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Ryouta Shinkou
Ryouta Shinkou
Stat Page : Ryouta's Log
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 71500

Stop the Fire Empty Stop the Fire

Sun Dec 20, 2020 11:30 am
Mission Name: Fire!
Rank: C-rank
Type: Rescue
Character Requirements: Genin, Genin Team +
Mission Location: Any Village
Word Count Requirements: 4000
Challenges: Possible Hunter
Repeatable? Yes
NPC?If hunter applied, will be the arsonist that started the fire within the village
Reward:2000 (4000 if hunter applied) Ryo and 5 AP

Task:A fire has broken out in the market district of the village. Your job is to prevent the spread of the fire to more shops and to rescue any civilians that may be in danger. Once you have completed the task, report the fire to the authorities and collect your reward. For the Hunter Challenge to be accepted the mission must have the tag [Hunter]

"You have to move faster in order to master these techniques...Any slower and you are practically asking to get hit," the voice within his mind echoed as Ichi moved through trees and bushes. He had been out here for what seemed like hours training his body and stamina, for every milestone in obtained in getting stronger the harder it seemed to just find a new foot hole to step into. His Yuumei had been urging him to step into the next step. His eyes had been gradually evolving since his awakening and the more he trained in his bloodline the more he felt it come out. It wasn't like a normal feeling, this felt...odd in a sense. Not in a bad way, but in a way someone learning how to walk would feel if they had a voice in their mind. Wisps of black and blue slowly filled his vision as he stopped behind a tree to catch his breath, the silhouette of a man formed and leaned down to get eye level with the young shinobi. Once again all he saw was the seemingly floating amber eyes staring into his. He still couldn't see any form of emotion in those eyes, but he knew the look if the Yuumei was please...or irritated. Today it seemed like a mix of both, but as he waited for the entity to speak, instead he felt what might have been a hand pat his head gently.

"You are doing well for someone who has just awakened but you have a long way to go before you can command all of my power...until then continue to grow," he didn't know if this particular entity was just fatherly or did it have an ulterior motive but he felt as if it was on his side still. A small smile escaped his features as he relaxed and looked up through the trees. Time had surely flown as the sky began to darken. He had been here for a little too long and maybe it was finally time for him to head home. Grabbing his bag from the nearby tree branch, he began to walk back to the village and head home when he smelled something in the air. At first he thought someone had been grilling or cooking, but there had been no smell of meats or other items lingering. Moving a little faster until he was out of forest he could see it more clearly. The billowing stack of black and ash filling the air. An audible gasp left his lips as he ran toward the area in which he had saw the smoke and as he came closer to it, he could see it. The red of flames blasting out of a building as it began to caress the foundations of another. There had been a few ninja already on the scene trying to get the civilians out of the way and evacuate the area just in case it became unmaintainable but that was a big if...and an if that Ishi wouldn't allow to happen.

Rushing over closer, a few of the ninja were trying to stop him until they had realized he was a genin and instructed him to try and get as many people as he could out and help deal with the fire. Of course he nodded and got to work immediately. Forming a few hand seals, Ishi would hold his hands out to create two other versions of himself. To others these forms would have appeared like regular shadow clones, but only he could see the darkness... The black and blue wisps billowed from his hands before taking the exact form of him, and from there Ishi confirmed the other," You take the left side and make sure everyone is out safely. You take the right and find any source of water you can muster. I'll go up the center and get people out as I can and figure out how to take care of the fire on my end," the two clones would nod in agreement and the three began to split off to complete their objectives.

Goto Senju
Goto Senju
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : Goto
Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 752950

Stop the Fire Empty Re: Stop the Fire

Sun Dec 20, 2020 5:42 pm
It was another usual day for Goto Senju, Genin of Konohagakure no Sato. The silver haired shinobi of the Leaf, wondering what he could get himself into this time. The last couple of days were filled with missions of all kinds, be it holiday or regular ones. He used them not only to fill his pockets with cash, but also to improve and gain experience in all sorts of situations and how to handle them. Things like decision making, knowing when to act or figuring out the right approach, those were all things you simply couldn't learn by training. Eventually you had to go through certain problems and hardships to grow as a person in the first place. 

As he was making his way through the village, Goto could suddenly notice the air started to fill with an ashen color followed by a couple of screams all coming from the market district of the village. With no time to lose the young Senju hurried over to the scene in case his help was needed. On his way over he immediately started to think about his course of action and what you should do in a situation like this. It was pretty clear that a fire was the cause of this so his first step should be to make sure the flames didn't spread any further than they already did and to get all of the civilians to safety and out of harms way. 

Upon his arrival Goto got told to do what he was planning in the first place, get everyone to safety. Not exactly rocket science was what he wanted to say but then again, there was no time to lose. The silver haired boy started to look around him in search for people that needed to be evacuated. Fortunately for him, the sea of flames didn't reach his location just yet, giving him some time to get everyone out safely. Women, children, men, Goto made sure not to forget anyone. He didn't know how or why but there were even some dogs who got themselves in the middle of the fire. Safe to say, he had more than his hands full. 

