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Scarlet Hair and a Fiery Attitude {Open}

Snjor Yuki
Saizou Uchiha
Akira Kitsune
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Snjor Yuki
Snjor Yuki
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
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Scarlet Hair and a Fiery Attitude {Open} - Page 2 Empty Re: Scarlet Hair and a Fiery Attitude {Open}

Mon Feb 03, 2020 10:46 pm
While everyone seemed to agree with Snow's plan on how they should go about their training, Snow would smile as he would think of all the good they could all do together as a group. While it was more difficult when trying to train with four people, being that there was a lot more people to try and work out with, Snow knew that it would be extremely beneficial to learn from someone that was more experienced than the three of them. Akira had a similar look to the one that she got when she was pulling on the strings of her victims. Snow could do nothing more then grin and feel slightly bad for Tadashi. 

While Snow seemed to be impervious to her spell, whereas most men couldn't seem to handle her good looks and charm. Snow did think that she was beautiful, but slobbering over her every word and perverted comment that would come out of her lips. Still chuckling at Tadashi's reaction to Akira's general behavior, he tried to cover his mouth, trying, but not succeeding to cover up his laughter. The conversation did in fact get serious and Saizou began speaking about his speed. Knowing that he was actually faster, being that he was second to only Tadashi himself, kept himself quiet, he felt it pointless to bicker over such things. 

Snow then noticed the fox that was standing directly next to her legs. The fox was adorned with the most gorgeous of accessories, to the point that he was impressed with the beauty of such a creature. Quite often Snow would run out into the woods, transformed into different woodland creatures so he could play with the wildlife when got completely bored of his own species. His favorite turned out to be either foxes or bears, depending on the mood he was in. He smiled down at the fox beside Akira and transformed into a fox himself. He walked up to the creature in his fox form, and greeted her, the same way foxes greeted each other in the wild. Dedpending on how the familiar would react, Snow would either stay in his fox form until he was needed in conversation, or would go back immediately into his human form if the familiar was scared or uncomfortable with the Snow version of a fox. 

Stat Page : The Executioner
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Scarlet Hair and a Fiery Attitude {Open} - Page 2 Empty Re: Scarlet Hair and a Fiery Attitude {Open}

Wed Feb 05, 2020 5:49 pm
Tadashi took a deep, soothing breath as Akira continued with her advances. He was tired of getting embarrassed by her, and they were going to be here for a while. Deciding to swallow up his embarrassment, his dark sapphire eyes met her ember eyes. "I can let her win." The ginger thought. Yes, it was a childish mentality to get back at someone for a subject like this, but Tadashi was one who'd return a favor to a few quips. Hence, his interactions with his friend, Yoi Yuki. His crimson blush slowly receded, and an innocent smile formed on his face as he began speaking, "Ah, interesting. I guess if you really want to "take advantage" of me, I might as well show you my secret technique later." He said in a cloyingly-sweet, joking manner. Of course, he truly meant nothing of what he just said, hoping that the crimson-haired woman didn't take it the wrong way. 

As Snjor and Akira began discussing the most efficient way to train in the afternoon, a small creature, resembling an exotic fox jittered out of the woman's left side. Assuming it was her pet, the young Namikaze studied it extensively with his eyes as they dilated in interest. "It seems like a fox, but it has an unfamiliar fur that I haven't seen before..." He thought, intrigued with the little animal. "My thoughts are the same as Saizou. Miss Akira, where did you get that animal? It's pretty adorable."

When the group finished with their comments about the creature and began their preparations to train, a smirk came out of Tadashi's expression. He'd zip down his white and black jersey zip, revealing his black shirt, and a prelude to his developing muscles from rigorous training, he'd explain to the group what he was about to do. "Perhaps for training, we should start with some elemental training, if you guys are okay with it?" He'd question. If they agreed, he'd continued with his explanation as he outstretched his two hands in front of him. "I can currently dual-wield two basic elements, Fire and Lightning; Lightning being my original affinity," With a flicker and a slight premonition of energy, a blazing burst of a fire streak nearly exploded out of his right hand. The burst of flames soon condensed into a brilliant, ball of fire, levitating a few inches above his right hand. What was different, however, is that the usual orange flames were an azure color, reflecting the eyes of the ginger. This was due to the aid of his innate ability, Ryusei. Due to the intensity of the flames, a sweat drop trickled down the ginger's temple.

