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Kamari Uchiha
Kamari Uchiha
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Guard Duty (Sai) Empty Guard Duty (Sai)

Fri Feb 21, 2020 8:59 pm
Kamari Uchiha was brushing his massive body of spiky, waist-length hair in preparation for yet another high level mission. He had been contracted to protect an important official while he was staying at a local inn. It didn’t sound high level to Kamari until he found out that this specific guy had a price on his head. Who knows how many fools would try to assassinate him. Not if Kamari had his way. He finished brushing his hair before washing his face, putting on his kunai bandolier, and finally putting on one of the many black trench coats he had. Looking in the mirror, Kamari noticed the teardrop tattoo under his left eye. Nobody ever really noticed it when they talked to him as it was normally hidden by some of his bangs, but Kamari had it because it meant something to him. It was a memory of his parents. His parents who had loved him with all their hearts and that love had led them to kill each other. Kamari’s Sharingan flickered on and off as he reminisced of the painful moments before heading out of the house. As he was heading to the meeting spot, Kamari remembered something. He had sent an invitation in the mail to his close friend and clan mate Sai Uchiha. Kamari trusted Sai a lot. He had helped him awaken his Sharingan and was always there when he needed to talk about his parents or anything else that was bothering him. They had eventually made a secret agreement to have their eyes swapped when they both obtained the Mangekyo Sharingan. Well, reobtained in Kamari’s case. Watching his parents die had unleashed the power of his eyes. Unfortunately, some sort of mental block was formed from the trauma, preventing Kamari from releasing his hidden power. That was where Sai came in. With a combination of intense training, talking about his parents, and even some occasional genjutsu to help him relive the moment, Kamari would be able to unleash the full power of his eyes once more. Both Uchiha agreed it wouldn’t be pretty, but it was the only way for Kamari to get what he needed to protect his friends. Only then would he be at peace. Kamari finally reached the meeting spot and began waiting for Sai, absentmindedly spinning a kunai around his finger by the ring.
WC 396

Last edited by Kamari Uchiha on Sun Feb 23, 2020 8:06 pm; edited 1 time in total
Saizou Uchiha
Saizou Uchiha
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13000

Guard Duty (Sai) Empty Re: Guard Duty (Sai)

Sat Feb 22, 2020 9:37 am
Today was a free day for Sai, meaning he didnt have any training or nothing planned for the day. He normally keeps a tight schedule, but today was one of the day's he chose to take of from training and get some relaxing in. Sai had been relaxing in his house most of the morning, when someone had a letter slide underneath his door. He had not been expecting anything today, so Sai was pretty curious as to what the letter could be about. He got out of his bed and wetn to retrive the letter, to his surprise it was from Kamari. He had requested for some assitance on a guarding mission. Sai was happy that his fellow uchiha had thought about him when going to sign up for a mission. 

Sai quikcly got ready, as he didnt want to keep his friend waiting to long for him. He took a five minute shower and then rushed out the door. He smiled at everyone on his way out, making sure not to be rude to any of his neighbors. As he made his way to the spot where he was suppose to meet Kamari he couldnt help but enjoy how beautiful the day was. It's not everyday that Sai actually takes the time to smell the flowers or notice how the day looks. It took no more than about ten minutes for Sai to arrive at the spot, upon arrival Kamari was there waiting. "Hey Kamari, lets go get this mission knocked out", Sai sai with a smile.
Kamari Uchiha
Kamari Uchiha
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Guard Duty (Sai) Empty Re: Guard Duty (Sai)

Sat Feb 22, 2020 11:31 am
Kamari saw Sai heading near him, not yet seeing him. Kamari smiled. It was nice to have a friend he could trust with pretty much anything. On an unrated note, Kamari had learned his first A ranked genjutsu and he really wanted to show Sai what it was. Then again, hiding it for now seemed like a better idea since the two sparred quite often. As Sai approached him, saying “Hey Kamari, let’s go get this mission knocked out,” Kamari would answer “right back at ya, man,” before gesturing for him to follow Kamari to the mission spot. Upon arrival, Kamari noticed something very strange. While this building was supposed to be an inn, it looked more like a five star hotel. It was massive. It had about five floors and from what Kamari could see, the lobby was massive. As he entered, the receptionist looked up from his desk before straightening his glasses and saying “Hello, you must be the ninja assigned to protect Mr. Shinzou.”
Apparently, that was the name of the client.
“Yes, I am. I have a partner though. He’ll be here in a minute,” Kamari says. Kamari would then wait for Sai as the official, Mr. Shinzou, would arrive. “Hello, you must be my bodyguard for today?,” Mr. Shinzou asked.
“Yes I am. One of them anyway,” Kamari answered. Just as he answered. A guy behind Mr. Shinzou pulled out a kunai and prepared to stab him. Kamari casually pointed at the guy, placing him under an illusion that his body was being painfully turned inside out. Mr. Shinzou turned around to see the assassin screaming and writing in pain shortly before falling unconscious.
“Well, someone tried to off you already,” Kamari said. “I’d recommend you don’t leave our sight.”
Mr. Shinzou turned back to Kamari. “What did you do to him?”
Kamari simply answered “Genjutsu. You don’t wanna know what he saw,”
Mr. Shinzou simply nodded.
WC 322
TWC 718

