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Clan Focus : Shark Physiology
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 19813

Training Day [P/solo/invite only] Empty Training Day [P/solo/invite only]

Wed Dec 23, 2020 11:47 pm
The sun would peak over the horizon bringing light and warmth to the land of fire , the sun casting long shadows of the buildings within konogakure throughout the village. The bright glorious light of the sun would slowly slink it’s ways into the many homes of the leaf village , ripping many people from their sleep thrusting them into their daily routine well all except for the few that rose before the sun. Today hojiro was among their ranks he intended to get some much needed training in and his first encounter with flow uchiha had robbed him of any such training opportunities.

The young hoshigaki child had made his way to the training grounds with a simple goal in mind , just push his body to it’s limits and learn a few new jutsu. He couldnt tell you why or how he had come to the conclusion that he needed to learn more jutsu , all he knew was that he possessed an innate desire to become atleast a little bit stronger so he could stand alone against the waves of adversity the world seemed to throw at him. This world was full of monsters able to regenerate , change their form and clans with eyes that could stun an almighty biju. If he ever wanted to be able to compete he would have to build his own unique arsenal of skills and jutsu.

christmas daily claimed: Rank Retention Ticket
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Clan Focus : Shark Physiology
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 19813

Training Day [P/solo/invite only] Empty Re: Training Day [P/solo/invite only]

Thu Dec 24, 2020 9:09 pm
A gentle breeze would blow through the training grounds of konogakure , jostling the tree tops shaking loose leaves setting them to dance upon the wind. Moving as if swaying to an elegant a beautiful song , sang by mother nature herself ; followed by a chourse of newly surfaced cicadas all chirping with the whistling wind. Hojiro’s nose would twitch as a single leaf would fall upon his nose , the young hoshigaki had been attempting to meditate but had fallen into a deep and powerful sleep. Hojiro would let out a loud snoring noise as he slept until the leaf began to tickle his nose.

“A..a..achoo!!” he would sneeze being jolted upwards from his slumber , hojiro would grogily look around as he got up from his sitting position. Making sure to smack the dust from his panse as he did  so “ok i guess meditation didn’t work lets move onto some real training” he would yawn out as he began to do a small set of stretches limbering up his muscles for the strenuous activity he was about to partake in.
“Time to put this body of mine through the meat grinder” he would say to himself smiling at his own analogy.

Christmas Daily: Element swap Card
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Clan Focus : Shark Physiology
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 19813

Training Day [P/solo/invite only] Empty Re: Training Day [P/solo/invite only]

Thu Feb 18, 2021 6:48 pm
TWC: 431
Christmas Daily: Element swap Card
christmas daily claimed: Rank Retention Ticket
[Previosly learnedWater Release: Exploding Water Colliding Wave [1,098/1875] 
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