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Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Final Days (IO) Empty Final Days (IO)

Tue Aug 04, 2020 11:44 pm
Final Days Leading Up to the Departure:

Fu found herself back inside her home for the first time- in what was a short time. She had left earlier today prepared not to return for at least a few months, but those plans were temporarily postponed until the others had been gathered and were ready to depart. Fu removed the chains and padlocks she placed on the door and quickly shifting a few subtle background items she placed in specific fashion to give clue if someone had attempted to enter in her absence. She entered the room which was still warm. All her things were packed so there was not much for her to do. Fu vowed to spend her remaining time training. Wan was right- traveling on her own would be dangerous and Fu did not want to hold the rest of the team back.

Fu decided she would test her capacity so that she could better understand the difference of her natural ability compared to that infused with the DNA of a bloodline. However, before she could do that, she would need to learn more about them first. Fu retrieved the book that Wan Senju had lent her, “A Study of Kekkai Genkai and Their Connection to DNA”. Fu found a cozy spot near the window where she pulled a chair and kicked her feet up. Fu flipped the book over to look at the back. The book itself seemed warn out as if one or many had read through it many times over. On the back was a picture of a man and his name, “Denkiteki…” Fu thought to herself before flipping the book over again and cracking it open. Fu spent about 2 hours before she decided to call it quits. She was not one known to spend copious amount of time reading. Fu yawned, closing the book and placing it in her bag before stretching. She looked out the window and the Sun was now at the highest point in the sky. “There’s still time to train today.” She thought to herself. Fu decided she would conduct a fitness test of sorts- pushing herself to her physical limits. She had a short amount of time to surpass her limits.

WC: 373
8/4 Post
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Final Days (IO) Empty Re: Final Days (IO)

Wed Aug 05, 2020 9:52 pm
The following events would simulate that of what Rock Lee would do on a daily basis. The training she would put herself through would be nothing out of the ordinary- just good ol’ fashion running and body weight work outs. The journey ahead would test her capacity so if she were to keep up with the others, she would need to strengthen her body and improve her overall physical capabilities- creating a vessel that would be worthy of accepting foreign power and assimilating it to herself without her body rejecting it.

She was wearing light weight short-shorts, a sleeveless shirt and running shoes- her lead head band securely tied across her forehead- a style which she did not wear often but she felt like it was a good fit with the aesthetic she was going for.

She made her way to the training grounds where she would properly stretch doing a combination of calisthenics and stationary stretches to ensure her body was prepared for the stress it was about to endure. Now that she was limber- it was go time. She would start with running. Running was a great way to exhaust ones self before putting their body through physical training. Fu assumed a running stance as if she were a pro athlete and sped off.

“1 Mile..” she thought to herself as only five minutes passed by. Fu was determined to get better- to exceed her limits. Another mile passed- this time she was able to complete it on 4 minutes and 45 seconds. Another mile- this time 4 minutes and 23 seconds. Another mile, another mile, another mile. Fu had reached 10 miles before stopping- her last mile being her best- she had completed it in 3 minutes and 57 seconds. Such speed was unnatural of that of a normal human, but of course- she was far from normal.

WC: 311
TWC: 684
8/5 post
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Final Days (IO) Empty Re: Final Days (IO)

Thu Aug 06, 2020 9:31 pm
After a little rest- Fu was ready to move onto the next phase of her test. She decided that the next workout was going too be pushups. She leaned forward straight legged- appearing as though she would fall on her face before nimbly putting her arms out and gracefully falling into a plank position with the palms of her hand flat against the cool Earth. Her elbows bend as her torso and face neared the floor- initiating her training.


“1,001…, 1002…, 1003…” Fu thought to herself, counting each rep she performed. By this point her muscle were beginning to feel fatigued. “1,131…” her arms began to lock out. Half way through finishing her 1,132nd rep, her arms gave out and her body hit the ground with a light ‘thud’ sound. Fu rolled over and sat up, pulling her knees towards her chest, and hugging them. “Phew- “she thought while catching her breath.  


This process continued for multiple work out methods- she capped out at 972 pullups, 1,022 squats, and 2,432 jumping jacks. By the end of her training she was completely soaked in her own sweat laying starfish style on the ground. There was a light breeze that felt cool against her skin due to her sweat.


Fu was not content; she knew that if she were to reach a point she could slice through anything she had to train harder. Fu had finally amassed enough Ryo to afford a proper sword, now she just needed to find someone capable of making it. Fu rose to her feet, brushed the dirt off of herself and made her way home- dissatisfied with her results.  


WC: 273
TWC: 957
8/6 post
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Final Days (IO) Empty Re: Final Days (IO)

Tue Aug 11, 2020 11:53 pm
Once home, Fu climbed into the shower and washed the dirt off of her body. Her body was sore from the intense training that she had undergone. She looked drained- as if she had burned thousands of calories- which she did. Once out of the shower she put on a pair of pjs, went to the kitchen and fixed some white sticky rice and snuggled into a comfy chair positioned in the corner of her small living room.

Fu pulled near her leather bag and pulled from it the book that wan had lent her on DNA. This wasn’t her first time reading the book. She began at the beginning and re-read through the material. She had a writing utensil in hand and underlines specific information that she found rather useful or important. She read on for hours and her hand became stiff from marking up the book. She hoped he wouldn’t mind… On the back page of the book she found a formula which she had a hard time understanding, but it looked like some sort of fuinjutsu- another thing she was not very knowledge of. She pondered over it for what was only moments and then shut the book, placing it back into her bag. The girl yawned and then headed towards her bedroom where she would get some much-needed rest for their adventure would begin tomorrow. Fu had never been to Sunagakure before- not the Wind country. It had been a long time since she had left Konoha since she first arrived. Fu stared at the ceiling a bit longer before dozing off.

Wc: 267

8/11 post

2,448 + 300 previous wc for Deflect - scrap rest of wc

24 stats = 233 stats
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

Final Days (IO) Empty Re: Final Days (IO)

Tue Aug 18, 2020 10:36 am
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