Last edited by Kamari Uchiha on Sun Feb 23, 2020 8:07 pm; edited 1 time in total
Saizou Uchiha
Saizou Uchiha
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13000

Guard Duty (Sai) Empty Re: Guard Duty (Sai)

Sat Feb 22, 2020 12:38 pm
Sai enjoyed the time he got to spend with his fellow Uchiha, it wasent to many that was worth his time to be around. Kamari on the other hand could hold his own and was a respectable person, so Sai had no problem completing mission and such with him. Sai followed behind Kamari but decided to keep some space in between the two. He rather let Kamari take the lead on this mission, since Kamari had the decency to invite Sai along with him. Sai watched as Kamari introduced himself to the receptionist, as he stood outside looking at the building. Sai had never notice this building before and was surprised at how grand it was. Sai had for a moment forgot he was on a mission and decided to look around the hotel for a second.

As Sai was looking around the building, he head heard some commotion come from the front of the building. He quickly made his way back to the front to see the Kamari had placed a man under a genjutsu and was currently with the man they we assigned to protect. Sai walked up with a smile on his face, happy to see Kamari was getting right to work. "Good Job their Kamari, why dont you stay with him and ill guard the entrance". Sai said looking at his team mate on the mission. Sai didnt waste his breath introducing himself to the man they was to protect, knowing Kamari had to of told them that he wasent alone. If he didnt though it wouldnt of bother Sai either way. He was ready to get this mission over with and head back home to relax.

Sai hadnt taken a break in a while, and even though he enjoyed going on mission and getting more ryo he needed some time to himself. He knew over working yourself could lead to bad things happening, due to being tired or having a body that hasent recovered completely. Once the mission he was on was over Sai already knew what the first thing he would do afterwards, eat some ramen. He hadnt been to the ramen shop in sometime and was due for a visit. Hopefully he wouldnt be going alone though, nothing more fun than sharing a meal with friends and family.
Kamari Uchiha
Kamari Uchiha
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Guard Duty (Sai) Empty Re: Guard Duty (Sai)

Sun Feb 23, 2020 2:00 pm
After Kamari finished scarring the would be assassin for life, Sai showed up.
“ Good Job their Kamari,” Sai said. “Why dont you stay with him and I’ll guard the entrance.”
As Kamari was talking to Mr. Shinzou, he said “Speaking of my partner, here he is.”
Mr. Shinzou simply nodded. Kamari then turned to Sai and whispered so only he could hear. “I think I’m close to fully activating the final stage of my Sharingan. Any quick advice?”
Kamari would then lead Mr. Shinzou to his room. On the way, a butler joined them. Kamari was severely worried. Every time a rich guy gets murdered, it was always the butler. Four more butlers soon followed. As they were walking to the executive suite, Kamari whispered to Mr. Shinzou “Something’s fishy, I can just tell.”
The suite was massive. It took up at least five rooms. There was a bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, dining room, and even a living room. In a hotel. As Mr. Shinzou sat down, the butlers all pulled out kunai and leapt for him at the same time. “Get down!,” Kamari yelled. He body-flickered in front of the butler and quickly wove the hand signs for his new ultimate technique. Lightning Style: Flash Pillar Illusion. Kamari’s body crackled with electricity as a bright light burst from him along with a loud Chidori-type noise, blinding the butlers and causing them to miss their swings. As they regained their vision, the true purpose of the technique began. After the flash, Lightning Style: Flash Pillar Illusion would place anybody within 20 meters into a genjutsu even more powerful than Ephemeral. Kamari would normally subject them all to torture, but since there were multiples, he figured at least one would break out before they passed out. Kamari instead rendered himself and Mr. Shinzou invisible while making the butlers all look like shadow clones of Kamari. Kamari watched as the butlers subsequently dogpiled and stabbed each other. The one surviving butler promptly had his illusion changed to his intestines being painfully expelled out of his mouth. The butler went into shock and fell unconscious before Kamari walked up and slit his throat.
“Sorry about that,” Kamari said to Mr. Shinzou. “Why is it always the butler anyway?”
Kamari hoped Sai was faring better than him. Normally, Kamari wouldn’t have to rely on an A ranked jutsu that fast.
WC 396
TWC 1114
Saizou Uchiha
Saizou Uchiha
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13000

