes and marked out the locations drawing up the center of the attacks before telling the captain what their heading was. With his map marked and the ship going full speed plus the crew working and signing. Travin wasn’t sure what to do now but to stare out into the ocean and see what was out there. He activated his Seigan which with his new powers he gained from it allowed him to see into the water. Where he was able to make out sharks and other random sea life. Taking a moment to think of his friend Gonk who was part shark he thought at least, and if that is what he saw when he dove into the water. 

Travin sat at the map table for some time before getting up and stretching his legs. He found walking around on the dock seeing what everyone was doing was helping him gain a better understanding of how the ship works. He loved how everything had a place and everyone had a job and if someone wasn’t doing that job the whole thing fell apart. He never understood why but things like this where people work together as a whole to make something greater than the single person just always made him feel good to see it. Almost to the point that he broke his normal mission level cold and calculating tone and started singing with the others, but it was short-lived as he quickly got himself back on point.  

A short hour later thanks to the wind being on their side for this the group saw the waters of the pirate hunting ground. Travin was able to see a single ship out in the waters and moved as fast as he could over the deck of the ship to the captain at the wheel. “That could be our target. Move in slowly and see if they line up with us we got word that they don’t have very many canons and none of the victims said they fired them, so it’s possible they don’t have any ammo for the canons and use them to threaten the target. The only thing we do know is that they attempt to board every ship upon contact and storm the deck to take control.” Travin passed on the knowledge to the captain who got his men to line the ship up with the target ship. If this was the pirates they would also line up their ship to bord with us. Travin noticed that the other ship was bigger than the one that they were on all wood except for the bronze-colored woman on the front of the ship her arms held out as if to catch someone. Travin while not very knowledgeable on ships did know that its purpose was for ramming other ships as a last-ditch effort most of the time. 

Travin stood at the rail above the rest and looked down. “Prepare yourselves men this could be the first contact with the enemy. I want everyone to be ready to be boarded and to allow them to board the ship. Do not fight them till most of them are on this ship that way they can’t just leave when they see our true fighting power.” Travin thought that it would make the men feel better knowing that he had a plan for them as well. Turning to Find Saya Travin pointed for her to come to him he had a plan for her as well. 

Once Saya arrived next to Travin he would ask her a few simple questions. “What is the range that you can control your puppets” if the range was sufficient he would have her get in the crow’s nest where she could use her puppets as a backup. “Use your strongest puppet on this ship to help the crew, and you can send Pinoch with me on the other ship to take out its leader. I’ll put the entire ship under a genjutsu blinding them. Your puppet will be immune to it and that is why it will be the only one to follow me on to the ship” Travin would wait and see if Saya would agree to his plan or add anything else to it while they waited for the other ship.

(WC-858 TWC-1911)
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Wed May 12, 2021 10:26 am
She waited, bouncing back and forth on her heels as travin read through the information she gathered. It was difficult for the girl. Being inactive for any length of time was always a struggle for saya. She needed constant stimulation or she would fidgit, and even this short stent saw her fingertips twitching as the blue threads began to slowly flow from her hands, stretching out to catch two points on her puppet sitting in front of the captains wheel to bring him to life. She managed to stop herself from pointing out especially cool pictures she'd drawn on three separate times, however, allowing travin to skip over them to get to more of the valuable information they needed to determine the location of the pirates. Then finally he was finished and gave her the all clear to do something more fun.

"Yessssss! I'll get yagami! It's puppet time!!!" She thrust her arms backwards, and pinochio hopped off the focsol and own to the door leading below deck. Peeking his head in he'd give a motion with his hands and from the darkness a surprise would appear. The small girl they'd battled before, her hair pulled back in a tight bun, climbed the stairs to appear on deck with a large backpack filled with wood. Her eyes went wide when she saw travin and she shifted on her heels to hide once more, only to find pinochio behind her, barring her exit.

"It's cool yagi! He's not gonna hurt you I promise!!! I think... Travin don't hurt her. We're friends now." Still unsure she took a few steps foward before finding a space in the back corner where the deck met the focsol and took a seat, motioning for Saya to join her. From the bag she pulled several pieces of wood that had a unique sheen and grain. Saya had taken the time to return to the area where they'd fought with the girl, completely missing any recognization of the trauma returning to the scene where she'd violently beaten her new friend to near death, and together they'd harvested wood from the trees she'd created to trap her. Saya figured this was clearly the highest quality possible, and nothing could be better for her greatest creations.

The pair went to work carving and shaping logs of wood into pieces the girl could use for her next puppet, sharing tools and as they got to work, the assassin girl's features finally softened to allow a smile. Slowly her worry faded in response to the bright eyed charismatic puppet master until they were giggling and enjoying their work together. Then she was pulled from her fun.

"Heck. Okay. Back downstairs, keep out of sight. I'll come get you when we're done with this." With a nod the girl disappeared back into the darkness and Saya returned to her team mate, listening inactively as her eyes glanced about at all the things that were more interesting.

