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Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

(HFE) Going to the ball (IO) Empty (HFE) Going to the ball (IO)

Tue Oct 08, 2019 11:44 pm
While for many the invitation to the grand Halloween Ball sponsored by Sakura Corp would come as a surprise, that was not the case for the staff and management of the Chortling Chunin. In fact, they had been informed about two weeks in advance when Maku had somehow managed to secure the catering contract for the elite event. The kitchen had been abuzz with activity when Akihana had came down to deliver her prepared desserts for the day and Sarah had quickly filled her on what was going on. The following days saw menus being finalized, quotation being sent back and forth and finally, desserts being tested.

And all the while, the blonde wondered if she should tell Maku she knew the man behind the mask. Ganki Sakura had been... another ghost from the past she supposed. And perhaps one Maku didn't need to know about. Though had he asked, she would have told him, her own honest nature not allowing her to lie in the face of a straight question. In the end, the young woman decided it was for the best anyway. It wasn't as if Ganki would actually remember her. At best he thought of her as an ANBU underling who had betrayed Kumogakure and at worst, an ungrateful, worthless teenager who hadn't even shown up for a position he had stuck his neck out to get her. Mrs. Sagwa's betrayal had been found out much too late, much too late to do anything about anyway.

So instead Akihana focused on cake pops shaped like Jack o lanterns, cookies molded in shapes of witches on broomsticks and pumpkin pies decorated with werewolves' trimmings. The chocolate cauldrons were all ready and in the chiller and soft white candy twisted around sticks to form traditional sheet ghosts were lying to cool on a rack nearly. It had taken two weeks of hard work and dedication to prepare the thousands of sweet treats that would be needed and at the end of each exhausting day, Akihana imagined she would finally fall asleep. It was all for naught though, each night she would simply close her eyes and lie in bed, waiting for the crack of dawn to get back to work.

It had almost seemed impossible but by the time they day arrived, they had managed to complete and pack everything they would need for the event. Maku had informed her earlier that they would be joined by some assistants from his other establishments, making the kunoichi nod in agreement. Once the carts laden with food were double and triple checked, she made her way to the front of the restaurant, waving goodbye to Sarah and Izuru.

The weather was beginning to get chilly, warranting the red woolen cape Akihana had draped over slender frame. Truth be told she would have much preferred to be in her catering uniform but their job was not only to take care of the food items but to also add to the spirit of the occasion. And to that end, she and Sarah had put together a last minute costume which now lay hidden underneath eh full red cape. Uncomfortable at attracting attention at the best of times, the Akari had no intention of walking all the way to Taki decked out so extravagantly. For now, the cloak would have to serve as her Armour against social anxiety and self consciousness.

Reaching the laden carts, Akihana waited for the rest of her company to arrive.  

Last edited by Akihana Akari on Wed Oct 09, 2019 8:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
Stat Page : Seiichi Kittaru
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 11000

(HFE) Going to the ball (IO) Empty Re: (HFE) Going to the ball (IO)

Wed Oct 09, 2019 7:48 pm
Seiichi pulled his black robe over his suit as he approached the village. Behind him was the mule hualing the cart full of food for the party. He was surprised at how much they were able to fit into, using jutsu or no, it was a lot of food that could feed many for days. He wondered if Maku had done something special to it to keep the animals at bay as they traveled but before he could entertain the thoughts too much someone was coming out of the ruins.

"Hello there!" He raised his hand. Tugging at the dark robe of his to cover the right side of his face. A large scar was there and he didn't want to scare the lady away. "Maku sent us. We are from the land of rivers. We bring fresh food and good tidings." He made a slight bow to her. Seiichi was doing his best to be kind and polite. The long walk had giving him time to prepare for the large gathering so he wasn't so wrapped up in his normal shroud of hate and discontent. Those things were now pushed to the side with thoughts of work and pay.

"There is another cart not too far behind me." He said as he lifted his thumb to point to the rear.