Guard Duty (Sai) Empty Re: Guard Duty (Sai)

Sun Feb 23, 2020 7:14 pm
Sai could tell by the look on Mr.Shinzou that Kamari had already seen his first part of combat on this mission already. Sai was slightly surprised that they were so bold as to attack out in the open like this when he clearly has a body guard. He took a quick glance at Kamari and realized that the child didnt look like much of a threat from afar, but Sai had to give it to him he was a interesting one indeed. The only other give away was the body the Kamari didnt have the decency to hid. Sai laughed a little to himself knowing he wouldnt of done anything with the body either, even if he was one who had dipsoed of the poor soul. Sai was about go stand post when Kamari had stopped him with a not so suprising question.

Kamari Wanted to know if Sai had any advice on how to unlock his final stage of his Sharigan. Sai had paused and even put his hand on his chin as he thought up the best advice he could for his friend Kamari. Unfortunately Sai wasent good at giving advice or being a teacher, those are one of the main reason he dosent always like to be the lead. He dosent want someone to fall behind due to him not being a good teacher, but at the same time Sai feels as though people need to learn things their own way. In Sai opinion there is nothing better than having new personal experience, Wether it be mission or just daily life. He looked over at Kamari with a smile on his face, "Nope sorry , best thing i can say is t live every day to the fullest and try your hardest. That probably sounds cliche", Sai said with a slight chuckle at the end.

After saying his words to Kamari, Sai went and took his post outside of the hotel. He had summoned two clones too do his dirty work while he relaxes. Sai thought that it was going to be a easy mission, since majority of the people who want to kill the man their protecting is probably already in the hotel. He laughed a little bit knowing Kamari was going to get a good work out and maybe be able to unlock his 3 tomoe Sharingan. As Sai was relaxing around the said of the hotel, half asleep. He felt one of his clones get destroyed. He smile as he hopped up, excited to get some unexpected action. As Sai came around the corner to his surprise, it was only one lone shinobi. Sai shook his head, knowing the man must of got left behind. 

Feeling bad for the man Sai wasent going to kill him. He would simply body flicker behind the man and knock him out. Sai knew it wasent going to be anymore coming than him, if they was they needed to hurry up. Sai was starting to get tired, he hoped that Kamari would be done soon with whatever needed to be done so that they could go home. Sai wandered if he should treat Kamari to some ramen for the kind getsure of inviting him on the mission. He decided to remind himself to ask Kamari when he comes out the building. Sai would summon one more clone to replace the one that got destroyed, and then dragged the knocked out man over to the corner with him. He was going to wait their until Kamari was to come out the hotel.
Kamari Uchiha
Kamari Uchiha
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Guard Duty (Sai) Empty Re: Guard Duty (Sai)

