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Discovering Fuinjutsu (P; T) Empty Discovering Fuinjutsu (P; T)

Mon Sep 30, 2019 10:26 am
Books. Lots of them, accommodated and sorted by name and subject. A place full of wisdom, ready for anyone who wanted it could extract the knowledge hidden in those pieces of paper, in those mysterious brush strokes that were so fascinating for the little girl... So, it was no rare that she visited that place practically every day, and that would not be the exception.
Konoha was a very big village, full of all kinds of people, but among them all, few shared the eagerness for the literature of the little Midorikawa; the girl, already at eleven years old, had developed a passion for literature only comparable to a scholar... Although she was still too young and innocent to realize, that almost no one enjoyed a good reading in the midday silence, something that seemed so strange to her, it really had a very simple explanation: war...
Who was going to invest his time in learning about anything that would not help him to survive? Even more in a world where every day could perfectly be the last, where behind every corner there could be a hidden enemy, where you should take care of even your own family and friends... Of course, just someone as ignorant as a little girl, who, even a victim of the situation in the ninja world, had not yet really understood how was the life when you have to fight to survive...
Midorikawa climbed the steps that led to the village library, hugging a handful of thick books that were almost as big as her own chest. She opened the door of the establishment with her back, and walked backwards, making sure to make as little noise as possible, although in the end she ended up letting go of the door, unable to use her hands to close it normally. The door closed on its own with a bang, and the little girl won the curious and disapproving looks of everyone.
She approached the counter, ready to offer the librarian the books she had borrowed; like her, several people were arranged in a row in front of the counter, waiting for their turn to be taken care of. The line was not too long, so the girl, so polite and civilized, stood at the end and was silent, waiting...
At first there seemed to be no problem, but then the little girl's arms began to tire. The girl looked back and forth, looking for somewhere to leave her books, but didn't see any table nearby ... She looked up and saw the edge of the counter, a little above her eyes. Gathering all her strength, the girl lifted the books and left them on the counter, her arms trembling because of the effort ... In the end the books were in a precarious balance on the edge of the counter. The girl sighed and kept waiting for a while longer...
While she was there, her gaze was lost, detailing the place. There were several tables with chairs arranged in a wide open space in front of the counter, and beyond, tall, imposing and full of books, were the shelves ... While contemplating the symbols on each shelf, which indicated the theme of the section, the girl noticed something that caught her attention. She adjusted her glasses and narrowed her eyes until she saw the Kanji: "Ninjutsu."
The girl's eyes widened in surprise. That section, she was sure, was new, because she always went there and had never noticed it ... It was possible that she was just too clueless, but she would certainly have noticed if she had seen something like that ... Surely ... Or not? It wouldn't be the first time she passed details like that ... But as she thought about it, something came to her suddenly. She felt as if a force was pulling her in the direction of the bookshelf ... The little girl opened her mouth involuntarily, hypnotized by a new mystery to be solved. Without even thinking about it, she surrendered to her curiosity and walked to the bookshelf.
At the end of the hall, on the last shelf, a man was still arranging some books, checking them and ordering them with a face of annoyance and fatigue. The little girl felt a little sorry for him, but before she could think of helping him, curiosity throbbed inside her again. The girl turned to the shelves and began examining the books...
Each shelf had a small sign at the top. The girl knew that those signs indicated the subject of the books in that section. The first of all, at the top of the first shelf, said "Ninjutsu: Doton", the second, "Ninjutsu: Suiton" ... The girl adjusted her glasses while watching, and it was hard to understand that all categories of the elementary Ninjutsu were there, just as there was also a section for the Non-Elemental Ninjuts, the Genjutsu ... There was even a small section, in the lower part of the "Non-Elemental Ninjutsu" section that said "Taijutsu", although was practically empty.
The girl, despite being just a student, had a basic knowledge of all these areas, because she had studied them in classes ... Or well, almost all...