"mmmmm hundred meters or so? I uh... I only have the one puppet, but don't worry. I have a secret plan that'll make sure I can deal with the distance even if it's too long. Just leave it to me!"

Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
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Lets kill some pirates  Empty Re: Lets kill some pirates

Wed May 12, 2021 3:54 pm
Travin did not expect the girl that tried to kill the two of them to walk up from below deck. The moment he saw her his eyes glowed blue and he reached for a kunai out of his weapon pouch. Before Saya tried to calm him down telling him that they were friends now. “Fine, but I don’t want her up here when the fighting starts,” Travin told Saya a slight bit of anger falling from his voice, as he was expecting the girl to be dead by now. He knew that this could very well come back and bit Saya in the ass. He had learned a long time ago from working with his grandpa and from training that you do not let an enemy live and you definitely do not let them roam free without being watched. Once Saya was over talking to the assassin Travin turned to the captain and in a low serious voice “I want 2 men on her at all times she is not to be free to roam the ship, and if she so much as looks at a weapon you kill her.” The captain saw the look in Travins eyes and just gave him a nod before calling over to of the bigger guys. 

Once Travins speech was over he noticed that the assassin was taken back downstairs, as he had not let her out of his sight for very long. Travin watched as Saya got into position and he took his spot on the side of the ship rail next to where the pirate ship would be looking to board. Travin made a few hand seals as he waited created small portals in the sleeve of his kimono. Before doing a few more creating 2 water clones next to him. The crew waited like they were ordered till the boards came over the ship and the pirates started to storm their ship. During the confusion, Travin made his move and jumped over to the other ship as he was higher up it made the jump easy for him. Once onboard the ship with both of his water clones he had each water clone move around him for protection, as he made a single hand seal and water particles started to move out of his body. Each pirate that the water touched lost their eyesight in a deep mist so thick that they would be unable to see the tip of their own nose. 

Travin took the seconds that it would take for his jutsu to cover the deck of the ship to take count of the enemy. There were still 8 people on the deck of the pirate ship while the bulk of them had moved over to their ship. For a total of 15 pirates now on their ship, it was not as bad as it sounded as they had 12 fighters not counting both Travin and Saya. The pirates were dressed in random tatters of clothing some without shirts on others with baggy torn pants. He was thinking that they may have chosen the wrong profession and was only doing this because a large portion of the mist village’s shinobi was out to the chunin exams. Either way, they were attacking the people of his village and today they would find out why that was a bad idea. He had made up his mind before they had even left the dock that every single one of these pirates would die today. The ship itself while massive was not taking very good care of he could tell. It looked like these pirates had stolen it from somewhere else before they could either have it dismantled or repaired. 

With his observations taken Travin moved into action. The snakes in his sleeve flying out to grab different pirates around their throats while his water clones used their kunai to slice their throats killing them quickly. It went like this till the pirate captain came down from the wheelhouse. He had not been affected by Travins genjutsu due to being on a higher elevation than the others. Travin quickly made several hand seals at his max speed Tiger, Ox, Snake, Dog, Rat, Ox. before a blue sphere formed within the palm of his hands. Using his two water clones as a distraction he made his way to the pirate captain. The captain had managed to use his rusty scimitar to slice one of the water clones in half, but Travin was right beside the clone eyes glowing with the deep blue of his Seigan. Thrusting his hand forward releasing a massive wave of unstable space-time chakra that vaporized the entire side of the ship. 

Travin didn’t have very long before the ship was going to be going down his jutsu had penetrated the entire edge of the ship. Putting a hole in it all the way down into the water. He did the only thing he could and used his remaining water clone as a step to help push him back over on their own ship. Landing he would take a look around and see just how things were going with the crew and Saya.

(WC-862 TWC-2773)
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Wed May 12, 2021 9:14 pm
"Anything in the bag downstairs isn't considered a weapon and is fine for her to have don't mind the sharp parts she's perfectly safe hurt her and i'll kill you byyyeeeeeee" Saya interjected in Travin's comment, adding onto the statement her partner had made about the girl. It would be quite problematic if the crew discovered that most of the pieces she was working on were specifically bladed or razor wire and made a bad decision. The two crewmates looked between the two confused for a moment before pulling a large wad of ryo from their pockets and shrugging. Saya had in deed paid them. She was in the process of preparing an explaination when she was cut off by the opposing ship.

The first one to board their ship, easily a minute before the others swung across on various ropes was a tall man clothed in all black. He wore a cloth mask that covered his face, with a jolly roger painted just off center towards the left side.

"Heh. Give us your money and we'll not be NOT A FUCKING GAIN. HOW?!?!" The voice sounded familiar. Even as she prepared her own attacks on the ship that was boarding her mind spun to put the sound to a face. Then it hit her.