WC: 221
Okabe Shukai
Stat Page : Soon
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Clan Focus : Weaponry
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

(HFE) Going to the ball (IO) Empty Re: (HFE) Going to the ball (IO)

Thu Oct 10, 2019 11:45 am
Following not far behind Seiichi was another cart of goods led by Eliwood. Well, he was not really leading the cart so much as letting the mule do all the work. He was sat upon the top of the good laden carriage, playing a soft tune on his guitar. He was laughing and talking to the mule as if it were his friend and he hoped the animal enjoyed his company as much as he did it's. 

As he arrived at the designated area he saw Seiichi speaking to a woman he did not recognize. Maku, who's real name he had only just recently learned, did mention that they would be traveling with someone that fit this woman's description. 

"Hello fellow travelers!" He called out as his cart pulled up. Once they came to a full stop he stopped playing his tune and hopped down to the ground. "My name is Eliwood. May I ask your name miss?" He would ask while extending his arm for a friendly handshake.

(WC 169)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Takeshiyama
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

(HFE) Going to the ball (IO) Empty Re: (HFE) Going to the ball (IO)

Thu Oct 10, 2019 4:11 pm
“You......are the most beautiful creature around...............I’m so excited I get to go to the ball with you.” Voice low, Maku strokes a strand of blonde hair. He examined the eyes of this delicate creature, felt the golden locks..............sighing he tore himself from the mirror and shook out his head returning his hair to a perfect place no jutsu could imitate. His hand moved across his freshly shaven face, looking back one more time he stared into the was Halloween after all, why not look at the scariest ghost head on.

Cleaning his place up in the apartment he made his way through HIS room, despite that Akari attempting to make it her own. He wore a pair of simple khaki trousers, blonde hair restored and perfectly windswept on his head, blue eyes piercing the dark room. A shining purple gem silently whispered its agreement as he donned his chef coat. He’d tie the mask to bounce at his hip, opposite the other side which had a katana bouncing. Stored within the chef coat and about his person was a variety of Shuriken and Kunai, and a Tanto ties across the small of his back. Finishing the touch he’d tie off the Akatsuki headband across his forehead, catching the glint of his ring by the light. A true smile, what a site.

Walking through the restaurant he’d get several cat calls and whoops. “Ya look like a real ninja there boss!” One of his dishwashers would joke.

“It’s a costume party after all!” He’d jest back. The people of the town still well unaware of their bosses history and abilities. He liked it that way, it was simple. Something to be said for being so overt as to being covert.

Making his way out of town he’d “borrow” a horse he planned on using to make the majority of the travel. Glancing through the kitchen and town it was obvious the rest of his revenue had already moved out and they were undoubtedly waiting on him with baited breath. Giving the horse a nudge, it would begin to trot, and he’d make his way to them.

“Is it wise..............we had so much to accomplish, and the jobs not done.....”. The voice cut air. It merely caused a smile though, it was good to hear his friends voice again.

“O Youka, I wish you were alive........I’d love to beat you one more time.” He’d day with a chuckle to no one. The necklace he wore, the last remnant of’s effects still active. It whispered madness to all, except Maku and then it only whispered in the voices of the past. It was a solace to hear those voices sometimes.......regardless of what they said.

Making his way he’d quickly catch up to Akihana, Seeichi, and Eliwood. Pulling back he’d look at them. “Howdy there folks. Ya’ll ready fer dis there rodeo.” He’d day topping his imaginary hat at the part. His regalia put him at odds with what everyone else looked like, not to mention the flash back to what he had appeared so long ago. It even made him look a little younger, more vibrant. “Now don’t break nothin, and don’t spill it, or it’s your salaries. I don’t pay you all the mediocre ryo to see it waisted. Let’s get a movin.” He’d point the way in dramatic fashion before judging the horse again starting in the way.

TWC - 569
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

(HFE) Going to the ball (IO) Empty Re: (HFE) Going to the ball (IO)

Fri Oct 11, 2019 5:33 am
The first to arrive was a young male Akihana didn't know. That in itself wasn't surprising as the blonde spent very little time at the eatery downstairs, choosing to work from the tiny kitchen upstairs in her and boys' apartment. She knew Sarah and the few other regulars who worked in the restaurant but her knowledge was limited after that. So while the former ninja wasn't surprised to see a new face, she was momentarily taken aback that he was similarly unfamiliar with her. For reasons beyond understanding, more people in the village knew of her than she them. Perhaps it was her work with Denkiteki, perhaps it was her desserts which now sold off almost faster than she could make them.