Sun Feb 23, 2020 8:47 pm
At this point, Kamari was seriously concerned for the man’s safety. He activated his Sharingan and began looking around for chakra. Sure enough, he saw someone at the door just before he heard a knock. Kamari opened the door, hand already ready to perform some serious genjutsu, and breathed a sight of relief. It was only a room service guy with some food that Mr. Shinzou had ordered. “Is this Mr. Shinzou’s room,” the room service guy asked. Mr. Shinzou stood up from the couch and said “It sure is.”
Kamari wasn’t suspicious but he wasn’t taking any chances.
“Take a bite of the food,” he said to the room service guy. “It could be poisoned.”
The room service guy took a bite without hesitation and indeed it was not poisoned. Kamari breathed a sight of relief before taking the food to Mr. Shinzou as the room service guy left.
“So,” Kamari said to Mr. Shinzou as he ate the ramen. Strangely there were two bowls. Kamari was confused. At first, he thought the businessman was simply a ramen addict like himself, but then Mr. Shinzou pushed the bowl to Kamari.
“Consider it part of your payment. You saved my life back there.”
Kamari glanced over to the closet where he had stuffed the bodies. He wasn’t telling room service. They would find them soon enough. That’s why he wrote a letter explaining what had went down and put it on the door of the closet. Hopefully he wouldn’t get in trouble for killing those guys when there was an obvious non-lethal alternative. Kamari never took chances. It was very easy to escape from restraints, and besides, these guys already tried to kill his client twice. Kamari finished his sentence. “Have you ever heard of Genjutsu shows?,”
Mr. Shinzou was completely confused as to what Kamari meant, so he provided a firsthand demonstration. Kamari used his genjutsu to show Mr. Shinzou what basically amounted to a very immersive movie. The topic of the movie was the lives of Kamari’s parents as written down in his journal. Of course, personal parts were omitted. Specifically the part where his parents fought and everything that led up to it. It was all happy endings, high octane ninja action, and everything one would expect from a ninja movie. Mr. Shinzou appeared impressed.
“Where did you learn how to do that?,” He asked.
“My mom. It’s the same technique I used on the guy in the lobby.”
Kamari laughed for a second. “Don’t worry. I’m not gonna put you through anything you won’t like.”
Kamari kept the movie going as Mr. Shinzou watched. The whole time, he had his Sharingan active to search for threats. The movie ended after two hours. Kamari really thought he could use this to make some money. My that time, Mr. Shinzou was already asleep. Kamari took a good look around for chakra signatures to make sure there were no more attempts on his client’s life before leaving the room. As he walked down the hall, he heard a Chidori. Crap. Kamari turned around just in time to place the ninja that had charged him under genjutsu and make him believe the flesh of his arm had sloughed off. Fortunately, the ninja was debilitated by the pain just before he could stab Kamari with the technique. Kamari knocked the guy out with his genjutsu before tying him up. He needed at least one guy to interrogate after the mission and this guy was definitely the strongest. He appeared to be the leader after all. Kamari fireman carried the guy downstairs and out to Sai. Upon reaching Sai, he said “So, we got jumped by the guy’s five butlers all at once and I used my new ultimate technique to take them out, and then I used my genjutsu to show Mr. Shinzou a movie until he fell asleep. After he was asleep, I took a look around and found no strong chakra signatures so I left. Then this guy tries to Chidori me in the hallway so I use my genjutsu to knock him out. He’s definitely the leader, so we should probably turn this guy in for interrogation. Maybe we could get some ramen afterwards.”
Kamari’s eyes started itching. He knew what that meant. His Sharingan has briefly flashed its three tomoe form. Kamari looked at Sai and asked “did it happen?”
WC 733
TWC 1847

Last edited by Kamari Uchiha on Mon Feb 24, 2020 6:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
Kamari Uchiha
Kamari Uchiha
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Guard Duty (Sai) Empty Re: Guard Duty (Sai)

Sun Feb 23, 2020 8:52 pm
5 stamina
3 health
1847 words towards three tomoe Sharingan from total 4337/6000

Last edited by Kamari Uchiha on Tue Feb 25, 2020 5:43 pm; edited 2 times in total
Saizou Uchiha
Saizou Uchiha
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13000

Guard Duty (Sai) Empty Re: Guard Duty (Sai)

Mon Feb 24, 2020 3:36 am
The night had been pretty much uneventful after Sai knocked out the sole man who destroyed his clone. Sai had hoped that more of his buddies were late as well, and would give Sai a more challenging fight. Unfortunately for Sai he would have to be happy that he had got any action tonight, since his original plan was to stay home and relax anyway. Every once in a while Sai would hear a noise and would jump up, hoping that it was someone coming to kill his clones. Every time he was to get up to look, it would always be either the wind or some lost civilian on they way home. It wouldnt be before long that the guy Sai had knocked out started to awake.

Sai being the forgetful person that he was, forgot to time the guy up after knocking him out. Sai figure there wasent going to be much action so he told one of his clones to drag him somewhere and leave him there. Sai was about to go home and have his clone stand there until Kamarai was to come back out , but before Sai could do so there Kamari was. He didnt want to say goodbye since he was bad with those so he let his clone do it. Kamari had spoken to the clone right before it cancelled itself. Sai didnt mean to have it cancel itself before giving Kamari a response, but he didnt see any reason to keep it there. 

Sai was happy to have another high ranking mission complete, doing them had seemed like nothing more than childs play. He knew though that there were more tougher mission's ahead though and he couldnt wait.

TWC:1500, 15+stats, 1099 towards MS (8000/8000) rest is here Here, 401 towards Chakra Sensory (816/2k) rest Here

Last edited by Saizou Uchiha on Fri Apr 03, 2020 8:18 am; edited 5 times in total
Ikari Senju
Ikari Senju
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Ryo : 5200

Guard Duty (Sai) Empty Re: Guard Duty (Sai)

Mon Feb 24, 2020 5:19 pm
@Sai you did not meet the 1500 words you needed to meet for the word count requirement
@Kamari Sharingan cannot be given a word count discount for it cannot be taught. So please put the amount of words you have put toward the Sharingan in total and the amount needed for it total? (word count allocated/total word count required)

Thank you both

P.S. This mission has yet to be approved. So it cannot actually be done.
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