"OH! Hey it's you again. Love to talk but gotta beat up your friends byyyyyeeeeeeeeee SECRET LAVENDER TECHNIQUE: TYPHOON TANTRUM!" Even as saya spoke to him, She activated the new combination technique she'd been working on. With great skill Pinochio grabbed her around the waist, lifting her up and.... and... threw her like... a rag doll? yes! i'm not surprised at all and this was totally what I expected. uh. The small girl went flying from the edge of her own ship OOOOOOHHHH. Typhoon. makes sense.

She flew from her ship over the deck of the opposing ship, and with a thrust of her arms towards her the puppet followed. The unfortunate thief well... He ended up catching a face full of pinochio body and was knocked ass over tea kettle into the water below. Twisting in midair the puppet released the mechanism in his chest, and a stream of shuriken cut the rope ladders on both ships, ensuring the thief and anyone else who may fall off would have an impossible time getting back onto the ship. Now it was time for her grand finale.

As Travin hopped over, casting his genjutsu a stream of water poured from the small heroine's mouth, her five seals formed in midair. Using Great water colliding wave she shot a burst of powerful suiton that shoved anyone on the enemy deck either strait into the drink, or into the grasp of travin's deadly snakes.... and then into the drink. Between Her jutsu and Travin's own attack when Saya finally landed there would be none on the boat save the captain hobbling down from the focsol.

Here we take a moment to shift viewpoint. As the war raged above we zoom in on our newest side character, Yagami gently smoothing the contours of a puppet eye socket while two shipsmen watch her confused. This break brought to you by Sakura Corp. For all your ninja needs(disclaimer we neither support sakura corp nor know what exactly that is or if it even exists now back to you with the action bob)

"HECK HECK HECK HECK" She realized as she got back to her feet that travin had been a little reckless with his attacks. While these were clearly bad men, the boat seemed....fine. It could be neat to sail around on if it weren't actively leaning to one side as the lower decks filled with water. Forming seven hand seals she cast two jutsu in quick succession. First three long planks of wood fired from her hand, hitting one pirate who'd somehow managed to catch a grappling hook on the edge just before being knocked off. He'd worked so hard to get back up onto the deck too. Shame. As they floated over the side of the ship Five Foo dog statues appeared from within the structures, wedging themselves into the space where broken boards were letting in water. Slowly the flow ceased, to leave a very waterlogged under deck, but hopefully saving the ship itself.

"Now.... For the captain. U got this Travin?"

Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
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Lets kill some pirates  Empty Re: Lets kill some pirates

Thu May 13, 2021 6:59 pm
Travin watched as Saya flew through the air thinking what the hell is she doing as his snake summons ripped the throat out of another pirate. She then landed with a massive wave of water flowing out from the impact. Knocking several of the pirates off the ship due to not being able to see from Travins genjutsu. Travins water clones took out a few more of the blind pirates with kunai while Travins snake’s dealt with a couple more. He had to admit even though he thought it was fairly stupid to throw yourself into the air like that it had worked out quite nicely. All the pirates that were on the deck were now gone and they were trapped on a ship with the pirate captain who was walking down the stairs, and the rest of the pirates was trapped on their ship with all their men. So far the plan was kinda working out not exactly how Travin had imagined it but working. 

The Captain got to the bottom of the stairs and stepped on the deck of the ship. “You be thinking you can take me ship do ya,” the pirate captain asked Travin. However, the pirate made a single mistake that would cost him his life. He looked into the deep blue eyes of the Seigan. What would appear to be only a second to Saya, would take years for the pirate captain to live through. In the world of Travins Suijin, Travin controlled all of time and space and he used that ability to make this last as long as possible. Inside of the dream world, Travin would summon up all of the pirate’s victims every single person the man had ever killed or hurt, and every single one of them would get their vengeance tenfold on the pirate captain. 

Outside of Suijin, it would appear as though the pirate captain stepped down on the deck said his words, and fell over unconscious. Travin would walk over to the still living pirate and his snakes would reach down grabbing the man by the throat lifting him off the ground. “Death is a mercy for you” Travin would say in a cold voice as his snakes squeezed around the man’s kneck cutting off the blood flow to his head till the man’s eyes pop out and kneck snapped from the pressure. Travin would then look over to Saya “Let’s finish this and go home” would be the only thing he would tell the girl before turning to face the rest of the pirates.

(WC-428 TWC-3201)
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Stat Page : Saya
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Clan Focus : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Lets kill some pirates  Empty Re: Lets kill some pirates

Thu May 13, 2021 10:04 pm
Saya, not one to be outdone watched as the man stood silently, and decided on her own course of action. In a great combination blow she called on the wood style she'd already been using, and as the snake began to strangle the ships captain, she gave a cringe, looking away as she manipulated her mokuton charka. One of the Wood style foo dogs lifted from the boat, and just... Boop the captain fell overboard like the others. As it returned, Saya gave a nod.

"ALRIGHT! iT BE A SKELETON CREW FOR THE RIDE HOME! HALF YOU MEN ON ME, FETCH ME MY FRIEND AND ITEMS AND WE'LL SAIL TO PORT!" And so their story ended with the pirates defeated, and saya now....owning a pirate ship. This is going to be so incredibly bad.

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