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Snjor Yuki
Snjor Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 20100

Ice in the land of Fire (NK, Yoi) Empty Ice in the land of Fire (NK, Yoi)

Mon Jan 20, 2020 11:41 am
"Come on, boy! Wake up." Snow's father called out from the kitchen. Snow stirred slightly in his bed before slowly lifting his head off of the pillow. He looked over at his alarm and saw that it was 4 o clock in the morning. Snow threw his blankets off of his body and leaped out of bed. The sun was going to be rising over the horizon in just under and hour and he needed to get himself out of the house and headed into the training grounds. He walked into the kitchen and his father was already cooking breakfast. 

"Good morning, son!" Snow's father greeted him when he heard the bedroom door shut. "Morning, dad! What we having for breakfast this morning?" Snow asked, frantically sniffing, seeming to not be able to get enough of the wonderful aromas that had been filling the kitchen. "Just some spiced scrambled eggs with a side of white rice." Snow had this for breakfast most mornings before he was going to be spending the day training. Snow smiled and lined up with a plate. When the food was done, his father filled his plate with eggs and rice. Snow thanked his father and he walked over to the dining room table, quickly being joined by his father. 

As the two ate their breakfasts, they talked a little about how Snow's training was going and what his goals were. Snow's father always pushed him to be as good as he could, but not to kill himself in the training grounds. Snow had a hard time listening because now that he was a Genin, he was going to be leaving the village's gates from time to time, so he was going to need to know how to protect himself and those around him. Because of this, he was going to push himself to the point of near exhaustion every day for the rest of his life, or until his body finally breaks, whichever came first. 

Snow thanked his father for breakfast and rushed out the front door, he was energized and excited to get to his training. The sun was just about to peek over the horizon, so he knew that he needed to hurry before the rest of the ninjas would arrive. 

When he reached the training grounds, he didn't see anyone on the grounds yet, so he went straight to the river. He stood directly next to the river, which was only about 10 meters deep. The area around the river was a circle, about 50 meters across with the river going straight through the middle of it. The river itself was 15 meters wide and was perfect for Snow when he would use it to practice his different water techniques. 

While he was excited to begin training, he knew that stretching was important, so before he would begin his training routine, he would stretch for about fifteen minutes.

Yoi Yuki
Yoi Yuki
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Ice in the land of Fire (NK, Yoi) Empty Re: Ice in the land of Fire (NK, Yoi)

Mon Jan 20, 2020 4:36 pm
Yoi awoke. He had started to wake up earlier and earlier as the winter moved on. He liked the cold that Konoha had in the winter, so he enjoyed it while he could. At this time, it was 3:30. Stretching his arms, the Yuki let out a large yawn. He got dressed, putting on a pair of white shorts, navy blue sandals, and a light-blue t-shirt. This early in the day, the temperature was well below freezing. Yoi liked the cold. He let out a breath, letting it form a cloud in front of his face. Yoi then exited his window and ran across the rooftops of Konoha. He minimized the noise he made using the Quiet Footsteps jutsu. Yoi felt exhilarated as the wind whipped across his face when no one was awake and the only light sources were the occasional street lights and the stars and the moon. Yoi entered the training ground. Yoi had managed, over the past month or so, to be able to keep track of time really well. It was now approximately 3:33, and Yoi pulled out a kunai. He remembers the brief second when he saw how Calin wielded that blade. The surgical precision, yet the pure gruesomeness and savagery. Yoi wanted to aspire to that level of skill with a blade. He didn’t want to specialize in it, but he knew weapons were an important part of a shinobi’s arsenal. Pulling a stuffed dummy out of Storage Displacement, Yoi travelled deep into the woods in the corner of the training ground. He liked to train alone. Any noise he made would be silenced by the trees blocking the echo, and he would be almost impossible to see. Yoi set the dummy in the ground, and while running rapidly in the trees, threw it at a specific point on the dummy. Yoi had started studying the weak points of the human body, which would be extremely useful in battle. Yoi was aiming for mini-targets that he set himself in his mind. After almost 25 minutes of this, Yoi took a break. The Yuki put his items back in their respective places after making sure they were still clean and well taken care of. He ran through the trees, hiding in a small spot that he would be near impossible to be seen in. Yoi pulled out a book he had purchased recently, The Tale of Uzumaki Naruto. Yoi would continue reading it, and in a similar matter to his earlier training, at the same time, he was enhancing his eyesight by using it at night. Yoi sensed a chakra signature. It was very faint, but he managed to detect it. Yoi, turned and looked out in the training grounds. Yoi saw the faint outline of a boy. The Yuki, putting his book away, jumped to the ground, silently, because of his Quiet Footsteps jutsu. A few meters behind the boy at this point, Yoi said, “Hello. Didn’t know I was the only here this early in the morning.”

