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Higeki "Ko" Otoko
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To Become Ninja (P, Yen, NK) Empty To Become Ninja (P, Yen, NK)

Tue Nov 12, 2019 5:10 pm
Ko walked out into the morning sun with a small smile upon his lips, a small bag strapped to his back filled to the brim with knowledge. Papers, scrolls, books on every subject from typically required Academy Ninjutsu to more complicated elemental styles! Even if he was incapable of completing such techniques now, it would ALL make for good reading in the middle of the sun, no?

Walking out into the busy streets of Konoha, Ko saw that, even now, the streets were filled with people and activity, people eating from the restaurants, shopping at the stores, both ninja and civilian alike enjoying a sense of peace... Heh.. It made him smile how nice things seemed, even in these stressful times! Recent events made it so that the people here had every right to be afraid, what with the recent domination of the leaf under the Mist's almighty foot! Even he remembered that moment, a war that was won in a single battle before Kirigakure fell into silence back within it's borders. One would think that would be a liberating feeling...

He was glad to see that he was right!

Ko would wander on down into the training grounds and PLOP himself down right before a dummy, it's little wooden arms stretching out to either side, resembling a guard, his body cut up and whethered, a sign other ninja had been here... if the torn-up, scarred ground wasn't indication enough. With a sigh, he would slip of his swollen, FULL backpack, scrambling to keep its contents from spilling as it threatened to BURST with even the slightest of motions, the hooded child gasping and wincing as he quickly yet carefully shoved each pound-of-parchment back into place!

"Boy... that coulda been bad..." He muttered, glancing down to see he still held one scroll still. "Clone Technique, huh....? That sounds really cool!" With that, he would unravel the scroll part-ways and begin to read, his curious brown eyes rolling over the definition, description and instructions of the technique, the child curiously glancing over the illustrations meant to help aid in explaining it all. It was a quiet morning in this part of town, not many wanting to train on such a... crispy/chilly morning. It wasn't good for the skin... or so girls have told him. Nevertheless, everyday was a good day for learning!

...Even when the air was biting at his nose!

WC: 401
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 1500

To Become Ninja (P, Yen, NK) Empty Re: To Become Ninja (P, Yen, NK)

Wed Nov 13, 2019 5:03 am
An unfortunate event. Yen ended up footing a tab at an nearby breakfast joint. Well he did not mind. Still he glumly glanced over the tab of 80 ryo and kept in mind that sure it was not bad. But he wanted to buy his wife a new dress with that too.

to be the deputy hokage... you have to take a fall. If only it wasnt to a personal loss.

He thought as he gazed at the bill a few more seconds as a few chunin ran off to complete some missions. They would pay back 3 times the ammount out their next mission rewards. Corruption at its finest as one would say, but to yen it was just making the ends meet financially.

He quietly forked over the ryo as the daughter beamed and bowed in respect before he flew out the open door towards the training ground to survey some genin. Well he swore that they could find a new memo on the new highly recommended regimen on their doors and such. But by this there was only one laying by a training dummy.

mby he needs to wait for food to digest?

The aburame lord thought ads he floated down 5 meters from the boy and grinned.

"Well how are you doing? Ready to begin a little exercises before we begin your training?"

Unfortuniatly the new results from the academy had not come to his desk yet, but yen still was curtious.

"Call me yen, but tell me your name young man?"
Higeki "Ko" Otoko
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To Become Ninja (P, Yen, NK) Empty Re: To Become Ninja (P, Yen, NK)

Thu Nov 14, 2019 2:55 pm
Ko was so much into his reading and contemplation that he didn't fully process Yen's gracious and fatherly greeting... that was until several moments AFTER it had completed! The boy blinked, surprised by the sudden, unannounced presence of Yensung, the boy looking up towards the wide-hatted man, his smile... something that warmed the heart on such a cold day.

The boy would offer a smile right back, hopping to his feet after carefully rolling back up the scroll! As fun as it was to read stuff... he had MUCH more potential in learning from someone! Normally, regular civilians didn't come down this way, knowing that they would only get themselves hurt among the much stronger and more agile ninja! This guy, by that logic, had to be one, right? He didn't much look like one though... Ko tilted his head slightly as he observed the man before him, trying to judge what kind of person he was from a distance... he looked nice, at least, a face that was rough... but in a calming way. He looked like the kind of person who had seen real fights and actions, the kind of man who had stories to tell that could curl someone's spine and lift their spirits!

...Generally... This man looked like a teacher!

"Oh! Hello, Yen! I'm 'Ko!' Nice to meet you!" He offered his hand... the one holding the scroll, without realizing it. Even now, with his arm fully extended, the boy continued to smile and offer his taken hand to the stranger, his innocence practically radiating from him.

"It was supposed to be training, sir." Ko explained with a laugh, glancing back towards his pack full to bursting. "A lot of other kids are busy so... I gotta do what I can by myself, you know? But... Maybe you could help with that...?" Ko took a hopeful step forward, his deep, brown eyes staring up into Yen's singular, golden yellow. T'was a bit skin-crawling to see someone with an asymetrical face, a feeling that Ko FORCED into the pit of his stomach lets it physically manifest... He didn't want to appear rude after all!

"Could you... teach me some jutsu, mister? I... I got a test coming up in a few days and I need to show something to the teacher..."

WC: 384

TWC: 785
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 1500

To Become Ninja (P, Yen, NK) Empty Re: To Become Ninja (P, Yen, NK)

Thu Nov 21, 2019 11:02 am
A test? Well tests were various, but yen did not mind preparimg shinobi for tests. After all tests were merely stepping stones to bigger and better things.

" sure i wont mind helping you for your test. What are the techniques,required for this test"

Yen asked as he floated a few meters,away and placed his hands behind his back observing the boy. What would he need for an shot at suscess? All of these small things that should danger or a mission should come to the call. Kol would be at the ready.

hm perhaps this will be benifital.
Higeki "Ko" Otoko
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To Become Ninja (P, Yen, NK) Empty Re: To Become Ninja (P, Yen, NK)

Fri Nov 22, 2019 11:06 am
"Eheh... Uh... You see... that's the thing... Teacher didn't say..." Ko admitted, shrugging his shoulders in resignation! "He just said I had to have, like, three jutsu ready before we meet next... because that's when the test is and stuff." The boy looked at Yen curiously as he floated (not walked... but FLOATED) back a meter or two, the man's hands folded behind his back, not even weaving signs! Did Ko miss something? Did the man weave his hands so fast, he couldn't catch the movement? More and more of this man interested Ko... his subtle implications of his power catching the boy's eye... What else could he do? What more cool and interesting abilities did this man have up his sleeves?

"SO! That being said..." Ko continued, spreading his arms wide, as if to indicate his excitement! "Can you teach me how to do that... whatever you're doing?" He nodded down at the ground that rested maybe a few inches below Yen's own feet where only his shadow touched! His dark eyes looked up at the man curiously, walking closer, unsure why he suddenly backed away! Did he expect Ko to attack him? Maybe to spar with him...? That's not what he was required to do... yet! He wasn't even a ninja yet!

"I got all these scrolls over there filled with stuff like... Clone... Transformation... Substitution... All that kinda stuff but i bet a ninja like you could teach me a whole lot quicker than they can right? Will ya, Mister? I could really use your help!"

Whether or not Yen would accept, the boy would SLAP his hands together in the tiger-sign, the typical sign used for gathering chakra. He would feel his energy start to flow through him, his power flowing into himself... But it needed direction! Hopefully the older, mysterious stranger could give him some!

WC: 311
TWC: 1096
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