Perhaps it was her sun kissed golden locks that refuse to hide no matter how often she tried to cover them.

"Good morrow," she called out, the traditional Hoshigakure greeting slipping through her lips almost of its own accord. "I'm-" But before she could continue, the boy in the dark robes saw his words proven right as another cart pulled up a few meters behind. He was from the land of rivers, that explained why he didn't know her. Akihana was vaguely aware of a second or perhaps third branch but she had never pried. Maku would tell ehr if he wanted to. And knowing him, it would be in the most unexpected way.

"Good morrow,' she repeated again as the second traveler arrived, introducing himself and reaching to shake her hand. Hesitantly, the kuoichi extender her own pale wrist, the skin oddly smooth and unmarked despite the hard work that went into constant baking.

"Nice to meet you Eliwood, and you too," she nodded towards the first traveler. "I'm Akihana, I help with the desserts at this branch." Sarah had said something about a manager but the blonde knew her place too well to entertain such notions. "I hope everything at the other branch is going well," she added, a warm smile slowly lighting her face despite her hesitance. They looked young, fairly young, perhaps only a few years older than Arata....

Or perhaps it was she who had grown old unknowingly.

"I suppose we're only waiting on-"

The breathe caught in her throat as a very familiar blonde exited the restaurant, his own blond mane shimmering under the sun and far brighter than her own wheat gold halo hidden under her red hood would ever be. No, it wasn't just his hair that shone... It was Maku. the Maku she had known and the Maku that would always live inside her. The one who occupied all her memories and her sorrows. It couldn't possibly have been cold where they stood underneath the shimmering sunshine but a shudder ran through her spine nonetheless.

On the day when all sought to be someone else, Maku of course turned the tables and became... exactly who he was. Exactly as she would always remember him.

Had she not been frozen in place, her hand would have immoderately flown to her lips. Just as well the former medic couldn't move.

“Now don’t break nothin, and don’t spill it, or it’s your salaries. I don’t pay you all the mediocre ryo to see it wasted. Let’s get a movin.”

"The horse won't keep up," Akihana finally spoke, breaking out of her frozen stance in a desperate bid to focus on soemthing else, anything else. "Why don't you go ahead and the boys and I will bring the carts using Shunshin." Using her chakra would evoke a whole new set of anxieties but it would at least waylay her mind. And that was the best Akihana could hope for at this point.  

The next few minute were spent showing Eliwood and his friend how they could extend chakra to their feet and focus, adding its affect to their speed. Both boys appeared to be quick learners and didn't need long to understand the basics of shunshin. Soon after, they divided both carts among themselves and set off, walking normally until they were out of the main village area before pecking up speed with the jutsu and heading for the Land of Waterfalls.

(Exit Akihana)

Total Words: 1280

Teaching Body Flicker to Seichi & Eliwood

Claiming 6 stats to Stamina
Claiming Snatch Steal:
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Claiming Basic Extendable Weapon (E Rank):
Claiming: 30 words to charity
Stat Page : Seiichi Kittaru
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Clan Focus : N/A
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 11000

(HFE) Going to the ball (IO) Empty Re: (HFE) Going to the ball (IO)

Fri Oct 11, 2019 10:08 pm
Watching his new boss head down the stairs in his get up was just another thing for Seiichi. He listened to Maku's words and simply said, "You got it." Then watched him trot away. Though, with the suggestion that they let the donkey loose from the carts and pull it was a surprise to him. Why do all that work when you can have a donkey do it? There was a saying, "work smart, not hard" that rang in his mind. But he let the lady, Akihana, have the teaching moment.