Next was Lightning. Concurrently, as he showed off his Fire Release, a crackle and flicker of electricity began forming, levitating a few inches above his left hand. Enforcing more chakra, a burst of electricity surged through the area above the left hand, turning into a condensed burst of energy. Instead of being the usual blue color Lightning release was, the color was altered due to Ryusei, adorning that of a dark turquoise-green hue. Tadashi turned his eyes towards the group, now being serious,

"Now... Which element do you want to learn? Fire, the element representing an unflinching resolve to complete goals or Lightning, the element barbed with mystery, yet those who pursue it gain a power uncreated by other elements?"

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Scarlet Hair and a Fiery Attitude {Open} - Page 2 Empty Re: Scarlet Hair and a Fiery Attitude {Open}

Wed Feb 05, 2020 6:31 pm
The sun was baring down upon the trees of the forest, the rays beautifully beaming through the leaves presenting spots of light on the ground, as Vergil stepped along the usual road that led to his usual spot for training. The heat not bothering him as he was in his usual jacket he walked at a slow pace as thoughts of how he was going to proceed with his day flowed through his mind. The light breeze made it's way past his silvery white hair and his coattails which lightly ruffled behind him as he carried his trusty sword, his gloved hand placed directly underneath the hilt ready to draw as usual, as he stepped over the threshold of the entrance of the clearing and he noticed others already there. Three he recognized. One he did not. 'All these new Genin popping up like plants... he would think to himself as he watched Tadashi speaking to the new girl. 'Oh well. At least Tadashi is entertaining them.'

Not wanting to interrupt their training he thus conceded to handle his own as he looked away from them and thought about testing out his speed for a start. Drawing his Yamato he would focus his chakra thusly into his sword, a green glow surrounding the blade, before focusing a bit more which caused lightning to start swirling around the blade. 'Let's see how effective lightning is against fire.' Twirling his blade into the air he brought his hands together and began forming hand seals while taking a slightly deep breath. Focusing the flames within his chakra into his mouth he blew as a large fiery inferno ball shot out and started to move across the field at a quick pace. Getting immediately into a stance after shooting it out, a hand reached up above him catching the hilt of his blade, he then threw his blade straight at the ball of fire before running quickly around both projectiles. 'I threw my sword a bit hard but if I focus my chakra into my feet.' He suddenly moved quicker as he got directly in front of his fireball and sword. 'Let's be a bit flashy.' Using his sheath he would catch his blade by way of angling it in a way where it sank right into it's entryway. With chakra still channeling through the blade he then redrew it and slashed at the fireball as he used his Air Slicer technique to make his chakra leave the blade in multiple directions. The fireball stood no chance as it erupted in a burst of sparks and useless embers, lightning sizzling around the air all around where the inferno had been, as Vergil stood and sheathed his blade behind his back.

He would readjust the collar of his jacket afterwards before thinking of what to do next. 'Should I train my fire chakra more next or give my sword arm a bit more exercise.'
Akira Kitsune
Akira Kitsune
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Scarlet Hair and a Fiery Attitude {Open} - Page 2 Empty Re: Scarlet Hair and a Fiery Attitude {Open}

Wed Feb 05, 2020 8:59 pm
Akira caught Tadashi's gaze as his sapphire eyes met her foxy ones. She would hold his gaze as her eyes gave off a devious demeanor. Allowing herself to bite down onto the flesh of her soft botton lip. Her seductive behavior would be quite obvious. Akira grinned against her lip biting. Being unable to keep in her excitement. This was the first time anyone had the guts to respond in such a flirty way, even if it was just a joke. Many would either push off her inappropriate words or erupt in a nose bleed. But for once she had a very interesting response. "Oh please do, I am quite interested in this secret technique of yours." Raising her right hand towards her face, allowing her fingers to push back some of her scarlet hair from her face. "Don't be teasing me with a good time if you don't mean it. I might end up taking it seriously and holding you to it~"

Her words purred out like a lovely kitten. Watching as the ginger male regained his composure. She felt so enlightened by him. Hoping he didn't end up feeling discouraged to continue his little cocky act. A word would suddenly announce itself within her pervertive thoughts. "Akira~" Her ember eyes would quickly look down at her feet. Turning her towards her blonde familiar. She hadn't realized that her little fur companion had drawn so much attention. She felt her familiar's presence within her mind as Pyro grew excited. The fox licked Sai's fingers for a brief moment after he called her over towards him. Then not long after, Pyro was approached by another creature that almost resembled her. The blonde fox would tilt her head to the side. Pyro was confused at first by the transformation. But as she adjusted to the new fox that greeted her, she would return the favor. Letting out soft little yip yaps of delight.