(WC: 363)
Ryouta Shinkou
Ryouta Shinkou
Stat Page : Ryouta's Log
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 71500

Stop the Fire Empty Re: Stop the Fire

Tue Dec 22, 2020 11:57 am
His eyes searched from left to right as he attempted to look for anyone caught in the path of the fire. While the main Ishi had did good to escort some of the civilians out of harms way. A myriad of screams and panicked thank yous filled the air around him as he darted through one building guiding those he saw out of harms way. This wasn't easy considering the fire was slowly starting to affect him, but every person in this village was precious and he wasn't going to let them perish due to this. Moving from that building he would give the all-clear to those that were trying to contain the fire as best they could. Meanwhile the 2nd clone had been jumping into a nearby building after hearing the cries of a small child not too far from him. The clone had came in but unknown to it, the exit had closed behind him. As he scooped the child up into his arms he was quick to try and find a way to get out, some of it was...hard but the clarity within his mind was absolute as he began charging at one of the walls. The small child clung to him as he bulldozed the weakened wall and by utilizing one of the most basic academy jutsu, clung on to a nearby wall and ran down with haste. The calling of a mother signified that he had found the parent of the child and they were happy that their son had been returned to them. A small ping of sadness went through his own mind, knowing that he missed his mother as well but this...wasn't the time for it. With the section that the clone had under his watch evacuated in the fullest, it poofed in a display of black and blue mist but to many it just seemed like he disappeared. With their work slowly coming to an end, the other two Ishi's joined in the effort to put out the fires while many others did the same...Today was not a good day.

WC: 389
TWC: 1,037

10 Stats (Putting me at max stats)
1,037 words toward learning Inhaling Maw
5 AP
Goto Senju
Goto Senju
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : Goto
Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 752950

Stop the Fire Empty Re: Stop the Fire

Wed Dec 23, 2020 6:01 pm
Flames would erupt all around him, surrounding everyone who got caught in the fire. Screams of those falling victim to the burning disaster. Holding his hand above his eyes in an attempt to get a better view of everything that was happening in his vicinity Goto would look out for any survivors or people in need of help. On his left, his right, in front of him, basically everywhere were silhouettes trying to get away from the heat that was chasing them. Almost quite literally hell. No matter how hard he was trying, there was no way the young Senju would be able to save every single person from being completely engulfed in the raging flames. But that didn't mean he wouldn't try to save as many as he could.

Shouting as loud as possible, hoping his voice would reach at least someone. "Can anyone hear me? If you can, call out to me". Running in circles until he couldn't get any further, repeating the same process over and over again. Countless minutes had passed, by that time Goto had been able to find and bring a few people to safety. But the screams didn't end there, more Konohagakure citizens were waiting to be saved. Following the sound of coughing people and cries for help the silver haired went back in the sea of flames, hoping to rescue anyone still alive. Starting to feel the effects of the fire himself, he knew it would be a bad idea to stay in much longer than he needed.

Hoping to draw anyone towards his position, the Senju suddenly formed the seal of the ram before sending out a pulse of chakra. He hardly expected it to work, but in case there was someone able to spot his signal, it would lead them to him. A couple of minutes had passed and no one showed up, meaning they were either unable to notice it, or it was simply too late. Knowing he had to move deeper into the flames, Goto decided to wrap himself in his own hair as a means to withstand the heat even if only a little. Once the flames around him had disappeared, the silver haired boy continued his search for survivors. He remembered the higher ranked shinobi told him to only stand by and direct them towards the exit, but what kind of person would just watch his fellow men, women and children burn to ash?

At a certain point the fire started to burn and made its way even more intense than it already did, coming straight for the young Senju. As a last resort he quickly formed a couple of hand seals, four to be precise, before a massive wall of water circled around him and protected him from the incoming flames. The stream would rise upwards until reaching its highest point of about ten meters tall. Not being obscured by the water wall and still having his vision, Goto noticed the fire was unable to touch him, allowing him to come out unscathed. Once the coast, pun intended, was clear he would deactivate his technique and come to the conclusion it was about time to leave lest he wanted to lose his own life instead of saving others. 

Finally having escaped from the approaching fire, he would look around to see how many people were able to get out. Some would even walk up to Goto, thank him for what he did. Due to the fact that he stayed in the fire so long his clothes and face were full of ashen colored bruises and marks. A price he was more than willing to pay if it meant saving lives. Goto would then seclude himself from the mass of people for a second, wondering if today really happened before going home and shower.


(TWC: 1001)
- 1000/1000 Mud Spore
- Mission rewards (2100 ryo: 1000 + 100 Genin bonus, 5 AP)
- 10 stats
Gogyou Bushuugi
Gogyou Bushuugi
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Ryo : 0

Stop the Fire Empty Re: Stop the Fire

Wed Dec 23, 2020 7:09 pm
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