They let the animals go and grabbed onto the vehicles. Using their chakra they learned that they could move it a lot faster and for a fairly long period of time compared to using the animals. Their next destination Seiichi was too fond of. Large crowds and people he didn't know, not the kind of thing he would go out of his way to participate in. He was happy that there was going to be people there that he knew, the monk wasn't that bad of company once he got past the full happiness mode he was always in. And Maku treated them better than he expected. He still had to get to know him. What he did realize was how confident his new boss was. Seiichi envied that. Deep down he wished he could be more outgoing, more like how everyone else seemed to be. But the scar on his face, it was like a bar that he couldn't lift off his chest, he was constantly stuck in his head wondering if everyone was looking at him.

As they made their way to the ball Seiichi would be a little more talkative now that he got to know everyone. He'd ask questions like, "How do you know Maku?" and "Where are you from?" toward Akihana. He might even see if Eliwood had learned anything new from that scroll he had given him. Seiichi thought the idea of an eternal flame was a lot similar to worshiping death itself, but he didn't want to push that idea, he wanted Eliwood to show him what he came to understand all by himself..

WC: 362
TWC: 584

[Claiming +2 Chakra // 250/250 (taught) Body Flicker & (109+337) 442/1000 Summoning Technique]
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

(HFE) Going to the ball (IO) Empty Re: (HFE) Going to the ball (IO)

Sun Oct 13, 2019 1:51 pm
Okabe Shukai
Stat Page : Soon
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Clan Focus : Weaponry
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

(HFE) Going to the ball (IO) Empty Re: (HFE) Going to the ball (IO)

Mon Oct 14, 2019 3:04 pm
"Well Maku surely looks different. In costume already boss?" Eliwood asked jokingly. He was just excited to hit the road again, even though he had only just arrived. When the golden haired maiden suggested they bring the loads sans pack animals he was quite skeptical. That is until she showed the monk and Seiichi a fascinating technique. Using the chakra inside them they could move much quicker than a pack animal. They would be at their destination in no time.

"A truly marvelous technique. I thank you Akihana, I am sure this will come in handy!" He beamed a smile towards her and took off with his share of the cartloads. He was shaking with anticipation to see this ball they were attending.

Eliwood was certainly a people person. He enjoyed the company of almost anyone. Only the most disagreeable people could really ever get on his nerves. He was a carefree soul drifting on the wind, seeing all that this world had to offer. This party would be no different. Although he was going for work, that would not stop him from having an enjoyable time at the event.
(WC 190)
(TWC 359)

Claiming Body Flicker (Taught)
Claiming +1 speed
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Takeshiyama
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

(HFE) Going to the ball (IO) Empty Re: (HFE) Going to the ball (IO)

Mon Oct 14, 2019 3:23 pm
“Gotta look your best.”  He’d simply say to Eliwood.  He’d give Akihana a wink and let her do her thing as he trotted off.  Faster than his horse.......honestly.  He’d be a couple hundred meters in front of them when they all zoomed by via the Shunshin.  Whistling he’d keep his pace at a gentle trot, activating the pendant on his neck to give him a beat.  

“I wanna get lost on your rock n roll and drift away......”. He’d sing as the breeze blew around him.  He’d give it some time, every now and then pinging onto the location of his boys.  It took them awhile, and he noted that Aki had to be moving much slower so they could keep up, but they’d get there eventually.  

While they did however, Maku enjoyed the solace of the voices from the dead.  Perhaps it was the holiday approaching, but the voices that had been dormant for so long in isolation, had only picked up as the individuals around him grew.  It was a morbid thought, but he wondered what it could mean.  He’d known many a fine Shinobi, and he’d seen many off to the afterlife.  Perhaps they were lonely, and wanting to be joined by those that Maku befriended.  Or perhaps they just finally got bored.  Death had to be such a bore after all, where as life........ it could be full of gold.  

A quick couple handseals, and a kick to put the horse in a full gallop.  The bubble would collapse ripping him through space and time to be directly in front of Akihana, winning the race.  “Guess it’s a fast horse after all.”  Hed shout as he rode it down the old Taki road.

TWC - 856

4 points to stamina 
344 towards gathering of Toad Tongues
512 towards blistering web
Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

(HFE) Going to the ball (IO) Empty Re: (HFE) Going to the ball (IO)

Mon Oct 14, 2019 3:43 pm
Approved @eliwood and @maku
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