Akira would give a brief smile. It was kinda nice seeing her familiar act in such a way with others. Just hoping Pyro don't grow any attachments that could cause her fox pain in the future. This thought was due to the past Akira and her had. "She's always been here, thanks to my clan. This is the first time I let her accompany me out in the open though since I've joined my team." The red haired kunoichi would answer both of what Sai and Tadashi asked. She didn't expect them to be this surprised about Pyro. The fox familiar was a little unique. She was somewhat a little larger then most foxes and due to her clan's yokai tradition, Pyro loved her fancy ornaments.

Tadashi's little smirk caught Akira's attention. Ember eyes looked over back towards him just as he began to unzip his jersey. Not being able to contain the arch of her eyebrow as her ember eyes took in his defined muscular form. Akira couldn't help but feel a little admiration. Cocky attitude, red hair, and definitely strong.  The genin was always having trouble keeping herself under control. She did her best to keep herself from becoming even more corrupted as she accepted the eye candy before her. Then watching as Tadashi put up a little performance with his unique fire and lightning display. Fire~ Akira's favorite element of all. She couldn't help the passion that burned within her for that chaotic, yet beautiful nature. Then there was the display of lightning. Definitely not her favorite, but one that still captured her interest. "Very intriguing~ I'd be interested in taking some lessons for lightning release. Of course I can't speak for my teammates but sometime when you have the free time I'd like to learn." With that being said, Akira would notice someone not far from them training with his sword. Seeing the weapon reminded her to stop back by to the blacksmith sometime.

{WC: 650}
{TWC: 2,403}
Saizou Uchiha
Saizou Uchiha
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Scarlet Hair and a Fiery Attitude {Open} - Page 2 Empty Re: Scarlet Hair and a Fiery Attitude {Open}

Thu Feb 06, 2020 10:26 am
Sai thought that it was cool that Akira clan had partners like that, someone to always be there to have your back. Sai and Snow were only Akira team mates and we one day might go our separate ways but that familiar was something different, it would be with her for the rest of her life. Sai was slightly jealous of such a cool thing to have. Sai mood easily switched when had heard tadashi bring up training. Sai was always down to train, rain or snow. Sai had never trained with so many people at one time before, he was curious to see how all of this would work. 

Sai was going to make sure not to be out done by his two partners. He felt like having people around him like Akira and Snow would only help push him to new heights, something he needed to achieve all the things he wants. He knew they never took days off from getting stronger, so he wouldnt either. Sai just wished he had a way he get double the workout in that he normally would in one day. Tadashi then had said something that cought Sai attention.

Sai listened as Tadashi spoke about elemental training, the elements he wanted to train us on was unfortunately ones Sai had already knew. He could tell by the look on Akira face that she only knew fire element. "Unfortunately i can duel wield them both as well Tadashi, anyway you could teach me some of the jutsu you know", Sai said with a smile. He wasent big on asking for help, but Sai figured Tadashi had to know some pretty cool jutsu. His earlier assumptions were correct when Sai heard Akira ask to be thought lightning element. A element that Sai had just recently learned himself, it would be a perfect time to get to learn more jutsu on it. Sai looked over to Snow to see what his response would be to all of this. Sai was Hoping that Snow would be as excited for this as Akira and himself was.

While Sai awaited his teammate responses he couldnt help but notice someone else enter the training area, it was someone Sai had meet on one of the weirdest mission he had ever been on. It only took Sai a moment to remember that the person entering was the rude one who didnt introduce himself. Sai didnt seen anything special about the guy, he seem just like your average shinobi. Sai didnt want to waste any unnecessary energy worry about an ass like that, when he could be learning something new with Tadashi.
Snjor Yuki
Snjor Yuki
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Scarlet Hair and a Fiery Attitude {Open} - Page 2 Empty Re: Scarlet Hair and a Fiery Attitude {Open}

Thu Feb 06, 2020 1:08 pm
Snow continued to play with Akira’s fox familiar for a few minutes until the conversation continued on to training. In his fox form, he would look up at Tadashi as he was speaking about the elements Fire and Lightning, neither of which Snow knew and wasn’t quite ready to learn any more elements at that time. He turned back into his human form and he responded when the opportunity presented itself. “I unfortunately do not have the ability to learn those elements, but I do in fact already know three elements. Snow leaped backwards, distancing himself about 20 meters away from the others. His feet landed on the ground and a tidal wave surged away from him in all directions about 15 meters, which Snow immediately placed his hands on the water and channeled his ice chakra into the water, freezing it in what was a marvelous looking ice sculpture. 