On one of the last shelves, near the jaded bookkeeper, there was a section that the little girl did not recognize. Midorikawa adjusted her glasses and read the sign: "Fuinjutsu”...
The girl really paid attention in class, not for nothing she had earned the interest of her teachers (Well, maybe that was due to her endless questions and not so much to her intellect ... Although of course that had also helped), how could she have missed an entire branch of the Ninjutsu then?... Midorikawa took a random book (one of the few she could reach without needing a ladder) and took it out of the bookshelf. It smelled like a new book, and it was in perfect condition; the hard leather cover had the words: "Theoretical basis of Fuinjutsu" in dark and straight calligraphy letters. Midorikawa reread the book's title several times, still impressed...
"Oh, do you study Fuinjutsu, little one?" She heard someone say in a scratchy voice beside her. The girl turned frantically, surprised, and found the bookkeeper, who looked at her from above with a tired expression; his face was full of wrinkles, but among all that boredom, a face that once had enough life and energy to look kind seemed to be distinguished.
Midorikawa did not answer. She stood there, paralyzed, all her muscles locked in fear. It is not that the man looked like someone bad, nor because he was much taller than she was, but because, simply, Midorikawa was too shy, not to mention that her father had warned her not to talk to strangers, even more if they looked suspicious .
"No? ..." The man said, afterward, arching an eyebrow in the direction of the girl, clearly feeling uncomfortable by her silence. "Well, if you're interested, you can take classes, you should tell your teachers in the academy: this village needs more specialists in Fuinjutsu out there ..."
An awkward silence reigned between them for longer than they would have liked. The girl was too intimidated to even rejoice over this wonderful news (yes, it was wonderful for her to hear that she could have more classes, after all, how could she not get excited at the prospect of new and infinite universes to investigate?). The man scratched his chin, looking at the sidelong girl and, understanding that he should not have intervened, turned around and settled back the books. Without thinking twice, the girl hurried to an empty table, took a seat and opened the book on the first page. She felt a little bad and very embarrassed by her bad performance, but decided to concentrate all her attention on the book in front of her, consumed by her curiosity...
Her mind, an insatiable and voracious beast devouring knowledge, drew even the slightest hint of information that lay between the pages full of wisdom: her eyes moved predatorily over the letters, and almost as if they were water and her look at a sorbet, sipped everything she saw...
Apparently, there is a form of Ninjutsu that specializes in using "seals": chakra containers with strange and sinuous shapes, capable of such diverse things as creating barriers that repel intruders, storing objects, chakra and even explosions, although, according to the author of the book, all Fuinjutsus have a serious drawback ...
The seals are not automatic or magical things, but true enigmas composed of an infinity of parts that, selected and arranged in the correct order, are capable of creating an effect, but it is that same nature, so precise and exact, that makes them so hard to master. If anything goes wrong, to the smallest detail, the entire Fuinjutsu is ruined, and it is even possible that the Jutsu causes a random effect that can have catastrophic consequences.
There were more details, much more. At some point, the author mentioned the characteristics of an expert Fuinjutsu: to begin with, an immense amount of theoretical knowledge, preparation and study is required, since it is necessary to know the operation and purpose of each stroke that is carried out in the Fuinjutsu , memorize it and know how to recreate it consciously, without forgetting even the smallest detail, otherwise the Jutsu would fail.
The author of the book made a curious analogy between the Fuinjutsu and a puzzle: each part is fundamental to give a complete sense to the image, and at the same time, each piece has its place and fits with the others in a certain way; if a piece is lost or does not fit, the whole image is distorted, and the meaning of it is lost...
Midorikawa, in reality, did not want to stop reading. On each page, the book became more and more interesting, covered increasingly complicated topics and gradually described things that the little girl it seemed taken from one of her favorite fantasy books ... When she thought that, she sight was lost for a second, thinking that, perhaps, her favorite fantasy books were really based on true Ninja techniques ... With her renewed spirits, the student continued reading, with tired eyes but active mind.
But how? That was the big question that still fluttered in the little girl's mind, but to her delight, she found the answer almost instantly, inscribed in the pages of the little universe of wisdom in her hands. The stamps, the author explained, are made of Chakra.
Each small part of a seal is made with the user's Chakra, and its function is to redirect that energy, creating a kind of flow, similar to a river, that circulates along the surface on which the seal is engraved. Depending on the characteristics of said Chakra, the seal will have one effect or another...
The little girl instinctively deduced from that short paragraph, almost as if she were in one of her exams answering an analysis question, two characteristics of Fuinjutsu: it is possible to place it on any surface, and most of Fuinjutsus are long-lasting since they are made for that the Chakra circulated for them...
Seeing those examples of stamps illustrated in the book gave her an idea: What if books were used to store stamps? That way they could calmly prepare themselves and comfortably transport themselves to battle ... Their eagerness to know more was such that she did not even realize her excellent deduction.
In the end, the fatigue was too much for her. The poor girl leaned back in her chair and sighed, took off her glasses and began to rub her sore and burning eyes. She could not anymore. She was dizzy, and she knew she had been sitting in that chair for hours ... But everything, absolutely every word, had been worth it...
A branch of the Ninjutsu in which each technique, even the simplest, was to be studied and understood individually? Techniques that did not require martial skill, but theoretical knowledge and preparation? The girl sat there for a moment, ignoring her headache and trying to assimilate the emotion that at that time was exploding in her chest like a volcano erupting. Such was her fascination that she was not even able to notice the silly smile that was drawn on her lips...
That Fuinjutsu, she knew it, felt it in the depths of her heart, was made for her...
When she finally got rid of her trance, Midorikawa stood up and almost ran to the counter to ask to be allowed to take that book ... Although her joy faded when she saw that the line had lengthened a barbarity since she had entered... The realization hit her like a slap when she saw the books she had left on the counter, still in precarious balance, hanging partially on the edge of the counter, so close to the receptionist, and yet so far from the end of the row...
Midorikawa sighed and, as polite and civilized as she was, she hugged her book and left towards the end of the line, placing the last one and keeping silent, waiting patiently for her turn...
Well ... At least now she would have some time to read a little more and maybe contrast some other question...


Last edited by Healy on Tue Oct 01, 2019 11:28 am; edited 3 times in total
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
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Ryo : 276150

Discovering Fuinjutsu (P; T) Empty Re: Discovering Fuinjutsu (P; T)

Mon Sep 30, 2019 11:02 am
Hey, I'll read this later, but you can claim 11 stats from this on top of the jutsu, not just 1
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Discovering Fuinjutsu (P; T) Empty Re: Discovering Fuinjutsu (P; T)

Tue Oct 01, 2019 10:57 am
Fixed! Training it's easier than I thought!

Thank you very much for the info! <3
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Discovering Fuinjutsu (P; T) Empty Re: Discovering Fuinjutsu (P; T)

Tue Oct 01, 2019 11:09 am
One last thing, the clone jutsu is 250 words, not 500 if you want to claim something else
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Discovering Fuinjutsu (P; T) Empty Re: Discovering Fuinjutsu (P; T)

Tue Oct 01, 2019 11:29 am
Wow, I copy the link and I didn't read the WC cost XD

Thanks for that and for the quick respond! I already add the Emotional Recall, a E-Rank Genjutsu n,n
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Discovering Fuinjutsu (P; T) Empty Re: Discovering Fuinjutsu (P; T)

Tue Oct 01, 2019 11:37 am
It did say 500, but that was out of date, I updated it since you linked it. Sorry for the confusion! That one is on me.

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