WC: 507
Snjor Yuki
Snjor Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 20100

Ice in the land of Fire (NK, Yoi) Empty Re: Ice in the land of Fire (NK, Yoi)

Mon Jan 20, 2020 5:16 pm
Snow had been stretching for his full fifteen minutes when he began thinking about what he was going to work on that day. He had been working primarily on his physical fitness and stamina training, hence why he had not truly learned any jutsu up to this point, outside of what he had learned in the Academy. He was leaning against one of the trees that stood at the edge of the training grounds when he heard the voice of another person in the grounds with him. 

When the voice came across the air, Snow looked at the source of the voice. The figure was shorter than Snow, which he was used to. But this one had platinum white hair, which couldn't be any more different than his own vibrant orange hair. "Hello! No I am usually here every morning, just before the sun rises. Well I have been since I graduated the academy. I have been trying to work on my elemental chakra transformations so I can actually obtain the element that my clan is known for. The Ice release!" Snow was very excited to be talking to another person this early in the morning in the cold air. "What are you doing out here? Obviously training, but on what specifically?" Snow asked with an inquisitive face. Waiting with both excitement and patience.

WC: 224
Yoi Yuki
Yoi Yuki
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Village : Konohagakure
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Ice in the land of Fire (NK, Yoi) Empty Re: Ice in the land of Fire (NK, Yoi)

Mon Jan 20, 2020 7:47 pm
As Yoi said hi, the boy said, “Hello! No I am usually here every morning, just before the sun rises. Well I have been since I graduated the academy. I have been trying to work on my elemental chakra transformations so I can actually obtain the element that my clan is known for. The Ice release!” Yoi, without letting his face change, internally noted a Yuki. Or a transplanted Yuki. It had been a long while since Yoi had met one. The last he had met was actually Skadi. Damn! Yoi had been working on his first E-rank mission with that boy. It took Yoi back. It seemed Yuki always marked important moments in his ninja life. His first mission as a Genin, and maybe his last moments as Genin. No matter how his Chunnin Exam fight went, Yoi knew he would become a Chunnin. Yoi wondered which Yuki would next mark an important part in his shinobi career. Yoi said to the boy while raising an eyebrow, “A Yuki? Interesting. They’re few and far between, but I happen to be one as well. By the way, my name’s Yoi. What’s yours?”

WC: 192

TWC: 699
Snjor Yuki
Snjor Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 20100

Ice in the land of Fire (NK, Yoi) Empty Re: Ice in the land of Fire (NK, Yoi)

Mon Jan 20, 2020 8:11 pm
"Yoi" Snow thought to himself, mentally noting the name to the face. "Another Yuki!? How exciting! Were you born a Yuki? Or was the DNA transplanted into you?" Snow would ask with the decorum fitting such a personal question. Snow usually asked personal questions to people who he was with. Most of the time, people around him felt comfortable enough to divulge in such topics because Snow did his best to always be the most open and inviting people in the village. While this practice didn't always work in his favor, he always kept trying no matter who he was speaking with. He waited again with excitement and patience. 

Yoi Yuki
Yoi Yuki
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Village : Konohagakure
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Ice in the land of Fire (NK, Yoi) Empty Re: Ice in the land of Fire (NK, Yoi)

Wed Jan 22, 2020 10:34 pm
"Another Yuki!? How exciting! Were you born a Yuki? Or was the DNA transplanted into you?" Yoi found this boy had a similar train of thought to Yoi. 

Yoi said, “I was born and bred a Yuki. How about you? Sorry I didn’t catch your name.” Yoi’s tone was polite. He wasn’t acting too complex, he was just being himself. His normal polite self.  Yoi didn’t know if the boy he was talking to was just excited about meeting a Yuki, but Yoi had noticed that the boy had forgotten to say his name. Yoi himself had gotten a little more experienced seeing other clan members. Yoi did remember how excited he got. Yoi also said, “If you’re looking to learn Ice Release though, I can teach you Wind, Water, Ice, whatever you need.” Yoi remembered Skadi teaching him water release. Yoi also remembered the difficulty of learning Ice Release on his own. Yoi didn’t want others to face that difficult, which is why he was trying to help.