Snow smiled and said, “I haven’t thought of a cool way to present my wind chakra yet. But yeah, Water Wind and Ice are the elements I know.” Snow would return to the group when there was another figure moving in on their conversation, while he did recognize him by his face, he didn’t quite know what the figure’s name was, but he did know that he was one of the members of the hunt party for the salamanders in the forests outside the village.

He saw the figure doing some flashy maneuvers, which seemed pretty useless unless he was showing off. If this was the case, then it made even less sense due to the skill that all of the shinobi in the circle had themselves, but he wasn’t about to complain. If he wanted to flip around then that was his business. The first thought that entered into his mind was “Why would someone shoot off a fireball, just to destroy it himself with his sword?” Snow shrugged off the man’s maneuvers and continued to have his conversation with the rest of the group.

Snow did realize that he had done something similar, but the difference was that at least with Snow’s showing of his chakra natures, a beautiful ice sculpture came of it. Snow saw that he had little ability to train with Saizou, Akira and Tadashi due to the elements that he was training in. That was when he looked over at the figure that had created a fireball, then destroyed it with a slice from his sword. Snow noticed that the sword’s slash created a wide attack using wind chakra, so maybe this flashy figure would be able to help Snow with both his wind chakra, and his weaponry skills that he had been planning on cultivating. 

He would stay in the circle, waiting to see if the figure would join their conversation before he went and initiated the conversation with this individual. Something told him that this was not going to be someone that was humble, and arrogance was one of the few things that annoyed Snow. So he would wait patiently and see how the training would commence between the people in the circle. 

TWC: 1673
Saizou Uchiha
Saizou Uchiha
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Scarlet Hair and a Fiery Attitude {Open} - Page 2 Empty Re: Scarlet Hair and a Fiery Attitude {Open}

Sat Feb 08, 2020 10:47 am
OOC: Quick Mid Thread Claims, Sorry For The Interuption.

TWC:1643=8+ Stats, 1437 towards Chidori (2500/2500) previous Here, 206 towards Lightning Rat (969/1000) previous Here.
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
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Scarlet Hair and a Fiery Attitude {Open} - Page 2 Empty Re: Scarlet Hair and a Fiery Attitude {Open}

Sat Feb 08, 2020 7:00 pm
Approved mid claims for Saizou
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Scarlet Hair and a Fiery Attitude {Open} - Page 2 Empty Re: Scarlet Hair and a Fiery Attitude {Open}

Sat Feb 08, 2020 8:05 pm
As Akira retorted back, with an equally, if not greater tease than the ginger could ever muster. The Ace of Konoha sighed defeatedly, as his sapphirine eyes glanced below her gaze. "Fine, you win. It was pretty arrogant of me to try to pull off a facade like that." He said sheepishly, huffing under his breath, as he looked back up at the crimson-haired woman's eyes. He may have had the guts to challenge Akira the first time with a quip, but to fire back at a way stronger advance than he had calculated, was way above Tadashi's current "troll" level. He felt a bit of an interesting admiration to her, it wasn't in conventional power, but how she carried herself as a person. Tadashi couldn't help but feel drawn towards Akira, wanting to understand her more. The ginger gave a bright smile to Akira as if silently telling her that he wouldn't get embarrassed or "lose" to her perverted advances the next time they would meet. 

Tadashi's eyes progressively brightened in awe the more he peered at the exotic fox, examining her features and complexation like he was jotting down imaginary notes from his internal notebook. The most "exotic" animals he met were the Valks of Ventus up in the mountains of the Fire Country, so the ginger wanted to suck in as much information as he could. Musing to himself for a brief moment, he wondered if he could "Project" inanimate objects so he could write down a catalog about Akira's companion; though, the more he thought about, the more ridiculous it sounded. Projections required history and lore, so creating a notebook out of nothingness, or with no meaning, didn't cut the bill.

When the sapphirine-eyed teen revealed his refined usage of chakra by showcasing his 2 Chakra Natures, Lightning and Fire, a figure with white hair rushed and a new chakra signature made Tadashi see something from the corner of his eye. At first, the ginger assumed that it was Yoi, due to the distinct white color, but a black trenchcoat immediately changed that perception. "Vergil..." A small voice escaped and trailed off Tadashi's mouth. His expression soon changed to one of resolute hostility. Tadashi couldn't help but feel some sort of unexplainable animosity towards Vergil. The most reasonable answer was to say, that was due to Vergil giving up the fight between them in the Chuunin Exams before the battle even started. Yet... For some discernment, the ginger felt that his animosity could only be explained with a deeper interpretation. The act of giving up in the Chuunin Exams before the fight even started was an insult to the people who fought and died for an albeit flawed nation, but still, one that could become great. It was also the greatest insult to Tadashi's caliber and resolve as a shinobi as if the ginger wasn't worth to duel. The ginger bit his lip and darkened his gaze for a brief moment, to the point that you would think he was staring a "demon" in the eye, 

"Why are you here to even train? If you couldn't face me in the Chuunin Exams, what's the point of getting stronger?" Tadashi thought, though, he was pretty sure Vergil could understand the sentiment if he took a glance at the boy's expression. The ginger wouldn't let this sight deter him from training, as he would turn back to the group. Canceling out the two elemental chakra forces in his hands, he'd hand Akira a chakra paper from his pocket with a grin. "Eager to learn Lightning? Great! Try to infuse your chakra in this paper. Lightning is unrestricted force, like Fire, so try to let yourself 'go' with the flow. Lightning relishes in precision, so think of controlling that chakra to strike something tall. Like..." A pregnant pause, "A tree! Try to imagine that in that mind of yours and practice." After the ginger taught Akira the basics of Lightning Release, he'd see how Snow would showcase Water, Wind, and Ice Release in just a few moments. He'd view on with pure awe at the Yuki's sheer prowess, "He's got talent. That's for sure." Tadashi smirked and pondered at the Snow with an encouraging thumbs-up. 

Now for Saizou, the Ace of Konoha would be surprised that someone (besides a certain swordsman with a trenchcoat) had the same elemental natures as him. If that was the case, he'd ponder on a moment on what to teach the young Uchiha until an imaginary lightbulb lit in his head. "Ah! I know, I'm going to step back for a few seconds, Saizou." Walking backward for 11 meters, making sure not to walk into stuff, Tadashi slowly formed the Snake > Bird > Ox > Ram hand seals so that Saizou could what was happening. A barrier of lightning expulsed of the ginger's area in a 10-meter radius, booming with power. "This is Lightning Release: Sphere of Lightning. A B-rank, slightly more advanced technique. It is essentially a Lightning shield that repels projectiles such as Kunai or even fireballs from it." The Ace deactivated the jutsu as he looked at Saizou. 

"Now, you try."

(Teaching Akira Lightning Release)
(Teaching Saizou B-rank Sphere of Lightning)

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Scarlet Hair and a Fiery Attitude {Open} - Page 2 Empty Re: Scarlet Hair and a Fiery Attitude {Open}

Sat Feb 08, 2020 10:09 pm
Vergil stood in his spot with his eyes closed and deep in thought as he could hear the talks of the group not too far away from his position. It seemed as though his initial assertions of Tadashi being the teacher of the group had been correct which wasn't at all surprising given how skilled Tadashi was. He was also very aware of Tadashi's own tensions towards Vergil because of his decision to withdraw from the CEs. It didn't matter in the slightest to him how Tadashi felt, however, as emotions were known for being a shinobi's biggest weakness. 'Still Tadashi is a very skilled shinobi in his own right... Having him as an ally would only prove to be beneficial if ever a time came where we'd need to depend on each other.' Closing his eyes he thus took a small breath, adjusting the grip of his left hand he had around his sheath, before turning towards the group just in time to see Tadashi become surrounded in the Lightning Sphere jutsu. 'His looks far more powerful compared to what I can do. Not surprising given his absurd amount of chakra.' He walked towards the group as Tadashi gave his explanation of what he was doing to the group. He did, however, know his presence might not have been welcome so he stopped a few meters away before speaking in a calm tone. "Do you mind if I join you?"
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