WC: 169
TWC: 868
Snjor Yuki
Snjor Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 20100

Ice in the land of Fire (NK, Yoi) Empty Re: Ice in the land of Fire (NK, Yoi)

Thu Jan 23, 2020 1:02 am
Yoi was kind enough to remind him that he had not yet told Yoi what his name was yet. "Oh yeah! Sorry about that. My name is Snjor, but most people call me Snow." Thinking of the one person who doesn't, being the red headed spitfire Akira. Yoi also offered to teach him the elements needed for the ice release that he wanted so badly. Snow could not jump on the opportunity of learning the elements from someone who already knew them in the first place.

"I would certainly love that. I have been kind of thinking on how I was going to learn the elements, it would make it so much easier to have someone that would be able to help and guide me through the hardships that was learning new elements. I am ready to start training whenever you have the time. The sooner I can start, the sooner I will be able to use the nature transformation that our clan is known for!" Snow's heart would be beating practically out of his chest at the idea of him being able to learn such a high difficulty element with a teacher, instead of just trying to figure it out himself. 

Yoi Yuki
Yoi Yuki
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Village : Konohagakure
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Ice in the land of Fire (NK, Yoi) Empty Re: Ice in the land of Fire (NK, Yoi)

Mon Jan 27, 2020 4:30 pm
"Oh yeah! Sorry about that. My name is Snjor, but most people call me Snow." Yoi, let out a light chuckle. It was kinda funny. A Yuki with the nickname Snow.

Yoi said, "That's a pretty fitting nickname for a Yuki." Yoi wasn't making fun of Snow when saying this. He was just, well, stating the obvious.

Snow then said, "I would certainly love that. I have been kind of thinking on how I was going to learn the elements, it would make it so much easier to have someone that would be able to help and guide me through the hardships that was learning new elements. I am ready to start training whenever you have the time. The sooner I can start, the sooner I will be able to use the nature transformation that our clan is known for!" Yoi was happy to be able to teach someone. He had learned Water Release with help thanks to Skadi, but he was all on his own with Ice Release. Yoi, of course, had the time to teach Snow. He had been training with kunai almost non-stop recently, and it was time he needed a break.

Yoi said to Snow, "So, what elements do you already know?"

WC: 206
TWC: 1074
Snjor Yuki
Snjor Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 20100

Ice in the land of Fire (NK, Yoi) Empty Re: Ice in the land of Fire (NK, Yoi)

Mon Jan 27, 2020 4:54 pm
Yoi asked Snow a simple question, a question that we was eager to answer. "My only elemental chakra transformation as of right now is Water." While his answer was short and sweet, he felt it was an appropriate answer for a short and sweet question. He was dealing with a Yuki, and Snow was far too excited for his own good. He wanted to start training as soon as he could so he could begin focusing on his clan's pride and joy.

Yoi Yuki
Yoi Yuki
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 0

Ice in the land of Fire (NK, Yoi) Empty Re: Ice in the land of Fire (NK, Yoi)

Thu Jan 30, 2020 4:22 pm
As Snjor said that he knew Water Release, Yoi was instantly ready to teach. Yoi knew how to teach Wind Release really well, as it was his affinity. Yoi then said, “Well, let’s start with wind. So what you want to do with wind is you want to rub your chakra against each other, almost as if you’re sharpening it. That’s why when using the elemental paper test, the paper tears or cuts in half. Now, Ice Release is a little more complicated.”

Yoi walked over to the river only a few meters away, and standing next to it, said, “Ice Release can be made multiple ways.” Yoi held up 3 fingers. “The first of which, is deposition. The user cools the water vapor in the air to create Ice, which also directly skips the liquid phase. The second way is freezing. This is a little easier to understand. You just cool liquid water and well, freeze it. The last way is creating Ice out of nothing, in a manner similar to Lightning or Fire Release. Lightning and Fire release, with some jutsu, the user doesn’t create fire. They use chakra to make something that mimics those elements. That’s what we do when creating Ice when it’s not from deposition or freezing. For example, the Weapons of Ice technique is an example of a deposition Ice Release technique. The user uses water into the air to create a weapon made of ice. I don’t know any techniques that rely on freezing to make Ice though. However, the techniques Freezing Aura and Icing Over both use creating Ice with your chakra. I can teach you those things on a later date though.”

WC: 281
TWC: 1149

Teaching Wind and Ice Release to Snjor
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